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user模型里加上 protected def email ...
流行的权限管理 gem devise的定制 -
shrekting 写道var pattern = /^(0| ...
强悍的ip格式 正则表达式验证 -
RPM包rpmbuild SPEC文件深度说明 -
link_to其实就是个a标签,使用css控制,添加一个参数: ...
Rails在link_to中加参数 -
"$ is not defined" 的问题怎么办
* Configure and install Ruby and Rails
* Learn the basics of the Ruby language
* Build a Rails application using iterative, test-driven development (TDD)
* Leverage ActiveRecord with migrations, associations, validations, and callbacks
* Build flexible layouts with rich forms
* Use routing to create friendly URLs
* Build interactive apps with Ajax with RJS
* Find and use plugins
* Send emails with ActionMailer
* Understand deployment options with Capistrano
* Effortlessly add RESTful web services with resources
* Understand Rails' opinions and how to embrace or override them
* Writing plugins
* Building and Consuming web services
* Deployment & Capistrano
* Integration tests, RSpec & Cucumber
* Refactoring an existing app
* Caching, performance tuning & optimizing
* Working with multiple databases
* Patching Rails
* Advanced Data Structures including Nested Sets & Trees, State Machines and Polymorphic Associations
Rails Introduction
* The Architecture
* the Model-View-Controller pattern
* Rails project structure
* Scaffolding for jumpstart
Ruby Overview
* Objects
* Classes
* Core Ruby
* Ruby Standard Library
* Control Structures
* Scope
* Blocks
* Modules
Ruby for Rails
* Rake
* test/unit
Demystifying Rails
* The Console
* Models, Controllers
* Associations
* Migrations
* Views
* Core Ruby extensions
Test-Driving your Rails App
* Beyond Scaffolding
* Unit and Functional tests
* Integration Tests
Advanced Controllers and Models
* Validations
* User Authentication
* TDD'ing Actions
* Evolving Associations
Rails Power Tools
* Mock Objects
* Named Routes
* Advanced Integration Testing
* Rails Plugins
Ajax on Rails
* Helpers and RJS
* Ajax with Prototype and Scriptaculous
* Ajaxifying your Rails App
* Advanced Ajax on Rails
Ruby on Rails Training Overview
This Ruby on Rails training course teaches attendees how to build web applications using the powerful Rails framework (see http://www.rubyonrails.com) based on the highly dynamic, pure OO language Ruby. Rails uses the principles of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and "convention over configuration" to help build robust, scalable applications extremely quickly.
We also offer an Advanced Ruby on Rails course.
Location and Pricing
Most Accelebrate courses are taught on-site at our clients' locations worldwide for groups of 3 or more attendees and are customized to their specific needs. Please visit our client list to see organizations for whom we have recently delivered training. To receive a customized proposal and price quote, please contact us.
In addition, some courses are available as live, online classes for individuals. To see a schedule of online courses, please visit http://www.accelebrate.com/online_training/xml_html_js.htm.
Ruby on Rails Training Prerequisites
All Ruby on Rails training attendees should have some experience with server-side web development. Programming experience in an object-oriented language would also be helpful.
Hands-on/Lecture Ratio
This course is a fast-paced, hands-on workshop, with the bulk of class time spent developing Ruby on Rails applications in consultation with a seasoned instructor.
Ruby on Rails Training Materials
All students receive copies of Pragmatic Programmers' Agile Web Development with Rails and Manning's Ruby For Rails, as well as related courseware.
Software Needed on Each Student PC
* The Ruby interpreter version 1.8.6 or later.
* The Rails framework 2.0.0 or later.
* SQLite3 and MySQL databases (http://dev.mysql.com) works immediately with Rails, but many others have supported adapters (DB2, Oracle, and Postgres among them).
* A plain text editor, preferably one that understands the syntax of Ruby and Rails.
Note: We would be delighted to customize the platform of this class to match what you are running in production.
