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【11款基于flash的等角(2.5D)引擎概要:nknown . As you should know, isometric projection is a method of visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions, in which the three coordinate axes appear equally foreshortened and the angles between any two of them are 120 degrees...】

I am playing isometric games for more than 20 years… probably started with Q*bert , one of the oldest games I played is Head Over Heels on my Commodore 64, and I was an hardcore player of UFO: Enemy Unknown .

As you should know, isometric projection is a method of visually representing three-dimensional objects in two dimensions, in which the three coordinate axes appear equally foreshortened and the angles between any two of them are 120 degrees. A great way to represent 3D worlds on old 8-bit computers since their CPUs did not handle a real 3D world, and a great way to create casual adventure games nowadays.

I am showing you a list of 11 Flash isometric engines, some of them are free, others are commercial, and some still unreleased. I am writing to all authors to have more info about their engines, meanwhile this the most complete list I was able to make.

Engines are listed in alphabetical order.

2D isometric engine – Free


Open source, multilevel and multiplayer tilebased isometric engine, reviewed in this post

as3isolib – Free


As3isolib is an open-source ActionScript 3.0 Isometric Library developed to assist in creating isometrically projected content (such as games and graphics) targeted for the Flash player platform. As3isolib includes utilities, primitives and views. As3isolib was developed with simplicity, speed and performance in mind so that developers can focus on actual implementations rather than having to learn a complex API.

You can see latest project using this engine at http://apps.facebook.com/downtowngame/

FFilmation – Free


The FFilmation Engine is an AS3 isometric programing engine, focused mainly on

See a demo playing My Name is Poncho

Flash 3D Isometric Game Engine – Unreleased


Vector isometric engine allowing to zoom, rotate and pan the environment in a “real” 3D world. I’m asking the author more information, stay tuned

isoengineas3 – Free


2D Isometric Engine project build with Flash AS3. It is an open source, multilevel and multiplayer tilebased isometric engine. No more information.

Isometric Game Engine – Unreleased


An isometric engine built from scratch for an online virtual campus. No more info.

The demo is quite interesting so I am going to contact the author for more information.

Isometric terrain engine – Free


This is an isometric terrain generator, actually an abandoned project but still an inspiration.

OpenSpace – Commercial – Trial version available


OpenSpace is a powerful Flash based isometric engine and framework for rapid development of

multi-user virtual worlds and MMO communities.

Check Football Village to see it in action.

OpenSpace is licensed on a “per-seat” basis: a separate license is required for each user working with OpenSpace.

Sean Cooper Isometric Engine – Commercial


Made by Sean “BoxHead” Cooper, the engine is based on some techniques used in the PC game Syndicate, which he wrote in 1993. The technique is simple and extremely fast, well suited to Flash and will run fast on most machines.

At the moment there isn’t any project showcase, just a demo in the official page , and no info about the license, but being developed by a PROgrammer like Sean makes this engine quite interesting.

TheoWorlds – Commercial


TheoWorlds Builder SDK v2 is a kit that will help you develop online virtual worlds much faster, without starting from scratch. At its core it contains the original Theo Isometric Engine™ that lets you create pseudo-3D maps, place on them objects and characters, and organize the interaction between them.

You can test the engine playing Treasure Hunter

TheoWorlds Builder SDK v2 is priced $3,200, while the light SDK v1 $799

T.I.L.E. (Tangerine Isometric Level Editor) – Commercial

http://www.tangerinepop.com/ then click on “tech”

According to the site, T.I.L.E. provides the ability to rapidly build a standard lock & key adventure game with hundreds of rooms. It also provides the primary software framework needed to build a quality MMO with numerous maps and new play modes via in increasing list of new game mechanics.

An example of a game developed with this technology is GraveShift

Prices range from (as said on the site) “half to less than half the costs of building it yourself”


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    以Misato引擎为例,Misato是一款基于Flash技术的2.5D网页游戏引擎,支持斜45°视角的游戏开发,具有以下特点: - **可定制的图形渲染模式**:允许开发者根据需要调整渲染效果。 - **3D物理效果**:内置的3D物理引擎...


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    首先,Ffilmation引擎是一个专为2D和2.5D游戏设计的框架,其特点在于提供了稳定的游戏开发平台,让开发者可以专注于游戏内容的细节,而不是底层渲染技术。Ffilmation具有以下关键特性: 1. **地图编辑器**:支持AIR...


    - **FFilmation**:专门为AS3设计的2.5D游戏引擎,提供了丰富的特性,如动态光源处理、等距场景管理等。 #### 五、FFilmation引擎特点详解 FFilmation引擎是一个专为AS3设计的强大游戏开发框架。其核心特点包括: ...


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    - **GPU**:内置ARMMali-400MP3D图形引擎,多边形生成率44M三角形/秒,像素填充率1.6G像素/秒,支持DX9、SM3.0、OpenGL2.0等高级显示技术。 - **内存**:支持LPDDR、LPDDR2、DDR2和DDR3等不同类型的RAM;最大支持2GB...


    基于CPU的子系统是ARM1176JZF-S,它具备JAVA加速引擎和16KB/16KB的I/D TCM。该处理器支持400/533/667MHz的TBDV操作频率。它还具有8位ITU601/656相机接口,能够处理高达4M像素的图像缩放,固定16M像素。支持MPEG-4/H....


    - **基于 CPU 的子系统**:采用 ARM1176JZF-S 架构,内置 JAVA 加速引擎,并配备 16KB/16KB I/D 缓存和 16KB/16KB I/D TCM。 - **操作频率**:可在 TBDV 和 TBDV 下以 400/533/667MHz 的频率运行。 - **多媒体加速...


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    6410 中文手册

    - **基于 ARM1176JZF-S 的 CPU 子系统**:具有 JAVA 加速引擎和 16KB/16KB I/D 缓存及 16KB/16KB I/D TCM。 - **操作频率**:在 TBDV 和 TBDV 下支持 400/533/667MHz。 - **ARM1176JZF-S 处理器特性**: - Trust...


    - **Java 加速引擎**:内置 Java 加速引擎,支持高效的 Java 应用开发和运行。 - **16KB/16KB I/D 缓存**:分别用于指令和数据缓存,有助于提高 CPU 的访问速度。 - **16KB/16KB I/D TCM**:即时内存 (TCM) 用于存储...


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    - **核心**:基于ARM1176JZF-S内核,配备Java加速引擎和16KB/16KB I/D缓存和16KB/16KB TCM缓存。 - **工作频率**:支持400/533/667MHz的操作频率。 - **相机接口**:提供8位ITU601/656标准的相机接口,支持高达4M...

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    - **ARM1176JZF-S CPU**:具有Java加速引擎,配备16KB/16KB I/D缓存和16KB/16KB I/D TCM。 - **工作频率**:支持在400/533/667MHz的频率下运行。 - **相机接口**:集成8位ITU601/656相机接口,最高支持4M像素的缩放...


    S3C6410的RISC处理器特性包括缓存,16KB/16KBI/D TCM,以及基于ARM1176JZF-S的CPU子系统,它具备Java加速引擎,支持高达400/533/667MHz的操作频率。它包括一个8位ITU601/656标准的相机接口,能够处理高达4M像素的...

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