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【Http File Server 介绍】


Http File Server是专为个人用户所设计的 HTTP文件服务器,如果您觉得架设 FTPServer太麻烦,那么这个软件可以提供您更方便的档案传输系统,下载后无须安装。



Download and upload

Virtual file system

Highly customizable

HTML template

Bandwidth control

Easy/Expert mode


Full control over connections


Dynamic DNS updater




HFS is a HTTP file server that allows you to share files on the Internet fast and easy, allowing clients to download them via a clean and simple website.


The application basically turns your computer into a HTTP server and all users who wish to connect and download files can do that by loading a simple webpage in their browser.


HFS comprises a wide array of configuration settings, so you can change basically every single part of the application, starting with the way users download files and ending with the appearance of the created webpage.


The program thus allows you to set the IP address you wish to use, enable download limits and block the connected clients from using their download managers, set up the virtual file system, decide how to upload files and configure the behavior of the tray icon.


If you wish to upload new files, it's enough to drag them in the main window of the tool. On the other hand, right clicking in the left panel also offers you the option to share a whole folder, be it virtual or real.


The interface comes with two different modes, “Expert” and “Easy”, with the first one providing not only a detailed graph to track the server traffic, but also several statistics such as the number of connections and upload / download speed.


Of course, HFS lets you set up user accounts and grant access only to some defined folders, but you can also kick or ban clients and even pause their downloads. As said, there are also dedicated tools to limit download speed and you can even block users from using download managers.


The number of features is absolutely impressive; you need a few days to really discover all its goodies. It runs on low computer resources and works on all Windows versions.

  • 大小: 25.8 KB



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