When doing the merge&branch, we will following the below principle.
The Branch-When-Needed system
(This is the system used by the Subversion project.)
- Users commit their day-to-day work on /trunk.
- Rule #1: /trunk must compile and pass regression tests at all times. Committers who violate this rule are publically humiliated.
- Rule #2: a single commit (changeset) must not be so large so as to discourage peer-review.
- Rule #3: if rules #1 and #2 come into conflict (i.e. it's impossible to make a series of small commits without disrupting the trunk), then the user should create a branch and commit a series of smaller changesets there. This allows peer-review without disrupting the stability of /trunk.
Pros: /trunk is guaranteed to be stable at all times. The hassle of branching/merging is somewhat rare.
Cons: Adds a bit of burden to users' daily work: they must compile and test before every commit.
We have two scenarios which need us use the merge and branch commands.
- Coding Tasks of Different Priority
- We have two type of coding jobs, bug fixes and enhancement. In general, bug fix is urgent and can be fixed quickly by us. In this case, we need to do a quick deployment within a week. At the same time, the trunk might be used by another guy working on long term enhancement for another 2 weeks or 3 weeks. In this case, we have to do the bug fix on a branch and merge the changes later to trunk. This is the release branch mentioned in the svn reference manual.
- Two persons working on the same type coding jobs.
- This is the feature branch mentioned in the chapter 4 of svn reference manual. In this case, if two persons work on the enhancement or bug fix on the same application, we recommend they create their own branches for their own fix.
Solutions for Scenario: Two Engineers Work at BugFix on the Same Application.
For example, Larry has made a release plan containing bug Fixes on the application CD.He made a tracking bug 1234 which has bug12341, bug12342 and bug12343. The bug 12341 is assigned to Rui and 12342 and 12343 are for James. So the work flows are as below.
Let say the latest release is RELEASE-20070510-092000-OFFLINE-CORPORATEDIRECTORY
- Create a Branch For Rui
- Create a Branch For James
- Create a Branch to merge the changes from Rui and James later.
- If the coding is done on any of sub-bugzilla ticket like bug12342, update issue tracker (bugzilla) with the branch information and saying you have done of the fix at this. So QA can take action on QA. If the QA is not passed. The developer has to continue this fix until it is fixed at last.
- When all the bug fixes are done for a person, the branch of that person can be merged into the branch BugFix-1234 by Larry. Let me take Rui's branch as an example.
Solutions for Scenario: Two Engineers Work at Enhancement on the Same Application.
The difference btw. this scenario and the last scenario are as below.
- The name convention is different. In the bug fix, the branch name is BUGFIX-{BugNumber}-Username;whereas, in enhancement the branch name would be Ehancement-{BugNumber_-Username.
- The bug fix normally take little time. So we dont need to update the branch with the latest trunk information; whereas, the enhancement might take longer period. In this case, we need to update the branch with the changeset of trunk within every week.
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内容概要:报告详细介绍了企业数字化转型的驱动因素、数字化转型方案分类及其应用场景,重点关注了云计算、超连接、数字孪生、人工智能、分布式账本、增材制造、人机接口、数据共享、工业物联网等关键技术。这些技术不仅支持了企业的运营效率提升和业务模式创新,也为实现更快、更开放、更高效的数字化转型提供了支撑。报告最后提出了企业实施数字化转型的六个步骤。 适合人群:企业高级管理人员、技术人员、咨询顾问,以及对工业数字化转型感兴趣的读者。 使用场景及目标:帮助企业制定和实施数字化转型策略,优化运营模式,提升业务效率,增强市场竞争力。同时,也可作为政府部门、研究机构和行业协会的参考文献。 其他说明:报告中提到的关键技术及其应用场景对企业数字化转型具有重要的指导意义,特别是对于那些希望通过数字化转型实现业务创新和升级的企业。
安装前的准备 1、安装Python:确保你的计算机上已经安装了Python。你可以在命令行中输入python --version或python3 --version来检查是否已安装以及安装的版本。 个人建议:在anaconda中自建不同python版本的环境,方法如下(其他版本照葫芦画瓢): 比如创建python3.8环境,anaconda命令终端输入:conda create -n py38 python==3.8 2、安装pip:pip是Python的包管理工具,用于安装和管理Python包。你可以通过输入pip --version或pip3 --version来检查pip是否已安装。 安装WHL安装包 1、打开命令行(或打开anaconda命令行终端): 在Windows上,你可以搜索“cmd”或“命令提示符”并打开它。 在macOS或Linux上,你可以打开“终端”。 2、cd到whl文件所在目录安装: 使用cd命令导航到你下载的whl文件所在的文件夹。 终端输入:pip install xxx.whl安装即可(xxx.whl指的是csdn下载解压出来的whl) 3、等待安装完成: 命令行会显示安装进度,并在安装完成后返回提示符。 以上是简单安装介绍,小白也能会,简单好用,从此再也不怕下载安装超时问题。 使用过程遇到问题可以私信,我可以帮你解决! 收起
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本压缩包资源说明,你现在往下拉可以看到压缩包内容目录 我是批量上传的基于SpringBoot+Vue的项目,所以描述都一样;有源码有数据库脚本,系统都是测试过可运行的,看文件名即可区分项目~ |Java|SpringBoot|Vue|前后端分离| 开发语言:Java 框架:SpringBoot,Vue JDK版本:JDK1.8 数据库:MySQL 5.7+(推荐5.7,8.0也可以) 数据库工具:Navicat 开发软件: idea/eclipse(推荐idea) Maven包:Maven3.3.9+ 系统环境:Windows/Mac
本压缩包资源说明,你现在往下拉可以看到压缩包内容目录 我是批量上传的基于SpringBoot+Vue的项目,所以描述都一样;有源码有数据库脚本,系统都是测试过可运行的,看文件名即可区分项目~ |Java|SpringBoot|Vue|前后端分离| 开发语言:Java 框架:SpringBoot,Vue JDK版本:JDK1.8 数据库:MySQL 5.7+(推荐5.7,8.0也可以) 数据库工具:Navicat 开发软件: idea/eclipse(推荐idea) Maven包:Maven3.3.9+ 系统环境:Windows/Mac