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【Zeroc ICE 存根文件的作用】



ICE 存根文件的作用

The compiler generates quite few source files for each Slice interface. In

general, for an interface <interface-name>, the following source files are created

by the compiler:

1) <interface-name>.java

This source file declares the <interface-name> Java interface.


2) <interface-name>Holder.java

This source file defines a holder type for the interface 


3) <interface-name>Prx.java

This source file defines the <interface-name>Prx interface 


4) <interface-name>PrxHelper.java

This source file defines the helper type for the interface’s proxy 


5) <interface-name>PrxHolder.java

This source file defines the a holder type for the interface’s proxy 


6) <interface-name>Operations.java

7)  _<interface-name>OperationsNC.java

These source files each define an interface that contains the operations corre-

sponding to the Slice interface.

These are the files that contain code that is relevant to the client side. The

compiler also generates a file that is specific to the server side, plus three addi-

tional files:


8) _<interface-name>Disp.java

This file contains the definition of the server-side skeleton class.



9) _<interface-name>Del.java

10) _<interface-name>DelD.java

11)  _<interface-name>DelM.java

These files contain code that is internal to the Java mapping; they do not

contain any functions of relevance to application programmers.


12) Callback_<interface-name>_<Method>.java


  • 大小: 70 KB
  • 大小: 25 KB


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