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Complement for Code Style

1. Use underline to Separate different part of Variable and method's name.


def find_people

2.We should have a space after comma, no space before comma and no space in method parentheses.

attr_reader :product, :quantity
find_product(name, id, time)


win = new Ext.Window({
  applyTo: 'hello-win',
  layout: 'fit',
  width: 500,
  height: 300,
  closeAction: 'hide',
  plain: true,
  items: new Ext.TabPanel({
    applyTo: 'hello-tabs',
    autoTabs: true,
    activeTab: 0,
    deferredRender: false,
    border: false
  buttons: [{
    text: 'Submit',
    disabled: true
    text: 'Close',
    handler: function(){

Contain code like follow:




SELECT  CONCAT(parent.name,' , ',p.name)     AS Project,
        t.name                               AS Task,
        wi.wComment                          AS Description,
        sec_to_time(wi.wBegin)               AS 'Start Time',
        sec_to_time(wi.wEnd)                 AS 'End_time',
        sec_to_time(wi.wEnd-wi.wBegin)       AS Time
INNER JOIN T4U_DAYINFOS di                   ON ( wi.dayinfo_id = di.id )
INNER JOIN T4U_TASKS t                       ON ( wi.task_id = t.id )
INNER JOIN T4U_PROJECTS p                    ON ( wi.project_id = p.id )
INNER JOIN T4U_PERSONS per                   ON ( di.person_id = per.id )
INNER JOIN T4U_PROJECTS parent               ON ( IFNULL(p.parent_id,p.id) = parent.id )
WHERE  di.daydate = '2009-03-10'
  AND  per.surName LIKE "eric%"


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