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可以说是超级简单的Demo了,可惜没有演示设值注入和构造注入两 ...
模拟spring中的ClassPathXmlApplicationContext类的实现 -
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容我说一句 在座的各位都是垃圾 spring 3.2以后的@C ...
三. spring mvc 异常统一处理 -
二 基于Spring的异常体系处理
xsl函数浏览 XSLT supplies a number of functions. <!--<RuleTypeName>GIM.Rule.Common.CommonRule,GIM.Rule.Common</RuleTypeName>--> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XSLT Functions Name Description current() Returns the current node document() Used to access the nodes in an external XML document element-available() Tests whether the element specified is supported by the XSLT processor format-number() Converts a number into a string function-available() Tests whether the function specified is supported by the XSLT processor generate-id() Returns a string value that uniquely identifies a specified node key() Returns a node-set using the index specified by an element system-property() Returns the value of the system properties unparsed-entity-uri() Returns the URI of an unparsed entity -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inherited XPath Functions Node Set Functions Name Description Syntax count() 返回结点个数 number=count(node-set) id() Selects elements by their unique ID node-set=id(value) last() 返回最后一个结点的需要 number=last() local-name() Returns the local part of a node. A node usually consists of a prefix, a colon, followed by the local name string=local-name(node) name() 返回一个结点的名称 string=name(node) namespace-uri() 返回一个结点的名称空间 uri=namespace-uri(node) position() 返回结点序号 number=position() String Functions Name Description Syntax & Example concat() 返回一个将N个字符串连接的值 string=concat(val1, val2, ..) 示例: concat('The',' ','XML') 返回结果: 'The XML' contains() 如果val包含substr则返回true bool=contains(val,substr) 示例: contains('XML','X') 返回结果: true normalize-space() 删除多余空格 string=normalize-space(string) 示例: normalize-space(' The XML ') 返回结果: 'The XML' starts-with() 如果String以substr开始则返回true bool=starts-with(string,substr) 示例: starts-with('XML','X') 返回结果: true string() 将数字转换为字符 string(value) 示例: string(314) 返回结果: '314' string-length() 返回一个字符串的长度 number=string-length(string) 示例: string-length('Beatles') 返回结果: 7 substring() 将string从start开始一直截取到第length位 string=substring(string,start,length) 示例: substring('Beatles',1,4) 返回结果: 'Beat' substring-after() 将string以substr分割,选取最后一个 string=substring-after(string,substr) 示例: substring-after('12/10','/') 返回结果: '10' substring-before() 将string以substr分割,选取第一个 string=substring-before(string,substr) 示例: substring-before('12/10','/') 返回结果: '12' translate() 对字串进行替换操作 string=translate(value,string1,string2) 示例: translate('12:30',':','!') 返回结果: '12!30' 晕死了,这个函数,如果替换多个字符的话,他会一个一个的判断。 Number Functions Name Description Syntax & Example ceiling() 返回一个整数 number=ceiling(number) 示例: ceiling(3.14) 返回结果: 4 floor() 返回一个整数 number=floor(number) 示例: floor(3.14) 返回结果: 3 number() 将字符型转为数字 number=number(value) 示例: number('100') 返回结果: 100 round() 返回一个实数的四舍五入的整数值 integer=round(number) 示例: round(3.14) 返回结果: 3 sum() 返回结点值的和 number=sum(nodeset) 示例: sum(/cd/price) Boolean Functions Name Description Syntax & Example boolean() Converts the value argument to Boolean and returns true or false bool=boolean(value) false() 返回false false() 示例: number(false()) 返回结果: 0 lang() Returns true if the language argument matches the language of the the xsl:lang element, otherwise it returns false bool=lang(language) not() Returns true if the condition argument is false, and false if the condition argument is true bool=not(condition) 示例: not(false()) true() Returns true true() 示例: number(true()) 返回结果: 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The current() Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition and Usage The current() function returns a node-set that contains only the current node. Usually the current node and the context node are the same. is equal to However, there is one difference. Look at the following XPath expression: 'catalog/cd'. This expression selects the child nodes of the current node, and then it selects the child nodes of the nodes. This means that on each step of evaluation, the '.' has a different meaning. The following line: will process all cd elements that have a title attribute with value equal to the value of the current node's ref attribute. This is different from that will process all cd elements that have a title attribute and a ref attribute with the same value. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax node-set current() Example 1 Current node: If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XML file and the XSL file. View the result in Netscape 6 or IE 6 The document() Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition and Usage The document() function is used to access nodes in an external XML document. The external XML document must be valid and parsable. One way to use this function is to look up data in an external document. For example we want to find the Celsius value from a Fahrenheit value and we refer to a document that contains some pre-computed results: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax node-set document(object,node-set?) Parameters Parameter Description object Required. Defines an URI to an external XML document node-set Optional. Used to resolve relative URI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The element-available() Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition