1) Please backup the database(s) contained inside the associated diskgroup.
2) Then shutdown the databases contained inside the associated diskgroup.
3) Dismount the associated diskgroup to verify no client database connections are accessing this specific diskgroup:
SQL> alter diskgroup <diskgroup> dismount;
4) Resize your physical disk/LUN at OS/hardware level.
5) Mount back the diskgroup:
SQL> alter diskgroup <diskgroup> mount;
6) Then resize the ASM disk as the following example:
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We will discuss how to detect interesting parts of an image and see how we can resize a given image without deteriorating those interesting parts. Chapter 8, Detecting Shapes and Segmenting an Image,...
《jQuery的resize()事件与jquery.ba-resize.min.js插件详解》 在Web开发中,JavaScript库jQuery大大简化了DOM操作,包括事件处理。其中,`resize()`事件用于监听窗口或元素尺寸的变化,但直接使用`$(window).resize...
resizeWindow.txt resizeWindow.txt resizeWindow.txtresizeWindow.txtresizeWindow.txt resizeWindow.txt resizeWindow.txt resizeWindow.txt
在MATLAB中,"resize figure on screen according to papersize"是一个常见的需求,它涉及到图形窗口的布局管理和打印设置。当你想要让屏幕上的图形按照特定的纸张大小进行适配时,这通常是为了确保打印或者保存的...
HashMap之resize()方法源码解读 HashMap的resize()方法是HashMap中最核心的方法之一,该方法负责扩容HashMap的容量,以便存储更多的键值对。下面我们将对HashMap的resize()方法进行源码解读,了解其扩容机制和原理...
Dim newWidth As Integer = PictureBox.Width + (e.X - startPoint.X) Dim newHeight As Integer = PictureBox.Height + (e.Y - startPoint.Y) ' Check and maintain aspect ratio If PictureBox.SizeMode = ...
disk resize . disk unmirror . drop database . drop default drop function (SQLJ) drop index drop procedure. drop role . drop rule . drop table drop trigger. drop view dump database . dump ...
《CKFinder插件ImageResize 2.3版详解》 CKFinder是一款强大的文件管理器,广泛应用于网页编辑器和内容管理系统中,它提供了便捷的图片、文档和其他资源的上传、管理和检索功能。其中,"ckfinderplugin-imageresize...
8.2. How to make a simple disk image 8.2.1. Create a flat image 8.2.2. Partition and format your image file 8.3. Use mtools to manipulate disk images 8.4. Bochs GNU/Linux DiskTools 8.5. Win32 only: ...
Sample09: How to resize, rotate and blur images. Sample10: How to calculate the histogram of an image. Sample11: How use k-means method of OpenCV. Sample12: How to use watershed transform. Sample13: ...
Sample09: How to resize, rotate and blur images. Sample10: How to calculate the histogram of an image. Sample11: How use k-means method of OpenCV. Sample12: How to use watershed transform. Sample13: ...
Sample09: How to resize, rotate and blur images. Sample10: How to calculate the histogram of an image. Sample11: How use k-means method of OpenCV. Sample12: How to use watershed transform. Sample13: ...
本示例主要探讨了如何使用C++通过OpenCV实现图像金字塔和resize操作。图像金字塔是处理图像的一种有效方法,它能让我们在不同尺度上分析图像,而resize则是图像处理中的基本操作,用于调整图像的尺寸。 首先,我们...
script src =" bower_components/angular-resize/dist/angular-resize.min.js " > </ script > 将其作为应用模块的依赖项引用: angular . module ( 'myApp' , [ 'rt.resize' ] ) ; 用它: angular ...
- **调整文件系统大小**:使用`resize2fs`命令先将文件系统压缩至小于目标大小,以确保安全无虞。 - **压缩RAID分区**:使用`mdadm --grow /dev/md2 --size=<new_size>`命令调整RAID分区的大小,注意大小需以KiB为...
在本话题中,我们将深入探讨与"uniapp editor富文本 quill.min.js image-resize.min.js"相关的知识点。 首先,让我们关注"quill.min.js"。Quill是一个强大的开源富文本编辑器,它提供了一种灵活且易于使用的API,...
Have you ever wanted to resize a window but NOT have to deal with ...来源: http://www.codeguru.com/cpp/w-d/dislog/resizabledialogs/article.php/c1947/Class-to-Auto-Position-Controls-on-Window-Resize.htm
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