- 浏览: 38700 次
- 性别:
- 来自: 深圳
package com.cmsz.common.util;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import java.util.zip.CheckedOutputStream;
import org.apache.tools.zip.ZipEntry;
import org.apache.tools.zip.ZipOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
* Copyright China-Mobile(SZ) 2005. All rights reserved.
* @file: Tools.java
* @date: 2005/09/28
* @brief: 常用工具包
* @author: fkueje001
* @version: 1.0.0 Other: Change Log: <author> <time> <version> <description> fkueje001 2005/09/28 1.0.0 create
public class Tools {
public static HashMap hs_transaction=new HashMap();
* 返回系统当前年月日时分秒
public static String lastRecFirstMonth()
Calendar car=Calendar.getInstance();
car.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);
//car.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
SimpleDateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
return format.format(car.getTime());
// return car.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-"+(car.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)+"-"+car.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
public static String currenctDate()
Calendar car=Calendar.getInstance();
//car.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);
//car.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
SimpleDateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
return format.format(car.getTime());
// return car.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-"+(car.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)+"-"+car.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
public static String getDBDateTime() {
Calendar car=Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
return format.format(car.getTime());
* 返回系统当前日期
public static String getDBDate() {
Calendar car=Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
return format.format(car.getTime());
* 返回数据库处理结果
public static String getDBDate(String paramStr) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
String temp = "select " + paramStr + " from dual";
temp = convert.getConversionBean();
return temp;
* 返回系统当前日期
public static java.sql.Date getDate() {
* Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); String date = year+"-"+month+"-"+day; return date;
java.util.Calendar calendar = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
// java.sql.Date dd=new java.sql.Date(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)-1900,calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH),calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
java.util.Date ss = new java.util.Date();
java.sql.Date dd = new java.sql.Date(ss.getTime());
* java.util.Date ss=new java.util.Date(); //java.sql.Date dd=java.sql.Date.valueOf(ss.toString()); getTime java.sql.Date dd=new java.sql.Date(ss.getTime()); System.out.println(ss.toString());
return dd;
* 空判断处理
public static boolean isEmpty(String input) {
if (input == null) {
return true;
if ("".equals(input.trim())) {
return true;
return false;
* 校验是否数字
public static boolean isDigit(String input) {
if (Tools.isEmpty(input)) {
return false;
boolean reUse = false;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
if (input.indexOf(".") == 0 || input.indexOf(".") == input.length()) {
return false;
// 是否有多余的.
if (input.substring(i, i + 1).equals(".")) {
if (!reUse) {
reUse = true;
} else {
return false;
if (!Character.isDigit(input.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* double参数,进行给定精度格式化
public static String numberFormat(double parameter, int digit) {
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < digit; i++) {
DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("###0." + temp.toString());
return df2.format(parameter);
* 空对象处理
public static String checkNull(Object ob) {
if ((ob == null) || (ob.equals("null"))) {
return "";
} else {
return ob.toString();
* 空对象"0"处理
public static String checkNullNum(Object ob) {
if ((ob == null) || (ob.equals("null")) || (ob.equals(""))) {
return "0";
} else {
return ob.toString();
* 空对象"0"处理
public static String checkNullTitle(Object ob) {
if ((ob == null) || (ob.equals("null")) || (ob.equals(""))) {
return "";
} else {
return ob.toString();
* 空对象处理(用于数据库操作)
public static String checkDBNull(Object ob) {
if ((ob == null) || (ob.equals(""))) {
return "null";
} else {
return ob.toString();
* 定义默认查询列表的行图标
public static String getListImage() {
return "/images/dot.gif";
* 输出给定脚本的完整javaScripts语法
public static String outScripts(String Str) {
return "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> " + Str + " </script>";
* 输出给定session中的变量信息,输出结束,然后,删除.
public static String outInfo(HttpSession session, String varStr, String type) {
String out_str = "";
if (type.equals("1")) {
if (!isEmpty((String) session.getAttribute(varStr))) {
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
out_str = out_str
+ "alert(\""
+ DoTextBean.replace((String) session
.getAttribute(varStr), "<br>", "") + "\");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
} else {
if (!isEmpty((String) session.getAttribute(varStr))) {
session.setAttribute("returnType", "close");
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
String str = "'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes, Height='+(screen.availheight-400)+',Width='+(screen.width-300)+',top=50,left=50'";
out_str = out_str
+ "window.open(\"/jsp/common/success.jsp\",''," + str
+ ");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
return out_str;
* 输出给定request中的变量信息,输出结束,然后,删除.
public static String outInfo(HttpServletRequest request, String varStr) {
String out_str = "";
if (!isEmpty((String) request.getAttribute(varStr))) {
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
out_str = out_str
+ "alert(\""
+ DoTextBean.replace((String) request.getAttribute(varStr),
"<br>", "") + "\");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
return out_str;
* 输出给定request中的变量信息,输出结束,然后,删除.
public static String outInfo(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpSession session, String varStr, String type) {
String out_str = "";
if (type.equals("1")) {
if (!isEmpty((String) request.getAttribute(varStr))) {
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
out_str = out_str
+ "alert(\""
+ DoTextBean.replace((String) request
.getAttribute(varStr), "<br>", "") + "\");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
} else {
if (!isEmpty((String) request.getAttribute(varStr))) {
session.setAttribute("returnType", "close");
session.setAttribute(varStr, (String) request
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
String str = "'scrollbars=yes,Height='+(screen.availheight-200)+',Width='+(screen.width-250)+',top=50,left=50'";
out_str = out_str
+ "window.open(\"/jsp/common/success.jsp\",''," + str
+ ");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
return out_str;
* 提示给定字符串的信息.