and Usage The element-available() function returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the element specified is supported by the XSLT processor. This function can only be used to test elements that can occur in a template body. These elements are: xsl:apply-imports xsl:apply-templates xsl:attributes xsl:call-template xsl:choose xsl:comment xsl:copy xsl:copy-of xsl:element xsl:fallback xsl:for-each xsl:if xsl:message xsl:number xsl:processing instruction xsl:text xsl:value-of xsl:variable -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax boolean element-available(string) Parameters Parameter Description string Required. Specifies the element to test Example 1 xsl:comment is supported. xsl:comment is not supported. xsl:delete is supported. xsl:delete is not supported. If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XSL file. View the result in Netscape 6 or IE 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The format-number() Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition and Usage The format-number() function is used to convert a number into a string. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax string format-number(number,format,[decimalformat]) Parameters Parameter Description number Required. Specifies the number to be formatted format Required. Specifies the format pattern. Here are some of the characters used in the formatting pattern: # (Denotes a digit. 示例: ####) 0 (Denotes leading and following zeros. 示例: 0000.00) . (The position of the decimal point 示例: ###.##) , (The group separator for thousands. 示例: ###,###.##) % (Displays the number as a percentage. 示例: ##%) ; (Pattern separator. The first pattern will be used for positive numbers and the second for negative numbers) decimalformat Optional. Example 1 If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XSL file. View the result in Netscape 6 or IE 6 The function-available() Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition and Usage The function-available() function returns a Boolean value that indicates whether the function specified is supported by the XSLT processor. You may test the XSLT functions and the inherited XPath functions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax boolean function-available(string) Parameters Parameter Description string Required. Specifies the function to test Example 1 sum() is supported. sum() is not supported. current() is supported. current() is not supported. If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XSL file. View the result in Netscape 6 or IE 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The generate-id() Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition and Usage The generate-id() function returns a string value that uniquely identifies a specified node. If the node-set specified is empty, an empty string is returned. If you omit the node-set parameter, it defaults to the current node. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax string generate-id(node-set?) Parameters Parameter Description node-set Optional. Specifies on which node-set to generate a unique id Example 1 Artists: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Artist: Title: Price: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XML file and the XSL file. View the result in Netscape 6 or IE 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The key() Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition and Usage The key() function returns a node-set from the document, using the index specified by an element. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax node-set key(string, object) Parameters Parameter Description string Required. Specifies the name of an xsl:key element object Required. A string to search for Example 1 Title: Artist: Price: If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XML file and the XSL file. View the result in Netscape 6 or IE 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The system-property() Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition and Usage The system-property() function returns the value of the system property specified by the name. System properties in the XSLT namespace: xsl:version - The version of XSLT implemented by the processor xsl:vendor - The vendor of the XSLT processor xsl:vendor-url - The URL identifying the vendor of the XSLT processor -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Syntax object system-property(string) Parameters Parameter Description string Required. Specifies the system property to return the value of Example 1 Version: Vendor: Vendor URL: If you have Netscape 6 or IE 5 or higher you can view: the XSL file. View the result in Netscape 6 or IE 6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The unparsed-entity-uri() Function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definition and Usage The unparsed-entity-uri() function returns the URI of an unparsed entity. The name of the entity must match the passed argument. If there is no such entity an empty string is returned. If the DTD contains the following declaration: the following expression: unparsed-entity-uri('pic') will return the URI for the file 'picture.jpg'.
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XSLT还支持条件语句、循环、函数调用等高级编程特性,使得转换过程可以非常灵活和复杂。 TransformXslt可能是这个绿色软件的主程序名称,可能包含以下功能: 1. **导入XML文件**:用户可以通过界面选择要转换的XML...
