  • 浏览: 127037 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_2
  • 来自: 杭州

reading file and replaceing something

  • java
	public string interceptstring(string str, int len) {		// length属性读出来的汉字长度为1		if (str.length() * 2 <= len) {			return str;		}		int strlen = 0;		string s = "";		for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) {			if (str.codepointat(i) > 128) {				strlen = strlen + 2;				if (strlen > len) {					return s.substring(0, s.length() - 1) + "...";				}			} else {				strlen = strlen + 1;				if (strlen > len) {					return s.substring(0, s.length() - 2) + "...";				}			}			s = s + str.charat(i);		}		return s;	}

string templatecontent = "";
string path="d:\\jboss-4.2.0.ga\\server\\default\\deploy\\dkzg.war\\xijian01.html";
fileinputstream fileinputstream = new fileinputstream(path);// 读取模块文件
int lenght = fileinputstream.available();
byte bytes[] = new byte[lenght];
fileinputstream.read(bytes);// 读入bytes[]中
fileinputstream.close();// 关闭文件输入流

templatecontent = new string(bytes);
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#username#", login.getloginname());
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#loginname#", login.getloginname());
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#password#", login.getpassword());
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#userid#", login.getid());
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#time#", datestring);

string webpath = "http://localhost";			url url = null;			url = new url(webpath + "/index!to_index.action");			inputstream ins = url.openstream();			fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream(new file(request					.getrealpath("/")					+ "index.html"));			// fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(getimgfile());			byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];			int len = 0;			while ((len = ins.read(buffer)) > 0) {				fos.write(buffer, 0, len);			}			if (fos != null) {				fos.close();			}			if (ins != null)				ins.close();

<%@ page contenttype="text/html; charset=utf-8" language="java"
import="java.sql.*" errorpage=""%>
<%@taglib prefix="s" uri="/struts-tags"%>
string path = request.getcontextpath();
string basepath = request.getscheme() + "://"
+ request.getservername() + ":" + request.getserverport()
+ path + "/";
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "http://www.w3.org/tr/xhtml1/dtd/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />


<img id="imageid"
src='<%=path%>/upload_img/<s:property value="msg"/>'
onload="imageshow(this,220,300);" />
<script type="text/javascript">
    var wa="220";
    var ha="300";
function imageshow(image,w,h){

var i=image.width;
var j=image.height;
var width_bili=w/i;//缩小的比列
var height_bili=h/j;//缩小的比列

var bili=width_bili;


var src=document.getelementbyid("imageid").src;
     var w=document.getelementbyid("imageid").width;
     var h=document.getelementbyid("imageid").height;
     var html="<img src='"+src+"' width='"+wa+"' height='"+ha+"'/>";
inserthtml('text', html);

//移除遮住层 (照片上传时候先遮住以免重复点击重复上传)


    function inserthtml(id, html) {
              window.parent.ke.util.inserthtml(id, html);

<s:property value="msg" />

string webpath = "http://localhost";
url url = null;
url = new url(webpath + "/index!to_index.action");
inputstream ins = url.openstream();
fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream(new file(request
+ "index.html"));

// fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(getimgfile());
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int len = 0;
while ((len = ins.read(buffer)) > 0) {
fos.write(buffer, 0, len);
if (fos != null) {
if (ins != null)

