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public string interceptstring(string str, int len) { // length属性读出来的汉字长度为1 if (str.length() * 2 <= len) { return str; } int strlen = 0; string s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { if (str.codepointat(i) > 128) { strlen = strlen + 2; if (strlen > len) { return s.substring(0, s.length() - 1) + "..."; } } else { strlen = strlen + 1; if (strlen > len) { return s.substring(0, s.length() - 2) + "..."; } } s = s + str.charat(i); } return s; }
string templatecontent = "";
string path="d:\\jboss-4.2.0.ga\\server\\default\\deploy\\dkzg.war\\xijian01.html";
fileinputstream fileinputstream = new fileinputstream(path);// 读取模块文件
int lenght = fileinputstream.available();
byte bytes[] = new byte[lenght];
fileinputstream.read(bytes);// 读入bytes[]中
fileinputstream.close();// 关闭文件输入流
templatecontent = new string(bytes);
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#username#", login.getloginname());
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#loginname#", login.getloginname());
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#password#", login.getpassword());
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#userid#", login.getid());
templatecontent=templatecontent.replaceall("#time#", datestring);
string webpath = "http://localhost"; url url = null; url = new url(webpath + "/index!to_index.action"); inputstream ins = url.openstream(); fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream(new file(request .getrealpath("/") + "index.html")); // fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(getimgfile()); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len = 0; while ((len = ins.read(buffer)) > 0) { fos.write(buffer, 0, len); } if (fos != null) { fos.close(); } if (ins != null) ins.close();
<%@ page contenttype="text/html; charset=utf-8" language="java"
import="java.sql.*" errorpage=""%>
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string path = request.getcontextpath();
string basepath = request.getscheme() + "://"
+ request.getservername() + ":" + request.getserverport()
+ path + "/";
<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "http://www.w3.org/tr/xhtml1/dtd/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<img id="imageid"
src='<%=path%>/upload_img/<s:property value="msg"/>'
onload="imageshow(this,220,300);" />
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var wa="220";
var ha="300";
function imageshow(image,w,h){
var i=image.width;
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var width_bili=w/i;//缩小的比列
var height_bili=h/j;//缩小的比列
var bili=width_bili;
var src=document.getelementbyid("imageid").src;
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var h=document.getelementbyid("imageid").height;
var html="<img src='"+src+"' width='"+wa+"' height='"+ha+"'/>";
inserthtml('text', html);
//移除遮住层 (照片上传时候先遮住以免重复点击重复上传)
function inserthtml(id, html) {
window.parent.ke.util.inserthtml(id, html);
<s:property value="msg" />
string webpath = "http://localhost";
url url = null;
url = new url(webpath + "/index!to_index.action");
inputstream ins = url.openstream();
fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream(new file(request
+ "index.html"));
// fileinputstream fis = new fileinputstream(getimgfile());
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
int len = 0;
while ((len = ins.read(buffer)) > 0) {
fos.write(buffer, 0, len);
if (fos != null) {
if (ins != null)
