Question |
How do you generate a full XMLAccess export of an IBM WebSphere® Portal configuration? |
Answer |
To assist in troubleshooting a WebSphere Portal issue, you may be asked by IBM Support to take a "full" or complete export of your Portal configuration using the XML Configuration Interface, commonly known as XMLAccess. To generate a full export of your Portal's configuration, do the following:
1. Copy the file, <Portal_home>/doc/xml-samples/Export.xml to<Portal_home>/bin.
2. Open a terminal or command window. Change directories (cd) to<Portal_home>/bin.
-- Execute (run) the script, <Appserver_home>/bin/setupCmdLine. -- SetupCmdLine sets certain environment variables in the current window (such as JAVA_HOME).
3. From the directory, <Portal_home>/bin, run the following xmlaccess command all on one line:
xmlaccess -user <Portal_admin_user> -password <Portal_admin_password> -url <myhost>:<port>/wps/config -in Export.xml -out result.xml
Substitute Portal_admin_user, Portal_admin_password, myhost, and port with the correct values for your environment.
The file name specified after "-out" will contain the Portal configuration as XML. The file can have any name.
The protocol can be omitted after the -url parameter except in the case of SSL. SSL is only supported using Portal Version 6.0 and later.
If the file Export.xml is missing from your installation, contact Portal Support for the file or take a copy from another Portal host.
Examples (using the default ports):
Version 5.0.x xmlaccess -user wpsadmin -pwd Mypassword -url -in Export.xml -out result.xml
Version 5.1.x xmlaccess -user wpsadmin -password Mypassword -url -in Export.xml -out result.xml
Version 6.0.x xmlaccess -user wpsadmin -password Mypassword -url -in Export.xml -out result.xml
Version 6.0.x using SSL and the default port xmlaccess -user wpsadmin -password Mypassword -urlhttps://appserver_host_name:10035/wps/config -in Export.xml -out result.xml
Version 6.1.x xmlaccess -user wpsadmin -password Mypassword -url -in Export.xml -out result.xml
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