
is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate

当select 语句块中出现function与常列时,需要在where语句块之后加入group by语句,否则会报错
SELECT id, COUNT(name)
FROM t_student
WHERE sequence in(SELECT MIN(sequence) FROM t_student)
GROUP BY name,id

select语句块中出现的function(column_name),需要在group by中捕捉该列


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    InvalidRequest-The request is invalid(解决方案).md

    InvalidSignature-The signature is invalid(解决方案).md

    InvalidSignature-The signature is invalid(解决方案).md

    InvalidArgument-The argument is invalid(解决方案).md

    InvalidArgument-The argument is invalid(解决方案).md

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    2009 达内Unix学习笔记

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    Just open the forms in the IDE, then select "Ignore All" when the IDE complains that this or that property doesn't exist and finally save the forms. ------------------------------------------- 3. ...


    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS...


    GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2.1, February 1999 ... 51 Franklin Street, ...Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; ...


    Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative...


    A reference to an invalid page (a page that is not in your working set) is referred to as a page fault. Assuming the page reference does not result in an access violation, a page fault can be either ...


    port locks up in the Operating System, the error is still reported. - Corrected a bug, where in rare cases, the result summary could be duplicated in a log file. - Updated license management, in ...

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