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version 自动增长的 你手动设值 相比之前的值已经变化 ...
Row was updated or deleted by another transaction (or unsaved-value mapping was -
Java中从一个ArrayList删除重复的元素 -
The application has stopped unexpectedly -
The application has stopped unexpectedly -
您好,我zend也配了,怎么就是不能正常调试呢?是不会用在EP ...
安装EPP的调试Zend Debugger
Consider an enterprise application in which a user can place purchase orders for some parts and request price quotes from various suppliers. In this case, the user may click several buttons, resulting in server-side calls to one or more destinations. On each click event of the button, a RemoteObject sends a new request to the server. The user hits this button several times to place several orders, which in turn initiates the same number of remote calls. The user can also click different buttons, initiating calls to different destinations. Because of the asynchronous nature of remote calls in Flex, the results from each call can arrive at random times. When each result arrives to the client, it triggers a result event, which obediently calls the result handler function written by an application programmer. So far, so good. Here’s the million-dollar question: how can the application code map arriving result objects back to the initial requesters if they can come back to the client in an arbitrary order? The fact that you place an order to purchase a Sony TV first and a DVD player 10 seconds afterward doesn’t guarantee that results will arrive to your Flex application in the same order. The goal of the Asynchronous Token pattern is to properly route the processing on the client in response to the data arriving asynchronously from the server. Because AsyncToken is a dynamic class, you can add any properties to this class during runtime, as is done with orderNumber in Example 2-20. You can also add one or more responders that will provide the result handling. Adding responders on the token level simplifies memory management. Example 2-20. Using the AsyncToken class AsyncToken is a local object. It is identified by a messageId that is passed with the request to the server. When the server responds, it includes a correlationId property in the message header, and Flex automatically calls the appropriate AsyncToken responders in the order they were defined. Example 2-20 calls the function send(), which starts with creating the AsyncToken instance. Then, you'll attach as many properties to this instance as you need. You may get the impression that something is not right�the values are being assigned to the instance of the token after the request has been sent to the server for execution. If so, when the result in the form of an AsyncToken comes back, it shouldn't contain values such as orderNumber and references to the responders, right? Wrong. In Example 2-20 , two responders were added to the placeOrder() request. In the case of successful order placement, two functions will be called: processOrderPlaced() and createShipment(). In the case of errors, the function processOrderFault()will be called. You can add an instance of a Responder object to a token on the fly, as was done in the earlier code snippet, or your can provide an existing instance of a class that implements the IResponder interface—that is, that has the functions result() and fault(). In the more traditional way of programming client/server communications, you define the handlers for results and faults: But using AsyncToken, you can assign the handlers during runtime as was done in Example 2-20 , which gives your application additional flexibility. At some point in time, the result will come back to the client and you can retrieve the token from the property ResultEvent.token and examine its dynamic properties (just the orderNumber in your case) that were originally added to the token: Using the Asynchronous Token design pattern allows Flex to efficiently map associated requests and responses without the need to introduce a multithreaded environment and create some mapping tables to avoid mixing up requests and responses.
private function sendOrder(/*arguments go here*/):void{
var token: AsyncToken = ord.placeOrder({item:"Sony TV"});
token.responder = new Responder(processOrderPlaced, processOrderFault);
token.addResponder(new Responder(createShipment,processOrderFault));
Flash Player executes your application’s requests in cycles driven by frame events. First, it performs the requests related to the modifications of the UI, then it gives a slice of time to process the application’s ActionScript code, and only after that does it take care of the network requests, if any. This means that all the code in the previous snippet will complete before the call ord.placeOrder({item:"Sony TV"}) is made. Always remember that from the developer’s perspective, Flex applications are single-threaded and responses are handled within each such cycle—even if the underlying communications are multithreaded.
To see a different way of assigning a responder, please revisit the code in Example 1-6 that demonstrates how Cairngorm’s Delegateclass adds a Command object as a responder. Sure enough, the Command object implements result() and fault() methods.
<mx:RemoteObject id="ord" destination="Orders" result="processOrderPlaced(event)" fault="processOrderFault(event)"/>
private function processOrderPlaced(event:ResultEvent):void {
myOrderNumber:Object = event.token.orderNumber;
// if myOrderNumber is 12345, process it accordingly
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这个压缩包“java-design-patterns-master”显然是一个专注于Java设计模式的学习资源,旨在帮助开发者深入理解和应用这些模式。下面我们将详细探讨Java设计模式及其在实际开发中的应用。 1. **单例模式(Singleton...
Kasampalis -- Mastering Python Design Patterns -- 2015 -- code.7z
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Design Patterns-Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software 英文无水印pdf pdf所有页面使用FoxitReader和PDF-XChangeViewer测试都可以打开 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 本资源...
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With Learning JavaScript Design Patterns, you’ll learn how to write beautiful, structured, and maintainable JavaScript by applying classical and modern design patterns to the language. If you want to...
《Head First设计模式》是一本深受开发者喜爱的设计模式入门书籍,其官方源码库"Head-First-Design-Patterns-master.zip"包含了书中所讲解的各种设计模式的实际代码示例,旨在帮助读者更深入地理解并应用这些模式。...
Design Patterns-Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software + 源代碼
"Laracasts - design-patterns-in-php.torrent"则可能是一个BT种子文件,用于通过BitTorrent协议下载整个课程的大型数据包,这通常包括所有视频讲座和其他相关文件。 在课程"设计模式在PHP中"中,你可能会学到以下...
b站李建忠讲的C/C+设计模式的ppt, ... 设计模式(Design pattern)是一套被反复使用、多数人知晓的、经过分类编目的、代码设计经验的总结。使用设计模式是为了可重用代码、让代码更容易被他人理解、保证代码可靠性。
Leverage the power of Python design patterns to solve real-world problems in software architecture and design
Chapter 2, Node.js Essential Patterns, introduces the first steps towards asynchronous coding and design patterns with Node.js discussing and comparing callbacks and the event emitter (observer ...
**设计模式**(Design Patterns)是软件工程中的一个重要概念,它是一套被反复使用、多数人知晓的、经过分类编目的、代码设计经验的总结。本章节将从多个角度对设计模式进行深入探讨。 #### 二、设计模式的基本定义 ...
The topic of Design Patterns sounds dry, academically constipated and, in all honesty, done to death in almost every programming language imaginable—including programming languages such as JavaScript...