Ruby on Rails Training Objectives
* Know how to install and configure Ruby, Rails, and any associated packages
* Understand the Rails request cycle
* Explore the Model-View-Controller architecture for server-side applications
* Learn to program the major components of Rails, including Active Record, Action Controller, and Action View
* Learn Ruby fundamentals
* Configure databases for Rails
* Do test driven development of Rails applications
Ruby on Rails Training Outline
* The Rails World
o Rails overview and walkthrough
o What you do with Rails, and why
o Framework principles and tradeoffs
o The Model-View-Controller framework architecture
o Creating a new Rails application
o The Rails application directory layout
o Rails request-handling and URL parsing
o Customizing the application's routing
o Deploying with Mongrel
o The Rails philosophy: "Convention over configuration"
* Ruby Skills and Tools
o Objects and methods
o Scalars: strings, numbers, dates and times
o Collections: arrays, hashes
o Sorting and filtering collections
o Classes and modules
o Control flow and conditionals
o Interactive Ruby (IRB)
o Attributes
o Iterators
o Exception and error-handling
* Database Creation and Configuration
o Basic MySQL™ creation commands
o Configuring database.yml
* Working with ActiveRecord Models
o Modeling a domain
o Generating models with script/generate
o ActiveRecord models and Ruby classes
o ActiveRecord associations
o Writing Rails-friendly SQL
o Data validation techniques
o Avoiding SQL injection
* Database maintenance with ActiveRecord Migrations
o Automatically-generated migrations
o Custom migrations
o Writing accurate "down" methods
o Keeping migrations in sync
* ActionView Essentials
o HTML/ERb (Embedded Ruby) templates
o Partial templates
o Built-in and custom helper methods
o Layouts
o The 'flash' facility
o Avoiding HTML injection
* Using ActionController
o Creating controllers with script/generate
o Planning and writing actions
o Controller/view communication via instance variables
o The special params hash
o Filter methods for specific actions
o Redirecting actions
o Explicit rendering commands
o Session management
* Working with Forms in Rails
o ActionPack form helper methods
o "Magic" form-field population
o Processing forms
o Hash-based batch processing of CGI data
* Testing in Rails
o Writing fixtures
o Generating fixtures from a database
o Unit testing
o Functional testing
* Ajax, JavaScript, and RJS
o JavaScript facilities and support in Rails
o Basic DOM updating with Ajax calls
o RJS templates
* Rails Supporting Rails
o The Rails application console
o The source code tree
o The API docs
* Conclusion
* Configure and install Ruby and Rails
* Learn the basics of the Ruby language
* Build a Rails application using iterative, test-driven development (TDD)
* Leverage ActiveRecord with migrations, associations, validations, and callbacks
* Build flexible layouts with rich forms
* Use routing to create friendly URLs
* Build interactive apps with Ajax with RJS
* Find and use plugins
* Send emails with ActionMailer
* Understand deployment options with Capistrano
* Effortlessly add RESTful web services with resources
* Understand Rails' opinions and how to embrace or override them
* Writing plugins
* Building and Consuming web services
* Deployment & Capistrano
* Integration tests, RSpec & Cucumber
* Refactoring an existing app
* Caching, performance tuning & optimizing
* Working with multiple databases
* Patching Rails
* Advanced Data Structures including Nested Sets & Trees, State Machines and Polymorphic Associations
Rails Introduction
* The Architecture
* the Model-View-Controller pattern
* Rails project structure
* Scaffolding for jumpstart
Ruby Overview
* Objects
* Classes
* Core Ruby
* Ruby Standard Library
* Control Structures
* Scope
* Blocks
* Modules
Ruby for Rails
* Rake
* test/unit
Demystifying Rails
* The Console
* Models, Controllers
* Associations
* Migrations
* Views
* Core Ruby extensions
Test-Driving your Rails App
* Beyond Scaffolding
* Unit and Functional tests
* Integration Tests
Advanced Controllers and Models
* Validations
* User Authentication
* TDD'ing Actions
* Evolving Associations
Rails Power Tools
* Mock Objects
* Named Routes
* Advanced Integration Testing
* Rails Plugins
Ajax on Rails
* Helpers and RJS
* Ajax with Prototype and Scriptaculous
* Ajaxifying your Rails App
* Advanced Ajax on Rails
Ruby on Rails Training Overview
This Ruby on Rails training course teaches attendees how to build web applications using the powerful Rails framework (see http://www.rubyonrails.com) based on the highly dynamic, pure OO language Ruby. Rails uses the principles of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) and "convention over configuration" to help build robust, scalable applications extremely quickly.
