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- 异常捕获,显示在页面 (0)
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- Retrofi restfull (1)
- session过期推出,直接点击退出,退出 (0)
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- maven本地仓库jar包 (1)
- 编译环境出错jdk1.6 1,7 (1)
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- java后台文件上传,接受的2种方式 (0)
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- request.getParameter() (1)
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- @RequestMapping @ResponseBody (1)
- @RequestMapping @responsebody src控件 后台如何写入src值 (1)
- dwz (8)
- lib jar maven (1)
- web服务访问名称 (1)
- mvc返回内容设置,拦截 (1)
- @ResponseBody 返回json处理 (1)
- 视图,函数,存储过程 (1)
- <context:annotation-config/> (1)
- <context:component-scan/> (1)
- xml路劲通配 (2)
- 杂项 (1)
- dubbo (34)
- redis (25)
- mybatis (34)
- springmvc (15)
- js (7)
- sprinvmvc (1)
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- 导出,下载 (1)
- session (4)
- token (1)
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- 框架 (3)
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- mybaits (2)
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- oralce树形数据结构构建 (2)
- 树形结构的jsp展现 (1)
- filter intecept(Struts) (1)
- 树形结构数据的提交 (1)
- @RequestBody @RequestParam (1)
- div (1)
- equals重写 (1)
- 程序设计 (1)
- f多层for循环跳出 (1)
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- di) (1)
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- tiles (2)
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- jpa 及spring data jpa开发 (1)
- compareTo equals toString (1)
- 子页面用父页面js (1)
- jsp相对路径自加问题 (1)
- bean之间的相互拷贝 (1)
- DECODE (2)
- 泛型 (2)
- NVL (1)
- jsp jstl函数 用标签声明页面变量,供jstl使用,时间格式问题 (1)
- form表单切换action值 (1)
- response.getWriter().write()功能优于springMvc的返回 (1)
- 快速复制构建项目 (1)
- activeMq (15)
- cache (2)
- sql获取序列号 (1)
- 上传 (2)
- tfs (1)
- jsp标签 (2)
- qita (1)
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- 标签 (1)
- connect by (1)
- for ... in (1)
- map转化为list (1)
- 树形结构list构建(树形实体) (1)
- 左侧菜单的设计 (1)
- response.getWriter().write() (1)
- eclipse打断点之后断无效 (1)
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- clob (1)
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- 框架的设计 (1)
- get方式处理乱码 (1)
- Request的getParameter和getAttribute方法的区别 (1)
- cas (9)
- 时间格式问题 (1)
- ResponseUtil.writeToResponse (1)
- 树形数据的反选 (1)
- spring data jpa (1)
- jsp异常提示 (1)
- jquery js (1)
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- 乱码 (1)
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- jsp中调用Java (1)
- response.getWriter().write() ajax (1)
- mybatis xml 传入参数 (0)
- response与request在返回时作用区别 (1)
- spring cache (1)
- 模型驱动 (1)
- 关于mybatis传空值的处理 (1)
- 日志配置 (1)
- mapper (1)
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- mapper mybatis-spring spring-data-jpa (1)
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private SessionFactory sessio ...
退出:删除登录时增加的session表---页面session去除(在登陆时后台设置的session 中的当前用户,包括页面session,数据表中的session)
package ces.platform.system.common;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.*;
* <p>标题:
* <font class=titlefont>
* 《会话属性》类
* </font>
* <p>描述:
* <font class=descriptionfont>
* <br>会话绑定
* </font>
* <p>版本号:
* <font class=versionfont>
* Copyright (c) 2.50.2003.0925
* </font>
* <p>公司:
* <font class=companyfont>
* 上海中信信息发展有限公司
* </font>
* @author 王辉
* @version 2.50.2003.0925
public class SessionProperty {
HttpSession session=null;
Hashtable table=new Hashtable();
public SessionProperty() {
public SessionProperty(HttpSession session) {
public void setAttribute(String name,Object obj){
public Object getAttribute(String name){
return session.getAttribute(name);
return table.get(name);
* 将context会话中的变量存入HttpSession中
* @param session
public void reverseToSession(HttpSession session){
for(Enumeration enu=table.keys();enu.hasMoreElements();){
String key=(String)enu.nextElement();
package ces.platform.system.dbaccess;
import ces.frame.util.dao.PlatformDao;
import ces.platform.system.common.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class UserSession extends OperationBase implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 静态常量:登录标志----成功
public static final String LOGIN_SUCCESS = "1";
* 静态常量:登录标志----不成功,并发用户数超过
public static final String LOGIN_FAIL_CONN = "2";
* 静态常量:登录标志----不成功,口令三次错误
public static final String LOGIN_FAIL_PASSWORD = "3";
* 静态常量:退出标志----未退出
public static final String LOGOUT_NO = "0";
* 静态常量:退出标志----正常退出
public static final String LOGOUT_NORMAL = "1";
* 静态常量:退出标志----注销退出
public static final String LOGOUT_CANCEL = "2";
