
textmate快捷键 汇总

TextMate 列编辑模式

按住 Alt 键,用鼠标选择要插入字符的行。如果仅仅是插入字符,注意选择 0 列 - 选择多列的话会把它们覆盖掉。选择完毕应该是看到一条细细的竖线,然后输入要插入的字符。TextMate 会实时显示所有的更改,很直观,这是 TextMate 比 VIM 好的地方。

如果只是在许多行前插入空格,则可以选中这些行,使用快捷键 Cmd+] 增加缩进,在 TextMate 下方 Tab Size 及是否使用 "Soft Tabs"(用空格取代 Tab).

cmd + option + L    显示行号
cmd + F            页面搜索文字
cmd + shift + F        项目搜索文字
cmd + G            下一个搜索文字
cmd + shift + G    上一个搜索文字
cmd + option + F    替换一个
cmd + ctrl + F        全部替换
cmd + S            保存
cmd + option + S    全部保存   
cmd + shift + S        另存为。。。。
cmd + shift + ->        选中光标右面的内容
cmd + shift + <-        选中光标左面的内容
cmd + shift + L        选取一行信息
cmd + L             定位到某一行
cmd + option + ->    textmate项目中右面的标签
cmd + option + <-    textmate项目中左面的标签
cmd + 数字        选择某个标签
cmd + ->            光标回到行尾
cmd + <-            光标回到行首
cmd + ^            光标回到页首
cmd + 下箭头        光标回到页尾
cmd + /                注释一行
cmd + z            返回前一个内容
cmd + ]                增加缩进
cmd + [                减少缩进
cmd + T            打开项目下的文件
cmd + O            打开项目
cmd + N            新建文件
cmd + W                 关闭标签
cmd + X            剪切
cmd + C            复制
cmd + V            粘帖
cmd + M            最小法
cmd + F2            标记
cmd + shift + z        返回后一个内容
cmd + option + [        格式化代码
cmd + shift + T        当前文件中所有方法的
cmd + shift + W    关闭项目
cmd + option + L      显示行号
cmd + alt + [       代码格式化
cmd + shift + t 当前文件中所有的方法导航

ctrl + A                    光标回到行首
ctrl + E                    光标回到行尾
ctrl + L                    自动生成 =>
ctrl + w                    选取一个单词
ctrl + tab                    在菜单栏和页面切换
ctrl + 上箭头                向上移动下拉菜单
ctrl + 下箭头                向下移动下拉菜单
ctrl + cmd + 上箭头    向上移动整行
ctrl + cmd + 下箭头    向下移动整行
ctrl + shift + k 删除一行代码
ctrl + shift + >  (erb模板) 一键<%= %>,连续按会出现多种效果
ctrl + option + cmd + V    从历史中选择内容粘帖

option|ctrl + ->            光标向右移动一个单词
option|ctrl + <-            光标向左移动一个单词
option|ctrl + shift + >   选中光标右面的单词
option|ctrl + shift + <   选中光标左面的单词

F2                        在标记间切换
tab     输入def按tab它会自动补全end
esc     以该文件中已经出现过的词做自动补全,可以按多次esc切换单词

F1                            Fold current block
cmd+t                       open file in a new tab
cmd+w                     close current tab/window
opt+cmd+left/right   move to left/right tab (和firefox一样!)
tab / ^tab                 在左边文件夹侧栏与右边编辑窗口间切换

^w                            select current word
shift^l                       select current line (of course, use shift^left/right to select until head/end of line)

cmd+return              Move to the end of line and insert a newline   
shift+cmd+return     Move to the end of line, insert a ; and then insert a newline
^k                             Kill until end of line (^y Yank it back!)
shift^k                      Kill the whole line   (^y Yank it back!)
cmd+backspace      delete until head of line
cmd+delete             delete until end of line
shift^d                      duplicate current line
cmd] /cmd[               indent / indent back
cmd /                        toggle comment

shift^>                     <%= %> (再按一下变成 <% %>, 再按一下试试,再按一下呢?)
^l                             =>


