  • 浏览: 135354 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 成都

Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"

  • iOS

OSX: El Captain

Xcode: 7.0


环境: 模拟器(iOS simulator)访问本地服务器 出现错误



解决: 把本地ip地址改成127.0.0.1



    Linux操作系统错误代码解释 (中英文对照).pdf

    OS error code 2: No such file or directory** - **中文解释**:没有这样的文件或目录 - **描述**:当试图访问不存在的文件或目录时返回此错误。这通常是路径指定错误或者文件已经被删除所致。 **4. OS error ...


    2. OS error code 2: No such file or directory - 找不到指定的文件或目录。 3. OS error code 3: No such process - 指定的进程不存在。 4. OS error code 4: Interrupted system call - 系统调用被信号中断。 5. ...


    3. **OS error code 2: No such file or directory** - **操作系统错误代码2:没有这样的文件或目录** - 这个错误通常发生在尝试访问不存在的文件或目录时。可能是由于拼写错误或者文件已被删除导致的。 4. **OS ...


    The directory from the --with-config-file-path compile time option, or the ; Windows directory (C:\windows or C:\winnt) ; See the PHP docs for more specific information. ; ...

    ICS delphixe10源码版

    option to restore this directory tree or you will have problems because the files would not be in their proper subdirectories. Please note most of these directories are differently named to ICS V7 ...


    #### 2 ENOENT -- No such file or directory 找不到指定的文件或目录。这通常发生在尝试访问不存在的文件或目录时。 #### 3 ESRCH -- No such process 没有找到这样的进程。这通常发生在尝试对不存在的进程进行...

    VB编程资源大全(英文源码 网络)

    1 , WinLocaleConvert.zip This program shows the international settings of the country you select such as Format Currency, Date Format, Day Name, Month Name...<END><br>2 , netstuff.zip This ...


    Note that just changing the computer name or adding the computer to a different domain does not change the computer SID and that the computer SID is not the same as the SID, called the domain SID, ...


    Returns the object bound with the specified name in this session, or null if no object is bound under the name. getAttributeNames() - Method in interface javax.servlet.ServletContext Returns an ...

    VB编程资源大全(英文源码 控制)

    If you try it in VB, you will get a runtime error, but this code shows you how to do it. Gilbert says<END><br>51 , ledbulb.zip This is a first for this author. Its an OCX which represents a ...

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