
JSF 各版本一览

  • JSF

JSF started its journey from version 1.0 and now it has come to the latest version of JSF is 1.2. The listing of versions released so far are :

  1. JSF 1.2 (11 may 2006) -     Latest release of JSF specification.
  2. JSF 1.1 (27 may 2004) -     Bug fix release. No specification changes. No HTML renderkit changes.
  3. JSF 1.0 (11 mar 2004) -     Initial release of JSF specification.

There are many releases of 1.1 and 1.2 and these are listed below showing released date also:

  1. 1.2_04 P01  (20 Mar 2007)
  2. 1.2_04         (5 Mar 2007)
  3. 1.2_02         (25 Aug 2006)
  4. 1.2_01         (14 July 2006)
  5. 1.1_02         (24 Apr 2006)   
  6. 1.1_01         (07 Sep 2004)

The JSF specification was developed under the Java Community Process (JCP) as JSR 127, which released JSF 1.0 and 1.1, and JSR 252 which released JSF 1.2. The first release of JSF is JSF 1.0 in 2004. JSF 1.0 supports servlet 2.3 and jsp 1.2. After JSF 1.0, JSF 1.1 was released. The main purpose of this release was bug-fixing. There were no specification or HTML renderkit changes. This version also works with same version of servlet 2.3 and jsp 1.2 as in the case of JSF 1.0.

JSF 1.1_01 release features bug fixes and performance improvements. Improvements include compression of views serialized to the client, failover support when storing views on the server, renderer fixes, and several other bug fixes and enhancements.It supports JDK 1.3.1 or later.  Many bugs have been fixed so if your application depends on one of these bugs, it needs to be changed.

JSF  1.2 is the latest release and it works with servlet 2.5 and jsp 2.1. If you want to run JSF 1.2 on Tomcat, you want 6.0 not 5.5. So JSF needs a web container that supports atleast servlet 2.3 and jsp 1.2 and these are part of J2EE 1.3.

New in JSF 1.2

In this section we will go through some new features and changes in JSF 1.2 specification. JSF 1.1 was designed for JSP 1.2 and so could not take advantage of newer JSP features and JSP could not be changed to fill the needs of JSF. This resulted in a number of new features and changes. For ex.

  1. Unified Expression Language(EL) :
    Unified EL has been added to JSTL to overcome problems when integrating JSP EL with the JSF EL.EL was used to access data objects in a simple way. It is used mainly as a short-hand for accessing values. Later it was included in JSP 2.0 with more functionality.When JSF was released it also needed EL.JSF and JSP each has its own EL.The JSP EL is much flexibile to the web application developer but JSF people were unsatisfied by the JSP EL.One of the reason was that it requires JSP engine to evaluate expression at the appropriate time during the lifecycle, but JSP expressions are evaluated immediately. The second reason behind it was that JSP functions could only call static methods in TLD and they cannot be used to invoke public methods dynamically on server side objects during lifecycle to validate data and handle component evevts.
    So these were the reasons for developing such an EL that would work for both JSP and JSF and make using JSP and JSF together easier. This new EL is called unified EL. So this was inspired by EL used in JSTL and JSP. There is a package "el" in javax package that represents EL.

    In addition to the features already available in the JSP EL, unified EL has the following features :
    1.  Deferred evaluation of expressions i.e.evaluation of the expression at the appropriate time during the page lifecycle from JSP engine.
    2.  Support for expressions that can set and get values
    3.  Support for expressions that can invoke methods.
    4.  A pluggable API for resolving expressions
  2. Ajax Support :
    JSF framework can make things a little easier to write AJAXian JSF components.JSF allows to map different instances of the FacesServlet with different lifecycles.For example, one mapping for standard JSF requests and another for AJAX JSF requests.
  3. New Tree Creation and Content Interweaving Model for Faces applications that use JSP :
    We can make JSF application without using any JSP page but it can also be developed using both JSP and JSF.Using JSP makes some developers easy to handle.Sometimes When integrated it did not respond as we expect. These problems have been resolved in JSF 1.2.There have been made some changes in specification of the implementation of the FacesViewHandler for JSP and JSP custom tag base class.
  4. Integration with JSTL :
    Using JSTL's <c:forEach> tag to contain Faces input components was one of the problem, because JSP has no notion of a postback, it was not possible to apply the values correctly to the nested input components on postback. Some new concepts in EL make it possible to use this tag fully with any kind of JSF component.
  5. Back Button issues and Multi Frame or Multi Window Faces Apps :
    JSF have fixed the problem related to Multi Frame or Multi Window applications.The browser back button also created some problems. These problems were because of deficiency in the State Management API.
  6. Associating a message with a particular component in the page :
    Previously we could not include label of a component dynamically in an error message for that component. Now it's possible in new JSF 1.2.It's also possible to override the conversion or validation message that is displayed to the user on a per-instance basis.
  7. Expose an application wide ResourceBundle to the EL :
    <resource-bundle> element in faces-config allows listing many resource bundles that should be exposed to the EL using the new ELResolver chain.This optimize performance and prevent the need to create a ResourceBundle for every request.
  8. Use of multiple renderKits.
  9. Provide XML Schema for the config files, instead of using DTD.
  10. Security enhancements for client side state saving.
  11. Solve the "duplicate button press" problem.
  12. The portlet related bug-fixes.

JSP 2.1 is developed under JSR-245 and JSF 1.2 is developed under JSR-252. These two groups have experts and they are working independently but the main focus of development was to provide more support and compatibility between these two technology that are powerful web presentation technology so that they can be useful for each other.




