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  • Java

/* Copyright 2007 You may not modify, use, reproduce, or distribute this software except in compliance with the terms of the License at:
 $Id: XmlHttpProxy.java 2660 2008-10-29 14:40:28Z heiko.braun@jboss.com $
package jmaki.xhp;

/* Copyright 2007 You may not modify, use, reproduce, or distribute this software except in compliance with the terms of the License at:
 $Id: XmlHttpProxy.java 2660 2008-10-29 14:40:28Z heiko.braun@jboss.com $

import java.io.*;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.*;

import javax.xml.transform.*;
import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;

import org.json.*;

public class XmlHttpProxy {

   public static String GET = "GET";
   public static String POST = "POST";
   public static String DELETE = "DELETE";
   public static String PUT = "PUT";

   private String userName = null;
   private String password = null;
   private static Logger logger;
   private String proxyHost = "";
   int proxyPort = -1;
   private JSONObject config;
   private static String USAGE = "Usage:  -url service_URL  -id service_key [-url or -id required] -xslurl xsl_url [optional] -format json|xml [optional] -callback[optional] -config [optional] -resources base_directory_containing XSL stylesheets [optional]";

   public XmlHttpProxy() {}

   public XmlHttpProxy(String proxyHost, int proxyPort) {
      this.proxyHost = proxyHost;
      this.proxyPort = proxyPort;

   public XmlHttpProxy(String proxyHost, int proxyPort,
                       String userName, String password) {
      this.proxyHost = proxyHost;
      this.proxyPort = proxyPort;
      this.userName = userName;
      this.password = password;

    * This method will go out and make the call and it will apply an XSLT Transformation with the
    * set of parameters provided.
    * @param urlString - The URL which you are looking up
    * @param out - The OutputStream to which the resulting document is written
    * @param xslInputStream - An input Stream to an XSL style sheet that is provided to the XSLT processor. If set to null there will be no transformation
    * @param  paramsMap - A Map of parameters that are feed to the XSLT Processor. These params may be used when generating content. This may be set to null if no parameters are necessary.
    * @param method - The HTTP method used.
   public void processRequest(String urlString,
                              OutputStream out,
                              InputStream xslInputStream,
                              Map paramsMap,
                              Map headers,
                              String method,
                              String userName,
                              String password) throws IOException, MalformedURLException {
      doProcess(urlString, out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, headers,method, null,null, userName,password);
    * This method will go out and make the call and it will apply an XSLT Transformation with the
    * set of parameters provided.
    * @param urlString - The URL which you are looking up
    * @param out - The OutputStream to which the resulting document is written
   public void doPost(String urlString,
                      OutputStream out,
                      InputStream xslInputStream,
                      Map paramsMap,
                      Map headers,
                      String postData,
                      String postContentType,
                      String userName,
                      String password) throws IOException, MalformedURLException {
      doProcess(urlString, out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, headers, XmlHttpProxy.POST, postData, postContentType, userName, password);

    * This method will go out and make the call and it will apply an XSLT Transformation with the
    * set of parameters provided.
    * @param urlString - The URL which you are looking up
    * @param out - The OutputStream to which the resulting document is written
    * @param xslInputStream - An input Stream to an XSL style sheet that is provided to the XSLT processor. If set to null there will be no transformation
    * @param paramsMap - A Map of parameters that are feed to the XSLT Processor. These params may be used when generating content. This may be set to null if no parameters are necessary.
    * @param method - the HTTP method used.
    * @param postData - A String of the bodyContent to be posted. A doPost will be used if this is parameter is not null.
    * @param postContentType - The request contentType used when posting data. Will not be set if this parameter is null.
    * @param userName - userName used for basic authorization
    * @param password - password used for basic authorization
   public void doProcess(String urlString,
                         OutputStream out,
                         InputStream xslInputStream,
                         Map paramsMap,
                         Map headers,
                         String method,
                         String postData,
                         String postContentType,
                         String userName,
                         String password) throws IOException, MalformedURLException {
      if (paramsMap == null) {
         paramsMap = new HashMap();

      String format = (String)paramsMap.get("format");
      if (format == null) {
         format = "xml";

      InputStream in = null;
      BufferedOutputStream os = null;

      HttpClient httpclient = null;

      if (userName != null && password != null)
         httpclient = new HttpClient(proxyHost, proxyPort, urlString, headers, method, userName, password);
         httpclient = new HttpClient(proxyHost, proxyPort, urlString, headers, method);

      // post data determines whether we are going to do a get or a post
      if (postData == null) {
         in = httpclient.getInputStream();
      } else {
         in = httpclient.doPost(postData, postContentType);

         throw new IOException("Failed to open input stream");   

