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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8"/> <title>Cubic Hamiltonian Graphs from LCF Notation</title> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.7.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mbostock.github.com/d3/d3.v2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://jcaret.googlecode.com/files/jquery.caret.1.02.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://current.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap-v204/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <style type="text/css"> body { margin-left: 10px; } circle { stroke: #999; stroke-opacity: .5; } .link { stroke: #999; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="row"> <div class="span3"> <div class="form" style="background-color:white"> <label for="lcfCodes">Preset LCF Codes</label> <select id="lcfCodes"> <option></option> <option value="[2]4">Tetrahedral graph</option> <option value="[3]6">Utility graph</option> <option value="[3,-3]4">Cubical graph</option> <option value="[4]8">Wagner graph</option> <option value="[6,4,-4]4">Bidiakis cube</option> <option value="[5,-5]6">Franklin graph</option> <option value="[-5,-2,-4,2,5,-2,2,5,-2,-5,4,2]">Frucht graph</option> <option value="[2,6,-2]4">Truncated tetrahedral graph</option> <option value="[5,-5]7">Heawood graph</option> <option value="[5,-5]8">Mobius-Kantor graph</option> <option value="[5,7,-7,7,-7,-5]3">Pappus graph</option> <option value="[5,-5,9,-9]5">Desargues graph</option> <option value="[10,7,4,-4,-7,10,-4,7,-7,4]2">Dodecahedral graph</option> <option value="[12,7,-7]8">McGee graph</option> <option value="[2,9,-2,2,-9,-2]4">Truncated cubical graph</option> <option value="[3,-7,7,-3]6">Truncated octahedral graph</option> <option value="[5,-9,7,-7,9,-5]4">Nauru graph</option> <option value="[-7, 7]13">F26A graph</option> <option value="[-13,-9,7,-7,9,13]5">Tutte–Coxeter graph</option> <option value="[5,-5,13,-13]8">Dyck graph</option> <option value="[-25,7,-7,13,-13,25]9">Gray graph</option> <option value="[30, -2, 2, 21, -2, 2, 12, -2, 2, -12, -2, 2, -21, -2, 2, 30, -2, 2, -12, -2, 2, 21, -2, 2, -21, -2, 2, 12, -2, 2]2">Truncated dodecahedral graph</option> <option value="[-29,-19,-13,13,21,-27,27,33,-13,13,19,-21,-33,29]5">Harries graph</option> <option value="[9, 25, 31, -17, 17, 33, 9, -29, -15, -9, 9, 25, -25, 29, 17, -9, 9, -27, 35, -9, 9, -17, 21, 27, -29, -9, -25, 13, 19, -9, -33, -17, 19, -31, 27, 11, -25, 29, -33, 13, -13, 21, -29, -21, 25, 9, -11, -19, 29, 9, -27, -19, -13, -35, -9, 9, 17, 25, -9, 9, 27, -27, -21, 15, -9, 29, -29, 33, -9, -25]">Harries–Wong graph</option> <option value="[-9, -25, -19, 29, 13, 35, -13, -29, 19, 25, 9, -29, 29, 17, 33, 21, 9,-13, -31, -9, 25, 17, 9, -31, 27, -9, 17, -19, -29, 27, -17, -9, -29, 33, -25,25, -21, 17, -17, 29, 35, -29, 17, -17, 21, -25, 25, -33, 29, 9, 17, -27, 29, 19, -17, 9, -27, 31, -9, -17, -25, 9, 31, 13, -9, -21, -33, -17, -29, 29]">Balaban 10-cage</option> <option value="[17,-9,37,-37,9,-17]15">Foster graph</option> <option value="[16, 24, -38, 17, 34, 48, -19, 41, -35, 47, -20, 34, -36, 21, 14, 48, -16, -36, -43, 28, -17, 21, 29, -43, 46, -24, 28, -38, -14, -50, -45, 21, 8, 27, -21, 20, -37, 39, -34, -44, -8, 38, -21, 25, 15, -34, 18, -28, -41, 36, 8, -29, -21, -48, -28, -20, -47, 14, -8, -15, -27, 38, 24, -48, -18, 25, 38, 31, -25, 24, -46, -14, 28, 11, 21, 35, -39, 43, 36, -38, 14, 50, 43, 36, -11, -36, -24, 45, 8, 19, -25, 38, 20, -24, -14, -21, -8, 44, -31, -38, -28, 37]">Biggs-Smith graph</option> <option value="[44, 26, -47, -15, 35, -39, 11, -27, 38, -37, 43, 14, 28, 51, -29, -16, 41, -11, -26, 15, 22, -51, -35, 36, 52, -14, -33, -26, -46, 52, 26, 16, 43, 33, -15, 17, -53, 23, -42, -35, -28, 30, -22, 45, -44, 16, -38, -16, 50, -55, 20, 28, -17, -43, 47, 34, -26, -41, 11, -36, -23, -16, 41, 17, -51, 26, -33, 47, 17, -11, -20, -30, 21, 29, 36, -43, -52, 10, 39, -28, -17, -52, 51, 26, 37, -17, 10, -10, -45, -34, 17, -26, 27, -21, 46, 53, -10, 29, -50, 35, 15, -47, -29, -41, 26, 33, 55, -17, 42, -26, -36, 16]">Balaban 11-cage</option> <option value="[47, -23, -31, 39, 25, -21, -31, -41, 25, 15, 29, -41, -19, 15, -49, 33, 39, -35, -21, 17, -33, 49, 41, 