In computer science, bleeding edge is a term that refers to technology that is so new (and thus, presumably, not perfected) that the user is required to risk reductions in stability and productivity in order to use it. It also refers to the tendency of the latest technology to be extremely expensive. The term was first coined by Peter Barus, a Superbase programmer.
在计算机领域,Bleeding Edge指一种最新的、因而也并非完美的技术。使用者为了它的新,就要拿稳定性和产量来冒险。它也指当今技术的每一步发展都越来越昂贵的趋势。这个词的发明者是一个超级数据库的程序员Peter Barus。
The term is formed as an allusion to "leading edge" and its synonym cutting edge, but implying a greater degree of risk: the "bleeding edge" is in front of the "cutting edge". A technology may be considered bleeding edge under the following conditions:
这个词,可以视作Leading Edge的另一种说法,Cutting Edge的同义词,但是Bleeding Edge更要隐含一种风险的含义:和Cutting Edge相比,Bleeding Edge更要前卫一些。通常,一种技术如果要被称作是Bleeding Edge,那么它通常会符合以下几种特性描述:
- Lack of consensus — competing ways of doing some new thing exist and no one really knows for certain which way the market is going to go.
- 没有公认——在达到同一目标的不同的技术道路之中,没有人知道,究竟哪一条路会成为市场的最终选择。
- Lack of knowledge — organizations are trying to implement a new technology or product that the trade journals have not even started talking about yet, either for or against.
- 缺乏认识——当一些机构开始对一项新技术或者新产品进行研发的时候,行业媒体甚至还没有开始对此展开讨论,无论是赞成,还是反对。
- Industry resistance to change — trade journals and industry leaders have spoken against a new technology or product but some organizations are trying to implement it anyway because they are convinced it is technically superior.
- 遭到产业抵制——行业媒体和产业界已经对某项新技术或者新产品进行抨击,但是一些组织和机构因为坚信其技术上的优越性而继续努力完善之。
The rewards for successful early adoption of new technologies can be great; unfortunately, the penalties for "betting on the wrong horse" or choosing the wrong product are equally large. Whenever an organization decides to take a chance on bleeding edge technology there is a good chance that they will be stuck with a white elephant or worse.
最早成功采用新技术所带来的回报可能会非常丰厚;然而,如果你下注下错了,你遭到的惩罚会同样可观。因此,当一个组织决定采用Bleeding Edge的新技术时,他们有可能因此而背上沉重的负担甚至更糟。
Recently however, the term bleeding edge has been increasingly used by the general public to mean "ahead of cutting edge" largely without the negative, risk-associated connotation concurrent with the term's use in more specific fields.
但是现在,在越来越多的普遍用法中,Bleeding Edge已经成为一个只是强调前卫性而没有风险性的词语。
An apt quotation concerning this issue is:"But when you're living on the bleeding edge, you should not be surprised when you do, infact, bleed."
一个引用环境是:“当你选择了Bleeding Edge的技术之后,你就不应该为此付出的代价而感到震惊。”
《开发离子边缘》是Bleeding Edge Press出版的一本关于前沿技术开发的书籍,而"Trendicity"则是这本书的配套应用程序。这个应用可能是为了帮助读者更好地理解和实践书中的概念,或者提供一个互动平台来探索和实验书...
Sam Abrahams, Danijar Hafner, Erik Erwitt, Ariel Scarpinelli-TensorFlow for Machine Intelligence_ A Hands-On Introduction to Learning Algorithms-Bleeding Edge Press (2016).pdf
面向电力用户的Bleeding Edge React通用样板。 什么是React性? 在最基本的定义上,原子是多么容易与另一种元素发生化学React。 我们的目标是达到稳定的价位水平,如果您愿意的话,还可以得到完整的价位外壳。 但...
Bleeding Edge是专为Mint 64位设计的Shell脚本。 它有助于从源和PPA存储库安装软件,例如媒体播放器,编解码器,驱动程序等。它还清理系统。 查看使用说明屏幕
Sublime Text 3 is the current version of Sublime Text. For bleeding-edge releases, see the dev builds. Version: Build 3176
该书由Bleeding Edge Press出版社出版,封面设计由Martin Murtonen完成,责任编辑为Troy Mott,收购编辑为Christina Rudloff。该书的国际标准书号(ISBN)为***。 3. 出版信息: 本书首次由位于美国加利福尼亚州...
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要为Linux构建本机工具链,只需运行不带参数的脚本即可: ./build-bleeding-edge-toolchain.sh 脚本所需的大多数工具应该已经存在于您的系统中,但是可能会缺少某些工具。 通常,下面列出的工具应该足以成功执行此...
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浏览器中的深度学习 于2018年8月发布了《》一书的官方资料库。 在这里,您将找到本书中所有演示的源代码。 该存储库的内容: 入门 克隆仓库和所有子模块。 ...$ cd deep-learning-browser $ git submodule update --...
The master is now the bleeding edge for Styx 1.0. Styx 0.7 code is available in the styx-0.7 branch which is in maintenance mode (bug fixes only). Follow the Styx Wiki for the latest
Krop The library is a small widget for ...If you like to stay on the bleeding edge, or use certain commit as your dependency, you can use the short commit hash or anyBranch-SNAPSHOT as the version De
Survey Builder示例应用程序 《出血边缘新闻》书籍的示例应用程序。 安装 npm install 就是这样! 现在,您可以运行应用程序或运行测试了。 运行应用 npm start 然后,您可以浏览到尝试使用Survey Builder。...
Live on the Bleeding Edge You can download source code packages and Windows installers which are automatically created each time code is checked into the source code repository". These packages are ...
LLVM is a bleeding edge compiler technology framework. Easily extendable and designed as a multitude of libraries, LLVM provides a smooth experience for compiler newcomers and reduces the steep ...
A one-stop guide to this bleeding edge technology Store objects into distributed collections ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Mat Johns [出版机构] Packt Publishing [出版日期] 2013年08月27日 [图书页数] ...
Although web components are still on the bleeding edge—barely supported in modern browsers—the technology is also moving extremely fast. This practical guide gets you up to speed on the concepts ...