Pentaho is the open source Business Intelligence leader that founded in 2004. It provides enterprise-class Reporting, Analysis, Dashboards, Data Integration, Data Mining, and Workflow capabilities.
The Pentaho BI Suite is different from traditional BI offerings. It is a process-centric, solution-oriented platform with BI components that enable companies to develop complete solutions to BI problems. The core architecture and foundation of the Pentaho BI Suite is the Pentaho BI Platform, which is process-centric because the central controller is a workflow engine.
The Pentaho BI Suite consists of a BI platform, end-user BI capabilities, and the Pentaho Design Studio:
1. The BI platform provides and execution framework and services that include logging, auditing, security, scheduling, ETL, web services, attribute repository and rules engines.
2. The end-user BI capabilities include reporting, analysis, workflow, dashboards, and data mining.
3. The Pentaho Design Studio is a set of design and administration tools that are integrated into the popular Eclipse environment. These tools allow business analysts or developers to create reports, dashboards, analysis models, business rules, and BI processes.
4. The BI platform and end-user BI capabilities form the Pentaho Server. BI solutions are as designed using the Pentaho Design Studio and deployed to the Pentaho Server. The Pentaho Server is the runtime engine, driven by the workflow engine, which coordinates the execution and communication between all the BI components.
Pentaho BI Suite
Pentaho BI Platform Components
Pentaho Design Studio
Kettle - Pentaho Data Integration(ETL)
Reporting - Pentaho Reporting and embedded reporting engine(JFreeReport)
BI Platform - Pentaho BI Server and Platform
Mondrian - Pentaho Analysis
Weka - Pentaho Data Mining
CDF - Community Dashboard Framework
Tool Set
Pentaho Design Studio(PDS) - create workflows and actions
Pentaho Metadata Editor(PME) - build metadata layers
Pentaho Schema Workbench(PSW) - build multi-dimensional schemas to be used by the Mondrian Engine
Pentaho Agregate Designer(PAD) - design aggregate tables to be used by Mondrian
Pentaho Report Designer(PRD) - build reports
Pentaho Data Integration(PDI) - Spoon is the tool for building ETL jobs and transformations. PDI contains Spoon and most visible part of ETL solution
Desktop Tool | Server/BI Components |
Design Studio(PDS) | BI Platform |
Metadata Editor(PME) | Metadata layer, Ad Hoc Reporting component |
Schema Workbench(PSW) | OLAP Engine |
Aggregate Designer(PAD) | OLAP Engine |
Report Designer(PRD) | Reporting Engine |
Spoon(PDI) | ETL Engine |
Weka | Data Mining Engine |

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Get up and running with the Pentaho Data Integration tool using this hands-on, easy-to-read guide Overview Manipulate your data by exploring, transforming, validating, and integrating it Learn to ...
Pentaho是一款开源的企业级商业智能(BI)平台,它提供了数据集成、数据分析和报表等多种功能。这个压缩包中包含的是一系列经典的中文资料,涵盖了Pentaho的不同方面,旨在帮助用户深入理解和使用Pentaho。 1. **...
Pentaho Kettle是一款强大的ETL(提取、转换、加载)工具,由Pentaho公司开发。这个名为“”的压缩包文件包含了Pentaho Data Integration(Kettle)的第8.2版本。Pentaho Kettle通过图形化的...
Pentaho Kettle是一款强大的数据集成工具,也被称为Kettle或Pentaho Data Integration(PDI)。它是开源软件,由Pentaho公司开发,主要用于ETL(Extract, Transform, Load)过程,即数据抽取、转换和加载。这个中文...
Create high-quality, professional, standard reports using today's most popular open source reporting tool Overview Install and configure PRD in Linux and Windows Create complex reports using ...
**Pentaho源码分析** Pentaho是一个开源的商业智能(BI)平台,它提供了数据集成、报表、分析和数据挖掘等功能。本文件将深入探讨Pentaho的内部架构和设计思想,帮助读者理解其核心组件和工作原理。 ### Pentaho...
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【标题】:“Pentaho CDE 整合 Birt” 【描述】: Pentaho CDE(Component Development Environment)是Pentaho BI平台中的一个工具,用于构建交互式的Web仪表板。它允许开发者通过拖放的方式创建数据可视化应用,...
### 在Linux上安装Pentaho BI Server的知识点详解 #### 一、配置JAVA环境 **1.1 查看已安装的JDK版本** 在Linux环境下安装Pentaho BI Server前,首先需要确保系统中安装了合适的Java运行环境。可以通过以下命令来...
《Pentaho Business Analytics Cookbook》是一本专注于Pentaho商业分析工具的实用指导书。Pentaho是一个开源的商业智能(BI)软件平台,它提供了一系列用于数据集成、报表、OLAP(在线分析处理)、数据挖掘和工作流的...
Pentaho 4.8汉化是一个针对这款开源商业智能套件进行本地化的过程,以适应中文用户的需求。Pentaho提供了丰富的数据分析和报告功能,但默认界面为英文,对于中文用户来说可能存在理解上的困扰。以下是对Pentaho 4.8...
赠送jar包:pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm-5.1.5-jhyde.jar; 赠送原API文档:pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm-5.1.5-jhyde-javadoc.jar; 赠送源代码:pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm-5.1.5-jhyde-sources.jar; ...
【Pentaho初学中文文档】是一份针对Pentaho初学者整理的指南,涵盖了Pentaho BI Server的安装、使用以及Report Designer和Design Studio的基础操作。以下是对这些知识点的详细说明: 一、BI Server安装及用法 1. BI...
Pentaho 报表开发是Java开发者在数据可视化和商业智能领域中的一个重要工具。Pentaho 8 是一个功能强大的开源套件,包含了数据集成、报表设计、数据分析等多个组件,为企业的数据处理提供全面的解决方案。在这个名为...
Pentaho Reporting是开源商业智能(BI)套件Pentaho的一部分,主要负责数据报表和分析的生成。2014年版本的Pentaho Reporting在当时是一个重要的里程碑,提供了丰富的功能和改进,使得用户能够更好地从大数据源中...
4. **图形化工作台**:Pentaho Data Integration Tool(PDI或Spoon)是一个用于设计和测试数据转换的图形化界面。源码包含了UI组件的实现,对于想要定制界面或者添加新功能的开发者非常有用。 5. **调度与监控**:...
### Pentaho 安装流程详解 #### 一、前言 Pentaho是一款开源的数据集成与商业智能软件,它能够帮助用户实现数据整合、清洗、转换以及数据分析等操作。Pentaho提供了强大的图形化界面,使得即使是非技术背景的用户...