We also offer an Advanced Ruby on Rails course.
Location and Pricing
Most Accelebrate courses are taught on-site at our clients' locations worldwide for groups of 3 or more attendees and are customized to their specific needs. Please visit our client list to see organizations for whom we have recently delivered training. To receive a customized proposal and price quote, please contact us.
In addition, some courses are available as live, online classes for individuals. To see a schedule of online courses, please visit http://www.accelebrate.com/online_training/xml_html_js.htm.
Ruby on Rails Training Prerequisites
All Ruby on Rails training attendees should have some experience with server-side web development. Programming experience in an object-oriented language would also be helpful.
Hands-on/Lecture Ratio
This course is a fast-paced, hands-on workshop, with the bulk of class time spent developing Ruby on Rails applications in consultation with a seasoned instructor.
Ruby on Rails Training Materials
All students receive copies of Pragmatic Programmers' Agile Web Development with Rails and Manning's Ruby For Rails, as well as related courseware.
Software Needed on Each Student PC
* The Ruby interpreter version 1.8.6 or later.
* The Rails framework 2.0.0 or later.
* SQLite3 and MySQL databases (http://dev.mysql.com) works immediately with Rails, but many others have supported adapters (DB2, Oracle, and Postgres among them).
* A plain text editor, preferably one that understands the syntax of Ruby and Rails.
Note: We would be delighted to customize the platform of this class to match what you are running in production.
Ruby on Rails Training Objectives
* Know how to install and configure Ruby, Rails, and any associated packages
* Understand the Rails request cycle
* Explore the Model-View-Controller architecture for server-side applications
* Learn to program the major components of Rails, including Active Record, Action Controller, and Action View
* Learn Ruby fundamentals
* Configure databases for Rails
* Do test driven development of Rails applications
Ruby on Rails Training Outline
* The Rails World
o Rails overview and walkthrough
o What you do with Rails, and why
o Framework principles and tradeoffs
o The Model-View-Controller framework architecture
o Creating a new Rails application
o The Rails application directory layout
o Rails request-handling and URL parsing
o Customizing the application's routing
o Deploying with Mongrel
o The Rails philosophy: "Convention over configuration"
* Ruby Skills and Tools
o Objects and methods
o Scalars: strings, numbers, dates and times
o Collections: arrays, hashes
o Sorting and filtering collections
o Classes and modules
o Control flow and conditionals
o Interactive Ruby (IRB)
o Attributes
o Iterators
o Exception and error-handling
* Database Creation and Configuration
o Basic MySQL™ creation commands
o Configuring database.yml
* Working with ActiveRecord Models
o Modeling a domain
o Generating models with script/generate
o ActiveRecord models and Ruby classes
o ActiveRecord associations
o Writing Rails-friendly SQL
o Data validation techniques
o Avoiding SQL injection
* Database maintenance with ActiveRecord Migrations
o Automatically-generated migrations
o Custom migrations
o Writing accurate "down" methods
o Keeping migrations in sync
* ActionView Essentials