public static String outInfo(String outInfo) {
if (isEmpty(outInfo)) {
return "";
outInfo = DoTextBean.replace(outInfo, "<br>", "");
String outStr = null;
outStr = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
outStr = outStr + "alert(\"" + outInfo + "\");";
outStr = outStr + " </SCRIPT>";
return outStr;
* 输出图片单击函数参数的javaScripts语法,主要用于查询列表业务控制的image button服务
public static String outClick(String Str) {
if (isEmpty(Str)) {
return "";
} else {
return " onclick='" + Str + " ; return false;'";
* 返回系统当前时间
public static String getTime() {
java.util.Date ss = new java.util.Date();
return String.valueOf(ss.getTime());
* 字符串转为日期类型
public static java.sql.Date convertDate(String param) {
java.sql.Date returnDate = null;
if (!isEmpty(param)) {
returnDate = java.sql.Date.valueOf(param);
return returnDate;
* 字符串转为time类型
public static java.sql.Time convertTime(String param) {
java.sql.Time returnTime = null;
if (!isEmpty(param)) {
returnTime = java.sql.Time.valueOf(param);
return returnTime;
* 字符串转为Datetime类型
public static java.sql.Timestamp convertDatatime(String param) {
java.sql.Timestamp returnTime = null;
if (!isEmpty(param)) {
returnTime = java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(param);
return returnTime;
* 返回给定文件的扩展名
public static String getFileExtName(String fileName) {
return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("."), fileName.length());
* @brief: 取参数表(sys_param)中参数值
* @param paramType
* 参数类型
* @param code
* 参数代码
* @return 参数代码code对应的参数值;
public static Sys_paramVo getParam(String paramType, String code) {
Sys_paramVo returnVo = null;
try {
// String codeName = null;
// ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
// getValueObject.setSql(ICommonPolicy.getParamSql
// + "where index_type = '" + paramType + "' and index_code='"
// + code + "'");
// codeName = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
// return codeName;
List sysList = null;
sysList = new ArrayList();
Delegate cachesDel = new Delegate();
List list1 = (List) cachesDel.getCashDataList("sys_param");
String index_code = "";
String index_type = "";
Sys_paramVo vo = null;
for (int i = 0; i < list1.size(); i++) {
vo = (Sys_paramVo) list1.get(i);
index_code = vo.getIndex_code();
index_type = vo.getIndex_type();
if (paramType.equals(index_type) && (code.equals(index_code))) {
returnVo = vo;
} catch (Exception e) {
return returnVo;
* @brief: 取参数表(sys_param)中参数值 依次根据参数类型,索引,代码,取代码值
public static String getParamNumCode(String indexType, String indexNum,
String indexCode) {
try {
String indexValue = null;
ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
+ "where index_type = '" + indexType + "' and index_num='"
+ indexNum + "' and index_code='" + indexCode + "'");
indexValue = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
return indexValue;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
* @brief: 取参数表(sys_param)中参数值 依次根据参数类型,索引,取代码值
public static String getParamNum(String indexType, String indexNum) {
try {
String indexValue = null;
ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
+ "where index_type = '" + indexType + "' and index_num="
+ indexNum);
indexValue = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
return indexValue;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
public static String getParamNumWhere(String indexType, String indexNum,
String whereStr) {
try {
String indexValue = null;
ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
+ "where index_type = '" + indexType + "' and index_num="
+ indexNum + whereStr);
indexValue = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
return indexValue;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
* @brief:根据错误信息标题和详细错误信息统一生成提示信息。
* @param infoName
* 错误信息标题
* @param infoDetail
* 详细错误信息
* @return 在公共提示页面要显示的信息;
public static String getErrNote(String infoName, String infoDetail) {
try {
String rnStr = null;
if (infoName == null) {
infoName = "";
if (infoDetail == null) {
infoDetail = "";
rnStr = "<div align='center' >操作错误</div><br> "
+ "错误说明:<br> "
+ infoName + "<br> 详细错误:<br> " + infoDetail;
return rnStr;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
* @brief:根据信息标题统一生成提示信息。
* @param infoName
* 信息标题
* @return 在公共提示页面要显示的信息;
public static String getOkNote(String infoName) {
try {
String rnStr = null;
if (infoName == null) {
infoName = "";
rnStr = "操作完成!<br>处理结果:<br>" + infoName;
return rnStr;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
* if参数为空,则返回当前日期(格式:2004-9-5) 否则直接返回原参数值。 主要用于页面结束时间默认值处理
public static String getCurDtIfNullEnd(String paramValue) {
String endDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue))
// 取当前值
// DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
// endDate = dateBean.getPageDate();
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
endDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return endDate;
} else {
return paramValue;
* if参数为空,则返回当前日期早3天的日期(格式:2004-9-5) 否则直接返回原参数值。 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getCurDtIfNullBegin(String paramValue) {
String endDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue))
// 取当前值
// DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
// endDate = dateBean.getDateBeforeToDay(3);
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate-3,'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
endDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return endDate;
} else {
return paramValue;
// 取当系统当前时间
public static String getCurDateTime() {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual");
return convert.getConversionBean();
* if参数为空,则返回当前日期早1月的日期(格式:2004-9-5) 否则直接返回原参数值。 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getCurMonthIfNullBegin(String paramValue) {
String endDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue))
// 取当前值
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
.setSql("select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-1),'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
endDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return endDate;
} else {
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的日期(格式:2005-03-25) 如果paramValue不为空,则直接返回paramValue 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getPageDtIfNull(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (paramValue == null) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate-" + dtInterval
+ ",'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的日期(格式:2005-03-25) 如果paramValue不为空,则直接返回paramValue 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理 增加对"NULL"的判断
public static String getPageDateTimeIfNull(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (paramValue == null || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue)) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate - " + dtInterval
+ ",'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
public static String getDateAdd(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (paramValue == null || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue)) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate + " + dtInterval
+ ",'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的月份(格式:03) 如果paramValue不为空,则直接返回paramValue 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getPageMonthIfNull(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue)) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-" + dtInterval
+ "),'MM') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的月份(格式:200503) 如果paramValue不为空,则直接返回paramValue 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getPageYearMonthIfNull(String paramValue,
int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue)) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-" + dtInterval
+ "),'YYYYMM') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的年月(格式:200503) 如果paramValue不为空,则返回paramValue - dtInterval的年月(格式:200503) 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getAddMonths(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue)) {
convert.setSql("select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-" + dtInterval
+ "),'YYYYMM') from dual");
} else {
convert.setSql("select to_char(add_months(to_date( '" + paramValue
+ "', " + " 'yyyy-mm-dd'),-" + dtInterval
+ "),'YYYYMM') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
* 生成年选择框,范围为:2000-2050
public static String outYearDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1,
String property) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int yearBegin = 1997; // 定义起始年
int yearEnd = 2017; // 定义结束年
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getYear();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:55;' class='selectBox' " + property);
for (int i = yearBegin; i <= yearEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim().equals(new Integer(i).toString())) {
tempString.append("<option value='" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "' selected>" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "' >" + new Integer(i).toString() + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
public static String outYearDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int yearBegin = 1900; // 定义起始年
int yearEnd = 2099; // 定义结束年
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getYear();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:55;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = yearBegin; i <= yearEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim().equals(new Integer(i).toString())) {
tempString.append("<option value='" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "' selected>" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "' >" + new Integer(i).toString() + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成月选择框,范围为:1-12
public static String outMonthDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int monthBegin = 1; // 定义起始月
int monthEnd = 12; // 定义结束月
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getMonth();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = monthBegin; i <= monthEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成季选择框,范围为:1-4
public static String outQuarterDDlist(String selectName,
String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int quarterBegin = 1;
int quarterEnd = 4;
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "4";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = quarterBegin; i <= quarterEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成季选择框,范围为:1-4
public static String outQuarterDDlist(String selectName,