function interceptstring(str,len) { //length属性读出来的汉字长度为1 if(str.length*2 <= len) { return str; } var strlen = 0; var s = ""; for(var i = 0;i < str.length; i++) { if(str.charcodeat(i) > 128) { strlen = strlen + 2; if(strlen > len) { return s.substring(0,s.length-1) + "..."; } } else { strlen = strlen + 1; if(strlen > len) { return s.substring(0,s.length-2) + "..."; } } s = s + str.charat(i); } return s; } function imageshow(image, w, h) { var i = image.width; var j = image.height; image.width = w; image.height = h; if (i > w) { var width_bili = w / i; var height_bili = h / j; var bili = width_bili; if (width_bili < height_bili) { bili = width_bili; } else { bili = height_bili; } i = i * bili; j = j * bili; } else { if (j > h) { bili = h / j; i = i * bili; j = j * bili; } } image.width = i; image.height = j;}//验证邮箱格式function isemail(stremail) { if (stremail.search(/^\w+((-\w+)|(\.\w+))*\@[a-za-z0-9]+((\.|-)[a-za-z0-9]+)*\.[a-za-z0-9]+$/) != -1) { return true; } else { return false; }}//email验证function checkemail(a) { return /\w+([-+.]\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*/.test(a); /* var i=a.length; var temp = a.indexof('@'); var tempd = a.indexof('.'); if (temp > 1) if ((i-temp) > 3) if ((i-tempd)>0) return true; return false;*/}//url校验function isurl(url) { var urlpatern1 = /^https?:\/\/(([a-za-z0-9_-])+(\.)?)*(:\d+)?(\/((\.)?(\?)?=?&?[a-za-z0-9_-](\?)?)*)*$/i; if (!urlpatern1.test(url)) { return false; } return true;}// 电话号码验证function isphone(tel) { var i, j, strtemp; strtemp = "0123456789-()#+ "; for (i = 0; i < tel.length; i++) { j = strtemp.indexof(tel.charat(i)); if (j == -1) { return false; } } return true;}function checkphone(tel) { var patrn = /^((\(\d{2,3}\))|(\d{3}\-))?(\(0\d{2,3}\)|0\d{2,3}-)?[1-9]\d{6,7}(\-\d{1,4})?$/; if (!patrn.exec(tel)) { // errorinfo += "你输入的的客户经办人(2)固定电话格式不正确,请重新输入!n"; return false; } else { return true; }}//移动电话格式function ismobile(mobile) {//true 是移动电话 return mobile.match(/^(13[0-9]{9}|15[0-9]{9})$/);}//数值检测function isnumber(name) { if (name.length == 0) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { if (name.charat(i) < "0" || name.charat(i) > "9") { return false; } } return true;}//isnullfunction isnull(str) { if (str == null || str == "") { return true; } var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str.charat(i) != " ") { return false; } } if (i == str.length) { return true; } return false;}//英文值检测function isenglish(name) { if (name.length == 0) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { if (name.charcodeat(i) > 128) { return false; } } return true;}//中文值检测function ischinese(name) { if (name.length == 0) { return false; } for (i = 0; i < name.length; i++) { if (name.charcodeat(i) > 128) { return true; } } return false;}//身份证验证function isidcar(str) { var patrn = /^(([0-9]{14}[x0-9]{1})|([0-9]{17}[x0-9]{1}))$/; if (!patrn.exec(str)) { //var errorinfo = "你输入法人代表的身份证号码格式不正确,请输入15位或者18位的身份证号码!n"; return false; } else { return false; }}//是非负浮点数字则返回true,否则返回falsefunction floatchecked(str) { if (!isnull(str)) { var re = /^[0-9]\d*\.