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Here are the source codes.
The key points are:
1,setHorizontallyScrolling() and use android.widget.Scroller to make the text scroll;
2,Use the attached TextPaint of the TextView to measure the length of the text in pixel;
3,setSingleLine() and setEllipsize(null) to make the text not wrapped and ellipsized;
4,Override computeScroll() to restart the scrolling when finished
Here are the source codes.
Issues to be fixed:
1,Do not know why it would not scroll sometimes if setHorizontallyScrolling is called in constructor;
2,The scrolling is not smooth enough. Maybe it's because of the single thread model of Android UI;
Tested on:
Windows XP
Android SDK 1.0 rc2
Android Emulator 1.0
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.20
Here are the source codes.
The key points are:
1,setHorizontallyScrolling() and use android.widget.Scroller to make the text scroll;
2,Use the attached TextPaint of the TextView to measure the length of the text in pixel;
3,setSingleLine() and setEllipsize(null) to make the text not wrapped and ellipsized;
4,Override computeScroll() to restart the scrolling when finished
Here are the source codes.
package com.dirtybear.android; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.text.TextPaint; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator; import android.widget.Scroller; import android.widget.TextView; public class ScrollTextView extends TextView { // scrolling feature private Scroller mSlr; // milliseconds for a round of scrolling private int mRndDuration = 250; // the X offset when paused private int mXPaused = 0; // whether it's being paused private boolean mPaused = true; /* * constructor */ public ScrollTextView(Context context) { this(context, null); } /* * constructor */ public ScrollTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { this(context, attrs, android.R.attr.textViewStyle); } /* * constructor */ public ScrollTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { super(context, attrs, defStyle); // customize the TextView setSingleLine(); setEllipsize(null); setVisibility(INVISIBLE); } /** * begin to scroll the text from the original position */ public void startScroll() { // begin from the very right side mXPaused = -1 * getWidth(); // assume it's paused mPaused = true; resumeScroll(); } /** * resume the scroll from the pausing point */ public void resumeScroll() { if (!mPaused) return; // Do not know why it would not scroll sometimes // if setHorizontallyScrolling is called in constructor. setHorizontallyScrolling(true); // use LinearInterpolator for steady scrolling mSlr = new Scroller(this.getContext(), new LinearInterpolator()); setScroller(mSlr); int scrollingLen = calculateScrollingLen(); int distance = scrollingLen - (getWidth() + mXPaused); int duration = (new Double(mRndDuration * distance * 1.00000 / scrollingLen)).intValue(); setVisibility(VISIBLE); mSlr.startScroll(mXPaused, 0, distance, 0, duration); mPaused = false; } /** * calculate the scrolling length of the text in pixel * * @return the scrolling length in pixels */ private int calculateScrollingLen() { TextPaint tp = getPaint(); Rect rect = new Rect(); String strTxt = getText().toString(); tp.getTextBounds(strTxt, 0, strTxt.length(), rect); int scrollingLen = rect.width() + getWidth(); rect = null; return scrollingLen; } /** * pause scrolling the text */ public void pauseScroll() { if (null == mSlr) return; if (mPaused) return; mPaused = true; // abortAnimation sets the current X to be the final X, // and sets isFinished to be true // so current position shall be saved mXPaused = mSlr.getCurrX(); mSlr.abortAnimation(); } @Override /* * override the computeScroll to restart scrolling when finished so as that * the text is scrolled forever */ public void computeScroll() { super.computeScroll(); if (null == mSlr) return; if (mSlr.isFinished() && (!mPaused)) { this.startScroll(); } } public int getRndDuration() { return mRndDuration; } public void setRndDuration(int duration) { this.mRndDuration = duration; } public boolean isPaused() { return mPaused; } }
Issues to be fixed:
1,Do not know why it would not scroll sometimes if setHorizontallyScrolling is called in constructor;
2,The scrolling is not smooth enough. Maybe it's because of the single thread model of Android UI;
Tested on:
Windows XP
Android SDK 1.0 rc2
Android Emulator 1.0
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.20
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"parallax-scrolling-website-demo" 是一个针对这一技术的实践项目,旨在帮助初学者了解和掌握视差滚动的实现方法。 **CSS 视差滚动** 在 CSS 中实现视差滚动主要依赖于 `transform` 和 `scroll-snap` 属性。`...
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这个项目是用引导的。可用脚本在项目目录中,可以运行:npm start 在开发模式下运行应用程序。 打开在浏览器中查看。 如果您进行编辑,页面将重新加载。 您还将在控制台中看到任何 lint 错误。npm test 在交互式观察...
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The library provides an iOS-like over-scrolling effect applicable over almost all Android native scrollable views. It is also built to allow for very easy adaptation to support custom views. The core ...
`-webkit-overflow-scrolling` 是一个WebKit专有的CSS属性,用于控制元素内的滚动条行为,尤其在iOS设备上能实现更为流畅的触摸滚动体验。这个属性在苹果的Safari和Chrome浏览器以及基于WebKit的其他浏览器上有效。 ...
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