Spring 3.0.4(2.x版本中也存在类似问题)
<bean id="sqlMapClient" class="org.springframework.orm.ibatis.SqlMapClientFactoryBean"> <property name="configLocation" value="classpath:/com/foo/xxx/sqlMapConfig.xml" /> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" /> <property name="mappingLocations" value="classpath*:/**/sqlmap/*SqlMap.xml" /> </bean>
<sqlMapConfig> ... <sqlMap url="someSqlMap" resource="com/foo/xxx/someSqlMap.xml"/> ... </sqlMapConfig>
<cacheModel id="mycache" type ="LRU" readOnly="false" serialize="false"> <flushInterval hours="24"/> <flushOnExecute statement="myobj.insert"/> <property name="cache-size" value="50" /> </cacheModel>
/** * * @author Foxswily */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class MySqlMapClientFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<SqlMapClient>, InitializingBean { private static final ThreadLocal<LobHandler> configTimeLobHandlerHolder = new ThreadLocal<LobHandler>(); /** * Return the LobHandler for the currently configured iBATIS SqlMapClient, * to be used by TypeHandler implementations like ClobStringTypeHandler. * <p> * This instance will be set before initialization of the corresponding * SqlMapClient, and reset immediately afterwards. It is thus only available * during configuration. * * @see #setLobHandler * @see org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support.ClobStringTypeHandler * @see org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support.BlobByteArrayTypeHandler * @see org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support.BlobSerializableTypeHandler */ public static LobHandler getConfigTimeLobHandler() { return configTimeLobHandlerHolder.get(); } private Resource[] configLocations; private Resource[] mappingLocations; private Properties sqlMapClientProperties; private DataSource dataSource; private boolean useTransactionAwareDataSource = true; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") private Class transactionConfigClass = ExternalTransactionConfig.class; private Properties transactionConfigProperties; private LobHandler lobHandler; private SqlMapClient sqlMapClient; public MySqlMapClientFactoryBean() { this.transactionConfigProperties = new Properties(); this.transactionConfigProperties.setProperty("SetAutoCommitAllowed", "false"); } /** * Set the location of the iBATIS SqlMapClient config file. A typical value * is "WEB-INF/sql-map-config.xml". * * @see #setConfigLocations */ public void setConfigLocation(Resource configLocation) { this.configLocations = (configLocation != null ? new Resource[] { configLocation } : null); } /** * Set multiple locations of iBATIS SqlMapClient config files that are going * to be merged into one unified configuration at runtime. */ public void setConfigLocations(Resource[] configLocations) { this.configLocations = configLocations; } /** * Set locations of iBATIS sql-map mapping files that are going to be merged * into the SqlMapClient configuration at runtime. * <p> * This is an alternative to specifying "<sqlMap>" entries in a * sql-map-client config file. This property being based on Spring's * resource abstraction also allows for specifying resource patterns here: * e.g. "/myApp/*-map.xml". * <p> * Note that this feature requires iBATIS 2.3.2; it will not work with any * previous iBATIS version. */ public void setMappingLocations(Resource[] mappingLocations) { this.mappingLocations = mappingLocations; } /** * Set optional properties to be passed into the SqlMapClientBuilder, as * alternative to a <code><properties></code> tag in the * sql-map-config.xml file. Will be used to resolve placeholders in the * config file. * * @see #setConfigLocation * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClientBuilder#buildSqlMapClient(java.io.InputStream, * java.util.Properties) */ public void setSqlMapClientProperties(Properties sqlMapClientProperties) { this.sqlMapClientProperties = sqlMapClientProperties; } /** * Set the DataSource to be used by iBATIS SQL Maps. This will be passed to * the SqlMapClient as part of a TransactionConfig instance. * <p> * If specified, this will override corresponding settings in the * SqlMapClient properties. Usually, you will specify DataSource and * transaction configuration <i>either</i> here <i>or</i> in SqlMapClient * properties. * <p> * Specifying a DataSource for the SqlMapClient rather than for each * individual DAO allows for lazy loading, for example when using * PaginatedList results. * <p> * With a DataSource passed in here, you don't need to specify one for each * DAO. Passing the SqlMapClient to the DAOs is enough, as it already * carries a DataSource. Thus, it's recommended to specify the DataSource at * this central location only. * <p> * Thanks to Brandon Goodin from the iBATIS team for the hint on how to make * this work with Spring's integration strategy! * * @see #setTransactionConfigClass * @see #setTransactionConfigProperties * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient#getDataSource * @see SqlMapClientTemplate#setDataSource * @see SqlMapClientTemplate#queryForPaginatedList */ public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } /** * Set whether to use a transaction-aware DataSource for the SqlMapClient, * i.e. whether to automatically wrap the passed-in DataSource with Spring's * TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy. * <p> * Default is "true": When the SqlMapClient performs direct database * operations outside of Spring's SqlMapClientTemplate (for example, lazy * loading or direct SqlMapClient access), it will still participate in * active Spring-managed transactions. * <p> * As a further effect, using a transaction-aware DataSource will apply * remaining transaction timeouts to all created JDBC Statements. This means * that all operations performed by the SqlMapClient will automatically * participate in Spring-managed