// 《速度与激情5》里面的老大哥
// 《搏击俱乐部》里面的Leader
// 关于Leadership的一点思考
// 一些成功的Leader应该有的特质
4、你懂得基本的“规模化效应”的技巧,懂得借力用力。如果你想放一把火,你不应该找来几张纸在石头地上点着; 你应该懂得找到一些易燃物,如果没有就放一点木头,或者浇一点汽油,然后点火。剩下的事情,是借助已经形成的“势”,大火是自然而然的。就你需要懂得怎么样聚势,怎么样在合适的地方点起那第一把火。
Written by a software developer and solution architect who got tired of hunting and gathering various lessons for Arduino development as he taught himself all about the topic, this book gives you an ...
Building the Web of Things is a guide to using cutting-edge web technologies to build the IoT. This step-by-step book teaches you how to use web protocols to connect real-world devices to the web, ...
Because the potential of the IoT is so massive, everyone is rushing to build a strategy or solution, which usually sounds like this: “Hey, let’s connect everything in our building, supply chain, ...
Building an Optimizing Compiler Building an Optimizing Compiler Building an Optimizing Compiler
《The Book of Qt4: The Art of Building Qt Applications》是一本深入探讨Qt4框架的权威指南,专为希望构建高效、优雅的Qt应用的开发者设计。Qt4是Qt开发库的一个重要版本,提供了丰富的功能和工具,使得跨平台应用...
Written by a software developer and solution architect who got tired of hunting and gathering various lessons for Arduino development as he taught himself all about the topic, this book gives you an ...
The Elements of Computing Systems Building a Modern Computer from First Principles 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书
Building Progressive Web Apps Bringing the Power of Native to the Browser 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除
You'll be introduced to the building blocks of IoT, and then deploy those principles to by building a variety of useful projects. Projects in the books gradually introduce the reader to key topics ...
REST is an architectural style that tackles the challenges of building scalable web services. In today’s connected world, APIs have taken a central role on the web. APIs provide the fabric through ...
Building an Enterprise Chatbot, Explore the adoption of chatbots in business by focusing on the design, deployment, and continuous improvement of chatbots in a business, with a single use-case from ...
Building an FPS Game in Unity takes readers on an exploration of how to use Unity to create a 3D first person shooter (FPS) title, leveraging the powerful UFPS framework by VisionPunk and Prototype/...
Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems - Building Blocks for Iterative Methods.ps