* 静态常量:将会话变量存入session中
public static final String STORE_SESSION = "1";
* 静态常量:将会话变量存入property中
public static final String STORE_PROPERTY = "2";
* 成员变量:会话编号
protected String sessionID;
* 成员变量:会话开始时间,对应于t_sys_user_session.begin_date
protected java.sql.Timestamp beginDate;
* 成员变量:IP地址,对应于t_sys_user_session.ip_address
protected String ipAddress;
* 成员变量:用户对象
protected User user;
* 成员变量:网卡地址
protected String macNO;
* 成员变量:用户登录ID
protected String loginID;
* 缺省构造函数
public UserSession() {
* 构造函数1
* @param sessionID 会话编号
public UserSession(String sessionID) {
this.sessionID = sessionID;
* 构造函数2
* @param sessionID 会话编号
* @param beginDate 会话开始时间
* @param ipAddress IP地址
* @param macNO 网卡地址
* @param loginID 用户登录ID
* @param user 用户对象
public UserSession(String sessionID ,
java.sql.Timestamp beginDate ,
String ipAddress ,
String macNO ,
String loginID,
User user) {
this.sessionID = sessionID;
this.beginDate = beginDate;
this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
this.macNO = macNO;
this.user = user;
* 设置会话编号
* @param sessionID 会话编号
public void setSessionID(String sessionID) {
this.sessionID = sessionID;
* 设置会话开始时间
* @param beginDate 会话开始时间
public void setBeginDate(java.sql.Timestamp beginDate) {
this.beginDate = beginDate;
* 设置IP地址
* @param ipAddress IP地址
public void setIpAddress(String ipAddress) {
this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
* 设置用户
* @param user 用户对象
public void setUser(User user) {
this.user = user;
* 设置网卡地址
* @param macNO 网卡地址
public void setMacNO(String macNO) {
this.macNO = macNO;
* 获取会话编号
* @return 会话编号
public String getSessionID() {
return this.sessionID;
* 获取会话开始时间
* @return 会话开始时间
public java.sql.Timestamp getBeginDate() {
return this.beginDate;
* 获取IP地址
* @return IP地址
public String getIpAddress() {
return this.ipAddress;
* 获取用户
* @return 用户对象
public User getUser() {
return this.user;
* 获取网卡地址
* @return 网卡地址
public String getMacNO() {
return this.macNO;
* 获取用户登录ID
* @return 登录ID
public String getLoginID() {
return loginID;
* 设置用户登录ID
* @param loginID
public void setLoginID(String loginID) {
this.loginID = loginID;
* 验证该用户会话对象在数据库中是否存在
* @return true: 该对象在数据库中存在
* false: 该对象在数据空中不存在
* @throws Exception
* 如果验证有问题,将抛出异常
public boolean isExist() throws Exception
boolean returnValue = false;
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "SELECT session_id FROM " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE
+ " WHERE session_id = ?";
conn = PlatformDao.getDataSource().getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1 , this.sessionID);
result = ps.executeQuery();
if (!result.next())
returnValue = false;
returnValue = true;
close(conn, ps, result);
return returnValue;
* 验证该用户会话对象在数据库中是否存在
* @return true: 该对象在数据库中存在
* false: 该对象在数据空中不存在
* @throws Exception
* 如果验证有问题,将抛出异常
public boolean isExist(Connection con) throws Exception {
boolean returnValue = false;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "SELECT session_id FROM " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE
+ " WHERE session_id = ?";
try {
ps = con.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1 , this.sessionID);
result = ps.executeQuery();
if (!result.next()) {
returnValue = false;
} else {
returnValue = true;
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception(
"User_session.isExist(): SQLException: \n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(null, ps, result);
return returnValue;
* 从数据库中重新装入该用户会话对象信息
* @return true: 装入成功
* false: 装入不成功
* @throws Exception
* 如果装入有问题,将抛出异常
public boolean load() throws Exception
boolean returnValue = false;
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery =
"SELECT ut.user_id,ut.user_name,ut.login_name,ut.flag_emp,"
+ "ust.session_id,ust.begin_date,ust.ip_address,ust.mac_no,ust.login_id "
+ "FROM " + Common.USER_TABLE + " ut, "
+ Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " ust "
+ "WHERE ut.user_id = ust.user_id "
+ "AND ust.session_id = ?";
conn = PlatformDao.getDataSource().getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1 , this.sessionID);
result = ps.executeQuery();
int i=1;
ValueAsc va=new ValueAsc(i);
if (!result.next())
returnValue = false;
i = 1;
User uTemp = User.generateUser(result,va);
this.user = uTemp;
this.sessionID = result.getString(va.next());
this.beginDate = result.getTimestamp(va.next());
this.ipAddress = result.getString(va.next());
this.macNO = result.getString(va.next());
returnValue = true;
close(conn, ps, result);
return returnValue;
