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GAE 上 的 Vaadin



User 226784 avatar
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amrlafi replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248455879000, 1265430659036);</script> 196 days ago:

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I like it ! i hope it works on AppEngine

User 448521 avatar
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hezamu replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248549157000, 1265430659075);</script> 195 days ago:

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App Engine support is somewhat problematic, since GAE insists on serializing the application after every request. However 6.0.1 works in GAE to some degree (e.g. http://vaadin-addressbook-test.appspot.com), and we're currently working to get it supported fully. For more info see http://dev.vaadin.com/ticket/2835.

User 57355 avatar
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mknutty replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248549178000, 1265430659078);</script> 195 days ago:

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It is a GWT based toolkit, so it might. .... Googled it - http://dev.vaadin.com/ticket/2835

User 388907 avatar
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MCII replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248516308000, 1265430659100);</script> 195 days ago:

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Looks similar to Wicket at first sight.

User 57355 avatar
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mknutty replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248549023000, 1265430659105);</script> 195 days ago:

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Its not. It is like Echo(1-3). This has been around a while. The name was recently changed from IT Mill.

User 448521 avatar
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hezamu replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248549425000, 1265430659132);</script> 195 days ago:

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Yep, that's right. The company behind Vaadin is IT Mill and Vaadin used to be called IT Mill Toolkit.

For a quick glance how it compares with other frameworks see our comparison chart at http://vaadin.com/comparison

User 57355 avatar
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mknutty replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248721368000, 1265430659137);</script> 193 days ago:

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So, what are the benefits of Vaadin over just using GWT?

User 14280 avatar
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jl70368 replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248764487000, 1265430659194);</script> 192 days ago:

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- Faster to build with (no Java to JavaScript recompilations needed, no client-side or client-server communications needed)
- Easier integration to backend (you can call any Java API:s directly)
- Nicer looking UI components - see http://demo.vaadin.com/
- Keeping your application logic in server makes it a lot more secure: http://vaadin.com/web/joonas/wiki/-/wiki/Main/RIA+Security

User 57355 avatar
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mknutty replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248829564000, 1265430659197);</script> 192 days ago:

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Thx. Found #4 after i posted, not the rest. Nice. Really makes using GWT more of an option.

What if i want to use GWT Builder (Instantiations) to design the UI. Can i still use Vaadin?

User 14280 avatar
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jl70368 replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248844768000, 1265430659230);</script> 191 days ago:

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Instantiations GWT Builder is not supported, but Vaadin includes a free WYSIWYG UI designer for Eclipse. It is not as good as Instantiations (yet), but is getting better all the time.

User 349290 avatar
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eggbert replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248554037000, 1265430659242);</script> 195 days ago:

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super awesome! Now, if only there were a Netbeans plugin.

User 448521 avatar
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hezamu replied <script type="text/javascript">writeDate(1248563662000, 1265430659268);</script> 195 days ago:

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Sorry, no plugin for Netbeans, but there's a tutorial/howto about it: http://vaadin.com/wiki/-/wiki/Main/Getting Started on NetBeans/



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