      // read the encoding from the incoming document and default to UTF-8
      // if an encoding is not provided
      String ce = httpclient.getContentEncoding();
      if (ce == null) {
         String ct = httpclient.getContentType();
         if (ct != null) {
            int idx = ct.lastIndexOf("charset=");
            if (idx >= 0) {
               ce = ct.substring(idx+8);
            } else {
               ce = "UTF-8";
         } else {
            ce = "UTF-8";
      // get the content type
      String cType = null;
      // write out the content type
      if (format.equals("json")) {
         cType = "application/json;charset="+ce;
      } else {
         cType = "text/xml;charset="+ce;
      try {
         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
         int read = 0;
         if (xslInputStream == null) {
            while (true) {
               read = in.read(buffer);
               if (read <= 0) break;
               out.write(buffer, 0, read );
         } else {
            transform(in, xslInputStream, paramsMap, out, ce);
      } catch (Exception e) {
         getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy transformation error: " + e);
      } finally {
         try {
            if (in != null) {
            if (out != null) {
         } catch (Exception e) {
            // do nothing

    * Do the XSLT transformation
   public void transform( InputStream xmlIS,
                          InputStream xslIS,
                          Map params,
                          OutputStream result,
                          String encoding) {
      try {
         TransformerFactory trFac = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
         Transformer transformer = trFac.newTransformer(new StreamSource(xslIS));
         Iterator it = params.keySet().iterator();
         while (it.hasNext()) {
            String key = (String)it.next();
            transformer.setParameter(key, (String)params.get(key));
         transformer.setOutputProperty("encoding", encoding);
         transformer.transform(new StreamSource(xmlIS), new StreamResult(result));
      } catch (Exception e) {
         getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy: Exception with xslt " + e);

    * CLI to the XmlHttpProxy
   public static void main(String[] args)
     throws IOException, MalformedURLException {

      getLogger().info("XmlHttpProxy 1.8");
      XmlHttpProxy xhp = new XmlHttpProxy();

      if (args.length == 0) {

      String method = XmlHttpProxy.GET;
      InputStream xslInputStream = null;
      String serviceKey = null;
      String urlString = null;
      String xslURLString = null;
      String format = "xml";
      String callback = null;
      String urlParams = null;
      String configURLString = "xhp.json";
      String resourceBase = "file:src/conf/META-INF/resources/xsl/";
      String username = null;
      String password = null;

      // read in the arguments
      int index = 0;
      while (index < args.length) {
         if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-url") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            urlString = args[++index];
         } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-key") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            serviceKey = args[++index];
         } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-id") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            serviceKey = args[++index];
         } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-callback") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            callback = args[++index];
         }  else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-xslurl") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            xslURLString = args[++index];
         } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-method") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            method = args[++index];
         } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-username") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            username = args[++index];
         } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-password") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            password = args[++index];
         } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-urlparams") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            urlParams = args[++index];
         } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-config") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            configURLString = args[++index];
         } else if (args[index].toLowerCase().equals("-resources") && index + 1 < args.length) {
            resourceBase = args[++index];

      if (serviceKey != null) {
         try {
            InputStream is = (new URL(configURLString)).openStream();
            JSONObject services = loadServices(is);
            JSONObject service = services.getJSONObject(serviceKey);
            // default to the service default if no url parameters are specified
            if (urlParams == null && service.has("defaultURLParams")) {
               urlParams = service.getString("defaultURLParams");
            String serviceURL = service.getString("url");
            // build the URL properly
            if (urlParams != null && serviceURL.indexOf("?") == -1){
               serviceURL += "?";
            } else if (urlParams != null){
               serviceURL += "&";
            String apiKey = "";
            if (service.has("apikey")) apiKey = service.getString("apikey");
            urlString = serviceURL + apiKey +  "&" + urlParams;
            if (service.has("xslStyleSheet")) {
               xslURLString = service.getString("xslStyleSheet");
               // check if the url is correct of if to load from the classpath

