is a family of protocols for solving consensus
in a network of unreliable processors. Consensus
is the process of agreeing on one result among a group of participants.
This problem becomes difficult when the participants or their
communication medium may experience failures.[
Consensus protocols are the basis for the state machine approach
to distributed computing, as suggested by Leslie Lamport
and surveyed by Fred Schneider.[
The state machine approach
is a technique for converting an
algorithm into a fault-tolerant, distributed implementation. Ad-hoc
techniques may leave important cases of failures unresolved. The
principled approach proposed by Lamport et al. ensures all cases are
handled safely.
Paxos describes the actions of the processes by their roles in the
protocol: client, acceptor, proposer, learner, and leader. In typical
implementations, a single processor may play one or more roles at the
same time. This does not affect the correctness of the protocol—it is
usual to coalesce roles to improve the latency and/or number of messages
in the protocol.
The Client issues a request
to the distributed system, and waits for a response
. For instance, a write request on a file in a distributed file server.
The Acceptors act as the fault-tolerant "memory" of the protocol.
Acceptors are collected into groups called Quorums. Any message sent to
an Acceptor must be sent to a Quorum of Acceptors, any message received
from an Acceptor is ignored unless a copy is received from each Acceptor
in a Quorum.
A Proposer advocates a client request, attempting to convince the
Acceptors to agree on it, and acting as a coordinator to move the
protocol forward when conflicts occur.
Learners act as the replication factor for the protocol. Once a
Client request has been agreed on by the Acceptors, the Learner may take
action (ie: execute the request and send a response to the client). To
improve availability of processing, additional Learners can be added.
Paxos requires a distinguished Proposer (called the leader) to make
progress. Many processes may believe they are leaders, but the protocol
only guarantees progress if one of them is eventually chosen. If two
processes believe they are leaders, it is possible to stall the protocol
by continuously proposing conflicting updates. The safety properties
are preserved regardless.
Message flow: Basic Paxos
(one instance, one successful round)
Client Proposer Acceptor Learner
| | | | | | |
X-------->| | | | | | Request
| X--------->|->|->| | | Prepare(N)
| |<---------X--X--X | | Promise(N,{Va,Vb,Vc})
| X--------->|->|->| | | Accept!(N,Vn)
| |<---------X--X--X------>|->| Accepted(N,Vn)
|<---------------------------------X--X Response
| | | | | | |
1. database replication, log replication等, 如bdb的数据复制就是使用paxos兼容的算法。Paxos最大的用途就是保持多个节点数据的一致性。
2. naming service, 如大型系统内部通常存在多个接口服务相互调用。
1) 通常的实现是将服务的ip/hostname写死在配置中,当service发生故障时候,通过手工更改配置文件或者修改DNS指向的方法来解决。缺点是可维护性差,内部的单元越多,故障率越大。
2) LVS双机冗余的方式,缺点是所有单元需要双倍的资源投入。
notification, 这样所有的client就可以使用一致的,高可用的接口。
1) 通常手工修改配置文件的方法,这样容易出错,也需要人工干预才能生效,所以节点的状态无法同时达到一致。
2) 大规模的应用都会实现自己的配置服务,比如用http web服务来实现配置中心化。它的缺点是更新后所有client无法立即得知,各节点加载的顺序无法保证,造成系统中的配置不是同一状态。
4.membership用户角色/access control list, 比如在权限设置中,用户一旦设置某项权限比如由管理员变成普通身份,这时应在所有的服务器上所有远程CDN立即生效,否则就会导致不能接受的后果。
5. 号码分配。通常简单的解决方法是用数据库自增ID, 这导致数据库切分困难,或程序生成GUID,
是,ZooKeeper并不是遵循Paxos协议,而是基于自身设计并优化的一个2 phase
commit的协议,因此它的理论[6]并未经过完全证明。但由于ZooKeeper在Yahoo!内部已经成功应用在HBase, Yahoo!