String defaultValue1, String property) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int quarterBegin = 1;
int quarterEnd = 4;
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "4";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' " + property);
for (int i = quarterBegin; i <= quarterEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
public static String outMonthDDlist(String selectName,
String defaultValue1, String property) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int monthBegin = 1; // 定义起始月
int monthEnd = 12; // 定义结束月
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getMonth();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' " + property);
for (int i = monthBegin; i <= monthEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成月选择框,范围为:1-12
public static String outDayDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int dayBegin = 1; // 定义起始日
int dayEnd = 31; // 定义结束日
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getDay();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = dayBegin; i <= dayEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
public static String outDayDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1,
String property) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int dayBegin = 1; // 定义起始日
int dayEnd = 31; // 定义结束日
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getDay();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' " + property);
for (int i = dayBegin; i <= dayEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成时选择框,范围为:00-23
public static String outHourDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int begin = 0; // 定义起始时
int end = 23; // 定义结束时
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "00";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成分选择框,范围为:00-59
public static String outMinuteDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int begin = 0; // 定义起始分
int end = 59; // 定义结束分
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "00";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成秒选择框,范围为:00-59
public static String outSecondDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int begin = 0; // 定义起始秒
int end = 59; // 定义结束秒
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "00";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 数字转为两位字符串
public static String getNumStr(String numStr) {
String rt = null;
rt = numStr;
if (numStr == null) {
return "";
if (numStr.length() == 1) {
rt = "0" + numStr;
return rt;
* 数据追加新的数组元素
public static String[] arrayAdd(String[] array1, String[] array2) {
int ai = 0;
if (array2 == null || array1 == null) {
return array1;
ai = array1.length + array2.length;
String[] retList = new String[ai];
for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
retList[i] = array1[i];
for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) {
retList[ai - array2.length + i] = array2[i];
return retList;
* URL编码
public static String getEncodeStr(String str) {
String temp = str;
if (temp == null) {
return "";
try {
temp = URLEncoder.encode(temp, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
return temp;
* URL解码
public static String getDecodeStr(String str) {
String temp = str;
if (temp == null) {
return "";
try {
temp = URLDecoder.decode(temp, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
return temp;
* 月份转换函数 MM -> 中文月或 MM ->英文简写月 flag=E,英文,例如May flag=CHN,中文月,例如5月 flag=C,中文月,例如五月
public static String getShortMonth(String month, String flag) {
String tempE = "";
String tempC = "";
String tempCHN = "";
try {
switch (Integer.parseInt(month)) {
case 1:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth1;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth1;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth1;
case 2:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth2;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth2;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth2;
case 3:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth3;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth3;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth3;
case 4:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth4;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth4;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth4;
case 5:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth5;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth5;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth5;
case 6:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth6;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth6;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth6;
case 7:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth7;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth7;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth7;
case 8:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth8;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth8;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth8;
case 9:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth9;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth9;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth9;
case 10:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth10;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth10;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth10;
case 11:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth11;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth11;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth11;
case 12:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth12;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth12;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth12;
} catch (Exception e) {
tempE = "";
tempCHN = "";
tempC = "";
if ("E".equals(flag))
return tempE;
else if ("CHN".equals(flag))
return tempCHN;
return tempC;
* 字符串补齐(后面追加) str:原串 strLen:补齐后的长度 ch:补齐用的字符
public static String strAppendChr(String str, int strLen, String ch) {
if (Tools.isEmpty(str) || Tools.isEmpty(ch) || (strLen == 0))
return str;
if (str.length() >= strLen)
return str;
int j = strLen - str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
str = str + ch;
return str;
* 字符串补齐(前面追加) str:原串 strLen:补齐后的长度 ch:补齐用的字符
public static String strInsertChr(String str, int strLen, String ch) {
String temp = "";
if (Tools.isEmpty(str) || Tools.isEmpty(ch) || (strLen == 0))
return str;
if (str.length() >= strLen)
return str;
int j = strLen - str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
str = ch + str;
return str;
* 时区偏移处理 time1:原时间 offSet:时区偏移量 flag:D:精确到日;S精确到秒 计算公式:time1 - (offSet) + 0800
public static String getOffSetDate(String time1, String offSet, String flag) {
String temp = "";
String temp0 = "";
String temp1 = "";
String temp2 = "";
/* 计算公式为:用time - offSet + 北京时区0800 */
if (Tools.isEmpty(time1))
return "";
if (Tools.isEmpty(offSet))
return time1;
try {
temp0 = offSet.substring(0, 1); // 取出操作符(+/-)
temp1 = offSet.substring(1, 3); // 取出小时
temp2 = offSet.substring(3, 5); // 取出分钟(为00或30或45)
/* 判断时区偏移 */
if ("+".equals(temp0))
temp0 = "-";
temp0 = "+";
if ("30".equals(temp2)) {// 如果带30分钟
if ("S".equals(flag))// 精确到秒
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1
+ "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') " + temp0
+ " (TO_NUMBER('" + temp1
+ "') + TO_NUMBER(0.5))/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ";
// 精确到日
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1 + "','YYYY-MM-DD') "
+ temp0 + " (TO_NUMBER('" + temp1
+ "') + TO_NUMBER(0.5))/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";
} else if ("45".equals(temp2)) {// 如果带45分钟
if ("S".equals(flag))// 精确到秒
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1
+ "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') " + temp0
+ " (TO_NUMBER('" + temp1
+ "') + TO_NUMBER(0.75))/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ";
// 精确到日
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1 + "','YYYY-MM-DD') "
+ temp0 + " (TO_NUMBER('" + temp1
+ "') + TO_NUMBER(0.75))/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";
} else {
if ("S".equals(flag))// 精确到秒
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1
+ "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') " + temp0
+ " TO_NUMBER('" + temp1 + "')/24"
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ";
// 精确到日
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1 + "','YYYY-MM-DD') "
+ temp0 + " TO_NUMBER('" + temp1 + "')/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ";
temp = Tools.getDBDate(temp);
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
return temp;
* ORA错误代码翻译,用于提示信息到JSP页面,不显示SQL异常
public static String getORASQLException(String ex) {
String temp = "";
if (!Tools.isEmpty(ex)) {
if (ex.lastIndexOf("ORA-00001") > 0) {
temp = "数据库表已存在相同的记录,请检查您的输入,谢谢!";
} else if (ex.lastIndexOf("ORA-01401") > 0) {
temp = "您输入的字段的长度超过数据库字段允许的最大长度限制,请检查您的输入,谢谢!";
} else
temp = ex;
} else
temp = ex;
return temp;
* @param value
* @return
public static boolean isEmptyStr(String value) {
if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0)
return true;
return false;
* @param value
* @return
public static String toSqlString(String value) {
return "'" + Tools.checkNull(value) + "'";
* @param queryStr
* @param string
* @param provValues
public static void appendSqlInCondition(StringBuffer queryStr,
String fieldName, String[] fieldValues) {
if (fieldValues != null && fieldValues.length > 0) {
StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer("");
for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.length; i++) {
if (isEmptyStr(fieldValues[i])) {
if (i != fieldValues.length - 1) {
values.append(toSqlString(fieldValues[i]) + ",");
} else {
if (!isEmptyStr(values.toString())) {
queryStr.append(" AND " + fieldName + " IN (" + values + ")");
* @param queryStr
* @param fieldValue
* @param fieldValue2
public static void appendSqlStringCondition(StringBuffer queryStr,
String fieldName, String fieldValue) {
if (!isEmptyStr(fieldValue)) {
.append(" AND " + fieldName + "=" + toSqlString(fieldValue));
* @param obj
* @param nullIfRet
* @param ret
* @return
public static String nvlStr(String obj, String nullIfRet, String ret) {
return obj == null ? nullIfRet : ret;
* 去空格,主要用于从JSP页面获取输入项
public static String checkSpace(String value) {
if (!Tools.isEmpty(value))
return value.trim();
return value;
* @brief: 取参数表(sys_param)中参数值
* @param paramType
* 参数类型
* @param code
* 参数代码
* @return 参数代码code对应的参数值;
