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有代码没 想学习哈 邮箱65614435@qq.com ,非常 ...
使用Google app做了个文件上传网站 http://avatar-share.appspot.com -
使用Google app做了个文件上传网站 http://avatar-share.appspot.com
When building iPhone applications that support or provide text input, it’s often necessary to create some extra buttons (or other controls) beyond the ones provided by the default keyboard interface. Those buttons should be created for specific operations needed by your application, such as moving to the next or previous text field, make the keyboard disappear e.t.c. To understand what exactly this is all about, just see what’s happening when you are using the Safari browser and you type username/password values to login in your e-mail account. Just right above the keyboard, there are two buttons that allow you to move to the next or previous field and a third button that allows you to close the keyboard and see the whole browser again.
That area above the keyboard is an extra UIView, known as Input Accessory View. That view is supported by the UITextField and UITextView as well and is added to any control of that kind using thesetInputAccessoryView method. But that’s the last step. All the controls existsing in the Input Accessory View must be created prior to adding the view to the textfield/textview.
In this post I am going to show how to create an input accessory view programmatically. It’s supposed that you are already familiar writing code in the Xcode and have a basic knowledge on how to create UI controls and views manually. If you don’t, you’ ll learn now.
In this example we will create only two UITextFields. We will set the keyboard to numpad so we won’ t have any way at all to close the keyboard view. All those will be done using the Interface Builder. Then, programmatically we’ ll create two buttons to move between the fields and one more to close the keyboard view. We’ ll add these buttons to a UIView and set the view as our input accessory view that will appear every time that any of our two text fields get the focus (become first responder).
Let’s start. Create a new view-based application project named InputAccViewTest. Open the InputAccViewTestViewController.xib file using the interface builder and add two UITextFields at the top of your view (it should look like the following image):
After that select both of them and set the keyboard to numpad.
It's also necessary to connect every textfield's delegate to the File's Owner object if you want everything to work properly:
Now the real work. Go to the InputAccViewTestViewController.h file and declare the UITextFieldDelegate:
Your .h. file should look like this:
Don’t forget to release all of them in the dealloc method:
Go to the IB and connect the outlets to the UITextFields you created earlier.
Everything until here was more or less known stuff. Now create a method somewhere inside the .m file named createInputAccessoryView as below:
That method will create the buttons we need and prepare the inputAccView view.
Now implement the UITextField's delegate method textFieldDidBeginEditing. By using that method, we'll know when a textfield becomes first responder (gains the focus), so we can attach the input accessory view.
Note the txtActiveField. In that object is stored the selected UITextField every time it has the focus. That field will be used next and will help us to distinct which field is selected and how to move between them.
Inside the createInputAccessoryView method we used three methods: gotoPrevTextfield, gotoNextTextfield and doneTyping that they will trigger every event but they are not yet implemented. Go abovethe createInputAccessoryView method and copy or type the following three methods (the code inside them is quite straightforward and self-explanatory even though I've added some comments as well):
That's it. Build and run the app. Every time that we tap in a textfield three more buttons will show up along with the keyboard. Play with next, previous or done button. Below is an example on what you should see:
Please note that the buttons in this example are quite simple and of course in a real application you should take care of creating beautiful ones, using images or nice colors. That's up to your imagination. It would be a good idea to use background images for both normal and highlighted state for your buttons if you want to achieve the "animation" that simulates the finger tap.
That's all for the time being. There are more posts that will come (hopefully) soon. In any case, don't hesitate to experiment with everything that I mentioned in this post. I hope it will be useful.
Have a nice iPhone programming day.
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This sample shows how to use a keyboard accessory view. The application uses a single view controller. The view controller's view is covered by a text view. When you tap the text view, the view ...
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Accessory Interface Specification Release R32 2019-09-26
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