关于LibJacket与OpenCV的对比,我看到网上有来自LibJacket团队mcclanahoochie大神的:OpenCV vs. LibJacket: GPU Sobel Filtering,以及来自anatoly大神的 OpenCV vs LibJacket,其中anatoly的来自blogspot,这里转贴一下,供大家参考讨论。
Recently mcclanahoochie noticed that our OpenCV GPU module shows not the best performance of Sobel filtering and DTF-based convolution. He posted simple compassion here. I want to thank him for pointing this. I appreciate any help to make OpenCV GPU better.
To the moment we’ve updated our code (available in svn trunk r6881) and done our own comparison using the same benchmark code with only difference that we use buffered version of OpenCV’s functions in order not to allocate GPU memory inside each time (http://pastebin.com/W41RwPnu).
Update: we tested using Libjacket v1.0.1 (build dd66add) by AccelerEyes
Let’s look at plots. DFT based performance is approximately the same for Fermi.

For pre-Fermi:

Filtering performance. Now for small kernels OpenCV behaves much better than before.

Oh… definitely not primary target platform for us. But much better than before.

I omitted above comparison for convolve() for kernel sizes 27 and 32. Just we’ve got some strange results here. Maybe we did something wrong with LibJacket. mcclanahoochie’s numbers are much lower, and we asked what he thinks about this in comments of his post.

例如,Joe Stam的演讲“使用GPU加速扩展OpenCV”,Anton Obukhov的“使用OpenCV在GPU上的计算机视觉”,James Fung的同主题演讲,Shalini Gupta的“使用GPU加速计算机视觉的OpenCV”,以及Anatoly Baksheev的“使用...
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- **Anatoly Vorobey**:Technion University, Haifa, Israel的研究人员。他表示这本书比他所见过的其他Java书籍都要好得多,甚至可以用“高出一个数量级”来形容。书中包含了很多简洁明了的例子以及智能而非简单的...
- **Anatoly Vorobey**(Technion大学,以色列)认为本书“非常完整,例证精炼,解释清晰”。 - **Joakim Ziegler**(FIX系统管理员)称其为“所见过的最佳编程教程之一”。 - **Dr. Gavin Pillay**(King Edward ...
2. **Anatoly Vorobey** (Technion University, Haifa, Israel) - 推荐理由:相比其他Java书籍,本书更全面、成熟、精确。 - 特别亮点:实例讲解简洁到位,解释清晰而不简化。 3. **Joakim Ziegler** (FIX sysop)...
- Anatoly Vorobey(以色列理工学院):这本书非常完整,包含了大量直击要点的例子和智能而非简化的解释。 - Joakim Ziegler(FIX系统管理员):这是我看过的最好的编程教程之一。 - Dr. Gavin Pillay(南非国王...
- **阿纳托利·沃罗别伊(Anatoly Vorobey)**:以色列海法技术大学的学者,他认为这本书非常完整,包含优秀的实例和深入浅出的解释,与其他Java书籍相比更为成熟、一致且准确。 - **乔金·齐格勒(Joakim Ziegler)...