         } catch (Exception ex) {
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy Error loading service: " + ex);
      } else if (urlString == null) {
      // The parameters are feed to the XSL Stylsheet during transformation.
      // These parameters can provided data or conditional information.
      Map paramsMap = new HashMap();
      if (format != null) {
         paramsMap.put("format", format);
      if (callback != null) {
         paramsMap.put("callback", callback);

      if (xslURLString != null) {
         URL xslURL = new URL(xslURLString);
         if (xslURL != null) {
            xslInputStream  = xslURL.openStream();
         } else {
            getLogger().severe("Error: Unable to locate XSL at URL " + xslURLString);
      xhp.processRequest(urlString, System.out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, null, method, username, password);

   public static Logger getLogger() {
      if (logger == null) {
         logger = Logger.getLogger("jmaki.xhp.Log");
      return logger;

   public static JSONObject loadServices(InputStream is)
      JSONObject config = null;
      JSONObject services = new JSONObject();
         config = loadJSONObject(is).getJSONObject("xhp");
         JSONArray sA = config.getJSONArray("services");
         for (int l=0; l < sA.length(); l++) {
            JSONObject value = sA.getJSONObject(l);
            String key = value.getString("id");
      catch (Exception ex)
         getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy error loading services." + ex);
      return services;

   public static JSONObject loadJSONObject(InputStream in) {
      ByteArrayOutputStream out = null;
      try {
         byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
         int read = 0;
         out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         while (true) {
            read = in.read(buffer);
            if (read <= 0) break;
            out.write(buffer, 0, read );
         return new JSONObject(out.toString());
      } catch (Exception e) {
         getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxy error reading in json "  + e);
      } finally {
         try {
            if (in != null) {
            if (out != null) {
         } catch (Exception e) {
      return null;


/* Copyright 2007 You may not modify, use, reproduce, or distribute this software except in compliance with the terms of the License at:
 $Id: XmlHttpProxyServlet.java 2660 2008-10-29 14:40:28Z heiko.braun@jboss.com $
package jmaki.xhp;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.util.logging.*;

import javax.servlet.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;

import org.json.*;

/**  XmlHttpProxyServlet
 *   @author Greg Murray
public class XmlHttpProxyServlet extends HttpServlet

   public static String REMOTE_USER = "REMOTE_USER";

   private static String XHP_LAST_MODIFIED = "xhp_last_modified_key";
   private static String XHP_CONFIG = "xhp.json";

   private static boolean allowXDomain = false;
   private static boolean requireSession = false;
   private static boolean createSession = false;
   private static String responseContentType = "application/json;charset=UTF-8";
   private static boolean rDebug = false;
   private Logger logger = null;
   private XmlHttpProxy xhp = null;
   private ServletContext ctx;
   private JSONObject services = null;
   private String resourcesDir = "/resources/";
   private String classpathResourcesDir = "/META-INF/resources/";
   private String headerToken = "jmaki-";
   private String testToken = "xtest-";
   public XmlHttpProxyServlet() {
      if (rDebug) {
         logger = getLogger();

   public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
      ctx = config.getServletContext();
      // set the response content type
      if (ctx.getInitParameter("responseContentType") != null) {
         responseContentType = ctx.getInitParameter("responseContentType");
      // allow for resources dir over-ride at the xhp level otherwise allow
      // for the jmaki level resources
      if (ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-xhp-resources") != null) {
         resourcesDir = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-xhp-resources");
      } else if (ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-resources") != null) {
         resourcesDir = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-resources");
      // allow for resources dir over-ride
      if (ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-classpath-resources") != null) {
         classpathResourcesDir = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-classpath-resources");
      String requireSessionString = ctx.getInitParameter("requireSession");
      if (requireSessionString == null) requireSessionString = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-requireSession");
      if (requireSessionString != null) {
         if ("false".equals(requireSessionString)) {
            requireSession = false;
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. Session requirement disabled.");
         } else if ("true".equals(requireSessionString)) {
            requireSession = true;
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. Session requirement enabled.");
      String xdomainString = ctx.getInitParameter("allowXDomain");
      if (xdomainString == null) xdomainString = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-allowXDomain");
      if (xdomainString != null) {
         if ("true".equals(xdomainString)) {
            allowXDomain = true;
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. xDomain access is enabled.");
         } else if ("false".equals(xdomainString)) {
            allowXDomain = false;
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. xDomain access is disabled.");
      String createSessionString = ctx.getInitParameter("jmaki-createSession");
      if (createSessionString != null) {
         if ("true".equals(createSessionString)) {
            createSession = true;
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. create session is enabled.");
         } else if ("false".equals(xdomainString)) {
            createSession = false;
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization. create session is disabled.");
      // if there is a proxyHost and proxyPort specified create an HttpClient with the proxy
      String proxyHost = ctx.getInitParameter("proxyHost");
      String proxyPortString = ctx.getInitParameter("proxyPort");
      if (proxyHost != null && proxyPortString != null) {
         int proxyPort = 8080;
         try {
            proxyPort= new Integer(proxyPortString).intValue();
            xhp = new XmlHttpProxy(proxyHost, proxyPort);
         } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization error. The proxyPort must be a number");
            throw new ServletException("XmlHttpProxyServlet: intialization error. The proxyPort must be a number");
      } else {
         xhp = new XmlHttpProxy();