    本例中的"jsf2.0版本helloworld"就是一个基础的入门示例,旨在展示如何在MyEclipse环境中配置和运行一个简单的JSF应用。 **JSF 2.0的关键特性** 1. **Faces Flow**: JSF 2.0引入了Faces Flow,这是一种新的导航模型...


    (难道是我下载的JSF reference implementation 版本的原因?) &lt;br&gt;无论如何,最后我还是找到了列表中的所有jar。 &lt;br&gt; * jsf-impl.jar * jsf-api.jar * commons-digester.jar * ...


    本文将详细讲解如何将JSF的最新版本与RichFaces 4.0进行完美结合,以及这个组合带来的优势。 首先,让我们了解JSF。JavaServer Faces(JSF)是Java平台上的一个标准的MVC(Model-View-Controller)框架,用于构建可...


    **JSF(JavaServer Faces)** 是一个Java平台上的用户界面框架,用于构建Web应用程序。JSF的核心思想是将视图、控制逻辑和模型组件分离,使得开发人员能够更高效地构建可维护和可扩展的Web应用。在这个“JSF第一个...

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    jsf第一个例子 jsf架包 jsf实例

    **JSF(JavaServer Faces)** 是一个Java平台上的用户界面框架,用于构建Web应用程序。它为开发人员提供了一种模型-视图-控制器(MVC)架构,简化了前端和后端之间的交互。JSF提供了组件库,使得创建动态、交互式的...

    jsf-api-2.0.3.jar.zip_jsf api_jsf jar包_jsf-api-2.0.3.jar_jsf-api

    `jsf-api-2.0.3.jar` 是JSF 2.0.3版本的API库,包含了许多用于开发JSF应用的核心接口和类。 在描述中提到的"tomcat里的jar包,在项目启动时缺少包",这暗示了`jsf-api-2.0.3.jar` 是在Tomcat服务器环境下运行Java ...


    5. **支持AJAX**:JSF 2.0及更高版本提供了内置的AJAX支持,可以实现部分页面更新,提升用户体验。 **jar包**:在给定的文件列表中提到了"jar包"。在Java世界里,`.jar` 文件是Java档案文件,它包含了编译后的类...


    **JSF(JavaServer Faces)** 是一个Java平台上的用户界面框架,用于构建Web应用程序。它简化了开发人员创建交互式、数据驱动的Web界面的过程。JSF提供了一个组件模型,允许开发者通过拖放组件的方式来构建用户界面...

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    开发者提供的"jar目录截图"应该包含了这些库的具体版本,以便其他开发者能正确地配置他们的环境。 在代码实现上,JSF的上传通常涉及到以下步骤: 1. **前端界面**:使用JSF的UI组件(如`&lt;p:fileUpload&gt;`)创建上传...



    JSF入门+JSF web实战+JSF2

    JavaServer Faces(JSF)是Java平台上的一种用于构建Web应用程序的MVC(Model-View-Controller)框架。它提供了一种声明式的方式来构建用户界面,简化了开发过程,并且与Java EE平台无缝集成。本系列资料包括《JSF...

    JSF Java Server Faces (JSF)框架

    JSF是一种用于构建Java Web 应用程序的标准框架(是Java Community Process 规定的JSR-127标准)。JSF(Java Server Faces)技术为开发基于网络用户界面的Java开发者提供了标准的编程接口API以及标签库。就像Struts框架...

    JSF的工作方式 JSF架构 JSF模型 JSF事件类型

    JavaServer Faces (JSF) 是一个用于构建用户界面的Java Web框架,它简化了创建和维护Web应用程序的复杂性。JSF的核心理念是提供一种组件化的编程模型,将UI元素与业务逻辑分离,使得开发者可以专注于应用的逻辑部分...

    jsf分页 jsf分页 jsf分页

    在JavaServer Faces (JSF)框架中,分页是一种常用的技术,用于处理大量数据时提供更好的用户体验。当数据集过大,一次性加载所有记录到页面上会导致性能下降且用户界面响应变慢。通过分页,我们可以将数据分成多个...

    core jsf 1.2 jsf 核心

    JSF 1.2是该框架的一个重要版本,它在JSF 1.1的基础上进行了一系列的改进和增强,提升了开发效率和应用性能。本文将深入探讨JSF 1.2的核心概念、特性以及如何在实际项目中应用这些知识。 ### 1. JSF框架概述 JSF...

    JSF全套(JSF入门教+ LIB+ Ajax4JSF使用手册 )

    JavaScript Faces (JSF) 是Java平台上的一种用于构建用户界面的模型-视图-控制器(MVC)框架,它简化了Web应用程序的开发。...同时,随着JSF版本的更新,你也需要关注新的特性和最佳实践,保持技术的与时俱进。

    jsf1.2 jar包下载

    JSF 1.2是该框架的一个较早版本,发布于2006年,提供了一系列增强功能和改进,以提升开发者的体验和应用性能。 `jsf-api.jar` 和 `jsf-impl.jar` 是JSF框架的核心组件,它们在JSF应用中扮演着关键角色: 1. **jsf-...


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    JSF 版本:JSF 1.2 iBatis版本:ibatis- MySQL版本:MySQL 5.0 Mysql JDBC连接:mysql-connector-java-3.1.11-bin.jar 中间件:Tomcat 6.0 建库建表及添加数据SQL在src/SQLCode/college.sql 库名:...

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