
bea weblogic HttpClusterServlet配置



Table 8-3 HttpClusterServlet Parameters



Default Value


(Required) A list of host names and port numbers of the servers to which you are proxying requests in the form:


(Where host1 and host2 are the host names of servers in the cluster, HTTP_Port is the port where the host is listening for HTTP requests, and HTTPS_Port is the port where the host is litening for HTTP SSL requests.)

Separate each host with the | character.

If you set the secureProxy parameter to ON (see the secureProxy entry) The HTTPS port uses SSL between the WebLogic Server running HttpClusterServlet and the WebLogic Servers in the cluster. You must always define an HTTPS port, even if you have set secureProxy to OFF.



ON/OFF. If set to ON, enables SSL between the HttpClusterServlet and the member of a WebLogic Server cluster.



ON/OFF. If set to on, you can query the HttpClusterServlet for debugging information by adding a request parameter of ?_WebLogicBridgeConfig to any request. For security reasons, it is recommended that you set this parameter to OFF in a production environment.



The amount of time, in seconds, that a socket waits in between reading chunks of data. If the timeout expires, a java.io.InterruptedIOException is thrown

0 = infinite timeout.


Number of times HttpClusterServlet will attempt to retry a failed connection.



String to be trimmed from the beginning of the original URI.



The file extension to be trimmed from the end of the URI.



String to be prepended to the beginning of the original URL, after pathTrim has been trimmed, and before the request is forwarded to a WebLogic Server cluster member.


Sample Deployment Descriptor for the HttpClusterServlet

The following is a sample of a Web Applications deployment descriptor, web.xml, for using the HttpClusterServlet:

Listing 8-5 Sample web.xml for Use with HttpClusterServlet


<!DOCTYPE web-app PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.
//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN" "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/dtds/web-app_2_2.dtd";>















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