31, -15, -29, 41, 31, -15, -25, 21, 31, -51, -25, 23, 9, -17, 51, 35, -29, 21, -51, -39, 33, -9, -51, 51, -47, -33, 19, 51, -21, 29, 21, -31, -39]2">Ljubljana graph</option> <option value="[17, 27, -13, -59, -35, 35, -11, 13, -53, 53, -27, 21, 57, 11, -21, -57, 59, -17]7">Tutte 12-cage</option> </select> <label for="lcfCode">LCF Code <sup><small>[<a href="http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LCFNotation.html" target="_blank">Wolfram MathWorld</a>]</small></sup></label> <textarea id="lcfCode" value="" rows="3"></textarea> <label for="animationSpeed">Animation Speed</label> <select id="animationSpeed"> <option value="0">No Animation</option> <option value="1">Fast</option> <option value="100">Slow</option> <option value="1000">Slowest</option> </select> <label for="lockVertices"> <input type="checkbox" id="lockVertices" /> Lock Vertices to Circumference </label> <button id="redraw" class="btn btn-primary"> <i class="icon-repeat icon-white"></i> Redraw </button> </div> <div style="position:absolute;bottom:0;z-index:-1"> <label for="permalink">Permalink</label> <div class="input"> <textarea id="permalink" disabled="disabled" rows="10" style="color:black"></textarea> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span9" id="chart"></div> </div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> //http://stackoverflow.com/a/901144/678708 function getParameterByName(name) { name = name.replace(/[\[]/, "\\\[").replace(/[\]]/, "\\\]"); var regexS = "[\\?&]" + name + "=([^&#]*)"; var regex = new RegExp(regexS); var results = regex.exec(parent.window.location.href); if(results == null) return ""; else return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " ")); } function lcfCodeToVerticesAndStepsArrayAndNumRepeats(lcfCode) { lcfCode = lcfCode.replace(/ 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Continue?')) return } links = [] nodes = [{fixed: true, x: w/2, y:h/2}].concat(d3.range(numVertices).map(function(d, i) { return {x:rcx+radius*Math.cos((i*2*Math.PI/numVertices) - Math.PI/2), y:rcy+radius*Math.sin((i*2*Math.PI/numVertices) - Math.PI/2)}; })) nodes.slice(1).forEach(function(target, i) { var node = nodes[i == nodes.length - 2 ? 1 : i+2], x = target.x - node.x, y = target.y - node.y; links.push({source: node, target: target, linkDistance:0}); }); var currentVertex = 0 var currentVertexOffset = 0 function animateLcf() { var stepInstruction = stepsArray[currentVertex % stepsArray.length] var currentStep = (currentVertex + currentVertexOffset) - numVertices * Math.floor((currentVertex + currentVertexOffset) / numVertices) if(currentVertexOffset == 0){ svg.selectAll("circle").filter(function(d,i){return currentVertex == currentStep}).style("fill", colors[1]) svg.selectAll("circle").filter(function(d,i){return currentVertex > i}).style("fill",colors[0]) svg.selectAll("circle").filter(function(d,i){return currentVertex < i}).style("fill","white") currentVertexOffset += (stepInstruction > 0 ? 1 : -1); }else if(currentVertexOffset != stepInstruction){ svg.selectAll("circle").filter(function(d,i){return currentStep == i}).style("fill",colors[1]) currentVertexOffset += (stepInstruction > 0 ? 1 : -1) }else{ svg.selectAll("circle").filter(function(d,i){return currentStep == i}).style("fill",colors[1]) links.push({source: nodes.slice(1)[currentVertex], target: nodes.slice(1)[currentStep]}); drawLines() currentVertex++ currentVertexOffset = 0; } if(currentVertex != numVertices){ if($("#animationSpeed").val() == 0){ animateLcf() }else{ interval = setTimeout(animateLcf, $("#animationSpeed").val()) } } else { interval = null svg.selectAll("circle").style("fill",colors[0]) } if(!lockVertices) { force.links(links) force.start() } } force.nodes(nodes) force.start() drawLines() drawCircles() if($("#animationSpeed").val() == 0){ animateLcf() }else{ interval = setTimeout(animateLcf, $("#animationSpeed").val()) } } function getValuesAndDraw(){ savePermalink(); lcfStepsAndRepeats = lcfCodeToVerticesAndStepsArrayAndNumRepeats($("#lcfCode").val()) draw(lcfStepsAndRepeats[0], lcfStepsAndRepeats[1], lcfStepsAndRepeats[2]) } var force = d3.layout.force() .charge(function(d, i) { return lockVertices ? 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