    Ctrl+D 删除光标右侧的一个字符
    Ctrl+T 调换选中文本的顺序,如果没有选择任何文本则对换光标左右字符的位置。并且将光标置于下一个位置
    Ctrl+K 删除光标到行尾的文字
    Ctrl+Y 复制出删除的最后一次文本
    Ctrl+O 不移动光标插入新的一行



Some useful TextMate shortcutsGeneral:
⌘+ make font bigger
⌘- make font smaller
⌥⌘T insert special characters
⌃⌘T open "Select Bundle Item" dialog
⌃⇧A open subversion dialog
⌃⌘R select currently open file in project drawer

⌘L go to line number (opens dialog)
⌥→ jump to next right word
⌘⇧T go to symbol (opens dialog)
⌘F2 Add/remove bookmark
F2 go to next bookmark
⇧F2 go to previous bookmark
⌃W select current word
⌘⇧L select current line
⌘/ comment / uncomment selection
⌃⌘↑ move selection up (also works down/left/right)
⌥⇥ indent selection (add ⇧ for opposite direction)
⌘⇧V paste previous entry from clipboard history
⌃⌥⌘V paste from history (opens dialog)
⌃⌥⇧V paste selection online (opens dialog)
⌘↩ add empty line below current (and go to it)
⌘⇧↩ add empty line below current (with line terminator)
⌘⇧& open HTML entity and escape tool dialog
⌃⇧L wrap selection as link (URL from clipboard)
⌃⇧N show count (lines,words,bytes) of selection
lorem⇥ add some (lorem ipsum) text

⌃⌘N new project
⌃⌘S save project
⌃⌥⌘D show / hide project drawer
⌃⇥ toggle focus (drawer, buttons, editing)
⌘T open "Go to File" dialog
⌘1-⌘9 open tab number 1-9
⌥⌘→ go to next tab on the right
⌥⌘← go to next tab on the left
⌥⌘↑ switch between same name files (x.c & x.h)

Project Drawer:
↩ open selected file
SPACE rename selected file
→ expand selected folder
← collapse selected folder

⇧⌘T go to symbol
⌘T go to file
⌘↩ like the shift + return in eclipse
⇧⌘↩ five star !!
⌃⌥⌘V show the stuff that you have clipped before
⇧⌘V to paste the previous clip in the list
⌥⌘V To go back you can use
⌃⌘V use this to do a not re-indented insertion
⌥⌘O to open the overwrite mode(instead of inserting mode)
in finding and replacing multiple lines
If you need to insert a newline or tab character into either of the text fields, you can hold down option (⌥) while pressing the tab (⇥) or return (↩) key. This will insert a literal tab or newline character.
⌘E copy the thing you want to find in the public shared clipboard
⌘G find the next occurrence of the string you want to find
⌃⌘F perform the find and replace operation
shift + alt + arrow keys : select by paragraphs or words
shift + arrow keys: select by characters or by lines
shift + cmd + arrow keys: select by the remaining part of the direction you give
⌘[ and ⌘]   change indent of text
⌃⌘ + arrow keys: move a line/block up/down a few lines
super combination: shift+cmd+l shift + arrow keys + ctrl + cmd + arrow keys
select + ⌥⌘A : add sth to end of each selected lines
⌥ and making the selection with the mouse
or simply make the regular selection and then press alt
the difference between hard tab and soft tab
Validate Syntax (⌃⇧V)
Wrap in «Something» (⌃⇧W)
Preview Document (⌃⌥⌘P) : the web preview
Comment Toggle (⌘/)
quick open bundle list ctrl + Esc
⌃⇧K — delete the current line.
Document Statistics (⌃⇧N)
    •    Sort Lines in Document / Selection (F5) — this will sort the lines or
    •    selection alphabetically.
  • 大小: 1015.5 KB



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