\d*$/; return re.test(str); }else{ return true; }}//非负整数则返回true,否则返回falsefunction intchecked(str) { if (!isnull(str)) { var re = /^[1-9]\d*$/; return re.test(str); }else{ return true; }}var cur_page = 1;var page_size = 20;var total_page = 0;var row=0;var page_str = "";var func = "";function page(total_row) { if (total_row % page_size == 0) { total_page = total_row / page_size; } else { total_page = parseint(total_row / page_size) + 1; } var page = "当前第" + cur_page + "页&nbsp;&nbsp;共" + total_page + "页&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('1')\">首页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; if (cur_page > 1) { page += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (cur_page - 1) + "')\">上一页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; } else { page += "上一页&nbsp;&nbsp;"; } if (cur_page < total_page) { page += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (cur_page - (-1)) + "')\">下一页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; } else { page += "下一页&nbsp;&nbsp;"; } page += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + total_page + "')\">尾页</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;"; page += "&nbsp;&nbsp;跳转至&nbsp;"; page += "<select id='pagen' onchange='go_page(this.value)'>"; for (var k = 1; k <= total_page; k++) { if (k == cur_page) { page += "<option value='" + k + "' selected='selected'>&nbsp" + k + "&nbsp;</option>"; } else { page += "<option value='" + k + "'>&nbsp;" + k + "&nbsp;</option>"; } } page += "</select>页"; return page; //page_str = page;}function to_page(total_row) { if (total_row % page_size == 0) { total_page = total_row / page_size; } else { total_page = parseint(total_row / page_size) + 1; } var p_start = 0; var p_end = 0; page_str = ""; p_start = cur_page - 5;// 6 if (p_start < 0) { p_start = 0; } p_end = p_start + 10;// 15 if (p_end > total_page) { p_end = total_page; } p_start = p_end - 10;// 5 if (p_start <= 0) { p_start = 0; } page_str += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (cur_page - 1) + "')\">\u4e0a\u4e00\u9875</a>"; for (var j = p_start; j < p_end; j++) { if ((j + 1) != cur_page) { page_str += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (j + 1) + "')\">&nbsp;" + (j + 1) + "&nbsp;</a>"; } else { page_str += "<a href='#' style='background:#b1369c'' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (j + 1) + "')\"><font color='#f2f242' style='background:#b1369c'>&nbsp;" + (j + 1) + "&nbsp;</font></a>"; } } page_str += "<a href='#' onclick=\"return go_page('" + (cur_page -(-1)) + "')\">\u4e0b\u4e00\u9875</a>";}
public class dkzgsessionattributelistener extends httpservlet implementshttpsessionlistener,httpsessionattributelistener { public void sessioncreated(httpsessionevent sessionevent) { // todo 自动生成方法存根 //每建立一次会话就加一 // system.out.print("在线====加一========="); sessionevent.getsession().setmaxinactiveinterval(1800);//设置超时时间,以秒为单位1800 onlinecount.setonlineuser(onlinecount.getonlineuser()+1); // applicationcontext ctx=webapplicationcontextutils.getwebapplicationcontext(sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext()); servletcontext servletcontext=sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext(); servletcontext.setattribute("onlineuser", onlinecount.getonlineuser()); // system.out.println("在线数目===="+onlinecount.getonlineuser()); // sessionevent.getsession().setattribute("is_who", "游客");//第一次开始会话则创建属性为游客,待后面登陆后修改他的游客身份,是会员身份 } public void sessiondestroyed(httpsessionevent sessionevent) { // todo 自动生成方法存根 //关闭会话且超过了上面设置的时间就减一,非法关闭浏览器的时候超过了上面设置的时间就会销毁session,并且会remove session的相关属性// system.out.print("在线====减一========="); onlinecount.setonlineuser(onlinecount.getonlineuser()-1); servletcontext servletcontext=sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext(); servletcontext.setattribute("onlineuser", onlinecount.getonlineuser());// system.out.println("在线数目===="+onlinecount.getonlineuser()); } public void attributeadded(httpsessionbindingevent