* 新建该用户会话对象
* @param conn 连接对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果新建有问题,将抛出异常
protected void doNew(Connection conn) throws Exception
if (!isValidate()) {
throw new Exception(
"User_session.doNew(): Illegal data values for insert");
PreparedStatement ps = null;
String strQuery = "INSERT INTO " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE
+ "(session_id,user_id,begin_date,ip_address,mac_no,login_id)"
+ "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1 , this.sessionID);
ps.setInt(2 , this.user.getUserID());
ps.setTimestamp(3 , this.beginDate);
ps.setString(4 , this.ipAddress);
ps.setString(5 , this.macNO);
ps.setString(6 , this.loginID);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception(
"User_session.doNew(): ERROR Inserting data "
+ "in T_SYS_USER_SESSION INSERT !! resultCount = " +
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception(
"User_session.doNew(): SQLException while inserting new user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(null, ps, null);
* 更新该用户会话对象
* @param conn 连接对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果更新有问题,将抛出异常
protected void doUpdate(Connection conn) throws Exception {
if (!isValidate()) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdate(): Illegal data values for update");
PreparedStatement ps = null;
String strQuery = "UPDATE " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " SET "
+ "user_id = ?, begin_date = ? , "
+ "ip_address = ?, mac_no = ?, login_id= ? "
+ "WHERE session_id = ?";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setInt(1, this.user.getUserID());
ps.setTimestamp(2, this.beginDate);
ps.setString(3, this.ipAddress);
ps.setString(4, this.macNO);
ps.setString(6, this.sessionID);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdate(): ERROR updating data in T_SYS_USER_SESSION!! "
+ "resultCount = " + resultCount);
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdate(): SQLException while updating user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(null, ps, null);
* 根据IP更新该用户会话对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果更新有问题,将抛出异常
public void doUpdateByIP() throws Exception {
if (!isValidate()) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByIP(): Illegal data values for update");
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "UPDATE " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " SET "
+ "session_id = ?, user_id = ?, begin_date = ? , "
+ " mac_no = ?, login_id= ? "
+ "WHERE ip_address = ?";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1, this.sessionID);
ps.setInt(2, this.user.getUserID());
ps.setTimestamp(3, this.beginDate);
ps.setString(4, this.macNO);
ps.setString(6, this.ipAddress);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByIP(): ERROR updating data in T_SYS_USER_SESSION!! "
+ "resultCount = " + resultCount);
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByIP(): SQLException while updating user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(conn, ps, result);
* 根据登录ID更新该用户会话对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果更新有问题,将抛出异常
public void doUpdateByLoginID() throws Exception {
if (!isValidate()) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByLoginID(): Illegal data values for update");
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "UPDATE " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " SET "
+ "session_id = ?, user_id = ?, begin_date = ? , "
+ "ip_address = ?, mac_no = ? "
+ "WHERE login_id= ?";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1, this.sessionID);
ps.setInt(2, this.user.getUserID());
ps.setTimestamp(3, this.beginDate);
ps.setString(4, this.ipAddress);
ps.setString(5, this.macNO);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByLoginID(): ERROR updating data in T_SYS_USER_SESSION!! "
+ "resultCount = " + resultCount);
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByLoginID(): SQLException while updating user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(conn, ps, result);
* 在数据库中删除该用户会话对象,不提交。
* @param conn 连接对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果删除有问题,将抛出异常
public void doDelete(Connection conn) throws Exception {
PreparedStatement ps = null;
// Organize org = null;
String strQuery = "DELETE FROM " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE
+ " WHERE session_id = ?";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1, this.sessionID);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doDelete(): ERROR deleting data in T_SYS_USER_SESSION!! "
