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实现 Windows XP Home 的远程被控(转)




Remote Desktop on XP Home




  1. Open Registry Editor (regedit)
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet00X/Control/ProductOptions (where ControlSet00X is the one with the highest number)
  3. Delete the ProductSuite registry key
  4. Then, create a new DWORD value and named it as Brand
  5. Set the Brand value data as 0
  6. Reboot the system
  7. On boot up after the BIOS screen, press F8 to display Windows XP Startup Menu
  8. Choose *Last Known Good Configuration*
  9. After having verified that you’ve changed XP home into XP professional go to Windows update and let it verify that for you too
  10. Confirm that the OS is now Windows XP Professional Edition by going to System Properties, by right clicking on My Computer and select Properties
  11. Then download and install DevCon, a command-line utility functions as an alternative to Device Manager. devcon.exe is a self-extractor executable. Execute devcon.exe and choose a folder to unpack the content. devcon.exe will create two folders inside the selected path - i386 and ia64.
  12. Open a command prompt window (Cmd), and the change directory into the i386 folder extracted by DevCon.
  13. Then run the following command to reinstall rdpdr driver: devcon.exe -r install %windir%\inf\machine.inf root\rdpdr
  14. Restart the computer after running the command.
  15. Download and run the enable_tsxp.bat batch script which will create a .reg file to merge the required Terminal Services values to registry and bootlog
  16. Reboot after patching the registry.

After reboot, the Terminal Services is running and ready to accept incoming Remote Desktop Connection session. To verify the Terminal Services is actually running, go to Control Panel -> Administrator Tools -> Services, and locate the “Terminal Services” entry. If the service is not started, start it manually. There won’t be a “Remote” tab in System Properties, and ensure that the port 3389 (the default port for Remote Desktop) is open in firewall.





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