public static String getPrintParam(String param, String report_id) {
String value = null;
ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
getValueObject.setSql("select " + param
+ " from pubdba.report_print_param where report_id = '"
+ report_id + "'");
value = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
return value;
* 格式化double输出 d:需要格式化的数值 p: 格式化类型,例如#,##0.#####
public static String formatNumber(double d, String p) {
String s = "";
try {
DecimalFormat f = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance();
s = f.format(d);
return s;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
// 得到前三天的时间
public static String getBeforeTime(String str) {
return DateFormatUtil.getBeforeTime(str);
// 得到前i天的时间
public static String getBeforeTime(String str,int i) {
return DateFormatUtil.getBeforeTime(str,i);
// 得到当天的时间YYYY-MM-DD
public static String getCurrentData(String str) {
return DateFormatUtil.getDataYYYYMMDD(str);
// 得到上个月:
public static String getBeforeMonth(String pm_EndtTm) {
return DateFormatUtil.getBeforeMonth(pm_EndtTm);
// 得到年度:
public static String getCurrentYear(String operateTmBegin) {
return DateFormatUtil.getFormatStartEndTmByYYYY(operateTmBegin);
* 返回当前年份上个月的第一天
* @param month
* @return
public static String getFirstDateOfLastMonth(String format) {
int year = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) ;
int lastMonth = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) ;
DecimalFormat sf = new DecimalFormat();
SimpleDateFormat sfDate = new SimpleDateFormat();
SimpleDateFormat sfStr = new SimpleDateFormat();
java.util.Date dTmp = null;
try {
dTmp = sfDate.parse(year + "" + sf.format(lastMonth) + "01");
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return sfStr.format(dTmp);
* 返回当前年份上个月的最后一天
* @param format 设置返回日期的格式如:yyyy-MM-dd yyyyMMdd yyyy/MM/dd
public static String getLastDateOfLastMonth(String format) {
int year = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) ;
int lastMonth = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) ;
DecimalFormat sf = new DecimalFormat();
return getLastDate(year+"",sf.format(lastMonth),Tools.isEmpty(format)?"yyyy-MM-dd":format);
* 根据年、月 取得 当月最后一天的完整日期
* @param year 2006
* @param month 01
* @return 20060131
public static String getLastDate(String year,String month,String fmt){
if(year!=null && month!=null){
if(year.length()!=4 && month.length()!=2){
return null;
return getLastDate(year+month,fmt);
return null;
* 根据年、月 取得 当月最后一天的完整日期
* @param yearMonth 年月
* @param fmt 日期格式.如:yyyy-MM-dd
* @return 返回年月中的最后一天日期
public static String getLastDate(String yearMonth,String fmt){
String str = null;
boolean isLeaf = false;
* 计算时间
if (!Tools.isEmpty(yearMonth) && yearMonth.length() == 6) {
int year = Integer.parseInt(yearMonth.substring(0, 4));
int month = Integer.parseInt(yearMonth.substring(4, 6));
int day = 30;
if (((year % 4) == 0) && ((year % 100) != 0) || ((year % 400) == 0)) {
isLeaf = true;
if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5
|| month == 7 || month == 8
|| month == 10 || month == 12) {
day = 31;
} else if (month == 2) {
if (isLeaf) {
day = 29;
} else {
day = 28;
} else {
day = 30;
DecimalFormat sf = new DecimalFormat();
String monthStr = sf.format(month);
String dayStr = sf.format(day);
String formatDate = year + monthStr + dayStr;
fmt = Tools.isEmpty(fmt)?"yyyyMMdd":fmt;
SimpleDateFormat formatStr = new SimpleDateFormat(fmt);
try {
SimpleDateFormat sfTmp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
Date date = sfTmp.parse(formatDate);
str = formatStr.format(date);
} catch(Exception e) {
return str;
* 生成要设置多个<select>状态的javaScript代码
* #注意:必须将common.js包含在<select>所有在JSP页面中
* @param selectNames <select>控件名称
* @param request
* @param time 延时执行时间1000=1秒
* @return
public static String generateJSOfSelectState(String[] selectNames,HttpServletRequest request,int time ) {
if (selectNames != null && selectNames.length > 0) {
String [][]selectValues = new String [selectNames.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < selectNames.length; i++ ) {
String[] _state = request.getParameterValues(selectNames[i]);
if (_state != null && _state.length > 0)
selectValues[i] = _state;
return generateJSOfSelectState(selectNames,selectValues,time);
return "";
* 批量压缩文件
* @param filePath 源文件的路径
* @param fileName 源文件名列表
* @param zipPath 压缩文件要保存的路径
* @param zipFileName 保存的压缩文件名
public static void zipFile(String filePath, List fileName, String zipPath,
String zipFileName) {
try {
FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(zipPath+File.separator+zipFileName);
CheckedOutputStream ch = new CheckedOutputStream(f, new CRC32());
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(ch));
for (int i = 0; i < fileName.size(); i++) {
String fn=(String)fileName.get(i);
String full=filePath+File.separator+fn;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new FileInputStream(full), "ISO8859_1"));
int c;
ZipEntry entry=new ZipEntry(DoTextBean.gb2iso(fn));
while ((c = in.read()) != -1)
} catch (Exception e) {
* 批量压缩文件
* @param fileName 源文件名列表
* @param zipPath 压缩文件要保存的路径
* @param zipFileName 保存的压缩文件名
public static void zipFile(List fileName, String zipPath,
String zipFileName) {
try {
FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(zipPath+File.separator+zipFileName);
CheckedOutputStream ch = new CheckedOutputStream(f, new CRC32());
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(ch));
for (int i = 0; i < fileName.size(); i++) {
String fn=(String)fileName.get(i);
File file=new File(fn);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new FileInputStream(fn), "ISO8859_1"));
int c;
ZipEntry entry=new ZipEntry(DoTextBean.gb2iso(file.getName()));
while ((c = in.read()) != -1)
} catch (Exception e) {
public static String checkDownFile(HttpServletRequest request ) {
String downFile = (String) request.getAttribute("_ZIP_FILE_NAME");
if (!Tools.isEmpty(downFile) ) {
try {
downFile = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(downFile,"UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return "document.location.href='/zipDownload?_ZIP_FILE_NAME=" + downFile + "';";
return "";
* @param value
* @return boolean 为空返回 true, 不为空返回 false
public static boolean isEmpty(String value) {
return (null == value || Constants.SPACE.equals(value) || Constants.ZERO == value
.trim().length()) ? true : false;
* @param str
* @return boolean 为数字返回true,不为数字或者为空返回 false
public static boolean isNumeric(String str) {
return CommonUtils.isEmpty(str) ? false : Pattern
* @param fileName
* @return 是文件返回true, 文件名不是文件或为空返回false
public static boolean isFile(String fullFileNamePath) {
return CommonUtils.isEmpty(fullFileNamePath) ? false : new File(
* @param filePath
* 文件路径
* @return 文件后缀
public static String filePostfix(String filePath) {
return CommonUtils.isEmpty(filePath) ? Constants.SPACE : filePath
* @see 判断 map里面的值是否为空,是否为文件真实名
* @param fileMap 文件路径,文件类型
* @return 参数是文件真实名返回true,否则返回false
public static boolean isFile(Map<String, String> fileMap) {
boolean bool = false;
if (fileMap.isEmpty()) {
bool = false;
} else {
for (Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = fileMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<String, String> mapInstance = (Map.Entry<String, String>) iterator
File file = new File(mapInstance.getKey());
if (file.isFile()) {
return true;
} else {
bool = false;
return bool;
package com.cmsz.common.util;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.zip.CRC32;
import java.util.zip.CheckedOutputStream;
import org.apache.tools.zip.ZipEntry;
import org.apache.tools.zip.ZipOutputStream;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
* Copyright China-Mobile(SZ) 2005. All rights reserved.
* @file: Tools.java
* @date: 2005/09/28
* @brief: 常用工具包
* @author: fkueje001
* @version: 1.0.0 Other: Change Log: <author> <time> <version> <description> fkueje001 2005/09/28 1.0.0 create
public class Tools {
public static HashMap hs_transaction=new HashMap();
* 返回系统当前年月日时分秒
public static String lastRecFirstMonth()
Calendar car=Calendar.getInstance();
car.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);
//car.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
SimpleDateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
return format.format(car.getTime());
// return car.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-"+(car.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)+"-"+car.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
public static String currenctDate()
Calendar car=Calendar.getInstance();
//car.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1);
//car.add(Calendar.DATE, -1);
SimpleDateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
return format.format(car.getTime());
// return car.get(Calendar.YEAR)+"-"+(car.get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)+"-"+car.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
public static String getDBDateTime() {
Calendar car=Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
return format.format(car.getTime());
* 返回系统当前日期
public static String getDBDate() {
Calendar car=Calendar.getInstance();
SimpleDateFormat format=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
return format.format(car.getTime());
* 返回数据库处理结果
public static String getDBDate(String paramStr) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
String temp = "select " + paramStr + " from dual";
temp = convert.getConversionBean();
return temp;
* 返回系统当前日期
public static java.sql.Date getDate() {
* Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); String date = year+"-"+month+"-"+day; return date;
java.util.Calendar calendar = java.util.Calendar.getInstance();
// java.sql.Date dd=new java.sql.Date(calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR)-1900,calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH),calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
java.util.Date ss = new java.util.Date();
java.sql.Date dd = new java.sql.Date(ss.getTime());
* java.util.Date ss=new java.util.Date(); //java.sql.Date dd=java.sql.Date.valueOf(ss.toString()); getTime java.sql.Date dd=new java.sql.Date(ss.getTime()); System.out.println(ss.toString());
return dd;
* 空判断处理
public static boolean isEmpty(String input) {
if (input == null) {
return true;
if ("".equals(input.trim())) {
return true;
return false;
* 校验是否数字
public static boolean isDigit(String input) {
if (Tools.isEmpty(input)) {
return false;
boolean reUse = false;
for (int i = 0; i < input.length(); i++) {
if (input.indexOf(".") == 0 || input.indexOf(".") == input.length()) {
return false;
// 是否有多余的.