+ "resultCount = " + resultCount);
} catch (Exception se) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doDelete(): Exception while deleting user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(null, ps, null);
* 返回数据库中的所有用户会话对象
* @return 用户会话对象集合
* @throws Exception
* 如果查找有问题,将抛出异常
public Vector getAllUserSessions() throws Exception
Vector vAllUserSessions = new Vector();
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "SELECT ut.user_id,ut.user_name,ut.login_name,ut.flag_emp,"
+ "ut.user_cryptogram,ut.flag_lock,ut.flag_define,ut.ic_no,ut.conn_num,"
+ "ut.flag_check,ut.flag_active,ut.flag_sa,ut.show_order,ut.position_x,ut.position_y,ut.type,"
+ "ust.session_id,ust.begin_date,ust.ip_address,ust.mac_no,ust.login_id "
+ "FROM " + Common.USER_TABLE + " ut, "
+ Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " ust "
+ "WHERE ut.user_id = ust.user_id";
try {
conn = PlatformDao.getDataSource().getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
result = ps.executeQuery();
int i = 1;
ValueAsc va = new ValueAsc(i);
while (result.next())
i = 1;
User uTemp = User.generateUser(result,va);
UserSession usTemp = UserSession.generateUserSession(result,va,uTemp);
catch (SQLException se)
throw new Exception("User_session.getAllUserSessions(): SQLException: \n\t" + se);
close(conn, ps, result);
return vAllUserSessions;
* 生成查询会话对象
* @param result 查询结果集
* @param v 计数器
* @return 返回生成的对象
public static UserSession generateUserSession(ResultSet result,ValueAsc v,User user) {
UserSession usTemp=new UserSession();
}catch(Exception e){
return usTemp;
* 验证存入用户会话表中的数据
* @return true: 验证成功
* false: 验证失败
protected boolean isValidate()
if ( (this.sessionID == null) ||
(this.user == null) ||
(this.user.getUserID() == 0))
return (false);
return (true);
* 存储会话变量,放入session还是自定义的属性集合
* @param type 1:放入session中,2:放入自定义的属性集合中
public static SessionProperty setAttributeBatch(String type,HttpSession session,User user) throws Exception {
SessionProperty sp=null;
sp=new SessionProperty(session);
sp=new SessionProperty();
Vector authorities=null;
//authorities=new Vector();
}catch(Exception e){
throw e;
for(int i=0;i<authorities.size();i++){
Authority au=(Authority)authorities.get(i);
return sp;
* 服务器启动时清空会话表
public static void clearSession() throws Exception
Vector vAllSession = new UserSession().getAllUserSessions();
int nNum = vAllSession.size();
UserSession[] delTemp=new UserSession[nNum];
UserSessionHistory[] addTemp=new UserSessionHistory[nNum];
for (int i=0; i<nNum; i++)
UserSession us=(UserSession)vAllSession.get(i);
String strSessionID=us.getSessionID();
Timestamp tBegin=us.getBeginDate();
String strIP=us.getIpAddress();
String strMacNO=us.getMacNO();
User user=us.getUser();
User admin=new User(1);
UserSessionHistory ush=new UserSessionHistory(strSessionID);
new UserSession().doDeleteBatch(delTemp);
new UserSessionHistory().doAddBatch(addTemp);
catch(Exception e)
throw new Exception("UserSession.clearSession(): SQLException: \n\t" + e);
package ces.frame.module.login.action;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction;
import ces.frame.module.utilize.bo.ArchiveExborrowBO;
import ces.frame.util.CommonUtil;
import ces.frame.util.Transition;
import ces.frame.util.dao.CommonDao;
import ces.platform.system.action.UserSessionAction;
import ces.platform.system.common.MD5;
import ces.platform.system.common.SessionBind;
import ces.platform.system.dbaccess.LoginableTime;
import ces.platform.system.dbaccess.User;
import ces.platform.system.dbaccess.UserSession;
import ces.platform.system.form.UserSessionForm;
* @author nfs
public class LoginAction extends DispatchAction
private ArchiveExborrowBO archiveExborrowBO = null;
public ArchiveExborrowBO getArchiveExborrowBO() {
return archiveExborrowBO;
public void setArchiveExborrowBO(ArchiveExborrowBO archiveExborrowBO) {
this.archiveExborrowBO = archiveExborrowBO;
* ��¼
* @param request
* @param form
* @return
public ActionForward login(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
String target = "success";
String tip = "tip";
String encrypt = "true";
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
DynaActionForm dForm = (DynaActionForm)form;
Vector vector = new Vector();
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("urlName", "���µ�¼");
map.put("urlValue", "/login.jsp");
String loginName = dForm.get("loginName").toString();
String userPass = dForm.get("userPass").toString();