o HTML/ERb (Embedded Ruby) templates
o Partial templates
o Built-in and custom helper methods
o Layouts
o The 'flash' facility
o Avoiding HTML injection
* Using ActionController
o Creating controllers with script/generate
o Planning and writing actions
o Controller/view communication via instance variables
o The special params hash
o Filter methods for specific actions
o Redirecting actions
o Explicit rendering commands
o Session management
* Working with Forms in Rails
o ActionPack form helper methods
o "Magic" form-field population
o Processing forms
o Hash-based batch processing of CGI data
* Testing in Rails
o Writing fixtures
o Generating fixtures from a database
o Unit testing
o Functional testing
* Ajax, JavaScript, and RJS
o JavaScript facilities and support in Rails
o Basic DOM updating with Ajax calls
o RJS templates
* Rails Supporting Rails
o The Rails application console
o The source code tree
o The API docs
* Conclusion
RubyOnRails 热点关键词排名
2009-06-11 09:52 1609来源于http://rubytrends.com/ ,看 ... -
2009-05-24 11:57 1942针对网页浏览器和手机,我们的Email的content_typ ... -
2009-05-05 20:58 1049mongrel_rails start -e producti ... -
instantRails 和RedMine
2009-05-05 15:17 8449Update (2011-11-29): 各 ... -
2009-04-22 11:01 3083XP下面运行linux的RubyOnRails 下面是一个简 ... -
2009-04-03 01:59 2564REST is very much the way forwa ... -
使用parseexcel Ruby读取Excel
2009-03-27 22:39 8563用Ruby读取Excel文件 这个向导文档,将保证演示一个用 ... -
支持搜索功能界面美化版rails API
2009-03-25 00:50 2119和我之前看到的版本不一样 做过美化,是另外一版带ajax效果的 ... -
2009-03-17 00:58 1712电子书的第二个批次的列表 增加 Flex 3 RIA开发详 ... -
Rails IDE比较(占位无内容)
2009-03-16 11:39 1293占个位置先 -
2009-03-16 11:37 1877现在占个位置 参考的插件合集 权限管理 re ... -
2009-03-16 11:37 1635先占个位置
ruby on rails实践,pdf格式,ruby入门级资料,包括ruby简介,安装方法,编写应用等。
在这个"RubyOnRails做的博客"项目中,我们可以看到作者用RoR实现了一个功能齐全的博客系统。下面将详细探讨RoR框架的核心特性以及在构建博客系统时可能涉及的关键知识点。 1. MVC架构:RoR中的MVC模式使得开发者...
通过阅读"Ruby on Rails 敏捷开发实践.pdf"和运行"RubyOnRails教程中文版.exe",你可以深入了解Rails的各个方面,并逐步掌握这个强大的Web开发框架。不断实践,你将能够利用Rails快速构建高质量的Web应用。
### Ruby on Rails与MySQL安装详解 #### 环境配置概览 本文将详细介绍如何在Ubuntu 10.10上从源代码编译安装Ruby 1.8.7、Rails 2.3.5以及MySQL 5.1,旨在为开发者提供一个稳定且高效的开发环境。...
rubyonrails API文档 好东东哦 【英文】
标题 "RubyOnRails的一个入门小例子" 暗示了我们将探讨的是关于Ruby on Rails框架的基础知识,这是一个用于构建Web应用程序的开源工具。Ruby on Rails(简称Rails)是基于Ruby编程语言的,它遵循MVC(Model-View-...
Ruby on Rails(简称Rails)是一种基于Ruby编程语言的开源Web应用程序框架,它遵循MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构模式,旨在提高开发效率和代码的可读性。Rails的API文档是开发者的重要参考资料,提供了对框架核心组件...
Vrails 是 Ruby on Rails 开源博客。方便想搭建自己博客平台的朋友使用,界面简洁美观,部署方便。示例代码:User.create( ... username: "yourname", password: "password", password_confirmation: ...
在Ruby on Rails 2.0框架下,我们经常会遇到创建并操作数据库的需求。在这个实例中,我们将探讨如何在Rails应用中使用SQLite3数据库,通过`sqlite3.exe`这个小巧而强大的数据库管理工具来实现数据存储。...
RubyonRails九日学习计划(含相关软件及书籍)时间 内容 目的 第一天 学习oracle 基本工具掌握 plsql ,sql语言,范式,索引,数据库安全,数据备份,导入导出。 熟练掌握SQL语言 第二天 1. ruby 语言历史和...
4. **db** - 数据库相关的文件,如迁移(migrations)用于数据库结构的版本控制。 5. **lib** - 自定义库和扩展代码。 6. **public** - 静态文件的存放地,如图片、CSS样式表和JavaScript文件。 7. **spec** - 测试...
Ruby on Rails(简称Rails)是一种基于Ruby编程语言的开源Web应用程序框架,它遵循MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构模式,旨在提高开发效率和代码的可读性。Rails的核心理念是“约定优于配置”(Convention over ...
Ruby on Rails,简称RoR,是由David Heinemeier Hansson基于Ruby语言开发的一款开源Web应用程序框架,它遵循MVC(模型-视图-控制器)架构模式,旨在提高开发效率和可读性,使得开发者能够更快速地构建功能丰富的web...
本文档旨在探讨Ruby on Rails中的字符串处理技术。在Ruby语言中,字符串可以通过多种方式创建。具体而言,字符串可以通过单引号('str')或双引号("str")来定义。这两种表示方式的主要区别在于它们对字符串内部...