if (input.substring(i, i + 1).equals(".")) {
if (!reUse) {
reUse = true;
} else {
return false;
if (!Character.isDigit(input.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
* double参数,进行给定精度格式化
public static String numberFormat(double parameter, int digit) {
StringBuffer temp = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < digit; i++) {
DecimalFormat df2 = new DecimalFormat("###0." + temp.toString());
return df2.format(parameter);
* 空对象处理
public static String checkNull(Object ob) {
if ((ob == null) || (ob.equals("null"))) {
return "";
} else {
return ob.toString();
* 空对象"0"处理
public static String checkNullNum(Object ob) {
if ((ob == null) || (ob.equals("null")) || (ob.equals(""))) {
return "0";
} else {
return ob.toString();
* 空对象"0"处理
public static String checkNullTitle(Object ob) {
if ((ob == null) || (ob.equals("null")) || (ob.equals(""))) {
return "";
} else {
return ob.toString();
* 空对象处理(用于数据库操作)
public static String checkDBNull(Object ob) {
if ((ob == null) || (ob.equals(""))) {
return "null";
} else {
return ob.toString();
* 定义默认查询列表的行图标
public static String getListImage() {
return "/images/dot.gif";
* 输出给定脚本的完整javaScripts语法
public static String outScripts(String Str) {
return "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> " + Str + " </script>";
* 输出给定session中的变量信息,输出结束,然后,删除.
public static String outInfo(HttpSession session, String varStr, String type) {
String out_str = "";
if (type.equals("1")) {
if (!isEmpty((String) session.getAttribute(varStr))) {
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
out_str = out_str
+ "alert(\""
+ DoTextBean.replace((String) session
.getAttribute(varStr), "<br>", "") + "\");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
} else {
if (!isEmpty((String) session.getAttribute(varStr))) {
session.setAttribute("returnType", "close");
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
String str = "'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes, Height='+(screen.availheight-400)+',Width='+(screen.width-300)+',top=50,left=50'";
out_str = out_str
+ "window.open(\"/jsp/common/success.jsp\",''," + str
+ ");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
return out_str;
* 输出给定request中的变量信息,输出结束,然后,删除.
public static String outInfo(HttpServletRequest request, String varStr) {
String out_str = "";
if (!isEmpty((String) request.getAttribute(varStr))) {
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
out_str = out_str
+ "alert(\""
+ DoTextBean.replace((String) request.getAttribute(varStr),
"<br>", "") + "\");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
return out_str;
* 输出给定request中的变量信息,输出结束,然后,删除.
public static String outInfo(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpSession session, String varStr, String type) {
String out_str = "";
if (type.equals("1")) {
if (!isEmpty((String) request.getAttribute(varStr))) {
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
out_str = out_str
+ "alert(\""
+ DoTextBean.replace((String) request
.getAttribute(varStr), "<br>", "") + "\");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
} else {
if (!isEmpty((String) request.getAttribute(varStr))) {
session.setAttribute("returnType", "close");
session.setAttribute(varStr, (String) request
out_str = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
String str = "'scrollbars=yes,Height='+(screen.availheight-200)+',Width='+(screen.width-250)+',top=50,left=50'";
out_str = out_str
+ "window.open(\"/jsp/common/success.jsp\",''," + str
+ ");";
out_str = out_str + " </SCRIPT>";
return out_str;
* 提示给定字符串的信息.
public static String outInfo(String outInfo) {
if (isEmpty(outInfo)) {
return "";
outInfo = DoTextBean.replace(outInfo, "<br>", "");
String outStr = null;
outStr = "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"> ";
outStr = outStr + "alert(\"" + outInfo + "\");";
outStr = outStr + " </SCRIPT>";
return outStr;
* 输出图片单击函数参数的javaScripts语法,主要用于查询列表业务控制的image button服务
public static String outClick(String Str) {
if (isEmpty(Str)) {
return "";
} else {
return " onclick='" + Str + " ; return false;'";
* 返回系统当前时间
public static String getTime() {
java.util.Date ss = new java.util.Date();
return String.valueOf(ss.getTime());
* 字符串转为日期类型
public static java.sql.Date convertDate(String param) {
java.sql.Date returnDate = null;
if (!isEmpty(param)) {
returnDate = java.sql.Date.valueOf(param);
return returnDate;
* 字符串转为time类型
public static java.sql.Time convertTime(String param) {
java.sql.Time returnTime = null;
if (!isEmpty(param)) {
returnTime = java.sql.Time.valueOf(param);
return returnTime;
* 字符串转为Datetime类型
public static java.sql.Timestamp convertDatatime(String param) {
java.sql.Timestamp returnTime = null;
if (!isEmpty(param)) {
returnTime = java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(param);
return returnTime;
* 返回给定文件的扩展名
public static String getFileExtName(String fileName) {
return fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf("."), fileName.length());
* @brief: 取参数表(sys_param)中参数值
* @param paramType
* 参数类型
* @param code
* 参数代码
* @return 参数代码code对应的参数值;
public static Sys_paramVo getParam(String paramType, String code) {
Sys_paramVo returnVo = null;
try {
// String codeName = null;
// ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
// getValueObject.setSql(ICommonPolicy.getParamSql
// + "where index_type = '" + paramType + "' and index_code='"
// + code + "'");
// codeName = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
// return codeName;
List sysList = null;
sysList = new ArrayList();
Delegate cachesDel = new Delegate();
List list1 = (List) cachesDel.getCashDataList("sys_param");
String index_code = "";
String index_type = "";
Sys_paramVo vo = null;
for (int i = 0; i < list1.size(); i++) {
vo = (Sys_paramVo) list1.get(i);
index_code = vo.getIndex_code();
index_type = vo.getIndex_type();
if (paramType.equals(index_type) && (code.equals(index_code))) {
returnVo = vo;
} catch (Exception e) {
return returnVo;
* @brief: 取参数表(sys_param)中参数值 依次根据参数类型,索引,代码,取代码值
public static String getParamNumCode(String indexType, String indexNum,
String indexCode) {
try {
String indexValue = null;
ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
+ "where index_type = '" + indexType + "' and index_num='"
+ indexNum + "' and index_code='" + indexCode + "'");
indexValue = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
return indexValue;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
* @brief: 取参数表(sys_param)中参数值 依次根据参数类型,索引,取代码值
public static String getParamNum(String indexType, String indexNum) {
try {
String indexValue = null;
ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
+ "where index_type = '" + indexType + "' and index_num="
+ indexNum);
indexValue = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
return indexValue;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
public static String getParamNumWhere(String indexType, String indexNum,
String whereStr) {
try {
String indexValue = null;
ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
+ "where index_type = '" + indexType + "' and index_num="
+ indexNum + whereStr);
indexValue = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
return indexValue;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
* @brief:根据错误信息标题和详细错误信息统一生成提示信息。
* @param infoName
* 错误信息标题
* @param infoDetail
* 详细错误信息
* @return 在公共提示页面要显示的信息;
public static String getErrNote(String infoName, String infoDetail) {
try {
String rnStr = null;
if (infoName == null) {
infoName = "";
if (infoDetail == null) {
infoDetail = "";
rnStr = "<div align='center' >操作错误</div><br> "
+ "错误说明:<br> "
+ infoName + "<br> 详细错误:<br> " + infoDetail;
return rnStr;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
* @brief:根据信息标题统一生成提示信息。
* @param infoName
* 信息标题
* @return 在公共提示页面要显示的信息;
public static String getOkNote(String infoName) {
try {
String rnStr = null;
if (infoName == null) {
infoName = "";
rnStr = "操作完成!<br>处理结果:<br>" + infoName;
return rnStr;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
* if参数为空,则返回当前日期(格式:2004-9-5) 否则直接返回原参数值。 主要用于页面结束时间默认值处理
public static String getCurDtIfNullEnd(String paramValue) {
String endDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue))
// 取当前值
// DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
