
Overview of the Features required by RichFaces' users


New Components

Name Votes Notes
fileUpload with progress bar +24  
Inplace editor +21 Example: http://inplacericheditor.box.re/demos
or, more likely http://wiki.script.aculo.us/scriptaculous/show/Ajax.InPlaceEditor
or http://www.fckeditor.net/
xHTML Editor +18 rich editor with text formating features
Editable Combo box (dd box + suggestion) +15  
dockPanel +14 with collapsible panel on it. Similar to portal dash Board.
Layout components +12
including split pane http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/RF-467/
Confirmation Dialog +11  
Dual List(aka selectManyShuttle) +11  
Client-side Validation Components +10  
Breadcrumbs +11  
treeTable +8  
Context Menu +5  
Range Selector (Date for example) +2  
Ordering List(aka selectOrderShuttle) +3  
Progress Bar (not only file Upload) +2  
Editable graphics, specially charts (bar charts, pie charts, ¿Gantt?...) +3  
Carousel +1  
Field Set +1  
Resizable Text Box +1  
Interactive Charts, SVG? +1  
modal panel light version +1  
Captcha +1  

Improvements for Components and Framework in General

Name Votes Notes
Component contribution, CDK Doc +23  
Performance +19  
Keyboard navigation (mouseless) +12  
Dev Documentation +5  
Wiki (cookbook) +6  
Predefined effects for existing components +5  
Portal Support +5 Not Only JBoss Portal
Advanced tutorials +4  
Page Scope Support +1 Not clear, what it is
Debugging facility +2  
more possibilities for js interaction, maybe give more flexibility to <a4j:jsScript..> +1  
Trinidad skinning +0  

New Features for existing Components

  • dataTable
    • Sortable Header (+27)
    • Filtering (+15)
    • Dynamic Columns (+4)
    • HOWTO: How to show a row of a dataTable on a modal panel (+4)
    • HOWTO: How to highlight rows in a dataTable when the mouse is over (+3)
    • HOWTO: How to select one row of a dataTable by clicking on it, even if clicked in an inputText of this row. (+1)
      • Possibly similar to Trinidad's rowSelection attribute (single, multiple, none) to render a radio button or check box
    • better renderkits/skins that support customizable corners on components like panels, tabs etc. (CSS3 will have the ability to define border-images for divs but until then, RichFaces needs to produce a markup that allows richer skinning. Currently, a tab is rendered as a single div)

  • Calendar
    • show/select time, not only date (+6) remark1
    • Dropdown for the year in the calendar, an upcoming use case of mine is to select the birth date (+6)
    • Further Localisation support - for example the "today" string in the bottom of the calendar (+1)

  • Suggestion Box
    • enables to select a suggested *object* instead of a suggested String. (+5)

  • TabPanel?
    • Switching by JavaScript? API call(+5)
    • Different positions(+1)
    • scrolling tabs if no enough place for them (+2) proto

  • PanelBar?
    • Switching by javascript API call(+2)


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