
转载:enqueue deadlocks,library cache deadlocks.


There're two common deadlocks. ORA-60, enqueue deadlocks; ORA-4020, library 

cache deadlocks.

********** ORA-60 **********


This is very easy to reproduce. Just follow this procedure:

In sessionA, update tb set col = 'x' where pk = 'aa'

In sessionB, update tb set col = 'x' where pk = 'bb'

In sessionA, update tb set col = 'x' where pk = 'bb'

In sessionB, update tb set col = 'x' where pk = 'aa'

If neither session commits, 3 seconds after the last statement shown above is 

issued, sessionA will throw error ORA-60, with the corresponding deadlock graph 

generated in the udump trace file:

                       ---------Blocker(s)--------  ---------Waiter(s)---------

Resource Name          process session holds waits  process session holds waits

TX-00010017-000000ba         8       7     X              9       8           X

TX-00020012-000000af         9       8     X              8       7           X

session 7: DID 0001-0008-00000002       session 8: DID 0001-0009-00000002

session 8: DID 0001-0009-00000002       session 7: DID 0001-0008-00000002

Rows waited on:

Session 8: obj - rowid = 00000CBB - AAAAzjAADAAAAFDAAA

Session 7: obj - rowid = 00000CBB - AAAAzjAADAAAAFDAAB


Resource here simply means lock as in v$resource (technically it should be the

locked resource). TX stands for transaction, usually row lock. The numbers that 

follow are v$lock.id1, v$lock.id2, respectively, in hex radix for TX enqueue.

E.g., 20012[hex] is 131090; ba[hex] is 175. Anjo Kolk's Wait Event paper

(Description of Oracle7 Wait Events and Enqueues, used to be at

www.dbatoolbox.com/WP2001/dbamisc/events.pdf) tells us that id1 is "undo 

segment number << 16 | slot". Indeed we find v$transaction.xidusn = 2 and 

x$transaction.xidslot = 18. So 10[bin] left shifted 16 bits ORed with 18 equals 

131090. id2 should be "sequence"; v$transaction.xidsqn = 175. Process is 

Oracle process ID (not to be confused with the OS level process ID in UNIX or 

thread ID in Windows); it is v$process.pid where v$process.addr matches 

v$session.paddr. Session is v$session.sid. X means it's holding or waiting for 

an exclusive lock. DID is deadlock ID (see Note:6145177.8); the first number is 

always 1; second number is Oracle process ID; I don't know the third number. 

For sessions waiting for row locks, additional

information about the rows is given. CBB[hex] is dba_objects.object_id from

which you'll know the table. Then the rowid is given so that you can quickly

find the row by SELECT * FROM thetable WHERE ROWID = 'rowid'. If the "Rows

waited on" is followed by "no rows", then it's waiting on a table lock, not a

row lock, like in this case:

                       ---------Blocker(s)--------  ---------Waiter(s)---------

Resource Name          process session holds waits  process session holds waits

TX-00060004-00003155        41      45    X            15        26          S

TX-0012000b-00002802        15      26    X            41        45          S

session 45: DID 0001-0029-00000002 session 26: DID 0001-000F-00000002

session 26: DID 0001-000F-00000002 session 45: DID 0001-0029-00000002

Rows waited on:

Session 26: no row

Session 45: no row

Following the deadlock graph is process state dump, which shows state object 

(SO) hierarchy in properly indented form, with the root being a process SO.


If the "Session <SID>" line gives row IDs, simply wait and rerun the 

application later. And consider application design to see if you have two 

programs updating the same table but in different order. [note1]

If the Session line says "no row", the error could be triggered when multiple 

sessions try to update the same block while the free space for the block is 

already too small for Oracle to automatically increase ITLs (interested 

transaction lists), regardless the value of MAXTRANS. You can try rebuilding 

the table with a higher INITRANS (initial ITL entries) and setting a higher 

value of PCTFREE. Beginning with 8i, the easiest way to do this is ALTER TABLE

yourtable MOVE STORAGE (INITRANS xxx).

Another scenario which does happen often is that you don't have indexes on 

child table foreign key columns and multiple sessions are updating the parent 

table primary key columns or deleting rows from the parent table. Both sessions 

will attempt to acquire a shared table lock on the child table and if they

already hold row locks (on different rows), a deadlock results. In this case, 

you may build indexes on foreign keys in the child table. Numerous sites 

provide scripts to find foreign keys that are missing indexes 

(osi.oracle.com/~tkyte/unindex/ and www.jlcomp.demon.co.uk/faq/fk_ind.html). If 

you don't do this (possibly for legitimate reason such as child table DML 

performance), make sure you never or rarely delete rows from the parent table

(updating parent table primary keys is very rare). Or as Steve Adams suggested,


Further reading: Metalink Note:62365.1

********** ORA-4020 **********


SQL> create procedure p1 as begin p2; end;

  2  /

Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.

SQL> create procedure p2 as begin p1; end;

  2  /

Warning: Procedure created with compilation errors.

SQL> alter procedure p1 compile;

alter procedure p1 compile


ERROR at line 1:

ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object YONG.P1

The above case is modified from an example in Connor McDonald's "Mastering

Oracle PL/SQL: Practical Solutions". Obviously, you can't have mutual library

cache locks in each other's code.