// endDate = dateBean.getPageDate();
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
endDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return endDate;
} else {
return paramValue;
* if参数为空,则返回当前日期早3天的日期(格式:2004-9-5) 否则直接返回原参数值。 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getCurDtIfNullBegin(String paramValue) {
String endDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue))
// 取当前值
// DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
// endDate = dateBean.getDateBeforeToDay(3);
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate-3,'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
endDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return endDate;
} else {
return paramValue;
// 取当系统当前时间
public static String getCurDateTime() {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual");
return convert.getConversionBean();
* if参数为空,则返回当前日期早1月的日期(格式:2004-9-5) 否则直接返回原参数值。 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getCurMonthIfNullBegin(String paramValue) {
String endDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue))
// 取当前值
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
.setSql("select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-1),'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
endDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return endDate;
} else {
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的日期(格式:2005-03-25) 如果paramValue不为空,则直接返回paramValue 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getPageDtIfNull(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (paramValue == null) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate-" + dtInterval
+ ",'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的日期(格式:2005-03-25) 如果paramValue不为空,则直接返回paramValue 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理 增加对"NULL"的判断
public static String getPageDateTimeIfNull(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (paramValue == null || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue)) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate - " + dtInterval
+ ",'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
public static String getDateAdd(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (paramValue == null || "null".equalsIgnoreCase(paramValue)) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(sysdate + " + dtInterval
+ ",'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的月份(格式:03) 如果paramValue不为空,则直接返回paramValue 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getPageMonthIfNull(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue)) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-" + dtInterval
+ "),'MM') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的月份(格式:200503) 如果paramValue不为空,则直接返回paramValue 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getPageYearMonthIfNull(String paramValue,
int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue)) {
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
convert.setSql("select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-" + dtInterval
+ "),'YYYYMM') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
} else {
// 直接返回
return paramValue;
* 如果paramValue参数为空,则返回当前日期-dtInterval的年月(格式:200503) 如果paramValue不为空,则返回paramValue - dtInterval的年月(格式:200503) 主要用于页面开始时间默认值处理
public static String getAddMonths(String paramValue, int dtInterval) {
String pageDate = null;
ConversionBean convert = new ConversionBean();
if (Tools.isEmpty(paramValue)) {
convert.setSql("select to_char(add_months(sysdate,-" + dtInterval
+ "),'YYYYMM') from dual");
} else {
convert.setSql("select to_char(add_months(to_date( '" + paramValue
+ "', " + " 'yyyy-mm-dd'),-" + dtInterval
+ "),'YYYYMM') from dual");
pageDate = convert.getConversionBean();
return pageDate;
* 生成年选择框,范围为:2000-2050
public static String outYearDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1,
String property) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int yearBegin = 1997; // 定义起始年
int yearEnd = 2017; // 定义结束年
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getYear();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:55;' class='selectBox' " + property);
for (int i = yearBegin; i <= yearEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim().equals(new Integer(i).toString())) {
tempString.append("<option value='" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "' selected>" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "' >" + new Integer(i).toString() + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
public static String outYearDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int yearBegin = 1900; // 定义起始年
int yearEnd = 2099; // 定义结束年
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getYear();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:55;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = yearBegin; i <= yearEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim().equals(new Integer(i).toString())) {
tempString.append("<option value='" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "' selected>" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='" + new Integer(i).toString()
+ "' >" + new Integer(i).toString() + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成月选择框,范围为:1-12
public static String outMonthDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int monthBegin = 1; // 定义起始月
int monthEnd = 12; // 定义结束月
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getMonth();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = monthBegin; i <= monthEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成季选择框,范围为:1-4
public static String outQuarterDDlist(String selectName,
String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int quarterBegin = 1;
int quarterEnd = 4;
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "4";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = quarterBegin; i <= quarterEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成季选择框,范围为:1-4
public static String outQuarterDDlist(String selectName,
String defaultValue1, String property) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int quarterBegin = 1;
int quarterEnd = 4;
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "4";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' " + property);
for (int i = quarterBegin; i <= quarterEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
public static String outMonthDDlist(String selectName,
String defaultValue1, String property) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int monthBegin = 1; // 定义起始月
int monthEnd = 12; // 定义结束月
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getMonth();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' " + property);
for (int i = monthBegin; i <= monthEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成月选择框,范围为:1-12
public static String outDayDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int dayBegin = 1; // 定义起始日
int dayEnd = 31; // 定义结束日
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getDay();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = dayBegin; i <= dayEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
public static String outDayDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1,
String property) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int dayBegin = 1; // 定义起始日
int dayEnd = 31; // 定义结束日
DateBean dateBean = new DateBean();
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = dateBean.getDay();
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' " + property);
for (int i = dayBegin; i <= dayEnd; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成时选择框,范围为:00-23
public static String outHourDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int begin = 0; // 定义起始时
int end = 23; // 定义结束时
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "00";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成分选择框,范围为:00-59
public static String outMinuteDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int begin = 0; // 定义起始分
int end = 59; // 定义结束分
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "00";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 生成秒选择框,范围为:00-59
public static String outSecondDDlist(String selectName, String defaultValue1) {
