hibernate使用sybase 15.0数据库,在未设置好DB参数时可能会造成乱码,出错显示如下:
Error 500: Hibernate flushing: Could not execute JDBC batch update; SQL [insert into CCS_LOG_ACTION (OP_ID, OP_TIME, MAINTYPE_CODE, SUBTYPE_CODE, SECONDTYPE_CODE, DESCRIPTION, DATALINE, BP_TYPE, BIZ_CODE, BIZ_ID, WORKSHEET_ID, WORKSHEET_NO, ID) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)]; JZ0BE: BatchUpdateException:鎵ц鎵瑰鐞嗚鍙ユ椂鍑洪敊:Error converting characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could not be converted. ; nested exception is com.sybase.jdbc3.jdbc.SybBatchUpdateException: JZ0BE: BatchUpdateException:鎵ц鎵瑰鐞嗚鍙ユ椂鍑洪敊:Error converting characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could not be converted.
sp_configure "disable character set conversions" ,1
"disable character set conversions"为静态数据,需要重启server。那先shutdown数据库,然后再./startserver -f servername
昨日帮同事安装LoadRunner9.1,把依赖(或可能需要)的组件都装上后,仍出现“command line option syntax error.type command /? for help” 错误,google一下,竟然跟很多SQLServer数据库安装出错的提示一样,可见http://www.918x.cn/post/679.html:
This problem may occur if all the following conditions are true:
• You run the SQL Server 2000 SP3 Setup.bat file from a folder that contains double-byte character set (DBCS) characters in the folder name.
• An ODBC client program that uses the Sqlsrv32.dll file is running on your computer.
我英文很烂,不过还是勉强看明白了。其中第一点是说,如果你把安装文件放在一个拥有双字节的名字的文件夹里就活该倒大霉。我的SQL SERVER2000安装盘的所在文件夹起了个中文名字,而汉字正是所谓的双字节。将文件夹名字改回英文再装,问题解决了。
"A tool for converting the file into pdf format" 指的是一款能够将各种类型的文件转换成PDF格式的工具。这种工具通常支持多种输入格式,如DOC、DOCX、XLS、PPT、TXT、HTML等,以便于分享、打印或长期保存。 PDF...
"Converting the CONNECT sample to a local server"的主题聚焦于将一个基于CONNECT的示例应用移植到用户的本地服务器环境。这个过程通常包括几个关键步骤,涉及代码调整、配置更改以及对本地环境的适应。 首先,...
这个名为"Converting_text_into_images"的项目是用Delphi编程语言实现的一个小程序,其核心目标是将文本信息转化为不可编辑的图像格式,从而增加了数据的安全性和可移植性。 Delphi是一款强大的面向对象的编程环境...
当服务器的字符集不支持某些特定的生僻汉字时,就会出现错误信息“Msg 2402, Severity 16 (EX_USER): Error converting client characters into server's character set. Some character(s) could not be converted....
### 将关系数据库转换为XML文档的关键知识点 随着互联网技术的发展与数据交换需求的增长,XML(可扩展标记语言)作为一种标准化的数据表示与交换格式,在近年来得到了广泛的应用与认可。本文基于一篇研究论文的核心...
code for converting gray scale image into color image by using template
showed greater angiotensin-converting enzyme-I (ACE-I) inhibitory activity (IC90 0.45 mg/mL) than other cephalopods (IC90>0.50 mg/mL). A significant colinearity was found between the electronegative ...
D3D to opengl converting library
该文档(Converting Toolbox - 应用手册)主要介绍了SIMATIC Winder和Tension Control的基本原理和技术特点,并提供了详细的实施指南。 #### 二、张力控制原理 ##### 2.1 张力控制基础概念 - **机械系统组成**:...
此函数根据由协方差矩阵的特征值的平方根组成的输入计算球面误差可能半径(等效地,来自坐标系中三变量正态分布的 sigma-x、sigma-y 和 sigma-z,其中存在变量之间没有互相关。)这意味着如果您有一个协方差矩阵并...
在操作数据库时,需要将字符串转换成decimal类型。 代码如下: select cast('0.12' as ...error converting data type varchar to numeric. select cast('0.12e+006' as decimal(18,2)); select convert(decimal
Poon, “Novel method for converting digital Fresnel hologram to phase-only hologram based on bidirectional error diffusion,” Opt. Express 21(20), 23680–23686 (2013).”所提方法编写的,用于计算全息中...
### MT-008 将振荡器相位噪声转换为时间抖动 #### 引言 在现代信号处理和通信系统中,高精度的时间稳定度对于实现高性能模数转换器(ADC)至关重要。ADC的孔径抖动规格是决定其信噪比(SNR)水平的关键因素之一。...
format string, which has been corrected by converting them into enum when the format string is parsed. * Use the hashfile API in the codepath that writes the index file to reduce code duplication...
colorspace Converting between RGB, YUV, HSV, CIE Labcolorspace Converting between RGB, YUV, HSV, CIE Lab
// Parameter : Scaler converting 1/N cycles to a GLOBAL_Q freq (Q0) - independently with global Q Uint32 freqScaler_fr; // Parameter : Scaler converting 1/N cycles to a GLOBAL_Q freq (Q0) - ...
Converting them into Flash now, and your presentations can be played back every where, Windows, Linux, Macintosh and even Hand held PCs, because Flash is the most popular format in the ...
Converting Between Characters and Numeric Codes Recipe 1.3. Testing Whether an Object Is String-like Recipe 1.4. Aligning Strings Recipe 1.5. Trimming Space from the Ends of a String Recipe ...
WebBuy technology, or any other Acrobat security plug-in (like FileOpen, SoftLock etc) by converting them into plain PDF files -- without any protection and restrictions. Decrypted file can be opened...