


Please describe your experience with the Django web framework and/or the Ruby on Rails web framework. *

In the box below, write a function in Ruby or Python that takes a text string as input and returns a data structure that contains each character that appears in the string more than one time, and the number of total times that each such character appears. Assume that this function is going to be called by code written by other programmers. Write this code exactly as you would write it if this were a real work assignment. * Note: You may want to do the actual writing in a code editor or IDE and then just paste the result into the box below.


There are four closed doors in front of you. You know that each door has an animal painted on one side and a plant painted on the other side. The four doors have the following painted on the sides that you can see (one per door): a rose, a pine tree, a fox, and an eagle. You have been told that these doors satisfy the rule "if a door has a flower on its plant side, then it has a bird on its animal side". What is the smallest set of doors that you must check the hidden side of to determine conclusively whether this rule is true or false for these doors? *

    Just the door with the rose.
    Just the door with the eagle.
    Just the doors with the rose and the eagle.
    Just the doors with the rose and the fox.
    Just the doors with the rose, fox and eagle.
    Just the doors with the pine tree and eagle.
    All of the doors.

If studies were to conclusively demonstrate that, in the day prior to committing murder, American murderers watched far more hours of violent television per person than U.S. citizens do on average, then one can conclude from this research that: *

    Watching violent TV makes Americans more violent.
    Before committing murder, American murderers watched more total TV, on average, than non-murderer Americans.
    American murderers prefer watching violent TV shows to watching non-violent TV shows.
    An effective strategy to make a person less likely to commit murder would be to get them to cut back on violent television watching.
    All of the above.
    None of the above.

Suppose that you have an enormous pineapple that is 99% water (by weight). The pineapple weights 100 pounds. If the water content of the pineapple evaporates until it is 98% water (by weight), then approximately how much does the pineapple now weight? *

    99 pounds
    96 pounds
    95 pounds
    60 pounds
    50 pounds
    49 pounds

Your neighbor has two young, genetically unrelated cats named Boots and Mindy that you see often. They look quite similar, but based just on the markings on their fur, you have been able to correctly identify which is which 12 out of the last 14 times you have seen them. You know that Boots is blind, but the last time you saw Mindy she did not have eye problems. You see a cat on your neighbor's porch which, based on the markings on its fur, appears to you to be Mindy. On further inspection, you can tell that it is blind. It is most rational to conclude that: *

    A. The cat is most likely Mindy.
    B. The cat is most likely Boots.
    C. The cat is most likely neither Boots nor Mindy, but rather, a stray cat or a cat belonging to someone else.
    D. The cat is equally likely to be Mindy or Boots.
    There is no reasonable way to decide between A, B, C or D.

Suppose that in a group of people you find that X percent of people in the group have heights that are greater than the average (that is, the mean) height in that group. Which of the following is a true statement about X? *

    X can be any percentage.
    X cannot be bigger than 25%.
    X can be bigger than 25% but cannot be bigger than 50%.
    X can be bigger than 50% but cannot be as high as 99.9%.
    X can be bigger than 99.9% but cannot be equal to 100%.

Suppose that you are at a casino playing roulette. The strategy you are using is to, before each bet, flip a coin to determine whether to place your bet on red or on black (which, according to the rules of the game, should each have a 50% chance of occurring). Suppose that you lose fifty five times in a row (i.e. for fifty five consecutive plays, after you've placed your bet on black the ball then lands on red, and after you've placed your bet on red the ball then lands on black). From this experience, it is most rational to conclude that: *

    Using a coin toss to determine whether to bet on red or black is in general a very bad strategy for playing roulette
    The game is somehow rigged against you and the casino or its employees are cheating you
    You are very likely to win on your next bet if you continue this coin flip based strategy
    The roulette game is broken, but there is no reason to assume that it was broken intentionally
    You were merely very unlucky
    One cannot reasonably conclude which of the above options is more likely

Simone is 30 years of age, unmarried, well-spoken, and very bright. While a student (majoring in philosophy) she was concerned with issues of social justice and prejudice, and also participated in anti-war demonstrations. Which of the following statements is most likely to be true? *

    A. Simone is a baker.
    B. Simone is a baker and is active in the feminism movement.
    C. Simone is a baker and is not active in the feminism movement.
    D. Simone is a baker and an olympic silver medalist.
    There is no good way to decide whether A, B, C or D is the most likely.




    这种交互方式一般通过表单的形式实现,表单包含各种字段,如文本框(Text Box)用于输入姓名,复选框(Checkbox)或下拉菜单(Dropdown List)用于选择爱好。提交后,程序会接收到这些数据,并实时在应用程序的一个...




    _questionnaire”提供的Java面试问题PDF,可以帮助求职者准备Java相关的面试。以下是基于该文件名所暗示的Java面试常见问题及其详细解答。 1. **基础概念** - **Java的特性**:Java具有跨平台性(通过JVM)、面向...



    the vark questionnaire

    用户在做完问卷后,可以根据自己的选择统计出每个类型的得分,并确定自己是哪种类型的学习者。这有助于用户在学习过程中寻找更适合自己的方法,或者在教育者和培训师设计课程时考虑不同的学习风格。 需要注意的是,...




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    APEX Questionnaire-开源

    - **多种问题类型**:支持多种问题类型,如单选、多选、填空、评分、日期等,满足不同类型的调查需求。 - **逻辑跳转**:可以根据答案设置条件,实现逻辑跳转,确保问卷流程的连贯性和个性化。 - **预览与测试**...

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    作者实力有限,项目已不再维护 问卷调查系统 可以实现编辑问题,建立题库,发布问卷...cd questionnaire npm install node app.js 用户名admin 密码123456 部分截图 问卷页面 统计结果 后台管理 题库 编辑译文 添加问卷


    - **类型注解**:3.6 提供了更完善的类型注解支持,有助于静态类型检查和代码文档,如 `def add(a: int, b: int) -> int: return a + b`。 - **集合推导式**:可以为集合类型(如 set 和 frozenset)创建推导式,...


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    这种方法的优点在于其标准化和可量化,使得研究人员能够对大量数据进行比较和分析。 3. 问卷的主要部分: - 引言:介绍研究的目的、保密性和参与者权益等信息。 - 个人信息:可能包括年龄、性别、职业等基本背景...



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    2. `<input>`标签:用于创建各种类型的输入字段,例如文本框(type="text")、密码框(type="password")、复选框(type="checkbox")和单选按钮(type="radio")。`name`属性为每个输入元素提供唯一标识,方便...

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