function interceptstring(str,len) 				{ 				//length属性读出来的汉字长度为1 				if(str.length*2 <= len) 				{ 				   return str; 				} 				var strlen = 0; 				var s = ""; 				for(var i = 0;i < str.length; i++) 				{ 				   if(str.charcodeat(i) > 128) 				   {   				    strlen = strlen + 2; 				    if(strlen > len) 				    { 				     return s.substring(0,s.length-1) + "..."; 				    } 				   } 				   else 				   { 				    strlen = strlen + 1; 				    if(strlen > len) 				    { 				     return s.substring(0,s.length-2) + "..."; 				    } 				   } 				  				   s = s + str.charat(i); 				  				} 				return s; }       function imageshow(image, w, h) {	var i = image.width;	var j = image.height;	image.width = w;	image.height = h;	if (i > w) {		var width_bili = w / i;		var height_bili = h / j;		var bili = width_bili;		if (width_bili < height_bili) {			bili = width_bili;		} else {			bili = height_bili;		}		i = i * bili;		j = j * bili;	} else {		if (j > h) {			bili = h / j;			i = i * bili;			j = j * bili;		}	}	image.width = i;	image.height = j;}//验证邮箱格式function isemail(stremail) {	if (stremail.search(/^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[a-za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[a-za-z0-9]+)*\.[a-za-z0-9]+$/) != -1) {		return true;	} else {		return false;	}}//email验证function checkemail(a) {	return /\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*/.test(a);	/* var i=a.length; var temp = a.indexof('@'); var tempd = a.indexof('.'); if (temp > 1)  if ((i-temp) > 3)   if ((i-tempd)>0)  return true; return false;*/}//url校验function isurl(url) {	var urlpatern1 = /^https?:\/\/(([a-za-z0-9_-])+(\.)?)*(:\d+)?(\/((\.)?(\?)?=?&amp;?[a-za-z0-9_-](\?)?)*)*$/i;	if (!urlpatern1.test(url)) {		return false;	}	return true;}// 电话号码验证function isphone(tel) {	var i, j, strtemp;	strtemp = "0123456789-()#+ ";	for (i = 0; i < tel.length; i++) {		j = strtemp.indexof(tel.charat(i));		if (j == -1) {			return false;		}	}	return true;}function checkphone(tel) {	var patrn = /^((\(\d{2,3}\))|(\d{3}\-))?(\(0\d{2,3}\)|0\d{2,3}-)?[1-9]\d{6,7}(\-\d{1,4})?$/;	if (!patrn.exec(tel)) {              // errorinfo += "你输入的的客户经办人(2)固定电话格式不正确,请重新输入!n";   		return false;	} else {		return true;	}}//移动电话格式function ismobile(mobile) {//true 是移动电话	return mobile.match(/^(13[0-9]{9}|15[0-9]{9})$/);}//数值检测function isnumber(name) {	if (name.length == 0) {		return false;	}	for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {		if (name.charat(i) < "0" || name.charat(i) > "9") {			return false;		}	}	return true;}//isnullfunction isnull(str) {	if (str == null || str == "") {		return true;	}	var i = 0;	for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {		if (str.charat(i) != " ") {			return false;		}	}	if (i == str.length) {		return true;	}	return false;}//英文值检测function isenglish(name) {	if (name.length == 0) {		return false;	}	for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {		if (name.charcodeat(i) > 128) {			return false;		}	}	return true;}//中文值检测function ischinese(name) {	if (name.length == 0) {		return false;	}	for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {		if (name.charcodeat(i) > 128) {			return true;		}	}	return false;}//身份证验证function isidcar(str) {	var patrn = /^(([0-9]{14}[x0-9]{1})|([0-9]{17}[x0-9]{1}))$/;	if (!patrn.exec(str)) {             //var errorinfo = "你输入法人代表的身份证号码格式不正确,请输入15位或者18位的身份证号码!n";		return false;	} else {		return false;	}}//是非负浮点数字则返回true,否则返回falsefunction floatchecked(str) {	if (!isnull(str)) {		var re = /^[0-9]\d*\.\d*$/;		return re.test(str);	}else{	  return true;	}}//非负整数则返回true,否则返回falsefunction intchecked(str) {	if (!isnull(str)) {		var re = /^[1-9]\d*$/;		return re.test(str);	}else{	  return true;	}}var cur_page = 1;var page_size = 20;var total_page = 0;var row=0;var page_str = "";var func = "";function page(total_row) {    	if (total_row % page_size == 0) {		total_page = total_row / page_size;	} else {		total_page = parseint(total_row / page_size) + 1;	}	var page = "当前第" + cur_page + "页&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;共" + total_page + "页&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('1')\">首页</a>&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;";	if (cur_page > 1) {		page += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (cur_page - 1) + "')\">上一页</a>&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;";	} else {		page += "上一页&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;";	}	if (cur_page < total_page) {		page += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (cur_page - (-1)) + "')\">下一页</a>&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;";	} else {		page += "下一页&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;";	}	page += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + total_page + "')\">尾页</a>&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;";	page += "&amp;nbsp;&amp;nbsp;跳转至&amp;nbsp;";	page += "<select id='pagen' onchange='go_page(this.value)'>";	for (var k = 1; k <= total_page; k++) {		if (k == cur_page) {			page += "<option value='" + k + "' selected='selected'>&amp;nbsp" + k + "&amp;nbsp;</option>";		} else {			page += "<option value='" + k + "'>&amp;nbsp;" + k + "&amp;nbsp;</option>";		}	}	page += "</select>页";	return page;	//page_str = page;}function to_page(total_row) {	if (total_row % page_size == 0) {		total_page = total_row / page_size;	} else {		total_page = parseint(total_row / page_size) + 1;	}	var p_start = 0;	var p_end = 0;	page_str = "";	p_start = cur_page - 5;// 6	if (p_start < 0) {		p_start = 0;	}	p_end = p_start + 10;// 15	if (p_end > total_page) {		p_end = total_page;	}	p_start = p_end - 10;// 5	if (p_start <= 0) {		p_start = 0;	}	page_str += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (cur_page - 1) + "')\">\u4e0a\u4e00\u9875</a>";	for (var j = p_start; j < p_end; j++) {		if ((j + 1) != cur_page) {			page_str += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (j + 1) + "')\">&amp;nbsp;" + (j + 1) + "&amp;nbsp;</a>";		} else {			page_str += "<a href='#' style='background:#b1369c''  onclick=\"return go_page('" + (j + 1) + "')\"><font color='#f2f242' style='background:#b1369c'>&amp;nbsp;" + (j + 1) + "&amp;nbsp;</font></a>";		}	}	page_str += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (cur_page -(-1)) + "')\">\u4e0b\u4e00\u9875</a>";}