sessionevent) { // todo 自动生成方法存根 httpsession session=sessionevent.getsession(); // session.getattributenames()记录的是位置,ip // system.out.println("session.getattributenames()====="+session.getattributenames()); //sessionevent.getname();记录的是创建session属性的名字 string attributename=sessionevent.getname(); // system.out.println("-----------attributeadded="+attributename+"="+sessionevent.getvalue()); //sessionevent.getvalue():记录的是对应的session属性值 //添加loginuserid:session属性时 if(attributename.equals("user_id")){ string userid=sessionevent.getvalue().tostring(); //在线会员加一 onlinecount.setonlinemember(onlinecount.getonlinemember()+1); servletcontext servletcontext=sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext(); servletcontext.setattribute("onlinemember", onlinecount.getonlinemember()); // system.out.println("在线会员数目===="+onlinecount.getonlinemember()); //sessionevent.getsession().removeattribute("is_who"); } } //当调用request.getsession().removeattribute("loginuserid")时会调用这个方法 public void attributeremoved(httpsessionbindingevent sessionevent) { // todo 自动生成方法存根 //用户选择安全退出系统或因为超时自动退出系统// string userid=sessionevent.getvalue().tostring();// system.out.println("-----------remove");// sessionevent.getsession().g// 更新用户状态 string attributename=sessionevent.getname(); // system.out.println("-----------remove="+attributename); //sessionevent.getvalue():记录的是对应的session属性值 if(attributename.equals("user_id")){ string userid=null; string nick=null; string admin=null; int overtimes=0;// 在线会员加一 onlinecount.setonlinemember(onlinecount.getonlinemember()-1); servletcontext servletcontext=sessionevent.getsession().getservletcontext(); servletcontext.setattribute("onlinemember", onlinecount.getonlinemember()); userid=sessionevent.getvalue().tostring(); try{ nick=(string )sessionevent.getsession().getattribute("nick_name"); admin=(string)sessionevent.getsession().getattribute("admin_id"); }catch (exception e) { //出现 session already invalidated异常 代表是用户超时未操作自动退出 //overtimes 为上面设置的超时时间值 为了下面统计不算在用户在线时间段内(用于减掉) nick=""; overtimes=1800000;//单位为毫秒 // todo: handle exception } session s = null; transaction t=null; string hql="update login as l set l.isonline='0' where l.isonline='1' and l.id='" + userid + "'"; //非管理员登录客户资料则有统计在线时间,否则不可统计 if(userid!=null&&nick!=null&&!(nick.equals("管理员")&&admin!=null)){ try { //session移除则将其登陆状态改为0 s = hibernatesessionfactory.getsession(); t=s.begintransaction(); t.begin(); list l=s.createquery("select l.lastlogindate from login as l where l.id='"+userid+"'").list(); if(l!=null&&l.size()>0){ date d=(date) l.get(0); date now=new date(); long length=now.gettime()-d.gettime();//得到毫秒差 //减去超时时间 length=length-overtimes; if(length<0){//小于0说明用户重新登录(有一个新的 session 在操作),此次session失效不可以将其标为离线 length=length-length;//赋值为零 return ; } long min=length/60000; if(min>0){//超过1分才添加时间 //更改在线时长 hql="update login as l set l.isonline='0',l.onlineminute=(l.onlineminute+"+min+") where l.isonline='1' and l.id='" + userid + "'"; } } t.commit(); } catch (exception ex) { t.rollback(); ex.printstacktrace(); } finally { hibernatesessionfactory.closesession(); if(t!=null){ t=null; } if(s!=null){ s=null; } } }else{//是管理员操作 则不需要统计在线情况(在线与否,以及在线时长) return ; } try { //session移除则将其登陆状态改为0 s = hibernatesessionfactory.getsession(); t=s.begintransaction(); t.begin(); s.createquery(hql).executeupdate(); t.commit(); } catch (exception ex) { t.rollback(); ex.printstacktrace(); } finally { hibernatesessionfactory.closesession(); if(t!=null){ t=null; } if(s!