- 浏览: 124089 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 武汉
<script>function StorePage(){d=document;t=d.selection?(d.selection.type!='None'?d.selection.createRange().text:''):(d.getSelection?d.getSelection():'');void(keyit=window.open('http://www.365key.com/storeit.aspx?t='+escape(d.title)+'&u='+escape(d.location.href)+'&c='+escape(t),'keyit','scrollbars=no,width=475,height=575,left=75,top=20,status=no,resizable=yes'));keyit.focus();}</script>
Setting an Accessible Name for an Image Button
You should also set the accessible name for components that only
show an image. The tool tip text, if set, serves as the accessible
name for a component. However, if the tool tip text is being used for
something else, set the component's accessible name.
JButton button = new JButton(new ImageIcon("image.gif"));
button.setToolTipText("Button Name");
// If tool tip is being used for something else,
// set the accessible name.
button.getAccessibleContext().setAccessibleName("Button Name");
2008-04-25 21:35 776<script>function StorePag ... -
2008-05-02 14:23 842<script>function StorePag ... -
2009-05-19 23:36 727<script>function StorePag ... -
Setting a Description for Image Icons
2009-05-21 22:46 705<script>function StorePag ... -
Setting a Mnemomic for Buttons:为按钮设置助记符
2009-05-23 00:10 805<script>function StorePag ... -
Associating a Label with a Component:将标签与组件关联
2009-05-24 00:02 790<script>function StorePag ... -
The Quintessential Applet
2009-05-25 23:31 552<script>function StorePag ... -
Getting an Applet Parameter:获得一个applet参数
2009-05-27 00:24 763<script>function StorePag ... -
Making the Browser Visit a URL:让浏览器访问一个applet URL
2009-05-27 22:18 943<script>function StorePag ... -
The Quintessential Drawing Program:画图程序的精粹
2009-06-03 00:46 633<script>function StorePag ... -
Drawing Basic Shapes:画基本图形
2009-06-03 23:23 754<script>function StorePag ... -
Filling Basic Shapes:填充基本图形
2009-06-05 00:18 766<script>function StorePag ... -
Loading an Image:加载一幅图像
2009-06-05 23:56 654<script>function StorePag ... -
Drawing an Image:画一幅图
2009-06-07 00:56 779<script>function StorePag ... -
Drawing Simple Text:画简单的文本
2009-06-09 01:20 783<script>function StorePag ... -
Drawing Rotated Text:画旋转字
2009-06-10 00:48 814//Draw string rotated clockwise ... -
2009-06-10 23:31 785<link href="css/sty ... -
Getting the Dimensions of Text:获取文本的长和宽
2009-06-11 00:32 667// From within the paint() m ... -
Drawing Anti-Aliased Text and Graphics:绘制反锯齿文字和图形
2009-06-12 00:44 904// Text only g2d.setRenderi ... -
Drawing with Alpha:使用alpha通道来绘图
2009-06-13 00:17 860drawGraphic1(g2d); // Set a ...
Features: provides an introduction to the basic notation and mathematical concepts for describing an image and the key concepts for mapping an image into an image; explains the topologic and ...
CSA ASC B651-2023 Accessible design for the built environment
Part I, is written in an accessible way allowing readers to easily grasp the mathematical system of Clifford algebra. Part II presents related topics. While Part 3 features practical applications for...
Needing no prior coding experience or a deep understanding of statistics, this book uses the R programming language and RStudio® platform to make data science welcoming and accessible for all ...
"Digital Signal Processing" is a mathematically rigorous but accessible treatment of digital signal processing that intertwines basic theoretical techniques with hands-on laboratory instruction....
An Introduction to Statistical Learning provides an accessible overview of the field of statistical learning, an essential toolset for making sense of the vast and complex data sets that have emerged ...
在IT领域,特别是软件开发和自动化测试中,`Accessible接口`是一个重要的概念,它主要用于获取和操作用户界面(UI)元素。这个接口是无障碍技术( Accessibility Technology)的一部分,旨在帮助残障人士通过辅助...
在这个例子中,我们关注的是如何在易语言中调用`Accessible`接口,这是一种用于获取Windows应用程序中控件信息的技术,通常用于无障碍访问或者自动化测试。 `AccessibleObjectFromWindow`函数是Windows API中的一...
An Introduction to Statistical Learning provides an accessible overview of the field of statistical learning, an essential toolset for making sense of the vast and complex data sets that have emerged ...
为了提高无障碍性,可以使用ARIA(Accessible Rich Internet Applications)属性,如`aria-label`来描述按钮的功能: ```html <button aria-label="分享到Facebook">Facebook</button> ``` 以上就是HTML实现的几款...
Written in an easily accessible style, this book provides the ideal blend of theory and practical, applicable knowledge. It covers neural networks, graphical models, reinforcement learning, ...
This fully updated edition of Statistics for Research explains statistical concepts in a straight-forward and accessible way using practical examples from a variety of disciplines. If you're looking ...
This paper presents a survey on methods that use digital image processing techniques to detect, quantify and classify plant diseases from digital images in the visible spectrum. Although disease ...
此外,为了实时获取QQ窗口的变化,比如聊天窗口的打开和关闭,我们可以注册窗口消息监听,通过`SetWinEventHook` API函数设置事件钩子,监听`EVENT_OBJECT_NAMECHANGE`、`EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS`等事件。当这些事件发生...