public class dkzgsessionattributelistener extends httpservlet implementshttpsessionlistener,httpsessionattributelistener {	public void sessioncreated(httpsessionevent sessionevent) {		// todo 自动生成方法存根		//每建立一次会话就加一	//	system.out.print("在线====加一=========");		sessionevent.getsession().setmaxinactiveinterval(1800);//设置超时时间,以秒为单位1800				onlinecount.setonlineuser(onlinecount.getonlineuser()+1);			//	applicationcontext ctx=webapplicationcontextutils.getwebapplicationcontext(sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext());				servletcontext servletcontext=sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext();		servletcontext.setattribute("onlineuser", onlinecount.getonlineuser());			//	system.out.println("在线数目===="+onlinecount.getonlineuser());	//	sessionevent.getsession().setattribute("is_who", "游客");//第一次开始会话则创建属性为游客,待后面登陆后修改他的游客身份,是会员身份	}	public void sessiondestroyed(httpsessionevent sessionevent) {		// todo 自动生成方法存根		//关闭会话且超过了上面设置的时间就减一,非法关闭浏览器的时候超过了上面设置的时间就会销毁session,并且会remove session的相关属性//		system.out.print("在线====减一=========");		onlinecount.setonlineuser(onlinecount.getonlineuser()-1);				servletcontext servletcontext=sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext();		servletcontext.setattribute("onlineuser", onlinecount.getonlineuser());//		system.out.println("在线数目===="+onlinecount.getonlineuser());	}			public void attributeadded(httpsessionbindingevent sessionevent) {		// todo 自动生成方法存根				httpsession session=sessionevent.getsession();	//	session.getattributenames()记录的是位置,ip			//	system.out.println("session.getattributenames()====="+session.getattributenames());				//sessionevent.getname();记录的是创建session属性的名字		string attributename=sessionevent.getname();			//	system.out.println("-----------attributeadded="+attributename+"="+sessionevent.getvalue());		//sessionevent.getvalue():记录的是对应的session属性值				//添加loginuserid:session属性时		if(attributename.equals("user_id")){			string userid=sessionevent.getvalue().tostring();					//在线会员加一			onlinecount.setonlinemember(onlinecount.getonlinemember()+1);					servletcontext servletcontext=sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext();						servletcontext.setattribute("onlinemember", onlinecount.getonlinemember());		//	system.out.println("在线会员数目===="+onlinecount.getonlinemember());			//sessionevent.getsession().removeattribute("is_who");		}			}	//当调用request.getsession().removeattribute("loginuserid")时会调用这个方法	public void attributeremoved(httpsessionbindingevent sessionevent) {		// todo 自动生成方法存根				//用户选择安全退出系统或因为超时自动退出系统//		string userid=sessionevent.getvalue().tostring();//		system.out.println("-----------remove");//		sessionevent.getsession().g//		 更新用户状态		string attributename=sessionevent.getname();	//	system.out.println("-----------remove="+attributename);		//sessionevent.getvalue():记录的是对应的session属性值						if(attributename.equals("user_id")){			string userid=null;			string nick=null;			string admin=null;			int overtimes=0;//			在线会员加一			onlinecount.setonlinemember(onlinecount.getonlinemember()-1);			servletcontext servletcontext=sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext();			servletcontext.setattribute("onlinemember", onlinecount.getonlinemember());			userid=sessionevent.getvalue().tostring();			try{				nick=(string )sessionevent.getsession().getattribute("nick_name");				admin=(string)sessionevent.getsession().getattribute("admin_id");			}catch (exception e) {				//出现 session already invalidated异常 代表是用户超时未操作自动退出 				//overtimes 为上面设置的超时时间值 为了下面统计不算在用户在线时间段内(用于减掉)				nick="";				overtimes=1800000;//单位为毫秒				// todo: handle exception			}			session s = null;			transaction t=null;						string hql="update login as l set l.isonline='0' where l.isonline='1' and l.id='"				+ userid + "'";						//非管理员登录客户资料则有统计在线时间,否则不可统计			if(userid!