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Symbian OS Error Codes






Component Name Value Suggested Text
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrNotFound -1 Unable to find the specified object
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrGeneral -2 General (unspecified) error
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrCancel -3 The operation was cancelled
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrNoMemory -4 Not enough memory. Close some applications and try again
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrNotSupported -5 The operation requested is not supported
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrArgument -6 Bad request
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrTotalLossOfPrecision -7 Total loss of precision
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrBadHandle -8 Bad object
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrOverflow -9 Overflow
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrUnderflow -10 Underflow
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrAlreadyExists -11 Already exists
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrPathNotFound -12 Unable to find the specified folder
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrDied -13 Closed
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrInUse -14 The specified object is currently in use by another program
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrServerTerminated -15 Server has closed
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrServerBusy -16 Server busy
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrCompletion -17 Completion error
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrNotReady -18 Not ready
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrUnknown -19 Unknown error
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrCorrupt -20 Corrupt
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrAccessDenied -21 Access denied
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrLocked -22 Locked
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrWrite -23 Failed to write
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrDisMounted -24 Wrong disk present
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrEof -25 Unexpected end of file
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrDiskFull -26 Disk full
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrBadDriver -27 Bad device driver
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrBadName -28 Bad name
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrCommsLineFail -29 Comms line failed
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrCommsFrame -30 Comms frame error
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrCommsOverrun -31 Comms overrun error
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrCommsParity -32 Comms parity error
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrTimedOut -33 Timed out
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrCouldNotConnect -34 Failed to connect
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrCouldNotDisconnect -35 Failed to disconnect
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrDisconnected -36 Disconnected
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrBadLibraryEntryPoint -37 Bad library entry point
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrBadDescriptor -38 Bad descriptor
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrAbort -39 Interrupted
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrTooBig -40 Too big
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrDivideByZero -41 Divide by zero
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrBadPower -42 Batteries too low
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrDirFull -43 Folder full
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrHardwareNotAvailable -44 An operation cannot be performed because the necessary hardware is not available
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrSessionClosed -45 The completion status when an outstanding client/server message is completed because a shared session has been closed
E32 (E32ERR.H) KErrPermissionDenied -46 Permission denied when attempting operation
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrModemNotWorking -101 Could not connect to the fax machine. The fax modem has failed
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrCannotConnect -102 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrCSIorCIG -103 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrDISorDTC -104 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrFrameFail -105 The connection to the fax machine has been broken
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrAtNegotiatedSpeed -106 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrCFR -107 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrMCF -108 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrCRP -109 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrNoDial -110 Could not connect to the fax machine. Could not dial fax number
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrNoDialTone -111 Could not connect to the fax machine. No dial tone was detected
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrBusy -112 Could not connect to the fax machine. The line is busy
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrNoAnswer -113 Could not connect to the fax machine. The call was not answered
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrNoCarrier -114 Could not connect to the fax machine. The call was not answered by a fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrRemoteCannotReceive -115 Could not send to the fax machine. The fax machine is unable to receive faxes
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrCompression -116 Panic
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrPageTooLong -117 Panic
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrDCN -118 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrRemoteDCN -119 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrHDLC -120 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrStopAndWait -121 Panic
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrTrainStop -122 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrReceiveTimeout -123 Could not send to the fax machine. The connection has timed out
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrCannotEndData -124 The connection to the fax machine has been broken
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrEOP -125 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrMPS -126 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrNoReceiveMode -127 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrCannotAnswer -128 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrPrematureHangup -129 Could not receive fax. The fax machine ended the call
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrModemResponse -130 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrPrematureOK -131 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrNoFinalOK -132 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrUnknownPageCode -133 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrNoHangup -134 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrNoNegotiate -135 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrModemDisconnect -136 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrWrongModemType -137 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxErrTrainFail -138 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxTransmitterStalled -139 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxReceiverOverflow -140 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxCannotOpenPort -141 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxCannotCloseStore -142 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxCannotOpenStore -143 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxThreadError -144 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxFileSessionError -145 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxLogCreateError -146 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxFileSeeKError -147 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxPDDError -148 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxLDDError -149 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxC32Error -150 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxCommsServerError -151 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxCommsPortError -152 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxCancelRequested -153 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxNoClass2Xon -154 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxConfigError -155 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxCannotAutodetect -156 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KCannotFindFirstPage -157 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxBadInitialization -158 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxOnlyJustAutoDetected -159 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxBelowMinSpeed -160 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxPollingUnsupported -161 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KFaxNothingToPoll -162 Could not connect to the fax machine
ETelFax (FAXSTD.H) KfaxEtelServerError -163 Could not connect to the fax machine
EmailPop (MIUT_ERR.H) KPop3CannotConnect -170 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection
EmailPop (MIUT_ERR.H) KPop3InvalidUser -171 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username
EmailPop (MIUT_ERR.H) KPop3InvalidLogin -172 The POP3 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
EmailPop (MIUT_ERR.H) KPop3CannotCreateApopLogonString -173 Could not create secure logon string. Mailbox server may not support secure logon
EmailPop (MIUT_ERR.H) KPop3ProblemWithRemotePopServer -174 Problem communicating with POP3 server
EmailPop (MIUT_ERR.H) KPop3CannotOpenServiceEntry -175 Panic
EmailPop (MIUT_ERR.H) KPop3CannotSetRequiredFolderContext -176 Panic
EmailPop (MIUT_ERR.H) KPop3InvalidApopLogin -177 Panic
Email Sockets