   private void getServices(HttpServletResponse res)
      InputStream is = null;
         URL url = ctx.getResource(resourcesDir + XHP_CONFIG);
         // use classpath if not found locally.
         //if (url == null) url = XmlHttpProxyServlet.class.getResource(classpathResourcesDir + XHP_CONFIG);
         if (url == null) url = XmlHttpProxyServlet.class.getResource(XHP_CONFIG);  // same package
         is = url.openStream();
      catch (Exception ex)
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet error loading xhp.json : " + ex);
            PrintWriter writer = res.getWriter();
            writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet Error: Error loading xhp.json. Make sure it is available in the /resources directory of your applicaton.");
         catch (Exception iox) {}
      services = xhp.loadServices(is);

   public void doDelete(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
      doProcess(req,res, XmlHttpProxy.DELETE);

   public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
      doProcess(req,res, XmlHttpProxy.GET);

   public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
      doProcess(req,res, XmlHttpProxy.POST);

   public void doPut(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
      doProcess(req,res, XmlHttpProxy.PUT);

   public void doProcess(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res, String method)

      boolean isPost = XmlHttpProxy.POST.equals(method);
      StringBuffer bodyContent = null;
      OutputStream out = null;
      PrintWriter writer = null;
      String serviceKey = null;
      try {
        BufferedReader in = req.getReader();
        String line = null;
        while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
           if (bodyContent == null) bodyContent = new StringBuffer();
     } catch (Exception e) {

         HttpSession session = null;
         // it really does not make sense to use create session with require session as
         // the create session will always result in a session created and the requireSession
         // will always succeed. Leaving the logic for now.
         if (createSession) {
            session = req.getSession(true);
         if (requireSession) {
            // check to see if there was a session created for this request
            // if not assume it was from another domain and blow up
            // Wrap this to prevent Portlet exeptions
            session = req.getSession(false);
            if (session == null) {
         serviceKey = req.getParameter("id");
         // only to preven regressions - Remove before 1.0
         if (serviceKey == null) serviceKey = req.getParameter("key");
         // check if the services have been loaded or if they need to be reloaded
         if (services == null || configUpdated()) {
         String urlString = null;
         String xslURLString = null;
         String userName = null;
         String password = null;
         String format = "json";
         String callback = req.getParameter("callback");
         String urlParams = req.getParameter("urlparams");
         String countString = req.getParameter("count");
         boolean passthrough = false;
         // encode the url to prevent spaces from being passed along
         if (urlParams != null) {
            urlParams = urlParams.replace(' ', '+');
         // get the headers to pass through
         Map headers = null;
         // Forward all request headers starting with the header token jmaki-
         // and chop off the jmaki-
         Enumeration hnum = req.getHeaderNames();

         // test hack

         while (hnum.hasMoreElements()) {
            String name = (String)hnum.nextElement();
            if (name.startsWith(headerToken))
               if (headers == null) headers = new HashMap();

               String value = "";
               // handle multi-value headers
               Enumeration vnum = req.getHeaders(name);
               while (vnum.hasMoreElements()) {
                  value += (String)vnum.nextElement();
                  if (vnum.hasMoreElements()) value += ";";
               String sname = name.substring(headerToken.length(), name.length());
            else if(name.startsWith(testToken))
               // hack test capabilities for authentication
               if("xtest-user".equals(name)) userName = req.getHeader("xtest-user");
               if("xtest-pass".equals(name)) password = req.getHeader("xtest-pass");
            String actualServiceKey = serviceKey != null ? serviceKey : "default";
            if (services.has(actualServiceKey))
               JSONObject service = services.getJSONObject(actualServiceKey);
               String serviceURL = service.getString("url");
                  throw new IllegalArgumentException("xhp.json: service url is mising");

               if (service.has("passthrough")) passthrough =

               if (service.has("username")) userName = service.getString("username");
               if (service.has("password")) password = service.getString("password");

               String apikey = "";
               if (service.has("apikey")) apikey = service.getString("apikey");
               if (service.has("xslStyleSheet")) xslURLString = service.getString("xslStyleSheet");

               // default to the service default if no url parameters are specified
                  if (urlParams == null && service.has("defaultURLParams")) {
                     urlParams = service.getString("defaultURLParams");

                  // build the URL
                  if (urlParams != null && serviceURL.indexOf("?") == -1){
                     serviceURL += "?";
                  } else  if (urlParams != null) {
                     serviceURL += "&";

                  urlString = serviceURL + apikey;
                  if (urlParams != null) urlString += "&" + urlParams;