String defaultValue = defaultValue1;
int begin = 0; // 定义起始秒
int end = 59; // 定义结束秒
StringBuffer tempString = new StringBuffer("");
if (defaultValue == null) {
defaultValue = "00";
tempString.append("<select name=" + selectName);
tempString.append(" style='width:40;' class='selectBox' ");
for (int i = begin; i <= end; i++) {
if (defaultValue.trim()
.equals(getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()))) {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' selected>"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
} else {
tempString.append("<option value='"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "' >"
+ getNumStr(new Integer(i).toString()) + "</option>\n");
return tempString.toString();
* 数字转为两位字符串
public static String getNumStr(String numStr) {
String rt = null;
rt = numStr;
if (numStr == null) {
return "";
if (numStr.length() == 1) {
rt = "0" + numStr;
return rt;
* 数据追加新的数组元素
public static String[] arrayAdd(String[] array1, String[] array2) {
int ai = 0;
if (array2 == null || array1 == null) {
return array1;
ai = array1.length + array2.length;
String[] retList = new String[ai];
for (int i = 0; i < array1.length; i++) {
retList[i] = array1[i];
for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) {
retList[ai - array2.length + i] = array2[i];
return retList;
* URL编码
public static String getEncodeStr(String str) {
String temp = str;
if (temp == null) {
return "";
try {
temp = URLEncoder.encode(temp, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
return temp;
* URL解码
public static String getDecodeStr(String str) {
String temp = str;
if (temp == null) {
return "";
try {
temp = URLDecoder.decode(temp, "UTF-8");
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
return temp;
* 月份转换函数 MM -> 中文月或 MM ->英文简写月 flag=E,英文,例如May flag=CHN,中文月,例如5月 flag=C,中文月,例如五月
public static String getShortMonth(String month, String flag) {
String tempE = "";
String tempC = "";
String tempCHN = "";
try {
switch (Integer.parseInt(month)) {
case 1:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth1;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth1;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth1;
case 2:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth2;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth2;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth2;
case 3:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth3;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth3;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth3;
case 4:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth4;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth4;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth4;
case 5:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth5;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth5;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth5;
case 6:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth6;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth6;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth6;
case 7:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth7;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth7;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth7;
case 8:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth8;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth8;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth8;
case 9:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth9;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth9;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth9;
case 10:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth10;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth10;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth10;
case 11:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth11;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth11;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth11;
case 12:
tempE = ICommonPolicy.shortEMonth12;
tempCHN = ICommonPolicy.shortCHNMonth12;
tempC = ICommonPolicy.shortCMonth12;
} catch (Exception e) {
tempE = "";
tempCHN = "";
tempC = "";
if ("E".equals(flag))
return tempE;
else if ("CHN".equals(flag))
return tempCHN;
return tempC;
* 字符串补齐(后面追加) str:原串 strLen:补齐后的长度 ch:补齐用的字符
public static String strAppendChr(String str, int strLen, String ch) {
if (Tools.isEmpty(str) || Tools.isEmpty(ch) || (strLen == 0))
return str;
if (str.length() >= strLen)
return str;
int j = strLen - str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
str = str + ch;
return str;
* 字符串补齐(前面追加) str:原串 strLen:补齐后的长度 ch:补齐用的字符
public static String strInsertChr(String str, int strLen, String ch) {
String temp = "";
if (Tools.isEmpty(str) || Tools.isEmpty(ch) || (strLen == 0))
return str;
if (str.length() >= strLen)
return str;
int j = strLen - str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < j; i++) {
str = ch + str;
return str;
* 时区偏移处理 time1:原时间 offSet:时区偏移量 flag:D:精确到日;S精确到秒 计算公式:time1 - (offSet) + 0800
public static String getOffSetDate(String time1, String offSet, String flag) {
String temp = "";
String temp0 = "";
String temp1 = "";
String temp2 = "";
/* 计算公式为:用time - offSet + 北京时区0800 */
if (Tools.isEmpty(time1))
return "";
if (Tools.isEmpty(offSet))
return time1;
try {
temp0 = offSet.substring(0, 1); // 取出操作符(+/-)
temp1 = offSet.substring(1, 3); // 取出小时
temp2 = offSet.substring(3, 5); // 取出分钟(为00或30或45)
/* 判断时区偏移 */
if ("+".equals(temp0))
temp0 = "-";
temp0 = "+";
if ("30".equals(temp2)) {// 如果带30分钟
if ("S".equals(flag))// 精确到秒
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1
+ "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') " + temp0
+ " (TO_NUMBER('" + temp1
+ "') + TO_NUMBER(0.5))/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ";
// 精确到日
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1 + "','YYYY-MM-DD') "
+ temp0 + " (TO_NUMBER('" + temp1
+ "') + TO_NUMBER(0.5))/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";
} else if ("45".equals(temp2)) {// 如果带45分钟
if ("S".equals(flag))// 精确到秒
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1
+ "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') " + temp0
+ " (TO_NUMBER('" + temp1
+ "') + TO_NUMBER(0.75))/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ";
// 精确到日
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1 + "','YYYY-MM-DD') "
+ temp0 + " (TO_NUMBER('" + temp1
+ "') + TO_NUMBER(0.75))/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')";
} else {
if ("S".equals(flag))// 精确到秒
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1
+ "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') " + temp0
+ " TO_NUMBER('" + temp1 + "')/24"
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ";
// 精确到日
temp = " TO_CHAR((TO_DATE('" + time1 + "','YYYY-MM-DD') "
+ temp0 + " TO_NUMBER('" + temp1 + "')/24 "
+ " + (8/24)),'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') ";
temp = Tools.getDBDate(temp);
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
return temp;
* ORA错误代码翻译,用于提示信息到JSP页面,不显示SQL异常
public static String getORASQLException(String ex) {
String temp = "";
if (!Tools.isEmpty(ex)) {
if (ex.lastIndexOf("ORA-00001") > 0) {
temp = "数据库表已存在相同的记录,请检查您的输入,谢谢!";
} else if (ex.lastIndexOf("ORA-01401") > 0) {
temp = "您输入的字段的长度超过数据库字段允许的最大长度限制,请检查您的输入,谢谢!";
} else
temp = ex;
} else
temp = ex;
return temp;
* @param value
* @return
public static boolean isEmptyStr(String value) {
if (value == null || value.trim().length() == 0)
return true;
return false;
* @param value
* @return
public static String toSqlString(String value) {
return "'" + Tools.checkNull(value) + "'";
* @param queryStr
* @param string
* @param provValues
public static void appendSqlInCondition(StringBuffer queryStr,
String fieldName, String[] fieldValues) {
if (fieldValues != null && fieldValues.length > 0) {
StringBuffer values = new StringBuffer("");
for (int i = 0; i < fieldValues.length; i++) {
if (isEmptyStr(fieldValues[i])) {
if (i != fieldValues.length - 1) {
values.append(toSqlString(fieldValues[i]) + ",");
} else {
if (!isEmptyStr(values.toString())) {
queryStr.append(" AND " + fieldName + " IN (" + values + ")");
* @param queryStr
* @param fieldValue
* @param fieldValue2
public static void appendSqlStringCondition(StringBuffer queryStr,