//0�������ʲ�ݵ�½ 1�����������ҵ�½
String is_szdag = dForm.get("is_szdag").toString();
if (!"false".equals(encrypt))
userPass = new MD5().getMD5ofStr(userPass);
int userID = 0;
User user = null;
String strSessionID = "";
String strCount = "";
int intCount = 0;
UserSession usAdd = null;
int ID = new User().getUserID(loginName);
boolean flag = new LoginableTime().isLoginable();
if (ID!=1)
if (!flag)
request.setAttribute("url", vector);
request.setAttribute("message", "��ֹ��¼��");
return mapping.findForward(tip);
String sql = "select count(*) from t_role_user t where t.user_id='"+ID+"' and t.role_id=(select t.role_id from t_role t where t.rolekey='CDRY')";
int count = CommonDao.getJdbcTemplate().queryForInt(sql);
if(count==0 && "1".equals(is_szdag)){
catch (Exception e)
request.setAttribute("url", vector);
request.setAttribute("message", e.getMessage());
return mapping.findForward(tip);
strCount = (String)session.getAttribute("count");
if ((strCount!=null) && (!strCount.equals("")))
intCount = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(strCount);
// if (intCount>=3)
// {
// request.setAttribute("messageKey", messageKey + "overlogin");
// return mapping.findForward("error");
// // "�Բ������Ѿ��Ƿ���¼3�Σ����
退出:删除登录时增加的session表---页面session去除(在登陆时后台设置的session 中的当前用户,包括页面session,数据表中的session)
package ces.platform.system.common;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
import java.util.*;
* <p>标题:
* <font class=titlefont>
* 《会话属性》类
* </font>
* <p>描述:
* <font class=descriptionfont>
* <br>会话绑定
* </font>
* <p>版本号:
* <font class=versionfont>
* Copyright (c) 2.50.2003.0925
* </font>
* <p>公司:
* <font class=companyfont>
* 上海中信信息发展有限公司
* </font>
* @author 王辉
* @version 2.50.2003.0925
public class SessionProperty {
HttpSession session=null;
Hashtable table=new Hashtable();
public SessionProperty() {
public SessionProperty(HttpSession session) {
public void setAttribute(String name,Object obj){
public Object getAttribute(String name){
return session.getAttribute(name);
return table.get(name);
* 将context会话中的变量存入HttpSession中
* @param session
public void reverseToSession(HttpSession session){
for(Enumeration enu=table.keys();enu.hasMoreElements();){
String key=(String)enu.nextElement();
package ces.platform.system.dbaccess;
import ces.frame.util.dao.PlatformDao;
import ces.platform.system.common.*;
import java.sql.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.servlet.http.*;
public class UserSession extends OperationBase implements Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* 静态常量:登录标志----成功
public static final String LOGIN_SUCCESS = "1";
* 静态常量:登录标志----不成功,并发用户数超过
public static final String LOGIN_FAIL_CONN = "2";
* 静态常量:登录标志----不成功,口令三次错误
public static final String LOGIN_FAIL_PASSWORD = "3";
* 静态常量:退出标志----未退出
public static final String LOGOUT_NO = "0";
* 静态常量:退出标志----正常退出
public static final String LOGOUT_NORMAL = "1";
* 静态常量:退出标志----注销退出
public static final String LOGOUT_CANCEL = "2";
* 静态常量:将会话变量存入session中
public static final String STORE_SESSION = "1";
* 静态常量:将会话变量存入property中
public static final String STORE_PROPERTY = "2";
* 成员变量:会话编号
protected String sessionID;
* 成员变量:会话开始时间,对应于t_sys_user_session.begin_date
protected java.sql.Timestamp beginDate;
* 成员变量:IP地址,对应于t_sys_user_session.ip_address
protected String ipAddress;
* 成员变量:用户对象
protected User user;
* 成员变量:网卡地址
protected String macNO;
* 成员变量:用户登录ID
protected String loginID;
* 缺省构造函数
public UserSession() {
* 构造函数1
* @param sessionID 会话编号
public UserSession(String sessionID) {
this.sessionID = sessionID;
* 构造函数2
* @param sessionID 会话编号
* @param beginDate 会话开始时间
* @param ipAddress IP地址
* @param macNO 网卡地址
* @param loginID 用户登录ID
* @param user 用户对象
public UserSession(String sessionID ,
java.sql.Timestamp beginDate ,
String ipAddress ,
String macNO ,
String loginID,
User user) {
this.sessionID = sessionID;
this.beginDate = beginDate;
this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
this.macNO = macNO;
this.user = user;
* 设置会话编号
* @param sessionID 会话编号
public void setSessionID(String sessionID) {
this.sessionID = sessionID;
* 设置会话开始时间
* @param beginDate 会话开始时间
public void setBeginDate(java.sql.Timestamp beginDate) {
this.beginDate = beginDate;
* 设置IP地址
* @param ipAddress IP地址
public void setIpAddress(String ipAddress) {
this.ipAddress = ipAddress;
* 设置用户
* @param user 用户对象
public void setUser(User user) {
this.user = user;
* 设置网卡地址
* @param macNO 网卡地址
public void setMacNO(String macNO) {
this.macNO = macNO;
* 获取会话编号
* @return 会话编号