                  // override service url and url params
                  String path = req.getPathInfo();
                  path = path.substring(path.indexOf("xhp/")+3, path.length());

                  urlString = serviceURL + path + "?" + req.getQueryString();
               writer = res.getWriter();
               if (serviceKey == null) writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet Error: id parameter specifying serivce required.");
               else writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet Error : service for id '" + serviceKey + "' not  found.");
         catch (Exception ex)
            getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet Error loading service: " + ex);

         Map paramsMap = new HashMap();
         paramsMap.put("format", format);
         // do not allow for xdomain unless the context level setting is enabled.
         if (callback != null && allowXDomain) {
            paramsMap.put("callback", callback);
         if (countString != null) {
            paramsMap.put("count", countString);

         InputStream xslInputStream = null;

         if (urlString == null) {
            writer = res.getWriter();
            writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet parameters:  id[Required] urlparams[Optional] format[Optional] callback[Optional]");
         // support for session properties and also authentication name
         if (urlString.indexOf("${") != -1) {
            urlString = processURL(urlString, req, res);
         // default to JSON
         out = res.getOutputStream();
         // get the stream for the xsl stylesheet
         if (xslURLString != null) {
            // check the web root for the resource
            URL xslURL = null;
            xslURL = ctx.getResource(resourcesDir + "xsl/"+ xslURLString);
            // if not in the web root check the classpath
            if (xslURL == null) {
               xslURL = XmlHttpProxyServlet.class.getResource(classpathResourcesDir + "xsl/" + xslURLString);
            if (xslURL != null) {
               xslInputStream  = xslURL.openStream();
            } else {
               String message = "Could not locate the XSL stylesheet provided for service id " +  serviceKey + ". Please check the XMLHttpProxy configuration.";
               try {
               } catch (java.io.IOException iox){

         if (!isPost)
            xhp.processRequest(urlString, out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, headers, method, userName, password);
            final String content = bodyContent != null ? bodyContent.toString() : "";
            if (bodyContent == null)
               getLogger().info("XmlHttpProxyServlet attempting to post to url " + urlString + " with no body content");
            xhp.doPost(urlString, out, xslInputStream, paramsMap, headers, content, req.getContentType(), userName, password);
      catch (Exception iox)
         getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet: caught " + iox);
         /*try {
            writer = res.getWriter();
            writer.write("XmlHttpProxyServlet error loading service for " + serviceKey + " . Please notify the administrator.");
         } catch (java.io.IOException ix) {
            if (out != null) out.close();
            if (writer != null) writer.close();
         } catch (java.io.IOException iox){}

   /* Allow for a EL style replacements in the serviceURL
    * The constant REMOTE_USER will replace the contents of ${REMOTE_USER}
    * with the return value of request.getRemoteUserver() if it is not null
    * otherwise the ${REMOTE_USER} is replaced with a blank.
    * If you use ${session.somekey} the ${session.somekey} will be replaced with
    * the String value of the session varialble somekey or blank if the session key
    * does not exist.
   private String processURL(String url, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) {
      String serviceURL = url;
      int start = url.indexOf("${");
      int end = url.indexOf("}", start);
      if (end != -1) {
         String prop = url.substring(start + 2, end).trim();
         // no matter what we will remove the ${}
         // default to blank like the JSP EL
         String replace = "";
         if (REMOTE_USER.equals(prop)) {
            if (req.getRemoteUser() != null) replace = req.getRemoteUser();
         if (prop.toLowerCase().startsWith("session.")) {
            String sessionKey = prop.substring("session.".length(), prop.length());
            if (req.getSession().getAttribute(sessionKey) != null) {
               // force to a string
               replace = req.getSession().getAttribute(sessionKey).toString();
         serviceURL = serviceURL.substring(0, start) +
               replace +
               serviceURL.substring(end + 1, serviceURL.length());
      // call recursively to process more than one instance of a ${ in the serviceURL
      if (serviceURL.indexOf("${") != -1) serviceURL = processURL(serviceURL, req, res);
      return serviceURL;

    * Check to see if the configuration file has been updated so that it may be reloaded.
   private boolean configUpdated() {
      try {
         URL url = ctx.getResource(resourcesDir + XHP_CONFIG);
         URLConnection con;
         if (url == null) return false ;
         con = url.openConnection();
         long lastModified = con.getLastModified();
         long XHP_LAST_MODIFIEDModified = 0;
         if (ctx.getAttribute(XHP_LAST_MODIFIED) != null) {
            XHP_LAST_MODIFIEDModified = ((Long)ctx.getAttribute(XHP_LAST_MODIFIED)).longValue();
         } else {
            ctx.setAttribute(XHP_LAST_MODIFIED, new Long(lastModified));
            return false;
         if (XHP_LAST_MODIFIEDModified < lastModified) {
            ctx.setAttribute(XHP_LAST_MODIFIED, new Long(lastModified));
            return true;
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         getLogger().severe("XmlHttpProxyServlet error checking configuration: " + ex);
      return false;