=null){ s=null; } } } }// 原有session属性值被替代,用同一个属性名修改其属性值的时候会调用这个方法(如用户选择更改登陆时) public void attributereplaced(httpsessionbindingevent sessionevent) { // todo 自动生成方法存根 //被替代的原有用户id,用户被替代了,说明此用户已经退出了该系统// 更新用户状态 //application监听 string attributename=sessionevent.getname(); //sessionevent.getvalue():记录的是对应的session属性值 if(attributename.equals("user_id")){ string userid=sessionevent.getvalue().tostring(); session s = null; transaction t=null; string hql="update login as l set l.isonline='0' where l.isonline='1' and l.id='" + userid + "'"; string nick=(string )sessionevent.getsession().getattribute("nick_name"); string admin=(string)sessionevent.getsession().getattribute("admin_id"); //非管理员登录客户资料则有统计在线时间,否则不可统计 if(nick!=null&&!(nick.equals("管理员")&&admin!=null)){ try { //session移除则将其登陆状态改为0 s = hibernatesessionfactory.getsession(); t=s.begintransaction(); t.begin(); list l=s.createquery("select l.lastlogindate from login as l where l.id='"+userid+"'").list(); if(l!=null&&l.size()>0){ date d=(date) l.get(0); date now=new date(); long length=now.gettime()-d.gettime();//得到毫秒差 long min=length/60000; //更改在线时长 hql="update login as l set l.isonline='0',l.onlineminute=(l.onlineminute+"+min+") where l.isonline='1' and l.id='" + userid + "'"; } t.commit(); } catch (exception ex) { t.rollback(); ex.printstacktrace(); } finally { hibernatesessionfactory.closesession(); if(t!=null){ t=null; } if(s!=null){ s=null; } } }else{//是管理员操作 则不需要统计在线情况(在线与否,以及在线时长) return ; } try { s = hibernatesessionfactory.getsession(); t=s.begintransaction(); t.begin(); s.createquery(hql).executeupdate(); t.commit(); } catch (exception ex) { t.rollback(); ex.printstacktrace(); } finally { hibernatesessionfactory.closesession(); if(t!=null){ t=null; } if(s!=null){ s=null; } } } }}
try { //string path = "admin/user.html"; fileinputstream fileinputstream = new fileinputstream(request .getrealpath(path));// 读取模块文件 int lenght = fileinputstream.available(); byte bytes[] = new byte[lenght]; fileinputstream.read(bytes);// 读入bytes[]中 fileinputstream.close();// 关闭文件输入流 templatecontent = new string(bytes); } catch (exception ex) { ex.printstacktrace(); return "发送失败,读入模板错误!"; } stringbuffer hql = new stringbuffer("select l.loginname,l.userinfo.nickname from login as l where l.onlineorder='1' order by l.lastlogindate desc"); // 发送邮件 mimemessage msg = this.sender1.createmimemessage(); mimemessagehelper helper; try { helper = new mimemessagehelper(msg, true, "gb2312"); helper.setfrom("aiwow@16zg.com"); } catch (messagingexception e1) { // todo auto-generated catch block e1.printstacktrace(); return "邮件异常,发送邮件失败,请重试!"; } list<object[]> t = this.findall(hql.tostring()); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++) { object str[] = t.get(i); //str[0]="576876134@qq.com"; //str[1]="superyang"; templatecontent = templatecontent.replaceall("#nickname#", str[1] .tostring()); try { helper.setto(str[0].tostring()); helper.settext(templatecontent, true); helper.setsubject("爱我网“淘宝”大行动!"); this.sender1.send(msg); count++; } catch (exception e) { // todo auto-generated catch block } } file tm = new file(servletactioncontext.getrequest().getrealpath( "/tm.jsp")); input = new fileinputstream(tm); int length = input.available(); byte b[] = new byte[length]; input.read(b); string tmstr = new string(b, "utf-8"); tmstr = tmstr.replaceall("tm", str); system.out.println("-->" + tmstr + "-->"); file ft = new file(request.getrealpath("list_category.jsp")); if (!ft.exists()) ft.createnewfile(); out = new fileoutputstream(ft); out.write(tmstr.getbytes("utf-8"));