public String getSessionID() {
return this.sessionID;
* 获取会话开始时间
* @return 会话开始时间
public java.sql.Timestamp getBeginDate() {
return this.beginDate;
* 获取IP地址
* @return IP地址
public String getIpAddress() {
return this.ipAddress;
* 获取用户
* @return 用户对象
public User getUser() {
return this.user;
* 获取网卡地址
* @return 网卡地址
public String getMacNO() {
return this.macNO;
* 获取用户登录ID
* @return 登录ID
public String getLoginID() {
return loginID;
* 设置用户登录ID
* @param loginID
public void setLoginID(String loginID) {
this.loginID = loginID;
* 验证该用户会话对象在数据库中是否存在
* @return true: 该对象在数据库中存在
* false: 该对象在数据空中不存在
* @throws Exception
* 如果验证有问题,将抛出异常
public boolean isExist() throws Exception
boolean returnValue = false;
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "SELECT session_id FROM " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE
+ " WHERE session_id = ?";
conn = PlatformDao.getDataSource().getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1 , this.sessionID);
result = ps.executeQuery();
if (!result.next())
returnValue = false;
returnValue = true;
close(conn, ps, result);
return returnValue;
* 验证该用户会话对象在数据库中是否存在
* @return true: 该对象在数据库中存在
* false: 该对象在数据空中不存在
* @throws Exception
* 如果验证有问题,将抛出异常
public boolean isExist(Connection con) throws Exception {
boolean returnValue = false;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "SELECT session_id FROM " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE
+ " WHERE session_id = ?";
try {
ps = con.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1 , this.sessionID);
result = ps.executeQuery();
if (!result.next()) {
returnValue = false;
} else {
returnValue = true;
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception(
"User_session.isExist(): SQLException: \n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(null, ps, result);
return returnValue;
* 从数据库中重新装入该用户会话对象信息
* @return true: 装入成功
* false: 装入不成功
* @throws Exception
* 如果装入有问题,将抛出异常
public boolean load() throws Exception
boolean returnValue = false;
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery =
"SELECT ut.user_id,ut.user_name,ut.login_name,ut.flag_emp,"
+ "ust.session_id,ust.begin_date,ust.ip_address,ust.mac_no,ust.login_id "
+ "FROM " + Common.USER_TABLE + " ut, "
+ Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " ust "
+ "WHERE ut.user_id = ust.user_id "
+ "AND ust.session_id = ?";
conn = PlatformDao.getDataSource().getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1 , this.sessionID);
result = ps.executeQuery();
int i=1;
ValueAsc va=new ValueAsc(i);
if (!result.next())
returnValue = false;
i = 1;
User uTemp = User.generateUser(result,va);
this.user = uTemp;
this.sessionID = result.getString(va.next());
this.beginDate = result.getTimestamp(va.next());
this.ipAddress = result.getString(va.next());
this.macNO = result.getString(va.next());
returnValue = true;
close(conn, ps, result);
return returnValue;
* 新建该用户会话对象
* @param conn 连接对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果新建有问题,将抛出异常
protected void doNew(Connection conn) throws Exception
if (!isValidate()) {
throw new Exception(
"User_session.doNew(): Illegal data values for insert");
PreparedStatement ps = null;
String strQuery = "INSERT INTO " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE
+ "(session_id,user_id,begin_date,ip_address,mac_no,login_id)"
+ "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1 , this.sessionID);
ps.setInt(2 , this.user.getUserID());
ps.setTimestamp(3 , this.beginDate);
ps.setString(4 , this.ipAddress);
ps.setString(5 , this.macNO);
ps.setString(6 , this.loginID);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception(
"User_session.doNew(): ERROR Inserting data "
+ "in T_SYS_USER_SESSION INSERT !! resultCount = " +
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception(
"User_session.doNew(): SQLException while inserting new user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(null, ps, null);
* 更新该用户会话对象
* @param conn 连接对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果更新有问题,将抛出异常
protected void doUpdate(Connection conn) throws Exception {
if (!isValidate()) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdate(): Illegal data values for update");
PreparedStatement ps = null;
String strQuery = "UPDATE " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " SET "
+ "user_id = ?, begin_date = ? , "
+ "ip_address = ?, mac_no = ?, login_id= ? "
+ "WHERE session_id = ?";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setInt(1, this.user.getUserID());