transaction timeouts. * <p> * Turn this flag off to get raw DataSource handling, without Spring * transaction checks. Operations on Spring's SqlMapClientTemplate will * still detect Spring-managed transactions, but lazy loading or direct * SqlMapClient access won't. * * @see #setDataSource * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy * @see org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager * @see SqlMapClientTemplate * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClient */ public void setUseTransactionAwareDataSource(boolean useTransactionAwareDataSource) { this.useTransactionAwareDataSource = useTransactionAwareDataSource; } /** * Set the iBATIS TransactionConfig class to use. Default is * <code>com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.external.ExternalTransactionConfig</code> * . * <p> * Will only get applied when using a Spring-managed DataSource. An instance * of this class will get populated with the given DataSource and * initialized with the given properties. * <p> * The default ExternalTransactionConfig is appropriate if there is external * transaction management that the SqlMapClient should participate in: be it * Spring transaction management, EJB CMT or plain JTA. This should be the * typical scenario. If there is no active transaction, SqlMapClient * operations will execute SQL statements non-transactionally. * <p> * JdbcTransactionConfig or JtaTransactionConfig is only necessary when * using the iBATIS SqlMapTransactionManager API instead of external * transactions. If there is no explicit transaction, SqlMapClient * operations will automatically start a transaction for their own scope (in * contrast to the external transaction mode, see above). * <p> * <b>It is strongly recommended to use iBATIS SQL Maps with Spring * transaction management (or EJB CMT).</b> In this case, the default * ExternalTransactionConfig is fine. Lazy loading and SQL Maps operations * without explicit transaction demarcation will execute * non-transactionally. * <p> * Even with Spring transaction management, it might be desirable to specify * JdbcTransactionConfig: This will still participate in existing * Spring-managed transactions, but lazy loading and operations without * explicit transaction demaration will execute in their own auto-started * transactions. However, this is usually not necessary. * * @see #setDataSource * @see #setTransactionConfigProperties * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.TransactionConfig * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.external.ExternalTransactionConfig * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.jdbc.JdbcTransactionConfig * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionConfig * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapTransactionManager */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public void setTransactionConfigClass(Class transactionConfigClass) { if (transactionConfigClass == null || !TransactionConfig.class.isAssignableFrom(transactionConfigClass)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Invalid transactionConfigClass: does not implement " + "com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.TransactionConfig"); } this.transactionConfigClass = transactionConfigClass; } /** * Set properties to be passed to the TransactionConfig instance used by * this SqlMapClient. Supported properties depend on the concrete * TransactionConfig implementation used: * <p> * <ul> * <li><b>ExternalTransactionConfig</b> supports "DefaultAutoCommit" * (default: false) and "SetAutoCommitAllowed" (default: true). Note that * Spring uses SetAutoCommitAllowed = false as default, in contrast to the * iBATIS default, to always keep the original autoCommit value as provided * by the connection pool. * <li><b>JdbcTransactionConfig</b> does not supported any properties. * <li><b>JtaTransactionConfig</b> supports "UserTransaction" (no default), * specifying the JNDI location of the JTA UserTransaction (usually * "java:comp/UserTransaction"). * </ul> * * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.TransactionConfig#initialize * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.external.ExternalTransactionConfig * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.jdbc.JdbcTransactionConfig * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.transaction.jta.JtaTransactionConfig */ public void setTransactionConfigProperties(Properties transactionConfigProperties) { this.transactionConfigProperties = transactionConfigProperties; } /** * Set the LobHandler to be used by the SqlMapClient. Will be exposed at * config time for TypeHandler implementations. * * @see #getConfigTimeLobHandler * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.type.TypeHandler * @see org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support.ClobStringTypeHandler * @see org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support.BlobByteArrayTypeHandler * @see org.springframework.orm.ibatis.support.BlobSerializableTypeHandler */ public void setLobHandler(LobHandler lobHandler) { this.lobHandler = lobHandler; } public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception { if (this.lobHandler != null) { // Make given LobHandler available for SqlMapClient configuration. // Do early because because mapping resource might refer to custom // types. configTimeLobHandlerHolder.set(this.lobHandler); } try { this.sqlMapClient = buildSqlMapClient(this.configLocations, this.mappingLocations, this.sqlMapClientProperties); // Tell the SqlMapClient to use the given DataSource, if any. if (this.dataSource != null) { TransactionConfig transactionConfig = (TransactionConfig) this.transactionConfigClass .newInstance(); DataSource dataSourceToUse = this.dataSource; if (this.useTransactionAwareDataSource && !