   public Logger getLogger() {
      if (logger == null) {
         logger = Logger.getLogger("jmaki.services.xhp.Log");
      return logger;

   private void logMessage(String message) {
      if (rDebug) {


/* Copyright 2006-2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.  You may not modify, use, reproduce, or distribute this software except in compliance with the terms of the License at:
 $Id: HttpClient.java 2631 2008-10-27 17:25:05Z heiko.braun@jboss.com $
*/package jmaki.xhp;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.net.*;
import java.util.logging.*;
import java.security.Security;

 * @author Yutaka Yoshida, Greg Murray
 * Minimum set of HTTPclient supporting both http and https.
 * It's aslo capable of POST, but it doesn't provide doGet because
 * the caller can just read the inputstream.
public class HttpClient {

   private static Logger logger;
   private String proxyHost = null;
   private int proxyPort = -1;
   private boolean isHttps = false;
   private boolean isProxy = false;
   private HttpURLConnection urlConnection = null;
   private Map headers;

    * @param phost PROXY host name
    * @param pport PROXY port string
    * @param url URL string
    * @param headers Map
   public HttpClient(
         String phost,
         int pport,
         String url,
         Map headers,
         String method)
         throws MalformedURLException
      if (phost != null && pport != -1)
         this.isProxy = true;

      this.proxyHost = phost;
      this.proxyPort = pport;

      if (url.trim().startsWith("https:")) {
         isHttps = true;

      this.urlConnection = getURLConnection(url);
      try {
      } catch (java.net.ProtocolException pe) {
         HttpClient.getLogger().severe("Unable protocol method to " + method + " : " + pe);
      this.headers = headers;
      // seat headers
      if (headers != null) {
         Iterator it = headers.keySet().iterator();
         if (it != null) {
            while (it.hasNext()) {
               String key = (String)it.next();
               String value = (String)headers.get(key);
               this.urlConnection.setRequestProperty (key, value);

    * @param phost PROXY host name
    * @param pport PROXY port string
    * @param url URL string
    * @param headers Map
    * @param userName string
    * @param password string
   public HttpClient(String phost,
                     int pport,
                     String url,
                     Map headers,
                     String method,
                     String userName,
                     String password)
         throws MalformedURLException {
         if (phost != null && pport != -1) {
            this.isProxy = true;

         this.proxyHost = phost;
         this.proxyPort = pport;
         if (url.trim().startsWith("https:")) {
            isHttps = true;
         this.urlConnection = getURLConnection(url);
         try {
         } catch (java.net.ProtocolException pe) {
            HttpClient.getLogger().severe("Unable protocol method to " + method + " : " + pe);
         // set basic authentication information
         String auth = userName + ":" +  password;
         String encoded = new sun.misc.BASE64Encoder().encode (auth.getBytes());
         // set basic authorization
         this.urlConnection.setRequestProperty ("Authorization", "Basic " + encoded);
         this.headers = headers;
         // seat headers
         if (headers != null) {
            Iterator it = headers.entrySet().iterator();
            if (it != null) {
               while (it.hasNext()) {
                  String key = (String)it.next();
                  String value = (String)headers.get(key);
                  this.urlConnection.setRequestProperty (key, value);
      } catch (Exception ex) {
         HttpClient.getLogger().severe("Unable to set basic authorization for " + userName  + " : " +ex);

    * private method to get the URLConnection
    * @param str URL string
   private HttpURLConnection getURLConnection(String str)
         throws MalformedURLException {
      try {

         if (isHttps) {
            /* when communicating with the server which has unsigned or invalid
            * certificate (https), SSLException or IOException is thrown.
            * the following line is a hack to avoid that
            Security.addProvider(new com.sun.net.ssl.internal.ssl.Provider());
            System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs", "com.sun.net.ssl.internal.www.protocol");
            if (isProxy) {
               System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", proxyHost);
               System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", proxyPort + "");
            if (isProxy)
               System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", proxyHost);
               System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", proxyPort  + "");

         URL url = new URL(str);
         HttpURLConnection uc = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();
         // if this header has not been set by a request set the user agent.
         if (headers == null ||
               (headers != null &&  headers.get("user-agent") == null)) {
            // set user agent to mimic a common browser
            String ua="Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)";
            uc.setRequestProperty("user-agent", ua);
         return uc;
      catch (MalformedURLException me)
         throw new MalformedURLException(str + " is not a valid URL");
      catch (Exception e)
         throw new RuntimeException("Unknown error creating UrlConnection: " + e);

