You may have read that a lot of prominent people have recently moved to Git and are loving it. I too am one of those who fancy this new kid on the block but never got very far with the bundle I started for it.
Fortunately Tim Harper recently picked up on my initial efforts and has done a great job at not only making this bundle functional but also downright impressive :)
The much improved Git bundle can be found at Gitorious and discussion about it can be directed to its Google Group .
For those too lazy to click the link above, here are the short install instructions:
mkdir -p /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
cd !$
git clone git:// Git.tmbundle
osascript -e 'tell app "TextMate" to reload bundles'
After having installed it you can press ⌃⌘T
in TextMate and enter git
to find the “Administration → Update Git Bundle”
action. Use this to update the bundle (it will automatically reload after having performed the update).
If you encounter the problem:"sh: line 1: git: command not found" when excute ⌃⌘T command .
So, please :
Set the TM_GIT shell variable in the textmate preferences to your git executable to work to solve the command not found problem.
To find the path to your git binary, type "which git" on the command line. And of course, make sure Git is installed.
And then excute ⌃⌘T again or excute some git command in the modified document.
mkdir -p〜/ Library / Application \ Support / TextMate / Bundles cd〜/ Library / Application \ Support / TextMate / Bundles git clone :bguest / ANSYS-Textmate -Bundle.git ANSYS.tmbundle 要安装E-Text...
###Textmate 1 cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles git clone git:// Stylus.tmbundle osascript -e '告诉应用程序“TextMate”重新加载包' ...
DHH Ruby TextMate捆绑包安装 git clone git:// ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/dhh-ruby.tmbundle
此外,它还拥有丰富的插件生态系统,可以通过Bundle Manager安装和管理各种插件,扩展其功能,如支持新的编程语言、增加代码检查工具等。 5. **协作与分享** TextMate支持通过版本控制系统分享代码,或者使用...
用于突出显示合并冲突标记的 TextMate Bundle 这个包定义了一个简单的注入语法来突出显示所有文件类型的合并冲突标记。 安装 该包包含在 TextMate 的包索引中,因此只需转到首选项 → 包并确保选择“合并标记”。 ...
介绍 rstrip提供了一个ruby可执行文件,该文件可删除当前项目目录中的尾随空白。 它还会删除文件末尾的空行。... textmate bundle或marco的问题在于,它们仅在您编辑和保存文件后才修改文件,这使得提交变得更难
用法在Textmate中,选择文本,按Cmd + Shift + C,然后转到Keynote并粘贴Cmd + V安装mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundlescd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundlesgit clone git:/...
Bundle转换而来,从v0到v1保持不变。 最新更新为v0.2。 看: MATLAB语言支持(v1.0.0 +) 语法高亮来自MathWorks TextMate语法: 提交哈希:MATLAB-Language-grammar用于当前语法版本 屏幕快照示例:包含的文件的...
##安装说明git clone ~/Desktop/JavascriptNext.tmbundle 然后双击打开,TextMate会提示你是否要安装这个bundle 这是一项正在进行的工作,因为我开始在 TextMate 中...
cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone git:// 然后在您的 ~/.vimrc 中,添加以下行: colorscheme SpacegrayEighties 相关链接 这是使用 Textmate 主题的 Gem 生成的。 我也...
安装cd任何地方和git clone 双击ooc.tmbundle文件Textmate会自动打开安装重要的为了让这个 bundle 正确地运行文件,你需要在 Textmate -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Shell Variables 中添加一个ROCK shell 变量。...