(this.dataSource instanceof TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy)) { dataSourceToUse = new TransactionAwareDataSourceProxy(this.dataSource); } transactionConfig.setDataSource(dataSourceToUse); transactionConfig.initialize(this.transactionConfigProperties); applyTransactionConfig(this.sqlMapClient, transactionConfig); } } finally { if (this.lobHandler != null) { // Reset LobHandler holder. configTimeLobHandlerHolder.set(null); } } } /** * Build a SqlMapClient instance based on the given standard configuration. * <p> * The default implementation uses the standard iBATIS * {@link SqlMapClientBuilder} API to build a SqlMapClient instance based on * an InputStream (if possible, on iBATIS 2.3 and higher) or on a Reader (on * iBATIS up to version 2.2). * * @param configLocations * the config files to load from * @param properties * the SqlMapClient properties (if any) * @return the SqlMapClient instance (never <code>null</code>) * @throws IOException * if loading the config file failed * @throws NoSuchFieldException * @throws SecurityException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws IllegalArgumentException * @throws NoSuchMethodException * @throws InvocationTargetException * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.client.SqlMapClientBuilder#buildSqlMapClient */ protected SqlMapClient buildSqlMapClient(Resource[] configLocations, Resource[] mappingLocations, Properties properties) throws IOException, SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException, IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException { if (ObjectUtils.isEmpty(configLocations)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "At least 1 'configLocation' entry is required"); } SqlMapClient client = null; SqlMapConfigParser configParser = new SqlMapConfigParser(); for (Resource configLocation : configLocations) { InputStream is = configLocation.getInputStream(); try { client = configParser.parse(is, properties); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { throw new NestedIOException("Failed to parse config resource: " + configLocation, ex.getCause()); } } if (mappingLocations != null) { SqlMapParser mapParser = SqlMapParserFactory.createSqlMapParser(configParser); for (Resource mappingLocation : mappingLocations) { try { mapParser.parse(mappingLocation.getInputStream()); } catch (NodeletException ex) { throw new NestedIOException("Failed to parse mapping resource: " + mappingLocation, ex); } } } //*************其实只改这一点而已,为了方便他人,全source贴出************** //为了取sqlMapConfig,反射private的field Field stateField = configParser.getClass().getDeclaredField("state"); stateField.setAccessible(true); XmlParserState state = (XmlParserState) stateField.get(configParser); SqlMapConfiguration sqlMapConfig = state.getConfig(); //反射取设置cache的方法,执行 Method wireUpCacheModels = sqlMapConfig.getClass().getDeclaredMethod( "wireUpCacheModels"); wireUpCacheModels.setAccessible(true); wireUpCacheModels.invoke(sqlMapConfig); //************************************************************************* return client; } /** * Apply the given iBATIS TransactionConfig to the SqlMapClient. * <p> * The default implementation casts to ExtendedSqlMapClient, retrieves the * maximum number of concurrent transactions from the * SqlMapExecutorDelegate, and sets an iBATIS TransactionManager with the * given TransactionConfig. * * @param sqlMapClient * the SqlMapClient to apply the TransactionConfig to * @param transactionConfig * the iBATIS TransactionConfig to apply * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.ExtendedSqlMapClient * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapExecutorDelegate#getMaxTransactions * @see com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.impl.SqlMapExecutorDelegate#setTxManager */ protected void applyTransactionConfig(SqlMapClient sqlMapClient, TransactionConfig transactionConfig) { if (!(sqlMapClient instanceof ExtendedSqlMapClient)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Cannot set TransactionConfig with DataSource for SqlMapClient if not of type " + "ExtendedSqlMapClient: " + sqlMapClient); } ExtendedSqlMapClient extendedClient = (ExtendedSqlMapClient) sqlMapClient; transactionConfig.setMaximumConcurrentTransactions(extendedClient.getDelegate() .getMaxTransactions()); extendedClient.getDelegate().setTxManager( new TransactionManager(transactionConfig)); } public SqlMapClient getObject() { return this.sqlMapClient; } public Class<? extends SqlMapClient> getObjectType() { return (this.sqlMapClient != null ? this.sqlMapClient.getClass() : SqlMapClient.class); } public boolean isSingleton() { return true; } /** * Inner class to avoid hard-coded iBATIS 2.3.2 dependency (XmlParserState * class). */ private static class SqlMapParserFactory { public static SqlMapParser createSqlMapParser(SqlMapConfigParser configParser) { // Ideally: XmlParserState state = configParser.getState(); // Should raise an enhancement request with iBATIS... XmlParserState state = null; try { Field stateField = SqlMapConfigParser.class.getDeclaredField("state"); stateField.setAccessible(true); state = (XmlParserState) stateField.get(configParser); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalStateException( "iBATIS 2.3.2 'state' field not found in SqlMapConfigParser class - " + "please upgrade to IBATIS 2.3.2 or higher in order to use the new 'mappingLocations' feature. " + ex); } return new SqlMapParser(state); } } }
<bean id="sqlMapClient" class="com.foo.xxx.MySqlMapClientFactoryBean"> <property name="configLocation" value="classpath:/com/foo/xxx/sqlMapConfig.xml" /> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" /> <property name="mappingLocations" value="classpath*:/**/sqlmap/*SqlMap.xml" /> </bean>
Spring与iBATIS的集成 iBATIS似乎已远离众说纷纭的OR框架之列,通常人们对非常流行的Hibernate情有独钟。但正如Spring A Developer's Notebook作者Bruce Tate 和Justin Gehtland所说的那样,与其他的OR框架相比...
