Sub copyfiles()
On Error GoTo errorflag
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim directoryNameArray() As String
Dim relativeFilePath As String
Dim tempDirectoryName As String
For i = 0 To Cells(3, 2) - 1
tempDirectoryName = ""
relativeFilePath = Cells(4 + i, 2)
If relativeFilePath = "" Then
Exit For
End If
relativeFilePath = Replace(relativeFilePath, "/", "\")
directoryNameArray = Split(relativeFilePath, "\")
For j = 0 To UBound(directoryNameArray) - 1
tempDirectoryName = tempDirectoryName & "\" & directoryNameArray(j)
If Dir(Cells(2, 2) & tempDirectoryName, vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir Cells(2, 2) & tempDirectoryName
End If
Next j
Dim destinationFileFullPath As String
Dim sourceFileFullPath As String
sourceFileFullPath = Cells(1, 2) & tempDirectoryName & "\" & directoryNameArray(j)
destinationFileFullPath = Cells(2, 2) & tempDirectoryName & "\" & directoryNameArray(j)
FileCopy sourceFileFullPath, destinationFileFullPath
Next i
MsgBox "指定的文件目录已复制完毕"
GoTo finished
Exit Sub
MsgBox sourceFileFullPath & (i + 4)
End Sub
给定的代码为一个VBA宏(Visual Basic for Applications),主要用于实现Excel工作簿中Sheet的拷贝操作。此宏能够遍历指定目录下的所有`.tmp`扩展名的工作簿,并将每个工作簿中的所有Sheet内容复制到当前活动工作簿...
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