More commonly, this error is thrown due to invalid objects especially triggers,

or due to Oracle bugs. E.g., Jonathan Lewis in "Practical Oracle8i" reported

that query throws ORA-4020 if partitioned IOT maintenance is going on. An

ORA-4020 deadlock graph looks like the following:

ORA-04020: deadlock detected while trying to lock object YONG.P1


  object   waiting  waiting       blocking blocking

  handle   session     lock mode   session     lock mode

--------  -------- -------- ----  -------- -------- ----

797992F8  7AA06C48 79FA5554    X  7AA06C48 79F8B3D0    X


Note that in this case, the waiting session is the same as the blocking session

because they have the same session address.


If the deadlock is caused by the same session that experiences the deadlock, 

make sure you don't have any invalid objects on the table reported in the 

deadlock trace file, such as invalid triggers. If you do, manually compile 

them. With this deadlock, it's helpful to get more insight by tracing the event 

4020 as follows: alter session set events '4020 trace name processstate 

forever, level 10'; or if you don't know or can't access the session, put 

event='4020 trace name processstate forever, level 10' in init.ora file and 

bounce the database. The trace file thus created when the deadlock occurs next 

time may have strings like "status=INVL". Look at the corresponding object name 

after "name=". If you do experience ORA-4020 and it happens fairly often, search 

on Metalink or open a tar.

********** Deadlocks in RAC **********

There's no error number reported but both ORA-60 and ORA-4020 are possible. In 

alert.log, we only see "Global Enqueue Services Deadlock detected. More info in 

filen /home/oracle/admin/<SID>/bdump/<SID>_lmd0_<pid>.trc." ["filen" is not 

typo; it means "file name".]

LMD trace file has:

user session for deadlock lock 0x7553ab14

  pid=33 serial=37657 audsid=6450105 user: 246/<LinuxUsername>

  O/S info: user: <WindowsUsername>, term: MISFBB10-54, ospid: 4148:5156, machine: <NTdomain>\<PCname>

            program: sqlplus.exe

  application name: SQL*Plus, hash value=3669949024

  Current SQL Statement:

  update test set a = :"SYS_B_0" where a = :"SYS_B_1"

Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.28] :

BLOCKED 0x7553ab14 5 [0xf001d][0x8353],[TX] [2162689,7995] 0

BLOCKER 0x69cabb5c 5 [0xf001d][0x8353],[TX] [1769474,4478] 1

BLOCKED 0x69cabc30 5 [0x70014][0xe908],[TX] [1769474,4478] 1

BLOCKER 0x7e1424e8 5 [0x70014][0xe908],[TX] [2162689,7995] 0

That was Oracle on Linux accessed from a Windows PC. According to 

Note:262226.1, the first process in instance 0 (on the first line) requested for 

a TX lock in mode 5 or exclusive [note2] and was blocked by the second process in 

instance 1 (on the second line), which requested for another TX lock (third 

line) and was blocked by the first process (fourth line). The note interprets 

the numbers after the lock name, e.g. [2162689,7995], as process ID. But if 

there're two numbers in square brackets, those two numbers are transaction_id0 

and transaction_id1 of v$ges_blocking_enqueue, respectively, or equivalently 

the same columns in v$dlm_locks. (But I don't know what the transaction number 

means; it doesn't seem to be concatenation of xidusn.xidslot.xidsqn of 

v$transaction.) In addition, the hex numbers following "BLOCKED" or "BLOCKER" 

are handles (lock pointers) of v$ges_blocking_enqueue, and the two hex numbers 

after lock mode are id1 and id2 in v$lock (refer to 

http://yong321.freeshell.org/oranotes/LocksWhere2FindMoreInfo.txt on how to 

find their meanings).

The above trace shows the SQL involved in the deadlock. But in some cases, the 

SQL is missing,[note3] as in this example:

Global Wait-For-Graph(WFG) at ddTS[0.15] :

BLOCKED 0x70d17058 5 [0xf4dd2a46][0x57e4077],[LB] 30268 0

BLOCKER 0x70d16594 5 [0xf4dd2a46][0x57e4077],[LB] 30268 0

This deadlock was caused by B-namespace library cache lock requested and 

blocked by itself. The process PID is 30268 (a single number, not in brackets). 

Unfortunately it's missing the SQL. Note:262226.1 acknowledges that it would be 

more helpful to add the SQL to the WFG trace. In the meantime, if the deadlock 

can be reproduced with one instance (as in this case because the last column, 

instance number, is the same number), then do so by setting cluster_database 

to false; a deadlock graph in a non-cluster database is much more useful than a 

global WFG, which is created even if all involved processes are on one node.

Yong Huang




It's often suggested that applications should be written in a way to ensure the 

same order in running DMLs on the table. This means ProgramI should update

tblX then tblY and ProgramII should also update them in this order. But

there're many other cases than this rule should apply. Consider this case:

if conditionA, update tblX

if conditionB, update tblY

if conditionC, update tblX

if conditionD, update tblY

If this single program (no ProgramII) is run by multiple processes, depending

on the conditions met in each process, a deadlock could occur.


According to


these mode numbers start with 0. So mode 5 here means exclusive, which would 

be mode 6 in non-RAC lock mode.


According to Dusan Bolek (message 10 of


the SQL is present if the deadlock occurs between instances and missing if 

on the same instance.






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