KImsKErrorDNSNotFound -180 Could not find a DNS server. Please check the DNS address in the internet control panel
Email Sockets


KImsKErrorControlPanelLocked -181 Could not connect to internet. Please ensure the internet control panel Or equivalent description to internet control panel is closed
Sockets (INSOCK.H) KErrNetUnreach -190 Could not connect to the network. Currently unreachable
Sockets (INSOCK.H) KErrHostUnreach -191 Could not connect to the specified server
Sockets (INSOCK.H) KErrNoProtocolOpt -192 The specified server refuses the selected protocol
Sockets (INSOCK.H) KErrUrgentData -193 Panic
Email IMAP4


KErrImapConnectFail -200 Could not connect to IMAP4 server
Email IMAP4


KErrImapServerFail -201 The connection to the IMAP4 server has been broken
Email IMAP4


KErrImapServerParse -202 Panic
Email IMAP4


KErrImapServerBusy -203 The IMAP4 server refused to allow connection. The server is currently busy
Email IMAP4


KErrImapServerVersion -204 Could not connect to the IMAP server. The IMAP server is of the wrong version
Email IMAP4


KErrImapSendFail -205 Could not transmit to the IMAP4 server
Email IMAP4


KErrImapBadLogon -206 The IMAP4 server refused to allow a connection. Check your mailbox username and password
Email IMAP4


KErrImapSelectFail -207 Panic
Email IMAP4


KErrImapWrongFolder -208 Could not select an IMAP4 folder
Email SMTP


KSmtpNoMailFromErr -240 Could not send email due to an invalid return email address. Check your email address in your account settings
Email SMTP


KSmtpUnknownErr -241 Problem while sending email
Email SMTP


KSmtpBadMailFromAddress -242 Email message has an invalid "From" address
Email SMTP


KSmtpBadRcptToAddress -243 Email message has an invalid "To", "Cc" or "Bcc" address
Email SMTP


KSmtpLoginRefused -244 SMTP server refused to allow connection
  //BaseScript Parser    
Bio Messaging


KBspInvalidMessage -500 Corrupt message cannot be read.
Bio Messaging


KBspSmartMessageInvalidToken -501 Corrupt message cannot be read.
Bio Messaging


KBspSmartMessageNoParserDefined -502 Unknown message type cannot be read.
//Access Point Parser      
Bio Messaging


KIacpUnknownSmsType -510 Unknown message type cannot be read.
Bio Messaging


KIacpBIOMsgTypeNotSupported -511 Unknown message type cannot be read.
Bio Messaging


KiacpMandatoryDataNotSet -512 Corrupt message cannot be read.
Bio Messaging


KIacpUnknownMailProtocol -513 Mailbox configuration message refers to an unknown protocol.
Bio Messaging


KIacpErrRightToken -514 Corrupt message cannot be read.
Bio Messaging


KIacpErrLeftToken -515 Corrupt message cannot be read.
Bio Messaging


KIacpErrSmsDataNotParsed -516 Corrupt message cannot be read.
Bio Messaging


KIacpErrSmsDataNotRestored -517 Corrupt message cannot be read.
Bio Messaging


KIacpScriptErrISPNotFound -518 Mailbox configuration message specifies an unknown Internet Access Point.
Bio Messaging


