  • 浏览: 359241 次
  • 性别: Icon_minigender_1
  • 来自: 深圳





I. Introduction
"Polarion SVN Web Client" is a web web interface for the SVN repository, which
alows content browsing and simple modifications.

II. Requirements
The "Polarion SVN Web Client" requires this 3rd party software:
1) Tomcat 4.1.x and more
2) Java 1.4.2 (others not tested)

III. "Polarion SVN Web Client" site deployment

1) deploy "svnwebclient.war" file to {$TOMCAT_ROOT} directory
2) [Optional] deploy "Enscript" utility for content colorizing:
    a) download&install "libintl-2" utility from "http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/libintl.htm" site
    b) download&install "libiconv-2" utility from "http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/libiconv.htm" site
    c) download&install "escript" utility from "http://people.ssh.com/mtr/genscript/" site

    d) set PATH env.variable to escript utility path
    d) set "EnscriptPath" parameter value in "%PROJECT_ROOT%/WEB-INF/web.xml" file to full path to "enscript"
       for example:
            <param-value>c:\Program Files\GnuWin32\bin\enscript.exe</param-value>

3) setup following configuration variables in "%PROJECT_ROOT%/WEB-INF/web.xml" file (see comments inside this file for details):
    a) set "RepositoryUrl" parameter value to full URL to SVN repository (for example: http://localhost/subver, for one repository mode)
    b) set "Username" parameter value to username to SVN repository (for example: scott, for one repository mode)
    c) set "Password" parameter value to password to SVN repository (for example: tiger, for one repository mode)
    d) set "ParentRepositoryDirectory" parameter value to parent directory path containig repositories (for example http://localhost/repos/, for multi repository mode)

    e) set "TempDirectory" parameter value to full path to any temporary directory for utilitarian purposes (for example: c:/temp)
    f) set "CacheDirectory" parameter value to full path to directory for revision comments persistent storage (for example: c:/temp/cache)
    g) change other settings if required. See comments in web.xml for detailed parameters description
    h) set "BasicAuth" to true for supporting BasicAuthentication for SVNWebClient as part of Apache web server. (detailed guide is in basicAuthenticationSettings.txt)
4) setup character encoding to UTF-8 under tomcat 5.x in server.xml (for example: <Connector port="8080" URIEncoding="UTF-8" ... />)

5) set "DefaultEncoding" parameter value to Cp1252 and "ZipEncoding" parameter value to Cp850 for supporting Western European languages

IV. Supported protocols
    SVNWebClient supports http, https, svn, svn+ssh connection protocols and proxy.
    For supporting particular protocol type just set according RepositoryUrl or ParentRepositoryPath and appropriate settings in web.xml:
        set valid UserName and Password
        set valid UserName and Password
        If connection requires an ssh private key, specify following:
            Username - valid user name
            ProtocolKeyFile - Path to user's ssh private key
            ProtocolPassPhrase - The password to the ssh private key
            ProtocolPortNumber - The number of the port across which an ssh tunnel is established
        If ssh connection requires a user password instead of an ssh private key, specify following:
            Username - valid user name
            Password - valid password
            ProtocolPortNumber - The number of the port across which an ssh tunnel is established
        Specify following:
            ProtocolKeyFile - Path to user's certificate file
            ProtocolPassPhrase - The password to ssl certificate
        set ProxySupported whether to support Proxy or not.
        set following fields:
            ProxyHost - The hostname of the proxy server through which HTTP-based requests must pass
            ProxyPortNumber - The port number on the proxy host to use
            ProxyUserName - The user name to supply to the proxy machine if proxy authentication enabled
            ProxyPassword - The password to supply to the proxy machine if proxy authentication enabled
   All fields are self-described in web.xml.

V. List of external project contributors
Michal Walkowski (mwalkowski AT infovide.pl)
  - add multi repository implementation (SVNWEBC-398)
Harald Jenny [harald.jenny@lin.at]
  - add Basic Authentication implementation (SVNWEBC-418)

V. "Polarion SVN Web Client" logging
1) all errors are logged in %TOMCAT_HOME%/bin/SVNWebClient.log (by default)
2) you can specify other logging file path and name in log4j.properties in %TOMCAT_HOME%/webapps/%SVNWebClient%/WEB-INF/classes (previously unpack war), for example log4j.appender.FA.file=c:/temp/my.log



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