1 Answer
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Have you tried -W "latin1" flag? Sometimes the default encoding (UTF-8) doesn't work well. Maybe you'll have better luck with latin1 encoding:
shp2pgsql -I -s 4326 -W "latin1" districts.shp districts | psql -d postgres -U postgres
There's a useful cheat-sheet available here.
Hope it helps..
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answered Nov 3 '12 at 17:18
Hmm.. Have you correctly installed the PostGIS extension to the postgres database? If you haven't: maybe this can help.. – Haziq Nov 3 '12 at 17:45
Usually if make install worked, you can move on to next process (make check is a step prior to make install).. If you can connect to your database via psql/pgadmin3 - that means your installation is a success. Can you move on to the "Create a spatial database" step? I recommend using the EXTENSIONS method.. – Haziq Nov 4 '12 at 15:55
Dude, this has strayed too far from your original question, haha.. It's a little hard to help you here when there's are a lot of variables at play: which version of PostgreSQL are you using?; on what kind of system?; and which version of PostGIS are you trying to install? It seems like it didn't recognize the "CREATE EXTENSION" syntax.. Does typing only: psql -d geocoding -U postgres gets you into the geocoding database successfully? – Haziq Nov 4 '12 at 16:50
My bad. Then you should follow the 2.5. Create a spatially-enabled database on PostgreSQL lower than 9.1 section.. If you still run into problems I'd suggest that you open a new question - so you can get better answers ;) – Haziq Nov 4 '12 at 16:56
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