KIacpErrScriptNotDefined -519 Message script error.
Bio Messaging


KIacpErrScriptNotFoundInDB -520 Message script error.
Bio Messaging


KIacpErrScriptAlreadyAdd -521 Message script error.
Sockets (INSOCK.H) KErrWouldBlock -1000 Panic
//Basic Application and Framework Library      
BAFL (BASCHED.H) KErrExtended -1000  
BAFL (BASCHED.H) KErrExtendedWithText -1001  
BAFL (BASCHED.H) KLeaveWithoutAlert -1002  
BAFL (BASCHED.H) KLeaveExit -1003  
  //Telephony Error Codes    
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelNotCallOwner -2000 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelDuplicatePhoneName -2001 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelAlreadyCallOwner -2002 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelNoCarrier -2003 Problem communicating receiving device. Call was unexpectedly dropped
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelBusyDetected -2004 Phone number is busy. Wait before trying again
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelNoClientInterestedInThisCall -2005 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelInitialisationFailure -2006 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelCallNotActive -2007 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelNoAnswer -2008 Call was not answered
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelNoDialTone -2009 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelConfigPortFailure -2010 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelFaxChunkNotCreated -2011 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelNotFaxOwner -2012 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelPortNotLoanedToClient -2013 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelWrongModemType -2014 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelUnknownModemCapability -2015 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelAnswerAlreadyOutstanding -2016 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelModemNotDetected -2017 Panic
Etel (ETEL.H) KErrEtelModemSettingsCorrupt -2018 Panic
  // netdial script errors    
Networking (ND_ERR.H) KErrExitNoModem -3001 No response from phone. Ensure phone is switched on
Networking (ND_ERR.H) KErrExitModemError -3002 Problem communicating with Internet service's modem
Networking (ND_ERR.H) KErrExitLoginFail -3003 Internet username or password is incorrect.
Networking (ND_ERR.H) KErrExitScriptTimeOut -3004 Internet service login script timed out. Internet service login script may be incorrect.
Networking (ND_ERR.H) KErrExitScriptError -3005 Problem with Internet service login script. Internet service login script may be incorrect.
// netdial database error      
Networking (ND_ERR.H) KErrNetDialDatabaseDefaultUndefined -3006  
Networking (ND_ERR.H) KErrNetDialDatabaseTypeUnknown -3007  
Networking (ND_ERR.H) KErrNetDialDatabaseNotFound -3008  
Networking (ND_ERR.H) KErrNetDialHscsdNotSupported -3009  
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfAuthenticationFailure -3050 Internet username or password is incorrect
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfAuthNotSecure -3051 Internet service server only allows plain text authentication. This is currently disabled.
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfAccountDisabled -3052 Could not connect to Internet service. Your account has been disabled
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfRestrictedLogonHours -3053 Could not connect to Internet service. Your account is only active during restricted hours
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfPasswdExpired -3054 Could not connect to Internet service. Your Internet password has expired
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfNoDialInPermission -3055 Could not connect to Internet service. Your do not have dial-in permission
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfChangingPassword -3056 Panic
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfCallbackNotAcceptable -3057 Could not connect to Internet service. Callback is not supported
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfDNSNotFound -3058 Could not find specified Internet server
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfLRDBadLine -3059 Bad line to Internet service dropped
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfNoServerPresent -3060 Panic
TCP/IP (IN_IFACE.H) KErrIfRemoteDisconnected -3061 Panic
//Multimode telephony errors that will be generated by TSY      
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelWrongMode -3201 Client has requested a mode-specific API service and the phone is currently in the wrong mode.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelFailedDueToModeChange -3202 Error code to cater for requests that fail because the mode changes mid-way during servicing that request
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelRemoteEndTermination -3203 Remote user (or network) has terminated an ongoing call.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelSmsFormatNotSupported -3204 Client requested a message format that is not supported by TSY anor phone.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelFeatureCodeNotSet -3205 Client requests a service whose feature code has not been programmed e.g. Call Forwarding.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelNetworkNotResponding -3206 Network has failed to respond to an MS initiated request e.g. "flash info"
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelCallForbidden -3207 Client requests a call to a destination that is forbidden.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelMaxReached -3208 The maximum number of entries in astore has been reached.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelCallTerminated -3209 Remote user (or network) has terminated an ongoing call.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelFormatNotSupported -3210 The client requested a message format that is not supported by TSY anor phone.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelHiddenEntry -3211 The phonebook entry is hidden.This is a USIM phonebook specific error.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelFallbacktoVoice -3212 The request to answer a multimedia call has failed because the network can now only support voice.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelMacVerificationFailed -3213 Authentication derived MAC does not match locally calculated MAC
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelSqnVerificationFailed -3214 Authentication derived SQN value is not in the expected range
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelAuthenticateFailed -3215 Authenticate command failed
//Error codes for use with Smart card application APIs.      
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScMaxApplicationsActive -3216 Application cannot be activated as maximum number of applications already active.
Multimode Telephony