# virtual hosts
# if you want to maintain multiple domains/hostnames on your
# machine you can setup virtualhost containers for them. most configurations
# use only name-based virtual hosts so the server doesn't need to worry about
# ip addresses. this is indicated by the asterisks in the directives below.
# please see the documentation at
# <url:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/vhosts/>
# for further details before you try to setup virtual hosts.
# you may use the command line option '-s' to verify your virtual host
# configuration.
# use name-based virtual hosting.
namevirtualhost *:80
# virtualhost example:
# almost any apache directive may go into a virtualhost container.
# the first virtualhost section is used for all requests that do not
# match a servername or serveralias in any <virtualhost> block.
<virtualhost *:80>
#serveradmin 531197521@qq.com
documentroot d:/jboss-4.2.0/jboss-4.2.0.ga/server/default/deploy/xbw.war
servername www.xinbaowang.com
serveralias xinbaowang.com
jkautoalias d:/jboss-4.2.0/jboss-4.2.0.ga/server/default/deploy/xbw.war
directoryindex index.html
errordocument 404 index.html
errordocument 403 index.html
#customlog "logs/xinbw-access.log" common
jkmount /*.jsp jboss_
jkmount /*.action jboss_
jkmount /imgservlet jboss_
jkmount /dwr/* jboss_
jkunmount /*.html jboss_
jkunmount /*.jpg jboss_
jkunmount /*.gif jboss_
jkunmount /*.swf jboss_
jkunmount /*.css jboss_
jkunmount /js/* jboss_
<virtualhost *:80>
serveradmin 531197521@qq.com
documentroot d:/jboss-4.2.0/jboss-4.2.0.ga/server/default/deploy/dkzg.war
servername www.aiwowang.cn
serveralias aiwowang.cn
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这篇由陈丹琦编写的 'Neural Reading Comprehension and Beyond' 毕业论文上传斯坦福大学图书馆仅四天就获得了上千次的阅读量,成为了斯坦福大学近十年来最热门的毕业论文之一,她的这篇毕业论文主要研究神经网络...
标题“Reading Literature and Writing Argument”表明本文主要探讨了阅读文学作品和撰写论证性文章之间的联系。标题强调了阅读与写作之间的重要关联,尤其是如何通过阅读文学作品来提高批判性思考和论点表达的能力...
UFF 包包含 2 个函数,一个用于... 最初的开发是由 Primoz Cermelj 完成的: https ://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/6395-uff-file-reading-and-writing 它现在在 github 上继续,所以感觉被邀请贡献!
本文将基于提供的"Reading-and-comprehense-linux-Kernel-network-protocol-stack-master.7z"压缩包,深入探讨Linux 2.6内核版本中的TCP/IP协议栈。 首先,让我们明确一下TCP/IP协议栈的基本概念。它是由一系列协议...
本示例"Reading-file-data.rar_reading"提供了一个简单的C++程序,用于读取文件内容并将其存储到vector容器中。让我们深入探讨这个过程以及涉及到的相关知识点。 首先,我们需要了解C++中的文件操作。C++标准库提供...
使用git Bash here闪退并生成mintty.exe.stackdump文件 cmd使用git 报错 fatal:open /dev/null or dup failed: No such file or directory 并弹出mitty.dump文件 使用方法见我的CSDN
FILE *file = fopen("numbers.txt", "r"); // 打开名为"numbers.txt"的文件,模式为"r"(读取) if (file == NULL) { printf("无法打开文件。\n"); return 1; } int num; while (fscanf(file, "%d", &num) != ...
分布式NOSQL redis源码阅读中文分析注释,带详尽注释以及相关流程调用注释,提出改造点,redis cluster集群功能、节点扩容、槽位迁移、failover故障切换、一致性选举完整分析,对理解redis源码很有帮助,解决了...
This book, which is ... The book begins by providing a great deal of guidance on how to approach definitions, examples, and theorems in mathematics. It ends by providing projects for independent study.
在这个压缩包"**C-Language-File-Reading-and-Writing-master.zip**"中,可能包含了示例代码、教程和其他资源,帮助学习者深入理解这一主题。下面,我们将详细探讨C语言中文件读写的基本概念和常用函数。 1. **文件...
样卷分为阅读(Reading)和写作(Writing)两大部分,这表明考生需要完成这两部分的测试。 #### 阅读部分 - 阅读部分共有55个问题(Questions 1–55),每个问题记一分(carry one mark)。 - 阅读材料和问题设计用...
Directories - Reading and sorting directories. readdir.c - Reading a directory (readdir). dirsortsize.c - Sort a directory by file size (scandir). dirsortalpha.c - Sort a directory alphabetically ...
The Definitive Guide to File System Analysis: Key Concepts and Hands-on Techniques Most digital evidence is stored within the computer's file system, but understanding how file systems work is one of ...
Reading and analysis:Epilepsy.docx
The value of parental report of family histories of reading disorders and pregnancy and birth complications in reading disabled and normal children THE VALUE OF PARENTAL REPORT OF FAMILY HISTORIES ...