
Removing untracked files from your git working copy

If you want to also remove directories, run
git clean -f -d

If you just want to remove ignored files, run
git clean -f -X

If you want to remove ignored as well as non-ignored files, run
git clean -f -x


    Removing camera shake from a single photograph. matlab实现代码

    R. Fergus, B. Singh, A. Hertzmann, S. T. Roweis, and W. T. Freeman. Removing camera shake from a single photograph. ACM Trans. Graphics, 25(3):787–794, 2006.

    英文版Pro Git

    - 从远程仓库拉取和获取数据(Fetching and Pulling from Your Remotes)。 - 推送到远程仓库(Pushing to Your Remotes)。 - 检查远程仓库(Inspecting a Remote)。 - 删除或重命名远程仓库(Removing and Renaming ...


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