-3217 No information given, the state of the non-volatile memory is unchanged.
Multimode Telephony




-3218 No information given, the state of the non-volatile memory is changed.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScReturnedDataCorrupt -3219 Part of the returned data may be corrupt.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScEofReached -3220 End of file reached before reading requested number of bytes or records have been read.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScFileInvalidated -3221 Selected file is invalidated.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScNoMemory -3222 The smart card had a memory problem when executing the command.
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScWrongLength -3223 Wrong length
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScGeneral -3224 Technical problem, no precise diagnosis
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScIncompatibleFileStructure -3225 Command incompatible with file structure
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScReferencedDataInvalidated -3226 Referenced data invalidated
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScFunctionNotSupported -3227 Function not supported
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScFileNotFound -3228 File not found
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScRecordNotFound -3229 Record not found
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScReferencedDataNotFound -3230 Referenced data not found
Multimode Telephony


KErrMMEtelScApplicationNotActive -3231 Application not activate.
//CDMA network errors that will be generated by networks      
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsAddressVacant -3256 SMS destination address is valid but not currently allocated to an SMS terminal.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsAddressTranslationFailure -3257 SMS destination address is invalid.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsNetworkResourceShortage -3258 Network transmissionfailed due to lack of network resource or link capacity.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsNetworkFailure -3259 A network node failed, a link failed or a required operation failed.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsInvalidTeleserviceId -3260 SMS Teleservice ID is either not known or not supported.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsOtherNetworkProblem -3261 A network problem other than identified by above error codes.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsNoPageResponse -3262 The addressed MS-based SME is known but it does not respond to a page.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsDestinationBusy -3263 The addressed MS-based SME is SMS capable but is currently engaged in a call, a service or a call mode that precludes the use of SMS.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsNoAcknowledgement -3264 The destination SME does not acknowledge receipt of the SMS delivery.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsDestinationResourceShortage -3265 A required terminal resource (e.g.memory) is not available to process this message.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsDeliveryPostponed -3266 Delivery is not currently possible but SMS notification is pending.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsOtherNetworkProblem -3267 The addressed destination is out of service for an extended period of time.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsDestinationNoLongerAtAddress -3268 The MS based SME is no longer at the temporary SMS routing address.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsOtherTerminalProblem -3269 A terminal problem other than identified by the above error codes.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsRadioInterfaceResourceShortage -3320 There is no channel available or there is radio congestion at this time.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsRadioInterfaceIncompatibility -3321 The MS for an MS-based SME is operating in a mode that does not support SMS at this time.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsOtherRadioInterfaceProblem -3322 A radio interface problem other than identified by the above error codes.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsEncodingProblem -3352 The size of a parameter or field is not what is expected.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsOriginationDenied -3353 The originating MIN is not recognized, the originating address is not allowed for the originating MIN, the ESN doesn't match the originating MIN, the origination is not authorized, the originating address is not recognized, etc.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsTerminationDenied -3354 The destination is not authorized to receive the SMS message, the MC refused the message, the destination SME refused the message, the destination is not authorized for a required supplementary service, etc.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsSupplServiceNotSupported -3355 The originating supplementary service is not known or supported, the sender is not authorized for an originating supplementary service, etc.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsSmsNotSupported -3356 SMS is not supported by an addressed functional entity.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsMissingExpectedParameter -3358 An optional parameter is missing that is required for a particular function.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsMissingMandatoryParameter -3359 A parameter is missing that is mandatory for a particular message.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsUnrecognizedParameterValue -3360 A known parameter has an unknown or unsupported value.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsUnexpectedParameterValue -3361 A known parameter has a known, but unexpected value.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsUserDataSizeError -3362 The User Data size is too large for access technology, transport network, or call mode, etc. The User Data size is not what is expected for the indicated teleservice.
Multimode Telephony


KErrCdmaSmsOtherGeneralProblem -3363 Other general problems.
Generic Connection Agent


KErrGenConnDatabaseDefaultUndefined -3606 CommDb Error
Generic Connection Agent


KErrGenConnDatabaseTypeUnknown -3607 CommDb Error
Generic Connection Agent


KErrGenConnDatabaseNotFound -3608 CommDb Error


KErrGsmRRUnspecifedAbnormalRelease -4001 Temporary network failure. Try again later.


