Developing a Custom Logon Screen
The SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) Java ships with a standard set of logon screens. SAP bundles these screens into the logon user interface (UI) application The application includes for example, the logon screen and the password help screen. You can change these screens to reflect your company’s look and feel. This procedure describes how to import the default logon UI application into the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio from the AS Java, modify the application, and deploy the customized application to your AS Java. This enables you to customize the existing application to meet your needs instead of creating a brand new logon UI.
If you only want to make minor changes to the logon screen, such as changing the branding images, see SAP Help Portal Logon Screen Customization.
This procedure requires you to restart the AS Java, so you should plan for the required downtime while the AS Java restarts.
1. Import the WAR file of the default logon user interface application into the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio.
To import the WAR file, choose File ® Import and navigate to the default logon UI application under the following path:
To avoid inconsistencies in class references, add the class folder of the logon logic application to the libraries of the Java build path of the imported logon UI application.
You can find the class folder of the default logon logic application under the following path:
2. Change the content of the imported WAR file as needed.
3. Create a new EAR Application Project project and include the module of the default logon UI application.
a. To start the EAR Application Project wizard, choose File ® New ® Project, and select Enterprise Application Project from the J2EE folder.
b. Add the module of the default logon UI application to the project.
4. In the EAR, view the General tab of the file <project_name>/EARContent/META-INF/application-j2ee-engine.xml.
a. Enter a provider name for your application.
The provider name defines your namespace where your applications reside on the AS Java.
If you enter, the application deploys to the following path:
b. Choose References and choose with the quick info text Add element.
c. Choose Create new and enter the required data.
Reference Data for the Logon Application
Field Name |
Data |
Reference target | |
Reference type |
hard |
Reference target type |
application |
Provider name | |
5. In the EAR, edit the file <project_name>/EARContent/META-INF/application.xml, and define the URL alias and for your custom logon UI.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
6. Deploy the application.
7. Change the user management engine (UME) property ume.logon.application.ui_resources_alias to the URL alias of the new application.
For more information about editing UME properties, see Editing UME Properties.
8. Restart the AS Java.
The following is an example of the file application-j2ee-engine.xml with a hard reference to the default logon application and as the provider name.
· <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> |
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