30 Movies to Watch
Below are 30 movies that Wileen has watched and thinks great! You can choose 10 from the list and try the above method.
1. Titanic
2. English Patient
3. Forest Gump
4. The Terminal
5. You've Got Mail
6. Bridget Jones's Diary I&II
7. Shawshank Redemption (肖申克的救赎)
8. The Legend of 1900 (海上钢琴师)
9. God Father (教父)
10. Liar Liar (大话王)
11. Butterfly Effect I&II (蝴蝶效应)
12. Ghost (人鬼情未了)
13. Erin Brockovich (永不妥协)
14. Rise of the Planet of the Apes (猩球崛起)
15. True Lies (真实的谎言)
16. Scent of a Woman (女人香)
17. Interview with the Vampire (夜访吸血鬼)
18. Rain Man (雨人)
19. Silence of the Lamb (沉默的羔羊)
20. Fight Club (拳击俱乐部)
21. Leon. The. Professional (这个杀手不太冷)
22. Dead Poets Society (死亡诗社/春风化雨)
23. Enemy of the State (国家公敌)
24. Pulp Fiction (低俗小说)
25. Good Will Hunting (心灵捕手)
26. Match Man (火柴人)
27. Charlotte's Web (夏洛特的网)
28. WALL-E (机器人瓦力)
29. The Social Network (社交网络)
30. Pirates of the Silicon Valley (硅谷传奇)
How to Learn English through Movie Watching
Step 1: Download movie subtitle from www.allsubs.org
Step 2: Open SRT format subtitle with Word or Notepad, cope and paste it in new Word document.
Step 3: Remove all irrelevant information such as time lines and numbers.
Step 4: Watch the movie for the first time and rearrange each character's lines into paragraphs.
Step 5: Watch the movie for the second time and check all the words and phrases you don't understand.
Step 6: Watch the movie for the third time and really appreciate each character's lines.
Websit to download movies
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然而,在某些情况下,`selected="selected"`属性可能会失效,导致预期的预选选项并未被选中。这个问题通常与浏览器的自动完成功能有关。 浏览器的自动完成功能是为了提升用户体验,它会记住用户在表单中输入的信息...
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在Firefox浏览器中,尤其是Firefox 5版本及其后续版本,开发者可能会遇到一个特定的问题,那就是`selected`属性在`<select>`元素的`<option>`标签中设置后无法正常工作。这个问题主要体现在使用JavaScript动态修改`...
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