Deployment descriptors
A deployment descriptor contains configuration data that the runtime environment uses for an application. A deployment descriptor can include information about the following:
The structure and content (enterprise beans, for example) of the application.
References to internal and external dependencies.
For example, an enterprise bean in an EJB module can require another enterprise bean that is not bundled in the same module.
References to resource factory objects, such as URLs or JDBC data sources.
Security roles that the container uses when implementing the required access control for the application.
Transactional information about how (and whether) the container is to manage transactions for the
Deployment descriptors are XML files packaged with the application's files in a Java archive file. An EJB deployment descriptor is called ejb-jar.xml and is located in the META-INF folder of an EJB project. A J2EE application contains one application-level deployment descriptor file, governing the application as a whole. It also contains several component-level deployment descriptors, one for each module in the application.
In addition to standard deployment descriptors, the workbench also includes information on WebSphere Application Server bindings and extensions. The bindings and extensions documents are specific to IBM. Both binding and extension descriptors are stored in XMI files, ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi and ibm-ejb-jar-ext.xmi, respectively.
Binding information maps a logical name of an external dependency or resource to an actual JNDI name. For example, the container uses binding information to locate a remote bean at installation.
Extensions are additions to the standard descriptors. The extensions enable older (legacy) systems to work in the WebSphere Application Server environment. They are also used to specify application behavior that is vendor-specific, undefined in a current specification, or expected to be included in a future specification.
EJB中ejb-jar文件配置详解 EJB(Enterprise JavaBean)是一种Java技术,用于开发企业级应用程序。EJB容器提供了许多功能,如事务处理、安全认证、资源管理等,以便开发者更方便地开发企业级应用程序。在EJB中,ejb-...
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javax.ejb.AccessLocalException.class javax.ejb.CreateException.class javax.ejb.DuplicateKeyException.class javax.ejb.EJBContext.class javax.ejb.EJBException.class javax.ejb.EJBHome.class javax.ejb....
Files contained in javax.ejb.jar: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF javax.ejb.AccessLocalException.class javax.ejb.AccessTimeout.class javax.ejb.ActivationConfigProperty.class javax.ejb.AfterBegin.class javax....
基于java的开发源码-EJB中JNDI的使用源码例子.zip 基于java的开发源码-EJB中JNDI的使用源码例子.zip 基于java的开发源码-EJB中JNDI的使用源码例子.zip 基于java的开发源码-EJB中JNDI的使用源码例子.zip 基于java的...
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标题中的"javax.ejb-"是一个特定版本的EJB API的实现,它对应于EJB 3.1规范的2.2次小更新。这个jar文件是开发人员在EJB 3.1环境中开发、测试和部署企业级Java应用程序所必需的依赖库。EJB 3.1是EJB规范的...
ejb-jar元素是EJB发布描述器的根元素,它包含一个可选的EJB-JAR文件的描述,可选显示的名称,可选小图标的文件名,可选的大图标的文件名,必须的所有被包含的enterprise bean 的结构信息 ,可选的应用装配描述器,可选的...
3. 集成:可以轻松地集成到任何Java应用中,如Spring框架,EJB,以及其他基于JDBC的应用。 4. 支持JDBC API:提供了全面的JDBC 4.0接口实现,包括PreparedStatement、CallableStatement等。 5. 配置选项:支持多种...