=null&amp;&amp;nick!=null&amp;&amp;!(nick.equals("管理员")&amp;&amp;admin!=null)){				try {					//session移除则将其登陆状态改为0					s = hibernatesessionfactory.getsession();					t=s.begintransaction();					t.begin();					list  l=s.createquery("select l.lastlogindate from login as l where l.id='"+userid+"'").list();										if(l!=null&amp;&amp;l.size()>0){						date d=(date) l.get(0);						date now=new date();						long length=now.gettime()-d.gettime();//得到毫秒差						//减去超时时间						length=length-overtimes;						if(length<0){//小于0说明用户重新登录(有一个新的 session 在操作),此次session失效不可以将其标为离线							length=length-length;//赋值为零							return ;						}						long min=length/60000;						if(min>0){//超过1分才添加时间							//更改在线时长							hql="update login as l set l.isonline='0',l.onlineminute=(l.onlineminute+"+min+") where l.isonline='1' and l.id='"								+ userid + "'";						}					}					t.commit();				} catch (exception ex) {					t.rollback();					ex.printstacktrace();				} finally {					hibernatesessionfactory.closesession();					if(t!=null){						t=null;					}					if(s!=null){						s=null;					}				}			}else{//是管理员操作 则不需要统计在线情况(在线与否,以及在线时长)				return ;			}			try {				//session移除则将其登陆状态改为0				s = hibernatesessionfactory.getsession();				t=s.begintransaction();				t.begin();				s.createquery(hql).executeupdate();				t.commit();			} catch (exception ex) {				t.rollback();				ex.printstacktrace();			} finally {				hibernatesessionfactory.closesession();				if(t!=null){					t=null;				}				if(s!=null){					s=null;				}			}		}	}//	原有session属性值被替代,用同一个属性名修改其属性值的时候会调用这个方法(如用户选择更改登陆时)	public void attributereplaced(httpsessionbindingevent sessionevent) {		// todo 自动生成方法存根				//被替代的原有用户id,用户被替代了,说明此用户已经退出了该系统//		 更新用户状态		//application监听		string attributename=sessionevent.getname();		//sessionevent.getvalue():记录的是对应的session属性值					if(attributename.equals("user_id")){			string userid=sessionevent.getvalue().tostring();			session s = null;			transaction t=null;						string hql="update login as l set l.isonline='0' where l.isonline='1' and l.id='"				+ userid + "'";			string nick=(string )sessionevent.getsession().getattribute("nick_name");			string admin=(string)sessionevent.getsession().getattribute("admin_id");						//非管理员登录客户资料则有统计在线时间,否则不可统计			if(nick!=null&amp;&amp;!(nick.equals("管理员")&amp;&amp;admin!=null)){				try {					//session移除则将其登陆状态改为0					s = hibernatesessionfactory.getsession();					t=s.begintransaction();					t.begin();					list  l=s.createquery("select l.lastlogindate from login as l where l.id='"+userid+"'").list();										if(l!=null&amp;&amp;l.size()>0){						date d=(date) l.get(0);						date now=new date();												long length=now.gettime()-d.gettime();//得到毫秒差						long min=length/60000;						//更改在线时长						hql="update login as l set l.isonline='0',l.onlineminute=(l.onlineminute+"+min+") where l.isonline='1' and l.id='"							+ userid + "'";					}					t.commit();				} catch (exception ex) {					t.rollback();					ex.printstacktrace();				} finally {					hibernatesessionfactory.closesession();					if(t!=null){						t=null;					}					if(s!=null){						s=null;					}				}			}else{//是管理员操作 则不需要统计在线情况(在线与否,以及在线时长)				return ;			}						try {				s = hibernatesessionfactory.getsession();				t=s.begintransaction();				t.begin();				s.createquery(hql).executeupdate();				t.commit();			} catch (exception ex) {				t.rollback();				ex.printstacktrace();			} finally {				hibernatesessionfactory.closesession();				if(t!=null){					t=null;				}				if(s!=null){					s=null;				}			}		}	}}

