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你好。。请问你解决了么?我刚开始搞wap开发,用xhtml来, ...
ASP.NET Mobile Web Form 怎么设置背景图呢? -
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Windows mobile HTMLCtrl can not support WML ? -
注意: 监控的文件夹名称最后不能有 \
windows mobile 监控 文件夹
最近在研究Windows mobile的时候,想自己做一个弹出类似程序启动时候的小图标,于是查了一下Windows mobile 5的SDK手册。
发现Shows how to establish the shape of a wait cursor. 这个例子。于是详看了一下。
A cursor is a small bit image that reflects the position of a pointing device.
Because standard cursors are predefined, it is unnecessary to create them. To use a standard cursor, an application retrieves a cursor handle by calling the LoadCursor function. A cursor handle is a unique value of the HCURSOR type that identifies a standard or custom cursor.
The following code example shows the syntax for the LoadCursor function.
HCURSOR LoadCursor( HINSTANCE hInstance, // Handle to the application instance LPCTSTR lpCursorName // Name string or cursor resource identifier );
Here, hInstance is a handle to an instance of the module whose executable file contains the cursor to be loaded, and lpCursorName is a pointer to the name of the cursor to be loaded. It can also point to a resource identifier. To use a predefined cursor, the application must set hInstance to NULL and lpCursorName to one of the predefined cursor values.
Windows CE–based platforms implement cursors in different ways depending on the platform configuration. For example, on many Windows CE–based platforms, users interact with applications by tapping the stylus on the screen; because there is no mouse, there is no need for a cursor to indicate the current mouse position. Target platforms not requiring mouse support typically implement Iconcurs.dll. This component enables you to specify only the wait cursor when calling the LoadCursor function. Applications should display the wait cursor when executing a command that renders the current window or the system unresponsive to user input. To establish the shape of a wait cursor, you must call the SetCursor function in conjunction with the LoadCursor function. The following code example shows how to establish the shape of a wait cursor.
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
Target platforms that support mouse cursors typically include Mcursor.dll. This component implements cursors similar to Windows-based desktop platforms; all standard cursors, except color cursors, are available when calling the LoadCursor function. Windows CE also supports custom cursors.
To create a custom cursor
- Draw the cursor by using a graphics application.
- Include the cursor as a resource in the application resource-definition
Using a cursor resource avoids device dependence, simplifies localization, and enables applications to share cursor designs.
- Call LoadCursor
at run time to retrieve the cursor handle.
Cursor resources contain data for several different display devices. The LoadCursor function automatically selects the most appropriate data for the current display device. To load a cursor directly from a .cur or .ani file, use the LoadCursorFromFile function instead of the LoadCursor function.
Once you create and load a cursor, you can hide and redisplay the cursor, without changing the cursor design, by using the ShowCursor function. This function uses an internal counter to determine when to hide or display the cursor. An attempt to show the cursor increments the counter; an attempt to hide the cursor decrements the counter. The cursor is visible only if this counter is greater than or equal to zero.
Additionally, you can change the design of the cursor by using the SetCursor function and specifying a different cursor handle.
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_NO));
Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
btnLogin.Enabled = false;
catch (Exception exp)
MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "错误");
Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
btnLogin.Enabled = true;
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### Windows Mobile编程起步详解 #### 引言 随着科技的发展,移动设备的普及与功能日益增强,Windows Mobile作为微软在移动操作系统领域的代表作,曾一度成为业界关注的焦点。对于开发者而言,掌握Windows Mobile...
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现在Microsoft发布了Visual Studio 2005,这使Windows Mobile编译环境的搭建变得简单的多。下面我就详细地说明搭建Windows Mobile SmartPhone 5.0开发环境及一个简单的程序生成。
在Windows Mobile编程中,开发者需要了解各种特定的API和机制来实现特定功能。以下是对给定文件内容的详细解析: 1. **LED控制**: - Windows Mobile 6的SDK提供了两个API来操控LED,即NLedGetDeviceInfo和...
在这个压缩包中,有两个文件:一个名为“Windows Mobile编程起步.doc”的文档,可能是详细的教程或指南;另一个是“www.pudn.com.txt”,这可能是一个链接或资源说明,通常在论坛或资源分享网站上常见。 Windows ...
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Windows Mobile编程是移动设备应用程序开发的重要领域,尤其在Visual Studio 2005发布后,这一过程变得更加便捷。本文旨在为初学者提供一个清晰的起点,逐步介绍如何搭建Windows Mobile SmartPhone 5.0开发环境,并...
### Windows Mobile编程起步 随着微软发布的Visual Studio 2005,Windows Mobile的开发环境变得更加易于搭建。本文将详细介绍如何配置Windows Mobile SmartPhone 5.0的开发环境以及创建一个简单的应用程序。 #### ...
在IT行业中,Windows Mobile编程是指针对微软开发的移动操作系统进行应用程序设计和开发的过程。Windows Mobile曾经是企业级设备和智能手机的常见平台,虽然现在已被Windows Phone和更现代的Android、iOS系统取代,...
Windows Mobile 编程起步是指在 Windows Mobile 平台上进行软件开发的起步阶段。在这个阶段,开发者需要搭建 Windows Mobile 开发环境,并生成一个简单的程序。在这个过程中,开发者需要安装 Visual Studio 2005、...
在Windows Mobile 6平台上开发蓝牙应用是一个涉及到移动设备硬件交互、API调用和协议栈理解的技术过程。Windows Mobile 6是微软为智能手机和平板电脑设计的操作系统,它提供了丰富的API接口,包括支持蓝牙功能的接口...
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Windows Mobile编程是针对微软开发的一种移动操作系统,主要应用于智能手机和平板电脑。随着Visual Studio 2005的发布,Windows Mobile的开发环境变得更加便捷。本文将详细介绍如何搭建Windows Mobile SmartPhone ...
而"MicrosoftWindowsMobile设备中心forVista64-bit__PCHome软件介绍.txt"则是一份文本文件,很可能包含了对Windows Mobile设备中心的详细说明,包括软件的使用方法、注意事项以及可能的系统要求。 在实际使用过程中...
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Windows Mobile是一款由微软公司开发的移动操作系统,它曾经在智能手机领域占据重要地位,为开发者提供了丰富的平台来构建移动应用程序。本资料集中的"WindowsMobile5 金典源码"是研究Windows Mobile系统内核、应用...
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