在这个情况下,XSLT被用来将元数据转化为美观且用户友好的网页,这使得开发者可以在线查看和浏览XSL样式表的详细文档。 在压缩包文件“xslt_documentation_public”中,我们可以期待找到以下内容: 1. 自我注解的...
SAX(Simple API for XML)是一种基于事件的解析方式,逐行读取XML文档,当遇到元素、属性等时触发相应的事件处理函数。 四、XML命名空间 XML命名空间用于解决元素和属性名称的冲突问题。通过`xmlns`属性指定命名...
xml_transformNode:xsl转换。 xml_text:节点的文本。 selectSingleNode:根据XPath选择单个节点。 selectNodes:根据XPath选择多个节点。 全部代码(zyllibjs_xml.js)—— 代码如下: /* zyllibjs_xml XML处理 @...
在IE浏览器中,可以通过以下代码来加载XML和XSL文件,并进行转换: ```javascript var xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM"); xml.async = false; xml.load("cdcatalog.xml"); var xsl = new ...
分页功能通常用于显示大量数据时,让用户逐页浏览。在这个例子中,HTML页面可能展示了如何在网页上实现分页导航。 3. **paging.js**: JavaScript文件用于增加交互性,可能包含了分页功能的动态逻辑,如点击按钮切换...
尽管早期版本的IE浏览器提供了对XSL的支持,但其他浏览器的兼容性较差。通过XSL,可以将XML数据转换成各种格式的输出,如HTML、PDF等。 综上所述,AJAX技术通过对现有Web技术的有效组合,实现了更加丰富的用户体验...
JavaScript中的树形控件XTree是一种常见的用于展示层次结构数据的UI组件,广泛应用于网站的导航菜单、文件系统浏览、组织结构展示等场景。XTree以其灵活的配置、丰富的交互功能以及良好的性能,深受开发者喜爱。 ...
2. **XSL函数**:提供了一系列内置函数,用于处理XML数据,如排序、选择节点等。 3. **XSLT与JavaScript的结合**:通过JavaScript解析XSLT,将转换后的HTML插入到DOM中。 **综合运用** 在实际开发中,Ajax开发...
`initialize()`函数使用ActiveX对象`Microsoft.XMLDOM`加载XML和XSL文档,并将XML文档转换为HTML后插入到页面中的`folderTree`元素内。这展示了如何在客户端使用XML和XSLT进行数据展示。 ### 3. 数据验证 文件中...
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**解析**: Internet Explorer 是由微软开发的一款网页浏览器,可以用来浏览Internet上的网页。 ### 21. 访问控制符 - **知识点**: 在面向对象编程中,访问控制符用于控制类成员的可见性。 **解析**: 私有保护访问...
- 在“浏览”部分取消勾选“禁用脚本调试(Internet Explorer)”和“禁用脚本调试(其他)”。 #### 四、调试方法 ##### 1. 被动调试 被动调试也称为自动调试,即当IE遇到JavaScript语法错误或运行时错误时自动弹出...
16. 在浏览窗口中,逻辑删除记录通常不会立即影响界面显示,因此通过按Delete键直接删除记录的操作通常不会实现逻辑删除。 17. JSP内置对象**response**的`getOutputStream()`方法用于获取到客户端的输出流,服务器...
这些语言都有特定的库和函数来支持Unicode,例如Java中的`java.lang.String`类提供了多种处理Unicode的方法,Python的内置字符串类型默认就是Unicode支持的。 另一个标签“工具”可能是指用于查看和操作Unicode字符...
15.8 “以编号浏览”XSL样式表 15.9 “以名字浏览”XSL样式表 15.10 激活XSL样式表 15.11 问题:保持树的同步 15.12 小结 第16章 实例研究2—XML和分布式 应用程序 16.1 目前的弱点 16.2 构建网络应用程序的...
程序描述:本章将使用Ajax技术实现无刷新即可浏览RSS的阅读器。添加一个RSS地址时,自动保存到数据库。打开阅读RSS时,自动获取最新的RSS内容,而无需刷新页面。 /RSSReader.jsp RSS阅读器 /rss.js ...
15.8 “以编号浏览”XSL样式表 15.9 “以名字浏览”XSL样式表 15.10 激活XSL样式表 15.11 问题:保持树的同步 15.12 小结 第16章 实例研究2—XML和分布式 应用程序 16.1 目前的弱点 16.2 构建网络应用程序的...