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SOA All the Way Down -; The Internal Architecture Embodied by Erlang


Problem inside each service:each service is mini-obidos;hard to diagnose and fix and enhance;encumbered;


concurrent : stackless python; erlang; message-passing;no memory shared;



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    and (2) under patent claims owned or controlled by the Licensor thatare embodied in the Original Work as furnished by the Licensor, to make, use,sell and offer for sale the Original Work and ...

    Flexible Embodied Agent aRchitecture-开源

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    A software system has been designed hopefully to be an integrated whole, embodied in its assembled components, their interactions with each other and the environment. Since software structure and ...


    As security is a fundamental need in all of the aforementioned applications, it has been designed into the LoRaWAN specification from the very beginning. However, the topic of security encompasses ...

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    The influence of the optical Stark effect on exciton-polaritons in a microcavity embodied with a monolayer WS2 is studied. A polarization dependent model is proposed to study the change of strongly ...


    ISO/IEC 42010:20072 中对架构的定义如下:The fundamental organization of a system, embodied in its components, their relationships to each other and the enviroment, and the principles governing its ...

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    "embodied"也有收录或加入的意思,例如:"This book embodies the works of many young writers."(此书收录了许多年轻作家的作品。)这在讨论作品合集或包含多个元素的事物时非常有用。 " hazard"是指危险或风险。...

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