ps.setTimestamp(2, this.beginDate);
ps.setString(3, this.ipAddress);
ps.setString(4, this.macNO);
ps.setString(6, this.sessionID);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdate(): ERROR updating data in T_SYS_USER_SESSION!! "
+ "resultCount = " + resultCount);
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdate(): SQLException while updating user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(null, ps, null);
* 根据IP更新该用户会话对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果更新有问题,将抛出异常
public void doUpdateByIP() throws Exception {
if (!isValidate()) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByIP(): Illegal data values for update");
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "UPDATE " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " SET "
+ "session_id = ?, user_id = ?, begin_date = ? , "
+ " mac_no = ?, login_id= ? "
+ "WHERE ip_address = ?";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1, this.sessionID);
ps.setInt(2, this.user.getUserID());
ps.setTimestamp(3, this.beginDate);
ps.setString(4, this.macNO);
ps.setString(6, this.ipAddress);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByIP(): ERROR updating data in T_SYS_USER_SESSION!! "
+ "resultCount = " + resultCount);
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByIP(): SQLException while updating user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(conn, ps, result);
* 根据登录ID更新该用户会话对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果更新有问题,将抛出异常
public void doUpdateByLoginID() throws Exception {
if (!isValidate()) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByLoginID(): Illegal data values for update");
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "UPDATE " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " SET "
+ "session_id = ?, user_id = ?, begin_date = ? , "
+ "ip_address = ?, mac_no = ? "
+ "WHERE login_id= ?";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1, this.sessionID);
ps.setInt(2, this.user.getUserID());
ps.setTimestamp(3, this.beginDate);
ps.setString(4, this.ipAddress);
ps.setString(5, this.macNO);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByLoginID(): ERROR updating data in T_SYS_USER_SESSION!! "
+ "resultCount = " + resultCount);
} catch (SQLException se) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doUpdateByLoginID(): SQLException while updating user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(conn, ps, result);
* 在数据库中删除该用户会话对象,不提交。
* @param conn 连接对象
* @throws Exception
* 如果删除有问题,将抛出异常
public void doDelete(Connection conn) throws Exception {
PreparedStatement ps = null;
// Organize org = null;
String strQuery = "DELETE FROM " + Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE
+ " WHERE session_id = ?";
try {
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
ps.setString(1, this.sessionID);
int resultCount = ps.executeUpdate();
if (resultCount != 1) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doDelete(): ERROR deleting data in T_SYS_USER_SESSION!! "
+ "resultCount = " + resultCount);
} catch (Exception se) {
throw new Exception("User_session.doDelete(): Exception while deleting user_session; "
+ "session_id = " + this.sessionID + " :\n\t" + se);
} finally {
close(null, ps, null);
* 返回数据库中的所有用户会话对象
* @return 用户会话对象集合
* @throws Exception
* 如果查找有问题,将抛出异常
public Vector getAllUserSessions() throws Exception
Vector vAllUserSessions = new Vector();
Connection conn = null;
PreparedStatement ps = null;
ResultSet result = null;
String strQuery = "SELECT ut.user_id,ut.user_name,ut.login_name,ut.flag_emp,"
+ "ut.user_cryptogram,ut.flag_lock,ut.flag_define,ut.ic_no,ut.conn_num,"
+ "ut.flag_check,ut.flag_active,ut.flag_sa,ut.show_order,ut.position_x,ut.position_y,ut.type,"
+ "ust.session_id,ust.begin_date,ust.ip_address,ust.mac_no,ust.login_id "
+ "FROM " + Common.USER_TABLE + " ut, "
+ Common.USER_SESSION_TABLE + " ust "
+ "WHERE ut.user_id = ust.user_id";
try {
conn = PlatformDao.getDataSource().getConnection();
ps = conn.prepareStatement(strQuery);
result = ps.executeQuery();
int i = 1;
ValueAsc va = new ValueAsc(i);
while (result.next())
i = 1;
User uTemp = User.generateUser(result,va);
UserSession usTemp = UserSession.generateUserSession(result,va,uTemp);
catch (SQLException se)
throw new Exception("User_session.getAllUserSessions(): SQLException: \n\t" + se);
close(conn, ps, result);
return vAllUserSessions;
* 生成查询会话对象
* @param result 查询结果集
* @param v 计数器
* @return 返回生成的对象
