如:先判断基本类型(值类型) undefined|number|string|boolean
然后判断引用类型: Date,Number,Array,Object,Function,RegExp, JSON等
事件委托-----addEventListener/attachEvent(ie需要加on);event = event || window.event
onreadystatechange | 存储函数(或函数名),每当 readyState 属性改变时,就会调用该函数。 |
readyState |
存有 XMLHttpRequest 的状态。从 0 到 4 发生变化。
status |
200: "OK" 404: 未找到页面 |
var XMLHttpReq; function createXMLHttpRequest() { try { XMLHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");//IE高版本创建XMLHTTP } catch(E) { try { XMLHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");//IE低版本创建XMLHTTP } catch(E) { XMLHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest();//兼容非IE浏览器,直接创建XMLHTTP对象 } } } function sendAjaxRequest(url) { createXMLHttpRequest(); //创建XMLHttpRequest对象 XMLHttpReq.open("post", url, true); XMLHttpReq.onreadystatechange = processResponse; //指定响应函数 XMLHttpReq.send(null); } //回调函数 function processResponse() { if (XMLHttpReq.readyState == 4 && XMLHttpReq.status == 200 ) { //业务逻辑处理 } }
var F = function(){}; F.prototype = Parent.prototype; Son.prototype = new F();//这样只继承父类的原型上的属性和方法,通过for in可以遍历获得父类的属性 Son.prototype.constructor = Son;//指回自己
为什么要这么做? 而不直接 Son.protype = Parent.prototype; Son.prototype.construtor = Son;
//摘自MSDN var newObj = Object.create(null, { size: { value: "large", enumerable: true }, shape: { value: "round", enumerable: true } }); document.write(newObj.size + "<br/>"); document.write(newObj.shape + "<br/>"); document.write(Object.getPrototypeOf(newObj));
七:new Function()---这货有撒用,什么时候用?
http://davidwalsh.name/new-function 打不开的可以看附件
1. Creating dynamic functions on the fly.
You can, for example, let a savvy end-user define script hooks to be executed when
triggered by an event.
2. Parsing script without executing it.
Passing wrong syntax to the Function constructor will throw a syntax error, but
will not execute it unless you call the resulting function object. (this opposed
to eval, which will always execute the passed script).
Building on the example above, you can alert your end-user if his syntax is
3. and most importantly, you can hide your local variables from the end-user
The function objects created by the Function constructor have an empty scope
chain, and the current closure will not be saved in them.
Basically, you get nothing but the global object.
Continuing our example, even script with correct syntax can be problematic.
for example, consider the following code:
A simple mistake as forgetting a `var` will not cause the outer scope’s
local variables to change, but instead go directly to the global scope.
This is why Function(‘return this’)() will return the global object.
So why don’t we always use the wonderful Function constructor ?
Because it’s less efficient than declaring functions normally.
Hope I managed to answer your question.
@Andrew Gaspar
while putting the following code into the global scope will work
Assume that you need the global object in a function within an object (or an object constructor)
if you use the Function constructor, you can get the global object in this case