Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool that can help analyze resource trends and "what just happened to kill our performance?" problems.
It is designed to be very plug and play. A default installation provides a lot of graphs with almost no work.
Munin the monitoring tool surveys all your computers and remembers what it saw. It presents all the information in graphs through a web interface. Its emphasis is on plug and play capabilities. After completing a installation a high number of monitoring plugins will be playing with no more effort.
Using Munin you can easily monitor the performance of your computers, networks, SANs, applications, weather measurements and whatever comes to mind. It makes it easy to determine "what's different today" when a performance problem crops up. It makes it easy to see how you're doing capacity-wise on any resources.
Munin uses the excellent RRDTool (written by Tobi Oetiker) and the framework is written in Perl, while plugins may be written in any language. Munin has a master/node architecture in which the master connects to all the nodes at regular intervals and asks them for data. It then stores the data in RRD files, and (if needed) updates the graphs.
One of the main goals has been ease of creating new plugins (graphs).
Munin 是一个非常好用安装和设置方便的监测软件,可监控核心系统资源,包括内存、磁盘、CPU 占用、服务器应用如 MySQL、Apache 和 Squid 等。
The master is responsible for all central Munin-related tasks.
It regularly connects to the various nodes, and then synchronously asks for the various metrics configuration and values and stores the data in RRD <> files.
On the fly the values are checked against limits (that you may set) and the Munin-Master will croak, if values go above or below the given thresholds.
Here we also generate the graphs, as this is a heavy task that needs some resources. Recent versions of Munin use cgi-graphing to generate graphs only when the user want’s to see them.
The node is a small agent running on each monitored host. We can have agent-less monitoring but this is a special case that will be addressed later.
Note that an usual setup involves having a node running also on the master host, in order to munin to monitor itself.
The munin plugin is a simple executable, which role is to gather one set of facts about the local server (or fetching data from a remote machine via SNMP)
The plugin is called with the argument “config” to get metadata, and with no arguments to get the values. These are mandatory arguments for each plugin. We have some more standard arguments, which play a role in the process of automatic configuration.
《基于Munin的主机监控解决方案》 主机监控是IT运维中的重要环节,它能实时反映出服务器的健康状况,包括磁盘使用、服务状态、网络流量以及系统负载等关键信息。Munin是一款广泛使用的开源监控工具,它采用agent/...
启动并设置`munin-node`服务为开机自启动,同时确保防火墙开放4949端口,以便MUNIN服务器可以与之通信。 为了进行远程监控,可能需要安装telnet服务。虽然telnet不提供安全的连接,但它在测试和诊断时非常方便。...
Weblate是一个基于版权的自由软件,基于Web的连续本地化系统,在超过165个国家/... 用于Weblate的Munin监控 安装 将weblate复制到/ etc / munin / plugins / 将weblate_servers复制并编辑到/etc/munin/plugin-conf.d/
-)设置要在 Ubuntu 或任何其他基于 Debian 的 Linux 下安装所需的软件,只需运行: apt-get install curl munin munin-node接下来,将munin-fritzbox下载为或使用 Git: git clone
Munin 是一个强大的开源监控系统,它允许用户收集和可视化各种服务器、网络设备和其他资源的性能数据。在本文中,我们将深入探讨 munin-node 的作用,特别是在与 Chumby 设备集成时的角色,以及如何利用 munin-node ...
2. **Nagios**:Nagios 是一个功能强大的开源网络监控软件,能实时检查服务器和应用程序的状态,及时发出警报。它支持监控多种系统和服务,确保关键业务的稳定运行。 3. **Munin**:与Cacti类似,Munin也是一款网络...
"这意味着Linpro RRD已经发展成了名为Munin的新项目,Munin同样是一个开源的系统监控工具,它能够收集各种服务器和网络设备的性能数据,并以图形化的方式展示出来,便于管理员理解和分析系统的运行状态。Munin在...
- **Munin**:轻量级的网络监控工具。 - **ZenOSS**:开源的网络设备监控系统。 - **OpenNMS**:提供全面的服务监控。 - **Monit**:用于监控并自动修复服务问题。 - **告警通知工具**: - **Nagios**:广泛...
维护部分详细介绍了如何更新软件,备份管理,以及使用不同的监控工具如Munin和Icinga来监视服务器。还有关于如何使用backports安装更新的软件以及如何通过CD映像进行升级的信息。 在升级方面,手册提供了从...
同时,查阅基础设施文档和利用监控平台(如Munin、Zabbix、Nagios、New Relic等)的数据,可以帮助快速定位问题。 接着,通过命令行工具进行初步诊断。例如,`$ w` 和 `$ last` 可以查看当前在线用户和历史登录记录...
同时,也有第三方监控工具(如Munin、Cacti)用于监控其性能指标,帮助定位问题。 10. **适用场景**:memcached适用于高并发、读取密集型的应用,例如动态网站、API服务、实时数据分析等。 通过以上内容,我们了解...
- **munin**: 多主机性能监控。 - **zabbix**: 企业级监控解决方案。 12. **Shell脚本编写** - **bash**: 最常用的Shell。 - **sh**: 通用Shell。 - **awk/sed**: 文本处理工具。 13. **系统日志分析** - **...
check_mk_agent是Munin网络监控系统的一个扩展,它提供了一个轻量级的代理程序,可以在被监控的服务器上运行,收集性能数据,并将其发送到监控服务器。 在SaltStack中,公式是一组预定义的配置文件和 Salt States,...