木其工作室 QQ 928900200
Assignment 2: Shortest Paths in Graphs
Write a Java program that implements Dijkstra's algorithm to find shortest paths to all vertices in a
directed weighted graph from a given starting vertex.
As mentioned in the lectures, choosing an implementation for the data structure representing a
graph is highly dependent on the sparsity of the graph. For dense graphs, an adjacency matrix
representation is preferable, but for sparse graphs, an adjacency list representation may be more
efficient. You are asked to implement either the adjacency list or adjacency matrix representation
for graphs in your program. If you choose to extend you implementation from Lab03 then it will
need account for weighted edges.
Your program should (a) read in data defining a graph from a text file, (b) build an adjacency list OR
matrix representation of the weighted graph and (c) use the graph representation to find shortest
paths from a specified vertex in the graph to all other vertices, using Dijkstra’s algorithm*.
In addition, you should (d) provide documentation for your program describing how to run it, and
explaining how the code works. You should also justify your choice of data structures*, and details of
your code implementation, in terms of space and time efficiency.
*(e) Use both a standard List and Java’s builtin PriorityQueue for the storing the list of distances
from the given starting vertex to other vertices compare the performance (e.g. runtime, memory,
(f) Implement your own Priority Queue class using a Heap as described in lectures and tutorials.
Compare your implementation with the List and built-in PriorityQueue compare. Implementing your
own priority queue should allow you to make optimizations specific to the Dijkstra’s Algorithm (e.g.
not being generic) that the Java PriorityQueue must maintain to be widely usable.
Marking Guide
It is expected that all students attempt parts (a)-(f). All students should be able to complete parts
(a)-(d) and most should be able to complete part (e). Part (f) is potentially more challenging. The
table below gives an indication as to the distribution of marks to the parts of the assignment
described above.
Part Weight (100%) Weight (15%)
a 5 2
b 20 3
c 25 3
d 20 3
e 20 3
f 10 2
Data Format: There are five example files (in Assignment02-data.zip) provided as example
input files. Feel free to test your program with your own files as well. The data format is as follows:
The first line contains the number of vertices.
Every line after that represents all edges going out from a particular vertex. The first number on each
line is the number of the vertex. After that, there are a number of pairs of integers. The first integer
is the index of a vertex connected to the first vertex in the line. The second integer is the weight of
the edge connecting those two vertices.
For example, if the text file content is:
1 2 18 3 12
2 1 22
3 2 16 4 14 4 1 31
then this means that there are 4 vertices, numbered 1 to 4. Vertex 1 has an edge to vertex 2, with
weight 18, and an edge to vertex 3 with weight 12. Vertex 2 has an edge back to vertex 1, but its
weight is 22 (because this is a directed graph, if there is an edge from A to B, it doesn’t mean that
there is an edge from B to A, or if there is, the weights don’t need to be the same).
Output: The graph in graphPosLittle.txt has size of 10 vertices. If coded correctly, a call to find
shortest paths from vertex 1 should produce the following output:
Shortest path to 1: 1: cost = 0
Shortest path to 2: 1 2: cost = 6
Shortest path to 3: 1 7 9 10 4 8 5 3: cost = 35
Shortest path to 4: 1 7 9 10 4: cost = 21
Shortest path to 5: 1 7 9 10 4 8 5: cost = 28
Shortest path to 6: 1 7 9 10 4 8 5 3 6: cost = 37
Shortest path to 7: 1 7: cost = 6
Shortest path to 8: 1 7 9 10 4 8: cost = 25
Shortest path to 9: 1 7 9: cost = 11
Shortest path to 10: 1 7 9 10: cost = 15
Submission of Assignment
Submission will be via FLO. A single zip file containing all source code and required documents. If
there are any special requirements for running the program these should be detailed somewhere,
preferably in separate document about running your program. Additional documents should be in
PDF format. If you have utilised additional data files for your assignment and they are too large to
upload to FLO then provide a link in your documentation.
在Java实现迪杰斯特拉算法时,我们可能需要以下数据结构: - `Graph`类:表示图,包含节点和边。 - `Node`类:表示图中的节点,存储节点的值和到起点的距离。 - `Edge`类:表示图中的边,包含两个节点和权重。 - `...
运行上述Java程序并输出结果后,检查每个顶点对之间的最短路径是否正确。 总结,Floyd最短路径算法通过动态规划的思想,逐步增加中间节点,逐步完善最短路径信息。在Java中实现时,主要利用了二维数组来存储图的...
本篇文章将深入探讨如何使用Java编程语言解决最短路径问题,并结合提供的文件"最短路径"进行分析。 首先,我们要了解几种常见的最短路径算法,包括Dijkstra算法、Bellman-Ford算法以及Floyd-Warshall算法。其中,...
读取这些信息后,构建图的数据结构,如邻接矩阵或邻接表。 2. **处理数据**:根据所选的最短路径算法处理图数据,计算最短路径。 3. **写入输出文件**:使用`PrintWriter`类将计算结果写入新的文件。输出可能包括...
本话题将聚焦于数据结构中的“最短路径”问题,并探讨如何使用Java语言来实现这一功能。最短路径问题广泛应用于网络路由、地图导航、物流配送等领域,其核心在于寻找两个节点之间的最小成本路径。 首先,我们需要...
2. 算法实现:Dijkstra算法或Floyd-Warshall算法的Java代码实现,包括数据结构的初始化、路径更新、节点状态管理等。 3. 输入与输出:读取图的结构信息,可能来自于文件或用户输入,然后输出最短路径结果。 4. 错误...
压缩包中的"RoadGraph"可能是一个数据结构或者类,用于表示道路网络的图模型。它可能包含了节点、边以及它们之间的连接信息,以及一些辅助方法用于进行最短路径计算。 总的来说,实现基于GDAL的最短路径计算,需要...
图的结构建立与最短路径算法是图论中两个核心概念,主要应用于网络优化、路径规划等领域。本文将深入探讨这两个主题。 首先,我们来理解什么是图的结构建立。图是由顶点(或节点)和边(或弧)构成的数据结构,用来...
本项目以"图-最短路径-可视化.zip"为主题,利用Java编程语言实现了一个图形用户界面(GUI)来演示如何找出图中任意两点间的最短路径。 首先,我们要了解图的基本概念。图是由顶点(节点)和边(连接节点的线)构成...
最短路径问题是图论研究中的一个经典算法问题, 旨在寻找图(由结点和路径组成的)中两结点之间的最短路径。 算法具体的形式包括: 确定起点的最短路径问题 - 即已知起始结点,求最短路径的问题。 [1] 确定终点的...