    * returns the inputstream from URLConnection
    * @return InputStream
   public InputStream getInputStream() {
         // logger doesnt work, because it writes to stderr,
         // which causes GwtTest to interpret it as failure
               this.urlConnection.getRequestMethod()+ " " +
                     this.urlConnection.getURL() +": "+
         return (this.urlConnection.getInputStream());
      } catch (Exception e) {
         return null;

    * return the OutputStream from URLConnection
    * @return OutputStream
   public OutputStream getOutputStream() {

      try {
         return (this.urlConnection.getOutputStream());
      } catch (Exception e) {
         return null;

    * posts data to the inputstream and returns the InputStream.
    * @param postData data to be posted. must be url-encoded already.
    * @param contentType allows you to set the contentType of the request.
    * @return InputStream input stream from URLConnection
   public InputStream doPost(String postData, String contentType) {
      if (contentType != null) this.urlConnection.setRequestProperty( "Content-type", contentType );

      OutputStream os = this.getOutputStream();
      PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(os);
      return (this.getInputStream());

   public String getContentEncoding() {
      if (this.urlConnection == null) return null;
      return (this.urlConnection.getContentEncoding());
   public int getContentLength() {
      if (this.urlConnection == null) return -1;
      return (this.urlConnection.getContentLength());
   public String getContentType() {
      if (this.urlConnection == null) return null;
      return (this.urlConnection.getContentType());
   public long getDate() {
      if (this.urlConnection == null) return -1;
      return (this.urlConnection.getDate());
   public String getHeader(String name) {
      if (this.urlConnection == null) return null;
      return (this.urlConnection.getHeaderField(name));
   public long getIfModifiedSince() {
      if (this.urlConnection == null) return -1;
      return (this.urlConnection.getIfModifiedSince());

   public static Logger getLogger() {
      if (logger == null) {
         logger = Logger.getLogger("jmaki.xhp.Log");
      return logger;




    DeepSeek与AI幻觉-清华大学团队制作 一、什么是AI幻觉 (定义与基础概念) 二、DeepSeek为什么会产生幻觉 (聚焦特定AI模型的幻觉成因分析) 三、AI幻觉评测 (评估AI幻觉的频率、类型与影响的方法) 四、如何减缓AI幻觉 (解决方案与技术优化方向) 五、AI幻觉的创造力价值 (探讨幻觉在创新场景中的潜在益处,如艺术生成、灵感激发等)


    协同过滤算法商品推荐系统(源码+数据库+论文+ppt)java开发springboot框架javaweb,可做计算机毕业设计或课程设计 【功能需求】 前台用户可以实现注册登录、商品浏览,在线客服,加入购物车,加入收藏,下单购买,个人信息管理,收货信息管理,收藏管理,评论功能。 后台管理员可以进行用户管理、商品分类管理、商品信息管理、订单评价管理、系统管理、订单管理。 【环境需要】 1.运行环境:最好是java jdk 1.8,我们在这个平台上运行的。其他版本理论上也可以。 2.IDE环境:IDEA,Eclipse,Myeclipse都可以。 3.tomcat环境:Tomcat 7.x,8.x,9.x版本均可 4.数据库:MySql 5.7/8.0等版本均可; 【购买须知】 本源码项目经过严格的调试,项目已确保无误,可直接用于课程实训或毕业设计提交。里面都有配套的运行环境软件,讲解视频,部署视频教程,一应俱全,可以自己按照教程导入运行。附有论文参考,使学习者能够快速掌握系统设计和实现的核心技术。





    ChatGPT付费创作系统V3.1.3独立版 WEB端+H5端+小程序端 (新增DeepSeek高级通道+新的推理输出格式)

    GPT付费体验系统最新版系统是一款基于ThinkPHP框架开发的AI问答小程序, 是基于国外很火的ChatGPT进行开发的Ai智能问答小程序。这是一种基于人工智能技术的问答系统, 可以实现智能回答用户提出的问题。相比传统的问答系统,ChatGPT可以更加准确地理解用户的意图, 提供更加精准的答案。同时系统采用了最新的GPT3.5接口与GPT4模型,同时还支持型,文心一言,腾讯混元, 讯飞星火,通义千问,DeepSeeK,智普等等国内各种大模型,可以更好地适应不同的应用场景,支持站点无限多开, 可以说ChatGPT付费创作系统目前国内相对体验比较好的一款的ChatGPT及多接口软件系统。 新增接入DeepSeek-R1、DeepSeek-V3(Ollama自部署和第三方均支持)、高级通道增加DeepSeek、 支持AI接口输出的reasoning_content字段(新的推理输出格式)、更新模型库、修复导出Excel的bug等功能, 优化了云灵Midjourney接口,出图更快更稳定。小程序端变化不大该系统版本测试下来比较完美, 老版本升级时数据库结构同步下,同时把原来