### 解决IBatis缓存动态字段问题 #### 背景与问题描述 在使用IBatis框架处理数据库操作时,可能会遇到动态数据表名、动态字段名的情况。这种情况下,由于IBatis的缓存机制,可能导致字段找不到的问题。具体表现为...
在Spring+iBatis+Oracle体系中,缓存可以分为两种类型:一级缓存(本地缓存)和二级缓存。 一级缓存是iBatis默认提供的,它存在于SqlSession级别,同一SqlSession内的多次查询会共享结果,避免了重复的数据库访问。...
Struts2 Spring Hibernate IBatis Struts2 Spring Hibernate IBatisStruts2 Spring Hibernate IBatisStruts2 Spring Hibernate IBatis 只需要导入相应的jar包就行了 ,数据库是mysql :数据库名叫做mydatabase,表名...
在IT行业中,构建高效、可扩展的Web应用是至关重要的,而"Maven搭建SpringMVC+Spring+Ibatis"的组合则提供了一种强大的解决方案。本文将深入探讨这些技术及其集成,帮助你理解和掌握如何利用它们来构建现代化的Java ...
在Java Web开发中,Spring和iBatis是两个非常重要的框架。Spring是一个全面的后端开发框架,提供了依赖注入、AOP(面向切面编程)、事务管理等特性,而iBatis则是一个优秀的持久层框架,它将SQL语句与Java代码分离,...
Struts2+Spring+Hibernate和Struts2+Spring+Ibatis是两种常见的Java Web应用程序集成框架,它们分别基于ORM框架Hibernate和轻量级数据访问框架Ibatis。这两种框架结合Spring,旨在提供一个强大的、可扩展的、易于...
根据提供的文件信息,本文将详细解析如何在Spring与ibatis框架整合时,通过特定配置来保留ibatis事务处理机制,并实现对事务的自定义控制。文章将围绕标题、描述及部分代码片段展开讨论。 ### Spring与ibatis整合...
在IT行业中,Spring框架与iBatis的集成是常见的数据访问解决方案,特别是在Java Web开发中。这个集成将Spring的依赖注入特性和iBatis的SQL映射功能相结合,提供了高效且灵活的数据操作方式。让我们深入探讨一下这个...
Struts、Spring 和 iBatis 是 Java Web 开发中三个非常重要的开源框架,它们共同构建了一个灵活、可扩展且易于维护的系统架构。这个"Struts+Spring+Ibatis示例"提供了一个基础的整合应用,帮助开发者理解这三者如何...
### Spring+ibatis框架知识点详解 #### 一、Spring+ibatis框架简介 Spring与ibatis(现称为MyBatis)都是Java平台下非常流行的开源框架。Spring主要提供了一个轻量级的应用容器来管理对象的生命周期及依赖注入,而...
Struts、Spring 和 iBATIS 是Java开发领域中三大经典的开源框架,它们组合起来可以构建出高效、可维护的企业级Web应用。这个例子是利用这三个框架实现了一个基础的增删改查(CRUD)功能,涵盖了数据库操作、业务逻辑...
在IT行业中,集成Spring、Struts和iBatis与MySQL是构建企业级Java Web应用程序的常见选择。这个项目集成了Spring 2.5.5、Struts 2.1.6、iBatis 2.3.4以及MySQL 5.1数据库,使用IntelliJ IDEA 9作为开发环境。下面将...
### Spring对IBatis的整合 #### 一、Spring与IBatis整合概述 Spring框架与IBatis(现称为MyBatis)的整合为开发者提供了一种更简洁、更强大的数据库访问方式。Spring通过其内置的支持机制极大地简化了原有的IBatis...