		try {			//string path = "admin/user.html";			fileinputstream fileinputstream = new fileinputstream(request					.getrealpath(path));// 读取模块文件			int lenght = fileinputstream.available();			byte bytes[] = new byte[lenght];			fileinputstream.read(bytes);// 读入bytes[]中			fileinputstream.close();// 关闭文件输入流			templatecontent = new string(bytes);		} catch (exception ex) {			ex.printstacktrace();			return "发送失败,读入模板错误!";		}				stringbuffer hql = new stringbuffer("select l.loginname,l.userinfo.nickname from login as l where l.onlineorder='1' order by l.lastlogindate desc");			// 发送邮件		mimemessage msg = this.sender1.createmimemessage();		mimemessagehelper helper;		try {			helper = new mimemessagehelper(msg, true, "gb2312");			helper.setfrom("aiwow@16zg.com");		} catch (messagingexception e1) {			// todo auto-generated catch block			e1.printstacktrace();			return "邮件异常,发送邮件失败,请重试!";		}		list<object[]> t = this.findall(hql.tostring());		int count = 0;		for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) {			object str[] = t.get(i);			//str[0]="576876134@qq.com";			//str[1]="superyang";			templatecontent = templatecontent.replaceall("#nickname#", str[1]					.tostring());			try {				helper.setto(str[0].tostring());				helper.settext(templatecontent, true);				helper.setsubject("爱我网“淘宝”大行动!");				this.sender1.send(msg);				count++;			} catch (exception e) {				// todo auto-generated catch block       			}		}			file tm = new file(servletactioncontext.getrequest().getrealpath(					"/tm.jsp"));			input = new fileinputstream(tm);			int length = input.available();			byte b[] = new byte[length];			input.read(b);			string tmstr = new string(b, "utf-8");			tmstr = tmstr.replaceall("tm", str);			system.out.println("-->" + tmstr + "-->");			file ft = new file(request.getrealpath("list_category.jsp"));			if (!ft.exists())				ft.createnewfile();			out = new fileoutputstream(ft);			out.write(tmstr.getbytes("utf-8"));

# virtual hosts
# if you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your
# machine you can setup virtualhost containers for them. most configurations
# use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about
# ip addresses. this is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below.
# please see the documentation at
# <url:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/>
# for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.
# you may use the command line option '-s' to verify your virtual host
# configuration.

# use name-based virtual hosting.
namevirtualhost *:80

# virtualhost example:
# almost any apache directive may go into a virtualhost container.
# the first virtualhost section is used for all requests that do not
# match a servername or serveralias in any <virtualhost> block.

<virtualhost *:80>
    #serveradmin 531197521@qq.com
    documentroot d:/jboss-4.2.0/jboss-4.2.0.ga/server/default/deploy/xbw.war
    servername www.xinbaowang.com
    serveralias xinbaowang.com
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