Mysql 5.1新增了操作XML的函数,
ExtractValue() 解析(搜索数据)
UpdateXML() 更新,还是蛮方便的。
MySQL version 5.1.5 has functions for searching and changing XML documents. This article has examples.
Let's make a database and put two XML documents in it.
CREATE TABLE x (doc VARCHAR(150)); INSERT INTO x VALUES (' <book> <title>A guide to the SQL standard</title> <author> <initial>CJ</initial> <surname>Date</surname> </author> </book> '); INSERT INTO x VALUES (' <book> <title>SQL:1999</title> <author> <initial>J</initial> <surname>Melton</surname> </author> </book> ');
The doc columns have an internal hierarchical structure, with books containing titles and authors, and authors in turn containing initials and surnames. It's a popular way to format and store, and the "markup" -- words like "<book>" and </book>" -- makes it easy to see the hierarchy if you're careful about indentation.
Example #E1
mysql> SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(doc,'/book/author/initial') FROM x; +------------------------------------------+ | EXTRACTVALUE(doc,'/book/author/initial') | +------------------------------------------+ | CJ | | J | +------------------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
What happened here? Books contain authors which contain initials. With EXTRACTVALUE()
we navigated down through the hierarchy to get the values at the final node points: 'CJ' and 'J'. A basic extraction is just a matter of specifying the hierarchy in the XPath_string argument.
Example #E2
mysql> SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(doc,'/*/*/initial') FROM x; +----------------------------------+ | EXTRACTVALUE(doc,'/*/*/initial') | +----------------------------------+ | CJ | | J | +----------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
You don't have to list the whole hierarchy. When part of a path is a wildcard, that means "any name will do".
Example #E3
mysql> SELECT extractValue(doc,'/book/child::*') FROM x; +---------------------------------------------+ | extractValue(doc,'/book/child::*') | +---------------------------------------------+ | A guide to the SQL standard | | SQL:1999 | +---------------------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
With /book/child::
we find what's immediately below book, namely the title data. We could use a variety of operators here:child
... what's immediately belowdescendant
... what's below at all levelsparent
... what's immediately aboveancestor
... what's above at all levelsfollowing-sibling
... what's next at same levelpreceding-sibling
... what's before at same levelself
... not before, not after, same level
Example #E4
mysql> select extractValue(doc,'/book/author/surname[self:text()="Date"]') from x; +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | extractValue(doc,'/book/author/surname[self:text()="Date"]') | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ | Date | | | +--------------------------------------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
And here's one way to add a predicate (a conditional expression). By saying "in the text of self, that is, in the text of surname because the predicate immediately comes after surname, look for value = Date", we include book/author/surname=Date
and we exclude book/author/surname=Melton
. The Melton row is blank. Naturally =
isn't the only operator we could use here; we could have self:text()>="Date"
, self:text()="Date" OR self:text()="Melton"
, and so on.
What you've seen is: an XPath expression can contain nodes separated by slashes (vaguely like a Unix path expression), and you can pick values from one or more nodes. Wildcards, navigation aids, and predicates are supported. Although the examples all used extractValue()
in the SELECT list, it can be used in any statement wherever an expression is allowed. A good tip is to combine XML columns with fulltext indexing.
Now here's a new function for updating the structure.
Example #U1
mysql> select UpdateXML(doc,'/book/author/initial','!!') from x; +----------------------------------------------------------+ | UpdateXML(doc,'/book/author/initial','!!') | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | <book> <title>A guide to the SQL standard</title> <author> !! <surname>Date</surname> </author> </book> | | <book> <title>SQL:1999</title> <author> !! <surname>Melton</surname> </author> </book> | +----------------------------------------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
UpdateXML's first two arguments are the same as for ExtractValue because the first thing we want to do is navigate to the node. The third argument is a replacement string. So we change book/author/initial
to !!
. The return value is the complete new document. To replace the document permanently, you could say UPDATE x SET doc = UpdateXML(doc,'/book/author/initial','!!');
But this is probably a mistake! We didn't just change the text to !!
. We changed <initial>CJ></initial>
to !!
So we changed the document structure. Normally, we only want to change the contents. For that, we should say: select UpdateXML(doc,'/book/author/initial','<initial>!!</initial>') from x;
Example #U2
mysql> select extractvalue( UpdateXML(doc,'/book/author/initial','<initial>!!</initial>'),'/book/author/ initial') from x; +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------+ | extractvalue( UpdateXML(doc,'/book/author/initial','<initial>!!</initial>'),'/book/author/ initial') | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------+ | !! | | !! | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
This final example, a combination of ExtractValue()
and UpdateXML()
, shows what would happen if we change the initial node to !!
and then select the initial node. Naturally, we get !!
为了解决这一问题,将MySQL数据库中的数据转换为XML格式,既能满足网络传输的需求,又能确保数据的完整性和安全性。 XML是一种自我描述的语言,它的标记可以根据需要自由定义,使得数据结构清晰,易于解析和处理。...
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`:查询表中的所有字段。 - `SELECT 字段1, 字段2, ... FROM 表名;`:查询表中指定的字段。 - **条件查询**: - `SELECT 字段1, 字段2, ... FROM 表名 WHERE 条件表达式;`:根据指定条件筛选数据。 - 使用 `IN` ...
- 从XML中提取的数据可能需要进一步清洗,比如日期可能需要从字符串转换为日期类型,温度可能需要处理单位等。 - Python的`datetime`模块可以帮助我们进行日期转换,而`float`或`int`可以用于数值类型的转换。 4....
在实际应用中,XML数据转换为MySQL通常涉及以下几个步骤: 1. **解析XML文件**:首先,我们需要解析XML文件以获取其结构和内容。PHP中可以使用DOMDocument或者SimpleXMLElement类来解析XML。这些类提供了读取、遍历...
这些功能使得MySQL不仅能够高效地存储XML数据,还能方便地查询和更新这些数据。 #### 创建XML数据表及插入XML文档 在创建支持XML的表时,通常会选择`VARCHAR`或`TEXT`类型来存储XML文档。例如: ```sql CREATE ...
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例如,在SQL Server中,我们可以使用`FOR XML`子句,将查询结果集转化为XML格式。这是一个简单的例子: ```sql SELECT * FROM Customers FOR XML AUTO; ``` 这段代码会将`Customers`表中的所有数据以XML格式返回。...