String fieldName, String fieldValue) {
if (!isEmptyStr(fieldValue)) {
.append(" AND " + fieldName + "=" + toSqlString(fieldValue));
* @param obj
* @param nullIfRet
* @param ret
* @return
public static String nvlStr(String obj, String nullIfRet, String ret) {
return obj == null ? nullIfRet : ret;
* 去空格,主要用于从JSP页面获取输入项
public static String checkSpace(String value) {
if (!Tools.isEmpty(value))
return value.trim();
return value;
* @brief: 取参数表(sys_param)中参数值
* @param paramType
* 参数类型
* @param code
* 参数代码
* @return 参数代码code对应的参数值;
public static String getPrintParam(String param, String report_id) {
String value = null;
ConversionBean getValueObject = new ConversionBean();
getValueObject.setSql("select " + param
+ " from pubdba.report_print_param where report_id = '"
+ report_id + "'");
value = getValueObject.getConversionBean();
return value;
* 格式化double输出 d:需要格式化的数值 p: 格式化类型,例如#,##0.#####
public static String formatNumber(double d, String p) {
String s = "";
try {
DecimalFormat f = (DecimalFormat) NumberFormat.getInstance();
s = f.format(d);
return s;
} catch (Exception e) {
return "";
// 得到前三天的时间
public static String getBeforeTime(String str) {
return DateFormatUtil.getBeforeTime(str);
// 得到前i天的时间
public static String getBeforeTime(String str,int i) {
return DateFormatUtil.getBeforeTime(str,i);
// 得到当天的时间YYYY-MM-DD
public static String getCurrentData(String str) {
return DateFormatUtil.getDataYYYYMMDD(str);
// 得到上个月:
public static String getBeforeMonth(String pm_EndtTm) {
return DateFormatUtil.getBeforeMonth(pm_EndtTm);
// 得到年度:
public static String getCurrentYear(String operateTmBegin) {
return DateFormatUtil.getFormatStartEndTmByYYYY(operateTmBegin);
* 返回当前年份上个月的第一天
* @param month
* @return
public static String getFirstDateOfLastMonth(String format) {
int year = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) ;
int lastMonth = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) ;
DecimalFormat sf = new DecimalFormat();
SimpleDateFormat sfDate = new SimpleDateFormat();
SimpleDateFormat sfStr = new SimpleDateFormat();
java.util.Date dTmp = null;
try {
dTmp = sfDate.parse(year + "" + sf.format(lastMonth) + "01");
} catch (ParseException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
return sfStr.format(dTmp);
* 返回当前年份上个月的最后一天
* @param format 设置返回日期的格式如:yyyy-MM-dd yyyyMMdd yyyy/MM/dd
public static String getLastDateOfLastMonth(String format) {
int year = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.YEAR) ;
int lastMonth = java.util.Calendar.getInstance().get(java.util.Calendar.MONTH) ;
DecimalFormat sf = new DecimalFormat();
return getLastDate(year+"",sf.format(lastMonth),Tools.isEmpty(format)?"yyyy-MM-dd":format);
* 根据年、月 取得 当月最后一天的完整日期
* @param year 2006
* @param month 01
* @return 20060131
public static String getLastDate(String year,String month,String fmt){
if(year!=null && month!=null){
if(year.length()!=4 && month.length()!=2){
return null;
return getLastDate(year+month,fmt);
return null;
* 根据年、月 取得 当月最后一天的完整日期
* @param yearMonth 年月
* @param fmt 日期格式.如:yyyy-MM-dd
* @return 返回年月中的最后一天日期
public static String getLastDate(String yearMonth,String fmt){
String str = null;
boolean isLeaf = false;
* 计算时间
if (!Tools.isEmpty(yearMonth) && yearMonth.length() == 6) {
int year = Integer.parseInt(yearMonth.substring(0, 4));
int month = Integer.parseInt(yearMonth.substring(4, 6));
int day = 30;
if (((year % 4) == 0) && ((year % 100) != 0) || ((year % 400) == 0)) {
isLeaf = true;
if (month == 1 || month == 3 || month == 5
|| month == 7 || month == 8
|| month == 10 || month == 12) {
day = 31;
} else if (month == 2) {
if (isLeaf) {
day = 29;
} else {
day = 28;
} else {
day = 30;
DecimalFormat sf = new DecimalFormat();
String monthStr = sf.format(month);
String dayStr = sf.format(day);
String formatDate = year + monthStr + dayStr;
fmt = Tools.isEmpty(fmt)?"yyyyMMdd":fmt;
SimpleDateFormat formatStr = new SimpleDateFormat(fmt);
try {
SimpleDateFormat sfTmp = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
Date date = sfTmp.parse(formatDate);
str = formatStr.format(date);
} catch(Exception e) {
return str;
* 生成要设置多个<select>状态的javaScript代码
* #注意:必须将common.js包含在<select>所有在JSP页面中
* @param selectNames <select>控件名称
* @param request
* @param time 延时执行时间1000=1秒
* @return
public static String generateJSOfSelectState(String[] selectNames,HttpServletRequest request,int time ) {
if (selectNames != null && selectNames.length > 0) {
String [][]selectValues = new String [selectNames.length][];
for (int i = 0; i < selectNames.length; i++ ) {
String[] _state = request.getParameterValues(selectNames[i]);
if (_state != null && _state.length > 0)
selectValues[i] = _state;
return generateJSOfSelectState(selectNames,selectValues,time);
return "";
* 批量压缩文件
* @param filePath 源文件的路径
* @param fileName 源文件名列表
* @param zipPath 压缩文件要保存的路径
* @param zipFileName 保存的压缩文件名
public static void zipFile(String filePath, List fileName, String zipPath,
String zipFileName) {
try {
FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(zipPath+File.separator+zipFileName);
CheckedOutputStream ch = new CheckedOutputStream(f, new CRC32());
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(ch));
for (int i = 0; i < fileName.size(); i++) {
String fn=(String)fileName.get(i);
String full=filePath+File.separator+fn;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new FileInputStream(full), "ISO8859_1"));
int c;
ZipEntry entry=new ZipEntry(DoTextBean.gb2iso(fn));
while ((c = in.read()) != -1)
} catch (Exception e) {
* 批量压缩文件
* @param fileName 源文件名列表
* @param zipPath 压缩文件要保存的路径
* @param zipFileName 保存的压缩文件名
public static void zipFile(List fileName, String zipPath,
String zipFileName) {
try {
FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(zipPath+File.separator+zipFileName);
CheckedOutputStream ch = new CheckedOutputStream(f, new CRC32());
ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(ch));
for (int i = 0; i < fileName.size(); i++) {
String fn=(String)fileName.get(i);
File file=new File(fn);
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new FileInputStream(fn), "ISO8859_1"));
int c;
ZipEntry entry=new ZipEntry(DoTextBean.gb2iso(file.getName()));
while ((c = in.read()) != -1)
} catch (Exception e) {
public static String checkDownFile(HttpServletRequest request ) {
String downFile = (String) request.getAttribute("_ZIP_FILE_NAME");
if (!Tools.isEmpty(downFile) ) {
try {
downFile = java.net.URLEncoder.encode(downFile,"UTF-8");
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return "document.location.href='/zipDownload?_ZIP_FILE_NAME=" + downFile + "';";
return "";
* @param value
* @return boolean 为空返回 true, 不为空返回 false
public static boolean isEmpty(String value) {
return (null == value || Constants.SPACE.equals(value) || Constants.ZERO == value
.trim().length()) ? true : false;
* @param str
* @return boolean 为数字返回true,不为数字或者为空返回 false
public static boolean isNumeric(String str) {
return CommonUtils.isEmpty(str) ? false : Pattern
* @param fileName
* @return 是文件返回true, 文件名不是文件或为空返回false
public static boolean isFile(String fullFileNamePath) {
return CommonUtils.isEmpty(fullFileNamePath) ? false : new File(
* @param filePath
* 文件路径
* @return 文件后缀
public static String filePostfix(String filePath) {
return CommonUtils.isEmpty(filePath) ? Constants.SPACE : filePath
* @see 判断 map里面的值是否为空,是否为文件真实名
* @param fileMap 文件路径,文件类型
* @return 参数是文件真实名返回true,否则返回false
public static boolean isFile(Map<String, String> fileMap) {
boolean bool = false;
if (fileMap.isEmpty()) {
bool = false;
} else {
for (Iterator<Entry<String, String>> iterator = fileMap.entrySet().iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry<String, String> mapInstance = (Map.Entry<String, String>) iterator
File file = new File(mapInstance.getKey());
if (file.isFile()) {
return true;
} else {
bool = false;
return bool;
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"Android开发常用工具类"通常包含各种实用方法,如图片加载、异常处理、数据存储与读取以及对话框的定制等。下面将对这些知识点进行详细说明。 1. **图片加载(ImageLoader)**: 在Android应用中,图片加载是常见...
下面将详细阐述一些重要的Java工具类及其常用方法。 1. **Apache Commons Lang**: Apache Commons Lang 是一个非常实用的工具库,提供了大量Java语言没有内置的功能。例如,`StringUtils` 类包含了大量的字符串操作...
一份很全面关于java的常用方法总结,开发时,我们记不了那么多方法,所以这个htm文档很适合大家在开中应用 字符串 1、获取字符串的长度 length() 2 、判断字符串的前缀或后缀与已知字符串是否相同 前缀 startsWith...