Message Broker, Fetch Service of Yahoo! crawler等系统上,因此完全可以放心采用。
### 重新审视Paxos算法 #### 摘要与背景 本文重新审视了Paxos算法,并基于此算法提出了一种新的I/O自动机模型——时钟通用定时自动机(Clock General Timed Automaton,简称Clock GTA)模型。该模型在 Lynch 和 ...
The Paxos algorithm is synonymous with distributed consensus, yet it performs poorly in practice and is famously difficult to understand. In this paper, we re-examine the foundations of distributed ...
文章最后提到的关键字,包括云计算(Cloud computing)、单点故障(Single point of failure)、Paxos算法(Paxos algorithm)、HDFS和可用性(Availability),都是本研究的重要组成部分。云计算的概念表明了该研究...
开源项目,WPaxos: multiple leaders paxos algorithm with deal with WAN latency barriers written in Go
Paxos算法游戏 该项目的目的是使用Baisc Paxos Algoritm设计一个简单的分布式系统。 这里的项目是一个猜数字游戏,可以让三个用户一起玩。 文件夹Dueling_Paxos中的代码显示了基本paxos中的决斗问题。 先决条件 Java...
#### The Consensus Algorithm ##### 2.1 The Problem 本小节阐述了一致性算法的目标和需求。在分布式环境中,一致性算法需要确保所有被提议的值中仅有一个值被选中。如果没有任何值被提议,则不应有任何值被选中;...
When equipped with a consensus algorithm a distributed system can act as a replicated state machine (RSM), duplicating its state across a cluster of redundant components to avoid the failure of any ...
常见的方法有基于时间戳的同步机制,或者利用分布式系统中的共识算法,如Paxos或Raft。 通过对"Algorithm-snek"游戏的分析,我们可以看到算法无处不在,无论是基础逻辑还是高级功能,都离不开算法的支持。掌握并...
"awesome-consensus:Paxos和朋友的很棒列表" 提供了一个详尽的资源集合,涵盖了Paxos算法及其相关的共识算法,如Raft。这些算法在分布式数据库、云存储、物联网等多个领域都有着广泛的应用。 首先,我们来深入理解...
Raft算法旨在提供更简单的理解和实现,其原始论文是“In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm”。与Paxos类似,Raft也解决了分布式一致性问题,但在实践中更容易理解和实现。 ZooKeeper是另一个提及的...
Raft算法的原始论文《In search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm》提供了易于理解的一致性算法的阐述。Raft算法同样具有与Paxos类似的性能和功能,但在算法结构设计上进行了分解,使领导选举和日志复制等...
2. 分布式一致性:Raft、Paxos等分布式一致性算法在分布式系统中广泛应用,如Zookeeper、etcd等中间件,确保了跨节点的数据一致性。 3. 负载均衡:负载均衡算法如轮询、权重轮询、哈希一致性等,用于在多台服务器间...
(2) Consensus layer: a Fast Paxos-based PoS consensus algorithm. 3. P2P-based distributed storage system: a support located at the bottom: (1) Network layer: customized content-addressable P2P ...
分布式一致性竞拍算法(Consensus-Based Auction Algorithm, CBAA)是一种在多智能体系统中解决任务分配问题的有效方法。在该算法中,每个智能体(或节点)被视为一个潜在的竞拍者,它们通过一系列交互过程来决定...
Raft is a consensus algorithm that is designed to be easy to understand. It's equivalent to Paxos in fault-tolerance and performance. The difference is that it's decomposed into relatively independent...
Raft is a consensus algorithm that is designed to be easy to understand. It's equivalent to Paxos in fault-tolerance and performance. The difference is that it's decomposed into relatively independent...
这个源程序压缩包中的"Algorithm"可能包含了实现这些算法的代码,研究者可以通过分析和运行这些代码来理解一致性算法的工作原理,并对其进行优化或扩展,以适应特定的分布式环境或多智能体系统的挑战。 总的来说,...