KErrGsmRRChannelUnacceptable -4002 Temporary network failure. Try again later.





KErrGsmRRTimerExpired -4003 Temporary network failure. Try again later.


KErrGsmRRNoActivityOnRadioPath -4004 Temporary network failure. Try again later.





KErrGsmRRPreEmptiveRelease -4005 Temporary network failure. Try again later.





KErrGsmRRCallAlreadyCleared -4065 Temporary network failure. Try again later.


KErrGsmRRInvalidMessage -4095 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmRRNonExistentMessage -4097 No network support for requested operation.


KErrGsmRRIncompatibleMessageWithCallState -4098 Temporary network failure. Try again later.


KErrGsmRRInvalidInformationElement -4100 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmRRUnspecifiedProtocolError -4111 Temporary network failure. Try again later.


KErrGsmMMUnallocatedTmsi -4129 Temporary network failure. Try again later.


KErrGsmMMImsiUnknownInHlr -4130 Operation is not allowed. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmMMIllegalMs -4131 Phone is blacklisted. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmMMImsiUnknownInVlr -4132 Temporary network failure. Try again later.


KErrGsmMMImeiNotAccepted -4133 Phone failure.


KErrGsmMMIllegalMe -4134 Phone is blacklisted. Contact cellular network operator.
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsServiceNotAllowed -4135 Failed to connect to the GPRS network
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsAndNonGprsServicesNotAllowed -4136 Failed to connect to the mobile network
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsMSIdentityCannotBeDerivedByTheNetwork -4137 Identity could not be derived by the network
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsMSImplicitlyDetached -4138 Your device was disconnected from the GPRS network.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMPlmnNotAllowed -4139 Roaming is not allowed in this area.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMLocationAreaNotAllowed -4140 Roaming is not allowed in this area.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMRoamingNotAllowedInThisLocationArea -4141 Roaming is not allowed in this area.


GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsMSCTemporarilyNotReachable -4144 GPRS MSC temporary not reachable



NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMNetworkFailure -4145 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMCongestion -4150 Network busy.


GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsLlcOrSndcpFailure -4153 Your connection to Internet was dropped.
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsInsufficientResources -4154 Network overloaded.
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsMissingorUnknownAPN -4155 "Could not connect to Internet service. Callback is not supported"""
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsUnknownPDPAddress -4156 The address for the Internet provider is not correct.
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsUserAuthenticationFailure -4157 Failed to identify the user.
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsActivationRejectedByGGSN -4158 Can't connect to the Internet.
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsActivationRejected -4159 Can't connect to the Internet (not enough credit available on SIM).



NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMServiceOptionNotSupported -4160 Operation is not presently supported by the network.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMServiceOptionNotSubscribed -4161 Service not subscribed. Contact cellular network operator.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMServiceOptionTemporaryOutOfOrder -4162 Service temporarily out of use. Try again later.


GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsNSAPIAlreadyUsed -4163 NS API already used
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsRegularContextDeactivation -4164 Regular context deactivation
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsQoSNotAccepted -4165 The requested quality of service was not granted.



NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMCallCanNotBeIdentified -4166 Temporary network failure. Try again later.


GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsReactivationRequested -4167 Reactivation requested
GPRS (ETELPCKT.H) KErrGprsFeatureNotSupported -4168 This is not supported.



NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMSemanticErrorInMessage -4223 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMMandatoryInformationElementError -4224 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMNonExistentMessageType -4225 No network support for requested operation.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMIncompatibleMessageWithProtocolState -4226 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMNonExistentInformationElement -4227 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMConditionalIEError -4228 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmMMIncompatibleMessageWithCallState -4229 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCUnassignedNumber -4257 Invalid phone number. Check the number and try again.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNoRouteToTransitNetwork -4258 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNoRouteToDestination -4259 Invalid phone number. Check the number and try again.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCChannelUnacceptable -4262 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCOperatorDeterminedBarring -4264 Operation is not allowed. Contact cellular network operator.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCUserBusy -4273 Number is busy. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCUserNotResponding -4274 The remote user is not currently reachable. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCUserAlertingNoAnswer -4275 The remote user is not currently reachable. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCCallRejected -4276 Short network failure. Try again immediately.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNumberChanged -4277 Number has changed. Check the number and try again.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNonSelectedUserClearing -4282 Unknown network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCDestinationOutOfOrder -4283 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCInvalidNumberFormat -4284 Invalid phone number. Check the number and try again.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCFacilityRejected -4285 Operation is not supported. Contact cellular network operator.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCResponseToStatusEnquiry -4286 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNormalUnspecified -4287 Unknown network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNoChannelAvailable -4290 Network busy.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNetworkOutOfOrder -4294 Serious cellular network failure. Please contact the cellular network operator.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCTemporaryFailure -4297 Short network failure. Try again immediately.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCSwitchingEquipmentCongestion -4298 Network busy.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCAccessInformationDiscarded -4299 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCRequestedChannelNotAvailable -4300 Network busy.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCResourceNotAvailable -4303 Network busy.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCQualityOfServiceNotAvailable -4305 Service can not be provided.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotSubscribed -4306 Check operator services or connection settings.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCIncomingCallsBarredInCug -4311 Incoming calls are not allowed within closed user group.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCBearerCapabilityNotAuthorised -4313 Unauthorised operation.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCBearerCapabilityNotCurrentlyAvailable -4314 Requested service is not presently available. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCServiceNotAvailable -4319 Check operator services or connection settings.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCBearerServiceNotImplemented -4321 Check operator services or connection settings.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCChannelTypeNotImplemented -4322 Check operator services or connection settings.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCAcmGreaterThanAcmMax -4324 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCRequestedFacilityNotImplemented -4325 Check operator services or connection settings.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCOnlyRestrictedDigitalInformationBCAvailable -4326 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCServiceNotImplemented -4335 Check operator services or connection settings.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCInvalidCallReferenceValue -4337 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCChannelDoesNotExist -4338 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCSuspendedCallExistsButCallIdentityDoesNotWork -4339 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCCallIdentityInUse -4340 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNoCallSuspended -4341 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCRequestedCallIdentityAlreadyCleared -4342 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCUserNotInCug -4343 Only calls within closed user group allowed.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCIncompatibleDestination -4344 Check connection type in connection settings.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCInvalidTransitNetworkSelection -4347 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCIncompatibleSegmentedMessage -4350 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCSemanticallyIncorrectMessage -4351 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCInvalidMandatoryInformation -4352 Check operator services or connection settings.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNonExistentMessageType -4353 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCIncompatibleMessageInProtocolState -4354 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCNonExistentInformationElement -4355 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCConditionalIEError -4356 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCIncompatibleMessageInCallState -4357 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCRecoveryOnTimerExpiry -4358 Blank

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCUnspecifiedProtocolError -4367 Temporary network failure. Try again later.

NetworkErrors (EXTERROR.H)

KErrGsmCCUnspecifiedInterworkingError -4383 Operation is not presently supported by the network.




KErrGsmSSUnknownSubscriber -4385 Unknown subscriber. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmSSIllegalSubscriber -4393 Unknown subscriber. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmSSBearerServiceNotProvisioned -4394 Service is not provisioned.


KErrGsmSSTeleserviceNotProvisioned -4395 Service is not provisioned.


KErrGsmSSIllegalEquipment -4396 Blank


KErrGsmSSCallBarred -4397 Calls are barred by the operator. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmSSIllegalOperation -4400 Operation is not supported. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmSSErrorStatus -4401 Operation is not supported. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmSSNotAvailable -4402 Operation is not supported. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmSSSubscriptionViolation -4403 Operation is not allowed. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmSSIncompatibility -4404 The requested supplementary service is incompatible.


KErrGsmSSFacilityNotSupported -4405 Operation is not supported. Contact cellular network operator.


KErrGsmSSAbsentSubscriber -4411 Blank


KErrGsmSSSystemFailure -4418 Temporary network failure. Try again later.


KErrGsmSSDataMissing -4419 Parameter in the service request is missing.


KErrGsmSSUnexpectedDataValue -4420 Unknown parameter in the service request.


KErrGsmSSPasswordRegistrationFailure -4421 Wrong service password.


KErrGsmSSNegativePasswordCheck -4422 Wrong service password.


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