    内容概要:本文档详细介绍了一款基于Java技术的美食点餐管理平台的设计与实现。该平台旨在优化传统餐饮行业的服务流程,通过智能化的点餐系统、高效的订单处理、智能库存管理和数据分析等功能,为用户提供便捷高效的点餐体验,并提升餐厅管理效率和服务质量。系统涵盖了前端设计、后端开发、数据库设计等方面,采用了成熟的Java技术和现代Web开发框架,如Spring Boot、Vue.js或React,确保系统的高效性和稳定性。此外,文档还包括详细的用户界面设计、模块实现以及系统部署指南,帮助开发者理解和搭建该平台。 适合人群:具备一定的Java编程基础和技术经验的研发人员、IT从业者以及有意开发类似系统的企业和个人。 使用场景及目标:①为餐厅提供一个集点餐、订单处理、库存管理于一体的高效平台;②优化传统餐饮服务流程,提升客户服务体验;③利用大数据分析辅助决策,助力餐饮企业精细化运营;④通过集成多种支付方式和其他外部系统,满足多样化的商业需求。 其他说明:本项目不仅提供了完整的技术方案和支持文档,还针对实际应用场景提出了多个扩展方向和技术优化思路,旨在引导用户不断迭代和完善该平台的功能和性能。

    相场模拟与激光制造技术:选择性激光烧结、激光融覆中的凝固与枝晶生长研究,相场模拟与激光制造技术:选择性激光烧结、激光融覆及凝固过程中的枝晶生长研究,相场模拟 选择性激光烧结 激光融覆 凝固 枝晶生长

    相场模拟与激光制造技术:选择性激光烧结、激光融覆中的凝固与枝晶生长研究,相场模拟与激光制造技术:选择性激光烧结、激光融覆及凝固过程中的枝晶生长研究,相场模拟 选择性激光烧结 激光融覆 凝固 枝晶生长 ,相场模拟; 选择性激光烧结; 激光融覆; 凝固; 枝晶生长,相场模拟与激光工艺:枝晶生长的凝固过程研究


    项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行;功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用




    项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行,功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用


    项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行;功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用






    1、文件内容:openjpeg-1.5.1-18.el7.rpm以及相关依赖 2、文件形式:tar.gz压缩包 3、安装指令: #Step1、解压 tar -zxvf /mnt/data/output/openjpeg-1.5.1-18.el7.tar.gz #Step2、进入解压后的目录,执行安装 sudo rpm -ivh *.rpm 4、更多资源/技术支持:公众号禅静编程坊

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    基于 RAG 与大模型技术的医疗问答系统(毕设&课设&实训&大作业&竞赛&项目)

    基于 RAG 与大模型技术的医疗问答系统,利用 DiseaseKG 数据集与 Neo4j 构 建知识图谱,结合 BERT 的命名实体识别和 34b 大模型的意图识别,通过精确的知识检索和问答生成, 提升系统在医疗咨询中的性能,解决大模型在医疗领域应用的可靠性问题。.zip项目工程资源经过严格测试运行并且功能上ok,可实现复现复刻,拿到资料包后可实现复现出一样的项目,本人系统开发经验充足(全栈全领域),有任何使用问题欢迎随时与我联系,我会抽时间努力为您解惑,提供帮助 【资源内容】:包含源码+工程文件+说明等。答辩评审平均分达到96分,放心下载使用!可实现复现;设计报告也可借鉴此项目;该资源内项目代码都经过测试运行,功能ok 【项目价值】:可用在相关项目设计中,皆可应用在项目、毕业设计、课程设计、期末/期中/大作业、工程实训、大创等学科竞赛比赛、初期项目立项、学习/练手等方面,可借鉴此优质项目实现复刻,设计报告也可借鉴此项目,也可基于此项目来扩展开发出更多功能 【提供帮助】:有任何使用上的问题欢迎随时与我联系,抽时间努力解答解惑,提供帮助 【附带帮助】:若还需要相关开发工具、学习资料等,我会提供帮助,提供资料,鼓励学习进步 下载后请首先打开说明文件(如有);整理时不同项目所包含资源内容不同;项目工程可实现复现复刻,如果基础还行,也可在此程序基础上进行修改,以实现其它功能。供开源学习/技术交流/学习参考,勿用于商业用途。质量优质,放心下载使用

    基于 vue+elementUI+springboot 设计的 模仿'猪八戒'的服务外包平台.zip

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