public static UserSession generateUserSession(ResultSet result,ValueAsc v,User user) {
UserSession usTemp=new UserSession();
}catch(Exception e){
return usTemp;
* 验证存入用户会话表中的数据
* @return true: 验证成功
* false: 验证失败
protected boolean isValidate()
if ( (this.sessionID == null) ||
(this.user == null) ||
(this.user.getUserID() == 0))
return (false);
return (true);
* 存储会话变量,放入session还是自定义的属性集合
* @param type 1:放入session中,2:放入自定义的属性集合中
public static SessionProperty setAttributeBatch(String type,HttpSession session,User user) throws Exception {
SessionProperty sp=null;
sp=new SessionProperty(session);
sp=new SessionProperty();
Vector authorities=null;
//authorities=new Vector();
}catch(Exception e){
throw e;
for(int i=0;i<authorities.size();i++){
Authority au=(Authority)authorities.get(i);
return sp;
* 服务器启动时清空会话表
public static void clearSession() throws Exception
Vector vAllSession = new UserSession().getAllUserSessions();
int nNum = vAllSession.size();
UserSession[] delTemp=new UserSession[nNum];
UserSessionHistory[] addTemp=new UserSessionHistory[nNum];
for (int i=0; i<nNum; i++)
UserSession us=(UserSession)vAllSession.get(i);
String strSessionID=us.getSessionID();
Timestamp tBegin=us.getBeginDate();
String strIP=us.getIpAddress();
String strMacNO=us.getMacNO();
User user=us.getUser();
User admin=new User(1);
UserSessionHistory ush=new UserSessionHistory(strSessionID);
new UserSession().doDeleteBatch(delTemp);
new UserSessionHistory().doAddBatch(addTemp);
catch(Exception e)
throw new Exception("UserSession.clearSession(): SQLException: \n\t" + e);
package ces.frame.module.login.action;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Vector;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward;
import org.apache.struts.action.ActionMapping;
import org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm;
import org.apache.struts.actions.DispatchAction;
import ces.frame.module.utilize.bo.ArchiveExborrowBO;
import ces.frame.util.CommonUtil;
import ces.frame.util.Transition;
import ces.frame.util.dao.CommonDao;
import ces.platform.system.action.UserSessionAction;
import ces.platform.system.common.MD5;
import ces.platform.system.common.SessionBind;
import ces.platform.system.dbaccess.LoginableTime;
import ces.platform.system.dbaccess.User;
import ces.platform.system.dbaccess.UserSession;
import ces.platform.system.form.UserSessionForm;
* @author nfs
public class LoginAction extends DispatchAction
private ArchiveExborrowBO archiveExborrowBO = null;
public ArchiveExborrowBO getArchiveExborrowBO() {
return archiveExborrowBO;
public void setArchiveExborrowBO(ArchiveExborrowBO archiveExborrowBO) {
this.archiveExborrowBO = archiveExborrowBO;
* ��¼
* @param request
* @param form
* @return
public ActionForward login(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
String target = "success";
String tip = "tip";
String encrypt = "true";
HttpSession session = request.getSession(true);
DynaActionForm dForm = (DynaActionForm)form;
Vector vector = new Vector();
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("urlName", "���µ�¼");
map.put("urlValue", "/login.jsp");
String loginName = dForm.get("loginName").toString();
String userPass = dForm.get("userPass").toString();
//0�������ʲ�ݵ�½ 1�����������ҵ�½
String is_szdag = dForm.get("is_szdag").toString();
if (!"false".equals(encrypt))
userPass = new MD5().getMD5ofStr(userPass);
int userID = 0;
User user = null;
String strSessionID = "";
String strCount = "";
int intCount = 0;
UserSession usAdd = null;
int ID = new User().getUserID(loginName);
boolean flag = new LoginableTime().isLoginable();
if (ID!=1)
if (!flag)
request.setAttribute("url", vector);
request.setAttribute("message", "��ֹ��¼��");
return mapping.findForward(tip);
String sql = "select count(*) from t_role_user t where t.user_id='"+ID+"' and t.role_id=(select t.role_id from t_role t where t.rolekey='CDRY')";
int count = CommonDao.getJdbcTemplate().queryForInt(sql);
if(count==0 && "1".equals(is_szdag)){
catch (Exception e)
request.setAttribute("url", vector);
request.setAttribute("message", e.getMessage());
return mapping.findForward(tip);
strCount = (String)session.getAttribute("count");
if ((strCount!=null) && (!strCount.equals("")))
intCount = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(strCount);
// if (intCount>=3)
// {
// request.setAttribute("messageKey", messageKey + "overlogin");
// return mapping.findForward("error");
// // "�Բ������Ѿ��Ƿ���¼3�Σ����
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